How To Start And Run An Online Business In One Week

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What Does It Take To Start And Run An Online Business- How To Start An Online Business In One Week

How do you start a profitable business? This is something that a lot of people don’t talk about or look at, but it is very important. Years ago, back in 1999 when I started my first online business and I was like “Okay, well how do I get started? I remembered I started with a new bank account. What we’re going to do is that we’re going to break it down for you and show you how to start, start-finish, and how to make this work for you so you can start turning a profit.

Where do all these things fit in because I know that a lot of people have info- overload when it comes to “what do I do? Do I get a domain name? Do I get a web hosting? How many domain names do I need? How much web hosting do I need? Do I need a shopping cart? Do I need a way to collect payment, how do I get paid? Right here, we’re going to break this down for you in a really cool way so that you can dive in and understand what’s going on.

This article is designed to give you one thing, and that is clarity. We want to give you a crystal-clear clarity. We want to take you away from info overload. We want to take you away from the struggle of not knowing what you’re doing and get you to the promised land of being able to run a profitable business. So let’s get started right now.

What we’re going to do here is that we want to take and look at our people right here,

This is our guy and this might be you and you’re like,” Marcus, I want to make money online.” You’ve heard that there are many ways to make money on the internet and you don’t have to work your jaws. You want to be an affiliate marketer or an internet business owner and you want to be over there enjoying life.

You’re here, with all the questions of “how do I start and run an internet profit business because I want to be like marc”. I want to sit down by the beach side with my laptop and chill out with family. I want to be able to take vacations whenever I want, do what I want while my internet business is making money all the time.

Now, I’m going to tell you, I’ve been doing this for almost 20 years now. Results are not typically guaranteed or implied, but what we’re going to do is we’re going to show you how this works. So, let’s get back to you our guy.


And this is our guy, he’s like “Marcus, I want to make money online, what do I do?”

What I want you to do right now is I want you to think about that number one question you have about how to make money online. Some of the common questions from people include:

  • How do I get Targeted Phrases?
  • How do I set up a blog?
  • How do I start on a budget?
  • How do I get traffic?
  • I want to know the best offers and how to make them converts too
  • How big should a market be?
  • How do I get ads?

My goal is to guide all your questions. I remembered an old friend of mine who said, “Marc, you know what I love about you? You don’t answer the questions that I ask you, you answer the questions I should have asked you.” And that’s what’s important.

What Is The Basis Of Online Business?

First and foremost, we want to take a look at the basis. What is the basis? What I like to do is to start some kind of offer (some store).

Doing Business As (DBA)

When I first started, it was what was known as a DBA (Doing Business As). Basically, it’s like, I’m Marcus Campbell, but I’m doing business as Bob’s consulting or Marcus consulting. ‘Doing Business As’ allows you to take a check and set up merchant accounts under your business name instead of your personal name. DBA cost me $31(that was in 1999, perhaps things has changed). Now you can do this stuff online, it’s very easy. We’re going to go over a lot of stuff today. So what I will do at the end of this article is to make a note cheat with links to everything.


Alternatively, you can also do an incorporating. I find it easier to be an LLC than to be like an actual Inc. for tax purposes. I made huge mistakes back in 2006, my accountant was like “hey you need to do an Inc, it’d save you bunch of taxes”.

But what people don’t realize is that accountants are not business people. Sure, accountants are great, but they don’t understand the day to day of the business. So, she was like, the way inc. works, you pay taxes based on like, your best months and it’s automatic. What if we had a bad month? Well, you still pay your taxes like you had a good month. And I was like, that’s going to kill my cash flow if I have a bad month or good month or whatever.

So, it messes things up. So for me, I’m not a big fan of Inc. as opposed to LLC. I believe you can get an LLC for about $199. I’m not a lawyer or an accountant, but from what my little knowledge teaches me LLC has a buffer so you’re not personally responsible as you would be. But of course, don’t be foolish, do things, research stuff. If you’re worried about your market or legality, its best to seek advice, do some research, and figure it out.

Now, that’s the basis of business. You can start with your own name. I’d recommend at least, DBA. That way, you can take checks in your company name.

