Why Affiliate Marketing Doesn’t Work for You

Why Affiliate Marketing Doesn’t Work for You! Plus the Real Secret to Making Money Online — affiliatemarketingdudemc at YouTube.com

Why do people fail?  


Lots of people read certain books thinking they’ll get that one big secret. We’re always looking for it, but we fail to look behind the scenes. Today we’ll talk about how you can get into affiliate marketing and internet marketing, and how you can make a fortune. But it has nothing to do with what you’ll find in those books.  


We’re going to look at the business model that works time and time again—the one that will help you make money online starting right now.  

“If you want to make money, you need a plan to get you where you want to go.”  


The internet has a lot of traffic. Google alone has four million searches per minute. Other platforms—Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, Instagram—get a lot of traffic as well.  

But if you look at the numbers, they’re making very little in terms of how many people actually use them.  

Google makes around $20 billion a year. If you divide that by the number of searches they get, it’s actually a very low number. They make less than a penny per search.  

What does that mean? It means there’s potential for this traffic to make a lot more money.  


When most people start with affiliate marketing, they try a linear approach. They will send traffic directly to an affiliate link, which is known as direct linking. But often they convert a very small amount of people compared to how much traffic they have, and they lose money.   


Another method people try is setting up a landing page. Sending users to a landing page with the sole purpose of selling affiliate offers is known as “arbitrage” or click flopping. On that landing page, they try to pre-sell the offer. But still, out of the visitors they get, very few actually end up going to the affiliate offer. So again, they don’t make any sales. 

Why don’t these methods always work? Because they’re not looking behind the scenes.  

Here’s the truth:  

“Affiliate marketing is a numbers game. That’s all it is. If you don’t like numbers, pick a new business. Or start liking numbers.” 

We want to look at a better model. 

All this traffic is everywhere. Four million people are searching on google per minute. That’s a lot of people. So we ask ourselves, what are they searching for?  

We have to find what’s known as a back door. Ninety-nine percent of affiliate marketers out there try to go for the obvious, and the obvious doesn’t work because it’s obvious. So the other big companies are doing it. And since they’re making all the money, you’re left in the dust and not making anything.  


So we have to find a back door.  

These back doors are what’s known as my trigger words. (If you haven’t seen my trigger word video, make sure you subscribe to my channel and watch it.) 

To illustrate this, we’ll use an example.  

 In the mortgage market, people are paying Google $40 or more per click. That means when someone clicks, it costs the company $40. So there’s money there.  

But as an affiliate marketer, instead of bidding on “mortgage”, you go for one of my trigger words. Let’s say that I bid on “minimum credit score for FHA”. 

Think about this. Who do you know more about? The guy searching for “mortgage”? Or the guy searching for “minimum credit score for FHA”? A guy searching for “mortgage” could be looking for anything. But if a guy is searching for “minimum credit score for FHA”, then you already know something about him. The more you know about the customer, the better it is.  

You can bid on these terms for less than 50 cents on Google. (This estimate comes from the current number of advertisers and the suggested bid.  


But we can take this a step further.  

You can think about the guy searching for “minimum credit score for FHA” and you can build a little blog or site. You can say, “Hey, I know you’re interested in this minimum credit score. I’ve put together a guide for you to get into FHA no matter how bad your score is. So I want you to put your name and email in the box.”  

So you build a little guide. You go to Outsource, or you go to getwebsitecontent.com, or you buy an ebook about minimum credit scores. Or you create one yourself.  

Once you do this, now you have something of value. And you have something that people will put in their name and email for.  

You have to do the research. You have to help people out.  

Now, if you get 100 of these people looking for minimum credit scores to come to your site, you tell that that they have to opt in to get the information. Of those 100 people, you’ll probably get 50 or more to fill out that form.  

These 50 people now go into a database of leads. You can go and sell these leads to the companies paying $40, or you can take these leads and market other things to them.  

You can now recycle these 50 clicks by providing more value in your mailing list. You can send them an email and say “Check this out—I just found out the rates are lower, and the credit score is even lower. Why don’t you go fill out this mortgage lead form?” (Which, by the way, gives you $120 every time someone fills it out.) 

Now, let’s say you make a thank you page, and you put that form on there too. Of those 50 people that opt in and come to the thank you page, perhaps 1 or 2 of them will fill out this new mortgage lead form.  

Right away, that is $200 that you’ve made. And you still have all those leads. Every time you send them an email, these people will click and go to new things (like your lead form) and make you money.  

If you get 1 person to go and fill out that lead form every day, that’s another $120.  

And if you get 50 leads a day, you get about 1,550 people on your mailing list at the end of the month. And you’re getting paid to do it! 

“The secret is to find a back door and make the process a simple system that works for you, over and over and over.” 


If you just get the traffic and send them to the offer, you won’t make a whole lot of money unless you do it really well. And even then, you’re subject to the offer dying out, or the traffic drying out,or other problems.   

 So, you have to look at this strategically, and think, how am I going to provide value to this market? How am I going to create something of value for these people?  

 Remember, you need to learn: 

  • How to direct traffic to things that make you money 
  • How to recycle your traffic by building a mailing list 
  • How to provide value based on what the visitor is searching for 

This method will work very well if you do it the right way.  

There is a lot of traffic out there, but most people are fighting for the obvious traffic.  

“There are millions, if not billions, of searches available right now that the other marketers haven’t even begun to tap.”  

If you want to learn this step by step, then get my course at SimpleSitesBonus.com.