My Super Affiliate Mentor

Click Here To Take Advantage Of This Insane Deal Today

Marcus’ Products

Marcus’ NEW Mentor Program ($77 Month)

SPECIAL BONUS FROM WEBINAR: 31 Profit Tips Video Recordings – ALL My Killer Plugins And Software Tools ($1277 Value) – Professional Webinar Notes And Downloads Of Every Live Training AND My Top Videos ($1,590 Month Value) – Blog Profit Network Videos And Tools ($127 Value) – PERSONAL Hand Holding And Help Via Live Chat And Our Email Ticket System AND Private Members Only Webinars (use this when you want help on your niche, want marcus to check out your  sites, ect…) – And A Whole Lot More I Add Each Month…

Simple Sites Big Profits ($297 One Time)

THIS IS WHERE YOU SHOULD START… this course has all you need to start making a living with affiliate marketing… it includes a custom training software that walks you thru everything step by step, tools that do the hard work for you. It also comes with personal support, niche market ideas, sample profit sites, and guaranteed acceptance to some of marcus favorite affiliate netowrks. Signup now and come say hi

High Ticket Niches ($997 One Time)

This is where marcus (me) goes thru and hand selects a niche for you based on a non competitive keyword and some super profitable offers… we then get you a domain name geared towards the niche (these are super valuable) and set up the site with you… we hook you up with some plugins… tools, and even some content… and of course… we give you a copy of the simple sites 2017/2018 program so you can follow along and profit with your new niche.
My Most Successful Students Choose The High Ticket Niches.

8 thoughts on “My Super Affiliate Mentor”

  1. Great video, Marcus, and I would love to join your program but have just signed up for another one :/ – ain’t life a beeyitch sometimes, lol? So I thought what price would persuade me to buy just this minute when I’ve just paid (a lot more 🙁 ) for another one. I reckon $10. Look I KNOW it’s worth every penny of what you’re charging – and a lot more but I turned my piggy ban upside down and that’s all that fell out :/. Anyway keep bothering me from time to time and |’ll probably join up eventually… Great stuff – keep it coming :). See, how good is that – a nice message and ‘awesome’ not mentioned once – oops til I just did there 🙂

  2. I am already a member of this I think. I know I have been charged $77.00 already. I would like my book and shirt. My shirt size is 3XLT. If you don’t have that, just send the biggest one you have.


  3. hi Marcus
    Ive listended to your video offer and I understand that you have your book ready together with the numerous word press plug ins and videos
    But I didn’t quite get the mentorship offer
    Are you saying that people who purchase your subscription for $77 monthly can have access to you via support ticket? email support? Skype or weekly Q and A?
    Can you please clarify your mentorship offer

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