Paypal Money For Watching Free Videos?

Today I’m going to show you how to get that PayPal money for just simply watching videos. Yeah, that’s right. You come over here, you pick a little video like this, you spend a couple minutes watching it, and you can generate passive income. And no, you don’t need a website. You don’t need some fancy video tools. And you don’t even need any money to get started. This is surprisingly simple. Using this method, I’ve been able to put little deposits in my PayPal account over and over and over again. Sometimes we even get big deposits. Here’s one for $23, $7,000, $4,200, and on and on we go. So my question to you is if you could watch videos and get paid in a very simple way, wouldn’t it be worth it to watch this entire video, at least one time, all the way through, and smash a like button? Good. Let’s get started.

All right. Now, there’s a secret word that I’m going to reveal in this training that’s going to knock your socks off and show you the secret of how this works. This is going to unlock tons and tons of potential to make lots of money watching these videos. But you got to stay tuned for that because that little keyword is going to unlock the money vault. And yes, ladies and gentlemen, if you don’t want to do the work that I teach you in this video, this can absolutely be outsourced for pennies on the dollar. I do this all the time. And if you want a list of some of this stuff, check out after you’ve watched this video at least one time all the way through.

Now, what we’re going to do here is we’re going to go through these steps. Step number one is to find videos about a specific product. Preferably we want software or something complicated. That’s why in the beginning, I said, “Hey, check out this video here about URL shorteners.” These videos talk about different shorteners for URLs, like Bitly and TinyURL and Linktree and different things like that. And these videos are actually really simple to watch and simple to comprehend. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to find these videos like this, we’re going to click on them, and we’re going to watch them. Now, keep watching this video because there’s a specific strategy and type of video I want you to pay attention to. This is going to affect your income big time, and it’s going to unlock the flood gates of how this method really works.

Step number two, we’re going to take notes on the products. You’re going to go through, you’re going to watch the video, and you are going to take notes on the product. It’ll be very simple. You could go through and you could say something like, “Okay, how does this work?” Maybe we’re going to go and we’re going to do Bitly. All right. Maybe Bitly allows you to have 10 free links, and then after that, it’s $9 a month. And maybe it allows you to have a custom URL or whatever it is. So you’re going to go through and you’re going to take notes on these videos to learn about these products, the good, the bad, the prices, the ugly, everything about these products. And you want concise notes. We’re not talking about writing the Encyclopedia Britannica. All you need is three to 500 words, or even less, depending on the type of product you’re using. And also, make sure you pay attention to little tidbits and nuances that the people say in the video about the pros and cons of each software product, or whatever product you choose. Again, keep watching. I’m going to show you how to choose these.

Then in step number three, we’re going to go through and watch competitor videos. So I would go through and look at the videos for this stuff, and then maybe say, “Okay, now that I’ve watched videos on Bitly, now I’m going to do videos on TinyURL,” or whatever it is. Or maybe I do one on Builderall, and then I watch a video on ClickFunnels or HostGator and GoDaddy. Again, you’re going to take notes on each of these platforms. It’s very simple. It’ll take less than 20 or 30 minutes. And again, make sure you do a good job, or if you’re outsourcing this, make sure that they do a good job. This is going to come in handy later. As you watch these competitor videos, make sure you repeat step two and get some notes on those as well.

Step number four, you’re going to go through and compile your notes into a solid, simple, concise comparison. Again, this is super simple. I know there are videos out there that are going to say you’re going to make $100 just for watching a video, but we all know that doesn’t exist. So if you’re willing to do a little bit of work, watch these videos and get paid over and over, then smash a like button and keep watching.

In step number five, we’re going to sign up at these secret websites that are going to go through and get you paid via PayPal. Then in step number six, we’re going to put everything together and start creating a little piece of content. Again, you don’t need your own website, videos, or anything crazy like that. And then in step number seven, we sit back and make money.

So back to step number one, let’s go into this with a little bit more detail. What we want to do is find videos about a specific product that pays us via PayPal. Now, I’m going to give you a list of these in just a minute. But what I’m going to do is I’m going to show you how I do this on a very simple level. One of the things that I like to do is type in a software product and then affiliate. In this example, I can use Wondershare affiliate. The Wondershare affiliate program is great. They have lots of products, from Filmora to different video converters, and all kinds of software that you get paid commission on. Another one you can do, which pays via PayPal, is EaseUS. EaseUS is a software that helps you fix issues on your computer, like errors or viruses or registry stuff, or backup or fix jump drives and hard drives and all kinds of things like that. This one actually pays via PayPal as well, and it’s got all kinds of different programs that you can promote that are very, very easy.

Now, you will be getting paid on a sale, which means the results are not typical, implied or guaranteed. When you see big numbers from me or anyone else, remember this is a business. It’s not a guarantee that you’re going to get money just for watching videos. You’ve got to go out there. You’ve got to do the work, or you’ve got to outsource it, put it together and make money. And remember that the average person trying to make money online makes zero. But these videos are going to help you improve the odds that you’re going to make money because I’ve been doing this 22 years, and I’m not holding anything back. We’re showing you exactly how this works.

So we could go through and say, “Yeah, I’m going to use the EaseUS affiliate program, and I’m going to go and look up EaseUS. And I’m going to see what videos there are teaching me about the different softwares that EaseUS has.” This one’s for data recovery, how to clone your hard drive, don’t lose your files. All this stuff is talking about this type of software. So these are great videos to watch. Again, I’m going to make notes on them. I’m going to talk about how to clone the hard drive. I’m going to talk about the different software, what they do, what the prices are, and what you need to get result that you want. Very important. So we’ll go through and we’ll look up videos about a specific product. If we’re going to do ClickMagick or something like that, which also has a PayPal affiliate program, we can do ClickMagick. We could see lots of these different videos are about ClickMagick, and they’re getting lots of traffic.

