Walmart Affiliate Program

Walmart Affiliate Program

With the walmart affiliate program, you will find thosands of products you can get paid to promote.

Walmart Affiliate Program PROS And CONS



Lots of Products To Choose From
Deep Linking Available And Encouraged
Brand Recognition And Higher Conversions


Really Low Payout Percentages 
 Overwhelming For A Beginner

Among the popular categories of products you can make a selection from to promote at your site are, for instance, hobbies and craft, music, movies and books, jewelry and clothing, home improvement, Toddlers and baby items, and lastly, the sports and fitness equipment. These are not all but just a few of the categories that are available to choose from. To get a better idea of the other products available, you can browse through their online store at

Walmart Deep Linking: the walmart affiliate program encourages you to deep link to specific product pages for better conversions… so instead of sending people to to order you would send them thru your affiliate link to a specific page for a specific product or category.

Link Cloaking: walmart allows you (as of this writing) to cloak your affiliate links… this is super important so you can have links on your site like mysite. com/airpump for airpumps rather than just sending them to a big ugly affiliate link… this is one thing that makes walmart better than the amazon affiliate program (however amazon will do better for conversions)

Walmart Affiliate Commission Rates.

Walmart Affiliate Commissions Are Pretty Low… but conversions will be higher as they have a good pricing strategy and huge brand recognition.

Referral Fee Schedule

Department Baseline Offer
Baby 4%
Beauty 4%
Books 1%
Business & Personal Checks 18%
Clothing 4%
Contact Lenses 10%
Electronics 1%
Gifts & Registry 4%
Health 4%
Home 4%
Jewelry 4%
Movies 1%
Music 1%
Patio & Garden 4%
Photo 1%
Sports & Outdoors 4%
Toys 4%
Video Games 1%
All Others* 4%

The biggest affiliate program competitor to walmart is going to be amazon.  Amazon conversions will be quite higher as many people are ALWAYS logged into amazon.

In this case what i would do is offer both options and put the prices and benefits of buying at either place.

KEEP IN MIND the referral cookie for both programs only lasts 24 hours.

This means your visitor needs to order within 24 hours of clicking your affiliate link or you do not get paid.

THIS IS THE BIGGEST downside to these programs… the upside is you get paid on everything in thier cart at the time of checkout.

SO the key is to get them to click early and get them to click often… list building is great for this.

ALSO you can use various tools such as downloads or pdfs to get them to come back to your content.

You will DEFINITELY want to take advantage of the DEEP links that go direct to the product you are reviewing or promoting.

How to get started with the walmart affiliate program

(click here to signup to be an affiliate) the affiliate program is run thru impact so if you already have an impact or impact radius account you can use that.

For this part, there is a need you first go through the provided application process. The required individual application details need your name, address, location, and the URL of your website. At the application process, they will also ask for an individual’s traffic stats to determine whether you will make it an excellent member of their team of affiliates. To join up this program, you will also need to have a running website.

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It takes just a few minutes to complete the application process. The team will take a few hours to approve of you, and they usually do not have that much restriction.

You can immediately start making money once you have the affiliate login.

Tools for website owners

To ensure the easy selling of products in this platform, Walmart has provided its affiliates with different marketing tools to fasten the entire process. They are tools in place to help attract many visitors that will, in turn, lead you to send more potential buyers to the Walmart website at large. These tools are;

Walmart SDK (api for running toolbars or other softwares)

This tool is employed to embed different Walmart products into the site’s affiliates’ own. Right at your page, you will have an opportunity to display the button of Buy Now, which means there is a hassle-free experience to the potential buyers of the products you advertise. The button comes along with an affiliate link that is in place to ensure that any made sales through it have an association with your website.

This is a big thing among affiliates, as it makes it more comfortable in the purchase of products. Your conversion rate will be increased by ensuring that potential clients locate what they need quickly. What they will be supposed to do is just clicking the provided link and get into the website and get a look at their cart. So, there is a lot that should be done to earn a commission.

Walmart Chrome Extension

This is a feature that enables users to locate the best-selling products of this website quickly. For instance, an affiliate sees popular products chipping in at any time; you can take a step of modifying the content that is already in place or even comes up with new ones to market them in the best way possible. There is a need you ensure the content provided is revolving around the current trends at large. By this, the conversion rates will always be maintained at large.

Walmart Affiliate WordPress Plugin

WordPress is among the existing popular platform and website builders all over the globe. This feature has been specially designed for those who work as affiliates. It is in place to enable them to add their affiliate links to the content created in the most natural manner possible. After that, the links will be tagged automatically with the affiliate link you have, and thus pushing of content out gets more manageable.

By the use of this feature, it appears to be among the efficient mean of creating content on WordPress. The identification of products is automatic. Therefore, there is no need for a buyer to search for anything yourself. Based on particular keywords, the search for products is made simple.

Ways you can promote your Walmart affiliate links:

Your focus should be placed on how you will promote products after you have signed up for the walmart affiliate program.

Below are some excellent ways you can promote your wallmart affiliate links

Use of product reviews

Doing product reviews is among the best ways to utilize these programs. To do this, consider making a general structure of the selected product review, so pushing out content will become simple. Implementation of a unique and decent keyword is the only thing that you should focus on the review you need to create.

The use of the right keywords will significantly help you with SEO. This means that the possibility of ranking high on search engines is high here. If the content you post makes to appear on the first page of search engines, then it is likely there will be more leads that will be generated to the products you are advertising, and in the end, you will earn a lot of commission for the excellent job done.

Email marketing

This is also another best means you can employ to market their products to clients at large. What is required here for you is having an email list that has many subscribers like, for instance, at least hundred of them. You will prove to be running a goldmine business if you will be capable of attracting customers of high quality and have them make a subscription to your list.

After that, carefully tie the products you’re promoting into the email. By this, inserting an affiliate link becomes easier. An affiliate should identify only the products that the email list you have will likely have an interest in investing in. At the same time, you can consider linking people to the review you have created in case information about the product is needed first by other people.

By this, you’re assured that interested parties won’t have to Google to find information about the product so that they purchase from other different sites. At the same time, reading it from your website will drive in more traffic and thus the generation of revenue.

Social media platforms

These platforms are now stapled strategies for marketing to all website owners and businesses. It will take you little time boosting your reviews by creating different blogs that carry information about the products you’re promoting. From this, you’re assured of making a few sales if you do everything the right way possible. Social media platforms are an affordable way to employ when marketing products you have too large audiences.

But then, you should remember that Walmart doesn’t make its operations through social media platforms. All you should do is linking the review of the product you’re promoting on your site and try best to drive traffic to their website.

Is the Walmart Affiliate Program worth the effort?

YES… but only if you have the right traffic for specific products you cannot find elsewhere… this is a lot like the amazon program where the earnings per click will be pretty low… so i would use this as a supplemental income source and rely on other programs for bigger payouts and commissions… you can learn more about this in my video

Click Here To Watch “How To Find High Paying Affiliate Programs

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