Master Resell Rights – Profit With Resell Rights – Get Paid Weekly

Video Notes:

The Truth About Selling Private Label Ebooks Online (PLR)

Can You Make Money With Master Reseell Rights PLR – Resell Rights Products

First $21 I Made Online Was With PLR

650 Reports – $7.77

What is the whole idea of PLR anyway.

Buy A Product (usually digital ebook, software, or course) For A Set One Time Price… get the rights to resell that product forever.


[YES] [NO] Can be packaged
[YES] [NO] Can be offered as a bonus
[YES] [NO] Can be sold at any price
[YES] [NO] Can be added into paid membership sites
[YES] [NO] Can put your name and website on sales page
[YES] [NO] Can convey and sell Personal Use Rights *
[YES] [NO] Can convey and sell Resell Rights *
[YES] [NO] Can be given away for free
[YES] [NO] Can add to free Membership Sites
[YES] [NO] Can extract the graphics for use elsewhere
[YES] [NO] Can convey and sell Private Label Rights
[YES] [NO] Can Claim Copyright

GR – Givaway Rights
Giveaway rights can be used for building your mailing list by offering the product free in exchange for the visitors name and email.

RR – Resell Rights
Resell rights are good to use to sell products on your website… usually these will include a sales letter page and graphics you can set up almost instantly to start taking orders.

you simply link the button to your paypal, clickbank, or other merchant account to accept payment then redirect them to the download page you uploaded to your site provided by the company you bought the rights from.

MRR – Master Resell Rights

Master resell rights is where you have the rights to sell the rights. Meaning you can now charge people for the rights to sell the product.

The key is in getting the right traffic at the right price (or even free) to drive people to your opt in pages and sales pages.

How To Promote PLR

– seo traffic
– forums
– mailing list
– ppc
– youtube videos
– affiliate promotions

USUALLY you can expect about a 1% conversion on the front end.

Be careful to check the product out as many can be low quality or even complete pieces of crap.

BONUS TIP 1: The People Making The Big Bucks Have Resell Products Membership Sites.

BONUS TIP 2: You Can Use These Resell Rights Products As A Starting Point And Build Them Out With Videos, Audios, Software, Or Other Add Ons To Increase The Value, Better The Product, And Make More Money.

PLR or Private Label Rights content gives us an instant supply of content that we can use the way we want. This ensures that we don’t need to invest our precious time to write articles and create content. Thanks to the availability of PLR content, we also don’t need to outsource the content creation services by spending hefty money.

Depending on your needs, you can re-purpose or customize private label content. And if you feel that what you have got solves your purpose, you can use them without making any changes.

You will get to try a range of things with some Private Label Rights content in your collection. You can make money by selling it, get leads by giving it away, use the content to attract more visitors to your blog, create products of your own using the content, and more.

In short, when you buy Private Label Rights content, the author gives you the permission of using it as a creation of your own. With the content, you will get the required source files and all other components you may need when making changes to the reports, graphics, courses, eBooks, articles, etc.

Read on to know more about making money with Private Label Rights.


There can be three different types of resell right products. They are:

PRODUCTS CARRYING GR OR GIVEAWAY RIGHTS: You will be allowed to give these products away as free gifts or bonuses.

You may bundle these products up with other items you are looking to give away or give them away absolutely free of cost on their own.

A large number of products carrying giveaway rights also possess MR or Master Resell Rights. This means you will be allowed to sell them, use them as giveaways, and sell their rights to third parties for selling them.

Here, you must note that you cannot sell a GR product or its rights if it doesn’t come with Master Resell Rights.

PRODUCTS CARRYING RR OR RESELL RIGHTS: These are products suitable for being sold on your website. They typically include graphics that can be set up in just a few minutes and sales letter pages.

You will only need to link the necessary buttons to one of your merchant accounts (for example, Clickbank or PayPal) for accepting payments, and once the payment is made the buyers should be redirected to the content download page. The company selling you’re the resell rights will be the one providing you the link to the download page.