Get A Matching Domain

What I did is I got a generic domain, back when I started in 1999. I think I actually bought the domain in March of the year 2000. Till today, it is still our support site with I got everything under that. I’ve got my DBA, LLC, and then I got my domain name, and everything was matching and I was like, here is my business.

Now, this isn’t necessarily your niche business but this is like your mentor. You can put everything on it. You can tell people to go get a support there. You can use it to host your order forms like I do. It’s very easy.

Now, if you understand this, everything else will get easier for you. If you’re new and you want to set up a site, you can go to and set up your hub site. Make sure to set it up with the business in mind and what you want to do. Just get something that works for you, like I actually came up with that name because when I sold computers.  Some guys came in and they’re like, “we‘re selling legal forms” (I call it PC legal forms). This was the first time I ever heard of making money online and this guy was like, “I used to be a lawyer and I have all these legal forms and I sell them online for 27 bucks. Then I set up a site back in 1999 and I sell this legal forms and makes like 300 bucks in a day. This means that I sell 10 in a day. Then I decided to get into internet marketing and use the site Once you set up your domain, then you’re ready! You’re now in business.

What Does It Take To Start And Run An Online Business?

Set up your shop

Your shop is your business name, your domain, bank account, P.O.Box, an LLC or DBA.

And if you’re really fancy, you can get T-shirts too.

Have A Niche Site Domain

This is one of the most important parts (this is just like having a mentor). I have over 600, or even more niche site domains under PCmoneymaking

Find Your Audience

The next most important thing that you need once you do that is to find your audience.

So this is your audience right there, above. Now, you’re like, now what Marcus? Do I need to find my audience on my market?

When it comes to finding your audience in your market, some marketers will tell you to go for something that you know a lot about, understand and have experience in. Well, that does work and that’s okay. But what I find is that it is difficult because everyone else is doing the same thing. What I like to do is to find something after beating the path that’s like “can I get people who are looking for a spreadsheet? “ So we should find out who this audience is, and what they want.

At this point, you probably already set up your hub site. If you didn’t, you’ll go to and you can do that. Okay, we want to find our audience and find our market and then we’d go over to Google Adwords tool and we find out that a thousand people are searching for this.

So let’s get an actual example here, (I’m using the Google Adword keyword planner), as shown here


So when I get to the keyword planner, I can type my keyword. For example, “debt spreadsheet”. And then it shows me how many times people search for stuff and what’s going on there.

Okay, now if you get this and you want to isolate, we can actually go to the “footer” and type our keyword “Debt spreadsheet” and then it just shows words including “debts spreadsheet”.

Now we have this people here searching for “debt spreadsheet”.


Can you think about what these people would want? Like what they’d really be interested in. Maybe they’d want to be debt free. Okay, so this is how  my mind works( hopefully you can do the same thing): When I think of this, I start to think of, “Okay, I’ve got like Dave Ramsey, and all these debt gurus and the last time I checked, they’re doing pretty good in this market. So that tells me, even though it is a silly little keyword when you’re looking for a spreadsheet for free, these people spend money and it’s a huge market. So, we see that they want to be:

Debt free

Pay off debt


Low credit rates

So, we want to get an idea of what they want. First of all, obviously, they want a spreadsheet. There you go! Second of all, they want a spreadsheet to do something. They don’t just want the spreadsheet for the spreadsheet; they want it because of what it’s going to do for them. And you always want to sell for what it’s going to do for them. With all the things typed into these, what can we offer the people? We can go through and take a look at these offers. Okay here is our offer

Now let’s say we do, “credit card offers”, low-interest credit card”, debt consolidation services”. Once we decide, the next we’re going to do is to get our domain name. I often buy my domains at Namecheap. So what I’ll do is to find something as close to “debt pay off spreadsheet”. So I can get

So, here we go, is our domain. So we just set up our site according to how teaches us. You can go to, get that course and do everything. It’s really easy. Okay, so now that we got, we want to talk about what kind of things do we set up? We can now set up like a blog, website, and squeeze page. So we’d visualize it and be like, “I’ve got that and now what, how does this work, where do I go?”

