Work With Marcus In The Affiliate Marketing Niche

ORIGINAL NOTE: I’m thinking of taking 10 people under my wing to promote pdf giveaway sites in the affiliate marketing niche… you will be building a list and promoting highly tested high converting offers for a long term business with me. Last time i did this everyone got results and a list… the investment will be around $2,500 and you will be ready for traffic in 2 weeks.

You will also get a seasoned domain and exclusive rights to one of my special reports… no one else will have rights the report you have or be able to give it away and sell it.

IMPORTANT: if you are interested email me at


Click Here For The Webinar Replay

22 thoughts on “Work With Marcus In The Affiliate Marketing Niche”

  1. Hi Marcus, I am in Cape Town, South Africa. I have just been totally wiped out financially and I am hanging onto life by a thread. I am a single parent and I desperately need to earn income, preferably daily at this stage in order to survive and look after me and my son.

    Any suggestions?

  2. Sorry Marcus, my computer shut down – battery ran out. I did not read your info well enough to catch that there is a $2,500 investment – I realized this when I started to sign up. I thought you were going to take on 10 people to pro bo no mentor; like a promotional things to help generate business in the future. Wishful thinking on my part I guess. I have seen this program you are offering though and would do it in a heart beat if I had the money but unfortunately I do not. I have been watching you here and there for a few months now, since I was in Pakistan. I am back in the states now and had planed to get started with you in one of your other programs. Hopefully making enough money to continue on learning with you all the way up to the top; so to speak. I know there is money to be made here, I just don’t know how. And that is with trying to figure out some sort of online strategy – for over a year now and I still am getting no where. I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed but I’m certainly not the dullest, so its been kind of disappointing so far. So, I do need your help for sure and I do like your persona on the video’s I have watched. Yet, money is still a huge hurdle for me. I am looking right now for work to help me with that. I have only about $300 left in my account at this point. What I did want to ask you here is what the best course of action for me would be to start ASAP with as little money as possible – with your training programs. Thanks so much for your time. GBU

  3. Good Day, Marcus,
    For some reason I imagined working with you, albeit not directly, was what I could expect to receive with a High Ticket Niche. Instead, I feel like I was dropped off on the side of the road, one thousand miles from home, with no money for the bus, and a book that is written in Sanskrit. I have absolutely no idea what to do with the results of my one thousand dollar high ticket niche “investment”, nor do I have any more money to throw about.
    Sincerely, Tetra

  4. I am very happy to join your marketing project and I love learning e-marketing .. But unfortunately, there are three obstacles to reaching the desired goal:
    I am a beginner in marketing.
    I don’t speak English well.
    I do not have any electronic bank account, I do not have any electronic payment method and I do not have enough money to buy.
    Because I’m sorry sir ….

  5. Hey Marcus,

    I just got finished purchasing and acquiring the site for High Ticket Niches, so now working to get approved for offers and seek those offers out for the site. I’d still be interested in working directly with you, nothing compares to value of direct mentor-ship and investing in a strong base!

  6. Yes yes yes. I am very Interested. I would love for the opportunity to work with you. I’ve been trying my hand at this for about six months, hands on instrusion is just what I want.

  7. Besides building a list and promoting offers, how do I know that investing that much money will bring a meaningful return on investment of other people’s money? What is your own engagement to my success if I invest the money and put in the required effort? Is there any money back guarantee?

    It does not appear that affiliate marketing is a way to make any meaningful amount of money. Are the high converting offers high ticket items?

    Thanks for your time.

  8. Hello Marcus,

    Although this sounds tempting. I am still awaiting a high ticket niche set-up, that I know I will have questions with, as I am still very green with all this. I have to concentrate on that before I can take on anything else. You have to learn to craw before you can walk… I do appreciate the offer. 🙂



  9. Hi Marcus

    I’m Jay from England and I’m ready to pay the fee and get started.

    So after I pay what happens next? Please let me know what I need to bring to the table apart from the following below

    I’ve got the fee, hosting, Domain name , I’m keen and persistent

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