PRODUCTS CARRYING MRR OR MASTER RESELL RIGHTS: With this kind of resell right in your kitty, you will not only be able to resell (and also use) the content but will also get to earn money by reselling the content’s resell rights.

You must remember that you will not be allowed to modify any MRR product. Besides, you are unlikely to get the permission of declaring yourself as the author or creator of the content.

To be more precise, you will have to use these items as they are without tweaking anything.

However, despite those restrictions, most people prefer dealing with MRR products as they give them the opportunity of earning money both by selling contents and their resell rights.


YOU CAN SELL PRIVATE LABEL RIGHTS CONTENT ON YOUR WEBSITE/BLOG: This method would work for you if you own a site or blog that gets a large number of visitors regularly.

It has been found that people owning a website enjoying good readership need to wait just for a few hours for making their first sale after taking necessary actions.

If you have a website or blog that has many loyal readers who keep coming back just to see what new you have published, you should never look to create any product of your own. Instead, use your site’s popularity to resell readymade content.

If you decide to create a product, you will need at least a few months to do that. And by the time you will have the product ready, your readers would already have bought something similar from other sites or people.

What would surprise you, even more, is that the majority of those purchases would be from people who are not selling their creations but reselling items created by someone else.

SELL TO YOUR SUBSCRIBERS: This process would work for anyone, who has a subscriber list.

You can sell resell content to your subscribers directly and make money. This is among the quickest ways of reselling PLR content.

Statistics obtained over the years reveal that directly selling to subscribers often generates more sales compared to the number of sales generated when selling on personal blogs and websites. The chances of successful sales increase even further if you have subscribers who have made prior purchases from you.

For this method to deliver desired results, you must have an intelligently made list. If you have it, just forwarding an email to each one on the list would bring in a favorable number of leads for you.

However, you must also make sure that you are promoting a good quality resell-right product to your subscribers. These are people who know and trust you. So, you should never lose their trust by trying to sell crappy or junk items to them.

USE DIRECT ADVERTISEMENT FOR SELLING PLR CONTENT: If you don’t have any personal blog or website and haven’t yet prepared a subscribers’ list, do consider using this method.

For this process to work, you will have to advertise on third party websites. As you are not required to put in any effort for product creation, you can focus entirely on promoting/advertising the PLR products.

Begin by shortlisting a few blogs and websites enjoying good readership. Advertise the resell products on those platforms and you will surely start making sales within a very short period.

You can even be a little more creative and get some of those blogs/websites sign up as affiliates on your website. If you manage to do so, those affiliates will promote your PLR contents on your behalf and you can pay them a commission for every successful lead they produce.

USE AN AUTORESPONDER: To make money online, you must put some effort into building marketing relationships. Using an autoresponder can make the job a lot easier for you.

The autoresponder must have a constant stream of interesting content in it for allowing your business to grow automatically. Some Private Label Rights membership sites offer articles and graphic content that you can use even on your autoresponder emails, newsletters, etc.

BUILD WEBSITES USING PLR CONTENT AND FLIP: You can make money online by building and selling money-spinning, content-rich websites. Doing this would be much easier if you have some resell right products in your collection.

For this method to show results, you should preferably use PLR products that can be both modified and used. Use the content for building niche sites and monetize them with a tool like AdSense.

Once the websites begin making money, put them up for sale on reputable online marketplaces. Next, you will have to sell the sites to the highest bidders and earn a profit.

RUN MEMBERSHIP SITES OF YOUR OWN USING RESELL RIGHT PRODUCTS: Being the owner of a membership site would allow you to earn a residual income from the members. The income will generate when the members will subscribe to one or more offers made by you.

Here, we would like to mention that you will need to keep providing your members with fresh content for making your membership site successful. The good news is that you can use PLR content for this purpose.