Well, of course, the ideas are, we’re going to drive this person from “debt spreadsheet” into our website. Maybe they run Youtube, Google, Facebook, whatever they run. They search Google, they see our ad or link, clicked it and then they come here. So now, what? What I’d do is to put like a little video or an article and be like..


And I’d say something like “Download the spreadsheet here so you can pay off your debt”. We also add a button where they can add their name, email, and add the submit button.

After that, then we can add another page that says, “Hey thank you for joining my mailing list”. So, what you can do here is to decide what you’re going to do with your market. In this market, it might be a good idea to have a membership site. Because, imagine, all these people want to pay off their debts and do stuff. You can be like, “hey, check it out, for only $27 a month, you can join our debt club, get all the spreadsheet you want, plus training, plus free tools on how to lower your debt, and so on.”

You can also go through and just add like affiliate offers on that. I know people that have membership sites, and literally, all they do is to interview people and put it on their site. And that’s ridiculously easy! So, we have the page, offers, and everything set up, what’s next?

Two very-Important day-to-day activities that Makes me Money Every day

Now Another thing we want to look at which is one of the most important days to day activities that I do.


The first thing that I do on a day to day basis is that I do my income. A lot of people are like, “Marcus, I’m doing things, but I’m not making money”. So, I’d break it down like this, what are the two things Marcus spends his day on?

So the first that I do on a daily basis (which is very important) is to communicate with my market. So, let’s say today, you got 100 visitors to your site, let’s say 40 put their name and email in the box. Then communicate with them. You can send them a mail, an offer, a page. So here we go, that’s a proactive thing I can do every day to make some money.

Create Content

The second thing I do is to create content. Now can you be here reading this if I didn’t create a content on my site? If I do not have content, you cannot be here. The content can be anything. It can be a video, an article, or literary anything.

Now the content needs to be repurposed for everything. You can place on Google, YouTube, or anywhere your people can reach you. For example, I have so much content on my YouTube Channel, on my site, and everywhere. And that is a Membership Site. Think about that for a moment, people will pay for the content, organize it in a different way. Content is not king, content structured correctly is king.

If content was king then everyone would be rich because anyone can create content. So content is not that big deal, you have to make it structured correctly. You can have it on a sales site, or a membership site. Now, one of the cool things I like now, because back in the year 2000 when I started my business, you have to use the shopping cart things that were a pain in the bud, the coding, and you have to understand all these stuff.

Making an order form was a pain in the bud and to actually link it to a merchant account was a pain in the bud. But now, I can set up this offers and I can literally drive them as an order form.

And it is extremely fast. I remembered a couple of weeks ago, I was dragging my heels and I’m like okay I need to get a merchant account. And I called my merchant account lady and she didn’t get back to me that fast. So, I was like, “what if I could set this up. So I literarily went in 30 seconds, got an account with one of the top online merchant account places. I set it up with the software and boom! Had an order form! I mean, I was in business in less than five minutes.

Now think about that for a minute, like “Okay, I’m in business in 5 minutes, so like if I could create content, repurpose content and structure things, I can be in business, now!” There are people out there making tons of money with businesses that are using other people’s contents. Now, I’m not saying you should go copy other people’s content, what I’m saying is gathering from the content. For example, there is a business out there that gives summaries of books and they make a fortune.

What I want to talk to you is based on the fact that this is now 2018. You don’t have the struggles I had, you have tools that all work.  If you work hard you can set up a business in 5 minutes. Now, there are lots of things you need that run your business on a daily basis. Below are some of the things that I use for my business. I spend quite a bit of money on tools because I like to have the tools. The right marketing with the right tools will help you a lot. I literarily spend an average month, 3-4,000 dollars for other tools that I use. So these are the things I use:

Autoresponder With Metrics And Prewritten Copy

My autoresponder does not have a prewritten copy. I have to write my own emails. If I had prewritten copy (like the new ones do now) then I’d be really cool. But I spend probably around $275 in a month. Actually, if it includes my pop up thing, we’d be probably looking around $500- So around $500 for the whole deal.


