turn your passion into profit

Got A Passion You Want To Turn Into A Business – Click Here To Get A High Ticket Niche And Have Marcus Help You

So you want to make money online, but the question is, should you follow your passion, or should you go for the profit? And we’re going to answer that. But first, I want you to remember one of these cards. Did you get one? Put it as a comment below. This is going to make sense later.

Back when I was about 19 or 20 years old, I had two passions and I wanted to make a living online because living in Los Angeles was expensive. And back then being “nerdy” wasn’t socially accepted. So I didn’t have a girlfriend. But I did have two loves, performing magic, and being an evangelist. That’s a big book. And I had a hard time getting these things to actually produce an income so that I could live my life and do the things I love.

And over the years, my passions changed and shifted a little bit. I grew up to the whopping height of five foot one, and I had to make a living for myself, my wife and my children. So do I continue on with the noble path of being an evangelist? Or follow what people called my silly dream of being a magician? And those questions really perplexed me. And I had a really hard time at the beginning.

But then, by accident, I discovered that I could find my profits in my passion. Because there’s money in literally everything if you know how to look for it. Let me explain what I mean. First, if we look at my two passions, you can actually see, there’s people making lots of money within those niche markets. And yes, your passion equates to a niche market.

You see, back when I was doing magic, I was always looking for new tricks and new things that I could perform so that I could do better shows and make more money and have fun with it. It was my passion. So I went crazy spending on this kind of stuff. And back then we had forums and different places where magicians can hang out and talk about their tricks. Video wasn’t really popular.

But around 2003 to 2006, a little company came on the scene called Penguin Magic. And this company exploded. They simply started teaching magic tricks on YouTube and different forums and driving people to their magic store to buy the various tricks and the videos to learn how to do them. Fast forward about 20 years later, this company is raking in about $54 million a year. And while they’re at the top of their game, there’s also little niche magicians teaching specific stuff like the illusionist, who according to this website is raking in about $4 million a year. And that’s pretty much chump change when you compare it to the preachers and evangelists.

You could see that Kenneth Copeland has a net worth of about $760 million. Benny Hinn, $42 million. Joel Olsteen $40 million. Billy Graham, $25 million. And the guys that I preached with actually started making like $6 million a year. So while it might not seem on the surface that there’s money in these markets, these guys are raking it in big time.

Disclaimer. Some of these preachers are complete and utter conman. We want to make sure that we do everything above board ethically and always focus on benefiting the end user or the person consuming our content. And for every one of those, there’s also a guy teaching guitar on YouTube, Magic Tricks on YouTube, how to fix your pipes, how to fall in love, different ways to understand the Bible and more. And the key here is in finding what people are already looking at, and finding how you’re going to make money with it.

And if we go to our Ahrefs Keyword Tool, you can see that lots of people are searching for magic tricks. They even searched for specific things like how to do a double lift, which in magician’s term, it’s picking up two cards at the same time, making it look like one. They even look up how to do street preaching, which is what we did back then. All kinds of searches for topics related to the Bible, different types of things that you can play on the guitar, all kinds of stuff related to woodworking, and even tons of people looking up how to do scrapbooking.

And all we need to do is link up the main passion keyword with what it is we’re going to sell. Because the fact of the matter is, people in these niches are really passionate, just like you, so they buy lots of stuff. For example, if we’re doing magic, we could lead them to, Magic Affiliate programs or stores that pay us. I’m pretty sure Penguin Magic has an affiliate program. And I know there’s lots of tricks on Amazon that pay as well.

If we’re doing Bible type stuff, we could go through and find different books on Amazon, Audible Books where we get $10 per signup, different Bible giveaways, advertising, and more. Heck, we can even create our own product about how to understand the Bible or go through the Bible or whatever it is and sell that on our own and keep all the money. You can do that with magic preaching, woodworking and scrapbooking too.