TAKE YOUR WRITING BUSINESS TO NEWER HEIGHTS USING PLR CONTENT: Do you write for money? If yes, then PLR articles can help you immensely. You can use them for generating fresh content ideas.

If you have Private Label Rights articles that match the subjects your client wants you to write on, you will not need to waste time researching the topic. Instead, you can use your language skills to produce an engaging rewritten version of the related resell right articles you already have.

You can use the same method also for creating and selling eBooks. In that case, it would be a good idea to consult PLR eBooks along with PLR articles.


If you have some level of creativity, you will be able to make money selling almost every PLR product available online. However, to increase your chances of making successful sales, you must consider a few factors when choosing PLR content. Read on to know about them.

THE PRODUCT NICHE: When trying to make money selling PLR content, you must make sure that you are choosing a niche that you will make you feel comfortable. This means, you must have some basic knowledge about the niche or you must find the niche interesting.

If you are dealing with subjects you are familiar with, it will be easier for you to promote the products.

Your chances of tasting quick success would be even greater if you pick a niche in which you already have a loyal audience. To put it more simply, pick a niche that is the same as the niche of your website/blog.

If you promote products belonging to a niche that you don’t find interesting or are not very familiar with, you will need a lot of time just to find suitable ways of promoting them.

YOUR POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS: Once you pick your PLR niche, you should decide who you will be targeting exactly.

Let’s explain with an example. Suppose, you have picked a product belonging to the weight loss niche. It’s important for you to understand that the product is not meant for every individual on a weight loss spree. Your aim should be picking potential consumers whom you can reach easily and who would be ready to spend.

Do your own research to find your target audience and then pick the item you will be reselling. There’s no use of picking something that your potential consumers will not be interested in.

QUALITY OF CONTENT: You have picked the right niche, identified your target audience, but your job is still not done. You must ensure that the resell right content you are selling is of high quality.

For instance, you should never buy a PLR eBook written in broken English. Selling such items will not only spoil your image as a brand but will also make it difficult for you to have loyal buyers.

If you have already committed the mistake of buying a low-quality resell-right product, discard it, or sell it for a discounted price.

At times, we end up paying for PLR content without checking what it actually offers. This happens mostly when purchasing from websites that don’t offer previews or snippets to potential buyers.

You should always search for websites that would allow you to have a preview of the product you are looking to buy. This will provide you with some basic idea of the quality of content you will be getting. The good news is that most reputable PLR sites have this option.

FREEBIES YOU WILL BE GETTING: If the Private Label Rights product you are buying is offered by a reputable website and is of high quality, you will most likely be treated with different free items. These items will assist you in selling more copies. Some examples of such bonuses include:

* Cheat sheets
* Email autoresponder
* Sales pages
* Minds

The more will be the number of extras you will get along with the actual resell-right product, the happier will be your customers and you will end up making more sales.

THE POPULARITY OF THE PRODUCT: This is crucial as if a product doesn’t enjoy much popularity, there’s little chance that it will help you make money.

Some top PLR websites would allow you to check data pertaining to the current sales performance of products. This option will help you to find out how many copies of a particular product has been sold in recent times.

Checking such information would help you to understand how much money you can earn by selling a certain PLR product.


As a newbie in this business, you must get acquainted with the best PLR sites operating currently. The section below would introduce you to the top sites in this segment and will also educate you about their pros and cons.

1. PLR.ME: The site started its journey more than a decade ago, 2008 to be more precise. Amazing customer support and high-quality content are the main reasons behind the immense popularity it has been enjoying since its inception.

The website is featured by a number of top-notch brands including AM 770, Toronto Sun, and Entrepreneur. will provide you with comprehensive solutions that you can use either by paying for every download or by taking an annual or monthly membership. This feature of the platform allows it to satisfy both people looking to buy a few Private Label Rights products and people wanting to make bulk purchases.

The charges for using the site vary from as little as $22 to $990.