Landing Page Creation Tools With High Converting

Now, for my landing page converting tools, I probably spend about $200/month. You’re going to have an order forms set up if you’re going to have a membership site. It’s going to be a way for them to buy, login, and everything like that. You’re going to have these things and they work pretty well.

Again, I’m not telling you this because you need to buy all these stuff, you do not.

Order Form Set Up For Result

My order forms were a pain in the bud to make; it’s not a drag and drop. Now I pay anywhere from 99-$1000/month for my order form type software and that’s cool. I don’t mind paying it because I’m making a lot more than that. That’s what business is, making more than what it actually cost.

Helpdesk With Live Chat

I pay $27 in a month and I pay $399 in a year for my helpdesk.

Video Hosting

Currently, my videos are watched online and I pay like $90 in a month for my private video hosting for my membership site.

Affiliate Management Software

I pay around $499 in a month for this. This allows other people to sell your stuff and it gives them some commissions (Like affiliate marketing)

Integration Tools

I want to be able to set up a stripe account, PayPal account, or merchant account. I want to click a button, and all my stuff should work with it. This is something I use on a day to day basis, like my autoresponder. These are tools that are worth so much money because I can communicate with my audience. In this internet that you are, people are searching for help all day long.

Just a couple of weeks ago, my dog was sick and I go online and find this site where you can talk to a vet. And I contact a Vet on the site. It totally works for me because I was able to get advice. It’s very important.

And lastly, online course hosting and management and the email marketing and funnel automation

A Magic Software Does All This

Yes, you heard that right! Do you want to learn about software that does all this for you? Not only does it do it for you, I’m going to show you how to do it. What we’re doing to do is to show you a software that makes it work.

Now, the software is not out yet. You do have to request an invite. So here is the LINK. is a software that does all this for you. I’m an affiliate of that software. That means, when you sign up today, I get a commission. Because I get a commission, and I love the software, I’d probably promote it even if I didn’t get paid( but I like to get paid).

This software does everything for you,. There is a free trial that goes for $1 in a month. Now you have to get past the free trial to get my bonuses. The smallest plan goes for $89/month. But hey look at all the tools we mentioned up there. Do you want to pay for all this, figure things out your own or pay $89 for it? Now, you have to make you go through my link so that you get the bonuses. Here are the bonuses, you’re going to get:

  • Full training on How to start your online business ($127)
  • We’d do a niche market research live class ($127)
  • I’ll show you how to make your own info-profit business
  • 3 ways I’ve made a ton of site with membership sites ($1,997)
  • I buy a domain for your niche (up to $1000 value)
  • Special interaction welcome call, pay per click class ($1277 value)

Here is what you’re going to do. Go to www. Watch this video (1:18:16), or skip down and click on “Request Invite”(1:18:18). This will pop up,(1:18:25). You’ll put your name, email and an invite message will be sent into your email. And you go sign up.

Now let me tell you why this is not just another tool. It’s something with marketing-embedded and unlike other tools this allows you to embed it on your site. Here is an example page, (1:43:34)…and this is actually embedded. This email in this software that you’re going to get has an email sequence that is preloaded with the forms to get people to open, click, and buy. All the templates are in there. It also has an order form templates.

This is a step you need, take a step and you’re very much closer to setting up your business. And when you get in there, you’re going to be blown away by how easy it is. And when you get my training, you’re going to be like, “this is like a match made in heaven and I think I can go out there and make it work”. You can integrate it with your blog, payment system, and so on.

Another incredible thing is that kartra is that it has all the marketing in it. You don’t have to be a marketing genius.

When you get to kartprofits site, there’ll be a video. Click on Request invite, put your info, and request invite. They’d actually send you an email for you to sign up. Again, remember you’ll be enjoying our bonuses when you sign up through me:

  • Full training on How to start your online business ($127)
  • We’d do a niche market research live class ($127)
  • 3 ways I’ve made a ton of site with membership sites ($1,997)
  • I buy a domain for your niche (up to $1000 value)
  • Special interaction welcome call, pay per click class ($1277 value).

If you have any question, feel free to check me on live chat. Have a great day!