Too Much Shit Info Overload

There’s just too much shit. Am I going to put something on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook? Do I need to do a YouTube live? What do I need to do? Should I send my people to a capture page, a squeeze page, a lead page? Should I do an Amazon store, affiliate marketing? Should I do some kind of Shopify? What should I do?
Hey guys, it’s Marcus here and today, I’m in kind of a slump. I started studying new ways of doing things. I started looking at hiring a social media manager and branching out on Facebook and Twitter and all these other things and I noticed that it’s really easy to get overwhelmed by this stuff and it’s really easy not to know where to go but in the back of my mind, I had this little voice that said, “You don’t have to do everything. You just need to do one thing really, really good.”
That’s the key to affiliate marketing and making money online with the business is doing one thing and doing it really, really good. It might not even involve Twitter or Facebook or any of that stuff. It could just be search engine traffic to a site. It could just be a group. It could be anything and that’s part of what makes this stuff work is doing one thing and one thing good.
You see, in our culture, it tends to lead us to be a jack-of-all-trades. We’re out there trying to conquer every different platform with every different software with every different everything and we never really hone in on one thing really, really good. Over the last 18 years when I look at my life and I look at everything I’ve done in business, everything leads to one thing done really, really well. All I have to do is find one niche, one group of people and connect with them, and connect with them in one way that works really, really good all the time.
If you can do that, you will be a lot closer to success because I think what throws us off is just going from one thing to the next thing thinking that we have to do everything but we don’t. We only have to do one thing and do it really, really good. I’m Marcus from and I hope you enjoyed this little message.