And if we’re doing preaching, we could lead to various courses on how to be a street preacher, how to be an evangelist and get paid that way. And a lot of these companies will actually allow you to buy the products wholesale, or even do drop shipping so you can make even more than you would with affiliate marketing. You can even get creative with it like this stuff here, which costs about $4 at your local craft store, which is also known as Invisible Thread in the magic world. I could simply buy this for four bucks, wrap five or 10 feet around a playing card, and sell it as invisible thread. And magicians buy this all the time. I used to buy it by the boatload before I figured out I could get the spool for four bucks.

And in all of these niches, there’s products on ClickBank and OfferVault and all kinds of things that you can promote to make money. For example, in the woodworking niche, you could see this offer pay $64 and they get a bunch of woodworking plan. And they get a bunch of woodworking plans. Here’s another one that pays $25 a sale. And all you got to do is talk about stuff you love and drive them to things that make you money. And if you’re doing magic and mentalism, this one pays $166 per sale of a mentalism type book, where they could learn to do stuff like David Blaine.

There’s also different programs about scrapbooking where they get templates and all kinds of cool stuff. And it pays you when they buy stuff. Heck, you can even link as an affiliate to offers on like Jo-Ann’s fabrics, or Michael’s, or any other craft store that pays you money when you send visitors their way. You can also see they have through the Bible and Bible devotionals and all kinds of things like that. And if we take a look at OfferVault, there’s all kinds of offers we could promote to these Bible people that have a religious slant to them.

Now, when you’re armed with the information about how you’re going to make money with your passion niche, then you want to go through and make a plan. It’s important here, not to put the cart before the horse. Don’t just go into your passion blindly because you like it. Figure out how you’re going to make money before you start. This is going to save you all kinds of headaches. Trust me, I’ve been doing this for 21 years and I’ve seen it a million times.

The next thing you’re going to want to do is get yourself a domain name, any blog, or website. This is going to be where you talk about your passion. I find that the easiest way to do this is using a WordPress site, and you can get a domain name and WordPress over at gohubsite.com. We’ll show you how to set it up in about 15 minutes with a custom theme, and everything ready to go so that you could start making money. And then what you’re going to do is, you’re going to make a content delivery plan. And the way you’re going to make your content plan is by figuring out where these people are hanging out. If there’s a bunch of magicians, are they on forums? Are they on YouTube? Are they reading blogs? What are they doing?

And as it turns out, Penguin Magic became one of the top Magic Stores in the United States because they had a content strategy around YouTube. The guys I used to preach with also have a big YouTube channel that funnels people into their products, which are gospel tracks and training courses on how to be an evangelist. And you got to think about this objectively because it might be different when you get to a different niche. If you’re doing recipes, maybe they’re looking for a quick recipe, or a blog post, and not watching an hour long video on how to make chicken parmesan.

Then what you’re going to do is follow the content strategy around what people are searching for, and around what they’re already consuming. Whether it’s a video, a blog post, your job is to get in front of them and help them out. And it’s actually not that difficult to do. It just takes a little bit of effort and the ability to stick to it and refine and grow. And if you focus on your niche and the way you’re going to make money in your content strategy, boom, you could build something of value that will pay you for years to come.

And if you have a passion or niche in mind, I would highly recommend checking out our High Ticket Niche program over at highticketniches.com so that I can refine it for you. You can even sign up for a private call with me first. That way, you’ll learn exactly what’s going to happen and what I suggest you do with your niche before you get started. And it’s been about 20 years since I’ve actively, professionally practice magic. But I’m going to go out on a limb and say that you chose the three of spades.

And if you liked this video and you want learn more about how to make money with your passion affiliate marketing or any way online, make sure you subscribe. Click the bell and check out the next video that’s going to pop up around here somewhere.

6 thoughts on “turn your passion into profit”

  1. I’m still soaking in the info. However, I was sort of surprised at the end. Impressive to say the least. It’s a simple trick I’m sure, and I have an idea but that takes all the fun out of it for me. I’m actually more impressed that you remembered you started the trick ten minutes earlier.

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