* Focuses more on quality than quantity
* You will not need to become a member if you have plans of buying just one or two products
* Offers 13 marketing tools
* Offers great user experience by allowing smooth navigation and providing advanced search options
* Great customer support


* Doesn’t offer master resell, personal use, or resell rights; the site is only about PLR products
* Doesn’t allow direct cash payment; relies on a credit system

2. IDPLR: This is surely one of the most used PLR sites thanks to the wide variety of content available on it.

Recently obtained numbers suggest that IDPLR is home to more than 12590 products and has over 75,000 members. You will get almost everything you will be searching for on this site.

The membership fees of this site are extremely affordable. You will need to spend less than $100 for becoming a lifetime member of IDPLR.


* Every single product listed on the site comes with the option of checking a live preview before downloading the actual version
* You will have the option of choosing between paid and free memberships, as a result of which you will be able to try out the site before investing any amount
* If you opt for IDPLR’s paid membership, you will get web hosting services free along with 10GB of space
* Gold membership comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee


* Free membership will provide you access to very few PLR contents for selling

3. MASTERRESELLERRIGHT: This site was created in 2006 and is ruling the industry even today.

Joining the site would allow you to choose from over 8000 products. You will be able to use and/or resell all those items instantly after becoming a member of the site.


* New RR, MRR, and PLR products are added to the list every day
* The site’s membership would give you access to a free hosting account
* MasterResellerRight offers exclusive products to its members; these products are not available in any other platform
* The moment you will become the site’s member, you will gain access to more than 10,000 PLR write-ups


* To become a member of MasterResellerRight, you will have to enable recurring transaction on your card; this can be a bit difficult for you if your account balance is low
* The hosting space offered by the site is just 8GB

4. RESELL-RIGHTS-WEEKLY: Once you become a member, this site would provide you with a number of high-quality online resources absolutely free of cost. You will be allowed to download those materials and sell them while retaining the entire profit.

You will need to spend around $300 for getting lifetime access to the contents of the site.


* You will enjoy access to a series of high-quality products even when trying the free membership
* The site is filled with new products or products that are far from being outdated
* Most products listed on this website come with sales letters, design templates, graphics, etc.
* As a paid member of Resell-Rights-Weekly, you will get to meet other paid members on the Paid Members Forum and discuss various issues with them
* There are over 330 tools that would help you in making more money from your online business


* The number of PLR products listed on this site is much less compared to most top PLR websites

5. PLREBOOKCLUB: This membership club began its journey under the leadership of Ludovic Louisdhon. All products listed on this website come with resell or private label rights.

The best thing about the site is that its database gets almost 50 fresh eBooks each month.

You will need to spend around $100 for an annual membership. The amount would increase to around $150 if you want some more perks.


* You will get to choose from a wide range of niches when using this site
* You will gain access to training videos that will teach you how to use PLR products for profit


* Some eBooks listed on the site are not of high quality; you will need to make lots of modifications to make them suitable for reselling
* As a newbie, you might find it difficult to earn money just by selling eBooks

6. MASTER-RESALE-RIGHTS: This website features what can easily be described as the largest digital product catalog the world has ever seen. Each of these products carries either private label or master resell rights.

Recently obtained numbers revealed that the site currently has a database of more than 76000 articles, 11500 eBooks, 950 videos, and more. You can buy, use, or resell these products depending on your needs. All the items are creations of independent authors and are meant for your personal use.


* You will gain access to products belonging to a range of niches including personal, marketing, and business niches
* You will be greeted with numerous tools that would make the process of download digital products and selling them easier for you
* All resale product listed on the site would come with a 30-day money-back guarantee


* The affiliate program of the site comes with limits commissions to just $100

7. PLRPRODUCTS: The site is home to thousands of MRR and PRR products. These include videos, software, articles, eBooks, and more.

PLRProducts will allow you to resell and rebrand its products before reselling or using them. This increases your chances of making money even further. The site has numerous products belonging to personal, marketing, and business niches.


