Make Money With RSS Feeds

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What is an RSS Feed? 

  • An RSS feed (also known as a “Really Simple Syndication” feed) is a type of web feed that allows users to subscribe to updates from websites they follow. 
  • Once subscribed, new content from the website is delivered directly to the user’s device or email address as soon as it is published. 
  • This makes it easy for users to stay up-to-date on their favorite sites without having to constantly check back in for updates. 

Setting Up Your Feed 

  • The first step in making money with RSS feeds is setting up your own feed. 
  • You’ll need a website or blog where you can publish content, as well as an RSS feed reader like Feedly or Flipboard. 
  • Once your site is set up, you can start creating content and adding it to the feed reader. 
  • his content should be relevant to your target audience and include topics they’re interested in reading about. 
  • You can also add images, videos, and other multimedia elements to the feed if desired. 

Monetizing Your Feed 

There are several ways you can do this, including affiliate marketing and sponsored posts. 

  1. affiliate marketing: you earn a commission when someone visits your website after clicking on an affiliate link in one of your articles. 
  2. Sponsored posts: involve writing about products or services that advertisers have paid for you to promote. You’ll need to disclose that the post was sponsored at the beginning of the article so readers know what they’re looking at is an ad. 
  3. Advertising – You can also use RSS feeds to display ads within the feed itself. This can be done by adding code from an ad network into your feed, or even by manually adding images or text advertisements into your feed. 
  4. Paid Subscriptions – Another option is to offer paid subscriptions for access to exclusive content or advanced features within your RSS feed. This could be anything from premium articles, videos, podcasts, etc., that only subscribers have access to. 
  5. Advertising – You can also use RSS feeds to display ads within the feed itself. This can be done by adding code from an ad network into your feed, or even by manually adding images or text advertisements into your feed. 

Promoting Your Feed 

  • You can do this by using social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, as well as email newsletters and other online forums or discussion boards related to your industry or niche. 
  • his will help get more people interested in subscribing to your feed, which will increase your chances of earning more money from it over time. 

Generate Traffic with RSS Feeds 

  • One of the main ways to make money with RSS feeds is by using them to generate traffic for your website or blog. 
  • By promoting your website’s RSS feed on other websites and social media platforms, you can attract more readers who will then be exposed to your products or services.
  • If you offer quality content that people find interesting and valuable, they may even subscribe directly to your feed so they don’t miss out on any new updates!


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  • Google has several advanced search operators that allow you to refine your search results. 
  • For example, if you want to search only for pages written in English, you can use the “lang_en” operator. 
  • Or if you want to limit your results to a specific domain, such as .edu or .gov, then you can use the “site:” operator.


“-[word to exclude]”) or force your query to include multiple words (e.g., “[keyword 1] +[keyword 2] +[keyword 3]”). 

  • if you want to find articles about different types of apples (e.g., Granny Smiths, Red Delicious), just type “apple * varieties” into the search bar and it will return results containing any variation of the phrase “apple varieties” (e.g., “apple types” or “types of apples”). 

The asterisk can also be used in conjunction with other operators like quotations marks (” “) and parentheses ([ ]) for even more precise searches. 

Searching by Date Range 

  • To do this, simply type in “date:YYYYMMDD-YYYYMMDD” (where YYYYMMDD represents the start and end dates), and Google will only show results from pages published between those two dates. 
  • This can be particularly useful if you’re looking for news articles or other timely information. 

Examples: if you’re looking for news articles written within the last two weeks, you can use a command like “date:[today-14d TO today]” which will bring up all articles written in the last two weeks. You can also use other commands such as “date:[year-month-date TO year-month-date]” which lets you specify a range of dates that isn’t relative to today.  Other useful date commands include “after:year-month” and “before:year-month” which allow you to search for things before or after a certain date. 

Using Wildcard Searches 

-If you don’t know exactly what word or phrase you’re looking for but know it when you see it, then wildcard searches are perfect for you! 

Simply type in an asterisk (*) wherever there is a word or phrase missing from your query, and Google will fill in the blank with whatever words best match what it thinks you’re looking for. It’s a great way to quickly find what you need without having to type out an entire phrase or sentence. 


  • Single-character wildcards are typically used when searching for files or folders that have similar names but contain different characters at certain points in their names (i.e., finding ‘mov_ie’ instead of ‘movie’). 
  • When using single-character wildcards, the underscore (_) symbol is typically used as it represents one character within a word (it cannot be used as a stand-alone character). 
  • Multiple-character wildcards are usually used when searching for words with multiple spellings (i.e., finding ‘color’ instead of ‘colour’). The asterisk (*) symbol is typically used as it represents any number of characters within a word (it cannot be used as a stand-alone character either).  
  • if you wanted to find “cat,” “dog,” and “mouse” in a set of text, you could use the command “*cat *dog *mouse” and the result would include all three words regardless of their order in the original text.  

Using Verbs in Searches 

  • Verbs are words that describe an action, such as “buy” or “find”. 
  • When searching for something online, including a verb in your query can help narrow down your results and give you more relevant information faster.


  • instead of just typing in “shoes”, try typing “where can I buy shoes” or “best place to buy shoes”. This will give you much more focused results than if you had just typed “shoes”. 
  • By typing “list movies 2020” into the search bar, you’ll get a much shorter list that’s specifically focused on titles released last year—no extraneous content included.  

Searching by Image 

  • This is especially helpful if you’re trying to find out who created a piece of artwork or what model of car someone is driving in a photo. 
  • You simply enter your query into the search bar, but instead of using text-based keywords, you use an image file such as a jpg or png file. The search engine will then compare your input file against its database of stored images and present you with results that match your query in terms of subject matter and/or visual similarity. 

Use Quotation Marks to Find Exact Phrases 

  • One of the easiest ways to refine your search is by using quotation marks. If you want to find an exact phrase, simply type it in between quotation marks and hit enter. This will ensure that all the words in your query appear together, thus giving you more accurate results.

Example: if you wanted to search for “The Great Gatsby”, simply type “The Great Gatsby” into the search box and press enter. This ensures that all the words appear together and make up one phrase as opposed to each word appearing separately in different contexts.

Quotations (” “):
Wildcards (*):
Two Periods (..):
Hashtags (#):
+ (plus):
Site Search:
Advanced Search:
Google Trends:
Google News:
Image Search:
Google Shopping:

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8 thoughts on “Make Money With RSS Feeds”

  1. Marcus, Please help. I’m 79 and won’t be around much longer. Help me build something that I can leave to my only daughter. I believe in you Marc, please help…Timothy

  2. Really opened my eyes to this VERY doable and unique way ( I was thinking small scale until the video ) to scale up the method with niches and soar!
    Thank you so much for your time!

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