Passive Income Is Easy???

Marcus’ Passive Income Rant:

Hey guys, Marcus here from

For today, we’ll be discussing if you could earn a lot from passive income or not?

Doing a full-time job is well and good – but don’t you think you could actually earn more WHILE also saving up energy by letting the internet reel in all the cash for you?

But before anything else, let’s define what passive income is!

There’s three really obvious sources of passive income:

  • REAL ESTATE– Once you have the real estate, people pay their monthly rent. Sometimes there could be some problems (like overdue pay or issues with the read estate). But overall, it’s a good way of making a passive income!

DOWNSIDE – You’ll need to dish in TONS of money for this kind of business to work.

  • STOCKS AND INVESTING– Basically, you pay and invest money to a company and as the company grows, you get paid based on the company’s growth.

DOWNSIDE – Once you invest on a company, there are times that the company will be doing well. There are also times that the company won’t be doing well and this can be a detriment to you and the company.

BUT DON’T WORRY – In most cases, when you invest in stocks, you can easily foresee what you’re going to profit on in the next month!

  • STATE AN AFFILIATE MARKETING BUSINESS – The third and the best way to earn money is through the internet.
    • You can set up little businesses that you can set up every month and you can gain momentum and grow easily!
    • If you get views every day and if someone buys your products, then you’ll be getting money on top of the amount that you’re making from the views.

It’s simple and fun!

Let’s say that you’re reviewing products online through videos since you’re an enthusiast to this particular product. Once you get publicity, you’re going to eventually get reached out by someone who does sell that particular product who also has an affiliate program

  • When you’re advertising that product through your video and if someone clicks your link and buys that product, you are going to get a percentage of that.

It’s a win-win 

Think about it:

It only takes a couple of hours to make a video and as long as that video is up and people are watching it, you’re going to constantly keep on earning!

As long as you keep on making videos, you’re going to be gaining a lot of momentum and what you’ll be earning

REMEMBER: If you really want to make this passive income thing work, you have to stick with

There are a lot of people who give-up moments before success. These people think that they can get everything in just a blink of an eye. In reality, almost every business takes time and patience for it to grow and flourish. If you’re going to make a video and a blog post and make money from it, you need to be 

You have to do it systematically

The internet is a big place, there might be competition since there are obviously large companies that are based on the internet – but they’re usually competing on the general and obvious things.

There’s always gaps in the market place and that’s where you come in!


Passive income CAN be a reality, but desire is not enough. Feelings are not enough. You HAVE to do the work! Be sure to check out to build a passive income stream!



Got a lot of cool videos and everything else for you! 

Check it out and I’ll see you on the inside




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