* PLRProducts is known for offering quality RR products for a comparatively low price than rival sites
* The store gets hundreds of fresh products every month
* The variety available on the site is impressive


* You will not get any free products on this platform. You will have to pay for every product you want to rebrand or resell.

8. EXCLUSIVENICHES: The site is home to over 14103 cheap, but high-quality resell right packages and products, which belong to more than 400 popular niches. According to data provided by the site, right now it has over 12,000 satisfied customers.


* The site will allow you to use all its brandable PLR content in various forms for generating free traffic, getting buyers, and building email subscribers.
* It will also provide you with access to several spin-ready write-ups that you will be able to use according to your needs
* Right now, the site is home to 236,000+ PLR articles.


* You will not be allowed to sell any PLR article as PLR, master-resell, or resell products to third parties.

9. UNSTOPPABLEPLR: This website was started by a marketplace vendor and digital entrepreneur known as Aurelius Tijin way back in 2006. Since its inception, UnstoppablePLR has managed to operate as one of the top sites in its segment. This has been possible primarily due to the amazing collection of PLR eBooks, videos, courses, and more available on the site.

For a month’s membership of the site, you will need to spend around $30 at the moment.


* The site will give you access to as many as 30 free PLR articles on positive thinking, motivation, goal setting, leadership, and content marketing.
* Each of the PLR products listed on the site comes with a 100% refund guarantee.
* As a member of the website, you will be given access to the member’s only community; there, you will be able to discuss various issues with coaches and other members


* Just a couple of fresh products are added to the site’s database every month; the number is significantly low compared to other top PLR sites

10. INDIGITALWORKS: This website began its journey in 2008 and right now has over 100,000 members.

The main reason behind the immense popularity of IndigitalWorks is the constant up-gradation its database receives. The site would provide you access to fresh, high-quality, and unique digital products belonging to almost every major niche.

The site has several membership plans, which include monthly, annual, and lifetime membership. You will need to spend less than $80 for becoming a lifetime member of the website.


* You will be allowed to download as many as 200 PLR products absolutely free of cost
* The site’s database currently has 10000+ digital products that you can download
* Newbies will be benefited immensely by the training videos uploaded on the site; there are a total of 137 such videos
* IndigitalWorks offers a Webhosting space of 10GB.
* The site will help you in creating a highly professional and comprehensive landing page for your website, which will increase your chances of attracting more visitors to your website


* Every item downloaded from the website arrives in .zip format. So, you will have to extract the files using JZip or WinZip before using them.

11. SUPER-RESELL: This website was set up in 2009 and currently provides members with access to 8000+ digital products. Each of these products is downloadable and comes with RR, MRR, or PLR rights.

Some products available on the site include graphics and templates, eBooks, scripts, articles packs, readymade websites, software, and more. You will be required to buy a six-month membership or lifetime membership for gaining access to all the above-mentioned content.


* All the products available on Super-Resell come for very reasonable prices, which will allow you to enjoy bigger profits by reselling them
* The variety of products available on the website will impress you; some options you will get include WordPress themes, WordPress plugins, software, eBooks, scripts, video templates, videos, articles, etc.
* The site covers almost all major niches, for instance, marketing, relationships, health, and so on


* The site would require you to choose the option of automatic recurring subscription through PayPal (not applicable if you are buying the site’s lifetime membership)


To make money with resell rights products, you must first gather enough knowledge about what other sites selling similar items are doing to stay at the top.

We would advise you to check websites operating in the same niche as yours. There’s no need to copy strategies adopted by those sites. However, you can definitely take a cue from those successful sites when drafting your own reselling strategies.

When selecting a PLR website make sure that it enjoys a good reputation. Read reviews of the site before you invest money on a membership package.

Even when buying membership, it would be a good idea to opt for the monthly or annual membership option before becoming a lifetime member. This will give you the option of back out if you are not happy with the site’s offerings.

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