Again, remember this is not about creating videos. It’s about watching videos so that you can learn about products. Very, very, very important. When we do this, what we’re going to do is we’re going to take the notes on the products. I’m going to go through and I’m going to say, “Yeah, this product does X, Y and Z. It helps with X, Y and Z. It costs this much. Here’s what you’re going to a need. Here’s what it does. It works on Windows 10, 11, 12,” whatever it is. And we’re going to talk about these, and we’re going to look at the tidbits and everything like that.

Step three, watch the competitor videos. I’ll go through, and I could literally go to Google and type in ClickMagick competitors or ClickMagick alternatives. Got to sound it out there. And we can find all different ClickMagick alternatives that we can make videos on. And watch this because this is where the magic is starting to happen. I haven’t gotten into the secret word yet, but this is starting to show you that all this stuff is working really well. Look at this guy, Software Suggest. He’s doing this. He’s talking about different softwares and comparisons and competitors and stuff like that, and he is making a ton of money. And we could see here, according to Ahrefs, he has almost $500,000 a month worth of free traffic. And he didn’t start really hitting it until just recently, which is pretty cool. Anyone can do this. It’s not difficult to do.

And what we want to do is make sure that the software we are looking at actually gets searches. So this URL shortener, yeah. 46,000 people a month, according to the Ahrefs free key word tool, actually search for that. And if we type in something like AWeber, we could see that lots of people are searching for AWeber as well, including AWeber pricing, review, and on and on we go. So make sure that the videos you’re watching and the software that you’re looking at actually gets searches. This is important.

Then of course, step number four, we’re going to compile our notes. It’s going to look something like this. We have our product up here, maybe have the price, and then features, benefits, comparisons. Then we’re going to do that for product 2, 3, 4, and however many we want within the same niche. Got it so far? Then step number five, we’re going to sign up at the secret sites. Of course, if we’re doing Wondershare or EaseUS, we want to make sure we sign up at those sites. But here is a list of different sites that pay via PayPal and have software that’s easy to do this for: SiteGround, Adzooma, Semrush, which is a great keyword tool, SpyFu, ClickMagick, JVZoo, which you saw lots of screenshots I had earlier for that one, Leadpages, LongTailPro, Warriors, which has some offers that are good, some are controversial, and some are just plain junk, MaxBounty, which also has a PayPal option, CPAlead, ThriveCart, which I use for domain programs, PayKickstart. Hosting programs like Bluehost, HostGator, and others also pay via PayPal. Spamzilla, Aweber, who pays me every month in my PayPal account, Wondershare, MailChimp and more. And again, if you want a list of these, check out We’re going to have a huge list, but make sure you finish this video first.

Then we’re going to put everything together and start to create content. But first, let’s take a look at that secret keyword and show you exactly what’s going on. If I was to use the Ahrefs free keyword tool and type something in like AWeber, we’re going to see that the competition is actually kind of high unless you’re using AWeber login, which probably means they already have an account. So I’m not going to make much money. The same thing happens if we type in URL shortener, a lot of competition.

So what gives? How are we going to find stuff that has low competition that we can use to put our content in front of and get paid? Well, what we’re going to do is introduce the word vs, which is short for versus. HostGator versus this, Bitly versus this, ClickMagick versus ClickFunnels. And we could see here, AWeber vs gives us AWeber versus MailChimp, AWeber versus GetResponse, AWeber versus ActiveCampaign. And all we have to do is put our content in front of these people and get lots and lots of very targeted traffic that’s ready to buy, and put PayPal money in your PayPal account for watching a couple simple videos. Anyone can do that, right? And if we type the word vs in our Ahref keyword tool … This is the paid version, which I highly recommend. We could see there’s over 220 million search results. And if we isolate it by competition of 10 or less, we could see a lot of sports stuff.

Using this strategy, I was able to find stuff like Printly versus Printful, Shopify Pricing, Printful versus Printly, Shopify versus Etsy, and on and on we go. The list just keeps going and going and going. All I have to do is find some videos, take some notes, make sure my content’s unique, and put it in front of the people that are searching. The way I can do that is very simple. I can start a blog where I compare these things. And as we saw earlier, that blog was getting a lot of traffic and making a lot of money. I could do videos on YouTube, or I could do Pinterest images showing the different comparisons of different products. I could do TikTok videos. Look, people are actually making TikTok videos about AWeber and ClickFunnels and ThriveCart, and on and on we go. Heck, you don’t even need to be in the video. You could simply show screenshots of what you’re looking at and what the products actually contain.

Now, make sure you don’t step on any toes, copy anyone, or do any copywritten stuff. Make sure this is all your unique content. But as long as you do a good job and actually objectively look at the different products, you can get paid.

Here’s another list of keywords over here that does the same exact thing. And since these people are actively looking at the differences between two different products, chances are they’re going to buy one of them. And if you’re an affiliate for both, you’re going to get paid. All you do is have a link in the description, put a link on your website, put a link in your article, press release, or whatever it is you’re using to drive people back to your site. And you can use blogs, videos, Pinterest, TikTok, Infographics, Medium, free websites and more. The sky is the limit. And the competition is almost nonexistent. And again, if you want a list of the places to sign up and the keywords I found, check out But first, make sure you smash that like button, subscribe, and maybe even watch this video again so it starts to sink in.