2020 Worse Than The Great Depression?

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17 thoughts on “2020 Worse Than The Great Depression?”

    1. Hi, brother funk here. Go forth and find work buddy. Never lose the passion you show. It’s clear from the message you know what you want in life

  1. Brother i want work…please can you help me i am really facing money problem i am from bangladesh

  2. Good video Marcus, thanks for clarifying the economic situation. Check Easyjet in the UK where the billionaire owner recently received a $60m dividend personally then just grounded his fleet of aircraft and put all 9000 staff on Government benefits. Neat!

  3. Hi Marcus — I generally agree with your thesis. However, you seemed to lump the “top 1% of richest Americans” (1%) in with “companies” in your 2020 analysis. I would offer that in 1929 the 1% owned the vast majority of stock and therefore, the vast majority of stock-bearing companies. However, I suggest that in 2020, the middle class owns about as much stock in those types of companies as the top 1%, either through direct ownership, money market accounts, or other types of retirement accounts. So, even if the present government intervention does benefit the 1%, it does a lot more for the middle class than you suggested in your present analysis. Thoughts?

    1. during these times where the “middle class” have stock… you always see a HUGE transfer of wealth from the middle class to the top 1%. the 1% operate from a different mindset while the rest operate out of fear.

  4. Good job of bringing History and today’s facts together. We need more of this and you are very good at it. But to those who don’t have this education through school of straight economics at all, it is quite a learning curve. But if they want to learn it they will apply themselves. Keep on doing what you are doing! And Thanks!,

  5. I thank God everyday i get up….People prayer works…I have not had it so good…Accept Jesus in your life …Start living the right way…God bless

  6. Just watched your video….Blindsided is voting for Biden…Trump is doing an awsome job….His kids are working…not sitting at home and collecting 80,000 a month…like Joe Biden….If you think Biden is your resurrector your dreaming a pipe dream…wake up….And if you think Bernie is your man….you better do some research…he is a communist at heart….why don’t you listen to Michael Savage….Savage Nation…look what all the liberals did to CA…..that was a good presentation….but your thinking is off….Go Trump….listen to podcast by michaelsavage.com…..

  7. Very good history lesson. However, the Great Depression people didn’t have the internet, we would appear to be very fortunate by comparison.

    My Grandparents lived the Great Depression. Because they lived near the railroad tracks, their house was on the map for a meal. Many men left home in search of a job…We don’t have that now.

    My Grandfather had a job in the meat packing industry, much different than today. That is, almost all manual labor back then but not everyone wanted to do that job.

    My parents were teenagers in the 1930’s, never finished high-school as they had to find work to support their families. Some jobs easier than others, but did what needed to be done.

    All their lives, they reused, repurposed, (early recyclers those depression people) and did not trust banks. Also, my parents’ siblings helped each other, but then they all lived in the same city.

    We have several advantages we should be grateful for and that could be put to better (more useful) tasks.

    “There is nothing new under the sun” but maybe just a little different.

  8. Great video Marcus. One thing you forgot to mention is the levels of debt (govt, corporate & people). The debt level in the U.S., EU, Japan & U.K is far higher now than in 1929, in fact it is now higher than in 2008, which is concerning. Another problem in the U.S. is the astronomical cost of healthcare! Here in the UK we are lucky in that we have the NHS (National Health Service) which means our healthcare is free (well paid for through taxes) e.g. I had a brain op 2 years ago and cost me nothing – in the US it would have been $1Million. A homeless guy would have got the same treatment! We will only vote for a government that looks out for almost everyone, not just the richest 1%. Let’s hope this virus is defeated soon and we can rebuild our economies and we can get on with Brexit (the EU are clowns)!

  9. Awesome video Marcus. I’m glad you mentioned FDR and all that he did to get the US out of The Great Depression. Also, mentioning the Nixon Era of “Trickle Down Economics”, its failure, and how the government seem to be mirroring that currently. Reading the title of the video, I initially though “Oh no, not Marcus too!”. So, many people have been using scare tactics and fear to get people to buy products. It’s disappointing but I know for some people it’s probably working.

    Anyway, I’m launching this week and will be working fast. So, I’ll be asking a couple questions soon.

    Thanks for all that you do. Please, keep it up!

  10. Unfortunately too many are going to be forced to rely on Government benefits unless they get training then take action to discover new ways of earning income

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