New Internet Marketing Forum


Hey guys! It’s Marcus here.

You know while I was away at rehab, for the month that I was gone, in addition to starting back my old habit, I learned a few things and I got to thinking about you and how I could best serve you without having to deal with the struggles of creating new programs, and doing new things, and having things all over the internet where you have to go find them.

My goal was to give you the information that you needed and the tools that you needed so that you could profit online and actually get support from me, my team, and your fellow students. Because what I learned is that we’re all going through this together. We all have similar goal. We all have similar ideas and we can all help each other out.

So what I’ve decided to do is put together this internet marketing forum. Now unlike other internet marketing forums where they’re polluted with a bunch of junk, fake offers, and a bunch of garbage, this one is all based on one thing. And that is based around the way that I teach affiliate marketing, CPA marketing, and internet marketing as a whole.

So this forum, unlike the others, is going to be powered by the videos and tools that I put out for you. So if you’re one of my simple site students, you’re going to have a special area in the forum to talk to other simple sites students. If you’re a blog profit member, you’re going to have a spot in the forum to talk to other blog profit members, and each group is going to get their own special set of tools, videos and everything that they need.

Now there’s a couple things that are going to change with this forum. You see because I want to get away from being the guru that everyone goes to for answers and relies upon for every little thing. I want to be more of a friend. I want to be like that friend who hangs out at parties and you ask him questions about internet marketing. And you get the answers that you need in a really cool way where it’s not like someone’s selling you the solution for something because we’re all in this together as I stated before, and we’re all here to help each other.

So what I’ve decided to do, is make three groups to the forum.

One is the blog profit network members area, will have a link below where you can sign up and you can get involved in that.

You also get the blog profit network software and tools and everything that is our basic tier.

Beginning internet marketers our next tier, is the simple sites big profits forum.

If you are an owner of simple sites and you are a continued coaching member, this is for you. If you want to reactivate or if you want to start with simple sites, you get the software, you get the tools, you get everything. You can do that below as well.

Then we have our special founding members area. This is for elite marketers who want to share their experience, learn more, ask questions of me, get their simple sites reviewed, get their blogs reviewed, everything like that.

And my goal is to make this perfect for you.

So what I decided to do is allow some of my members who have had success in the past to be part of this and be able to moderate it. Now what I’d like to do to make this worthwhile for you as a founding member, is I’d like to allow you the ability to be able to pay your way into the founding member program virtually free.

Now the price is going to be $297.00 a month. A lot of you guys might be thinking, hey that’s a great deal but I really don’t have that or that’s a big commitment. Now if you’re in that group of people, what I’ve decided to do is make this virtually free for you by allowing you to post special offers in our forum. These offers are going to go out to all my other students and everything like that. You can post a site with tips and tricks and things like that. You can post maybe an affiliate offer that you found that works well and you could use your affiliate link and make money.

This is unlike the other forms that charge like fifty dollars or four dollars or whatever it is for one single post. This is allowing you access all month. 

I know being a student of mine, you’re not going to abuse this and post one every second of every day or every day for that matter. You are going to reserve this for special things that you see needed. The goal is that you learn marketing as well as provide valuable services, valuable tips, and tricks to other marketers as well. And this is going to help you pay your way through the program. This is the absolute best value and this is something that you’re going to want to stay in forever, because not only are you going to get simple sites, not only are you going to get private coaching for them and skype access, not only are you going to get access to your other students, other members and my successful students, as well as myself, but you’re also going to get the ability to advertise on the forum.

Now all advertising must be approved by me and later on as the forum grows, you are going to be grandfathered in at just $297 a month. That means as we go on and we charge a thousand dollars for one post, you’re still going to be paying $297 a month for as many as you want to post.

As you can see, just one little post with an affiliate link can make you even more money than it costs to be in this. So this is an investment rather than another coaching program or junk because what I want you to do is, I want you to get used to making offers to people. I want you to get used to using this forum as a way to help people.

So guys what I’d like you to do is choose below based on where you’re at.

If you’re a beginner, start at the blog profit area.

If you’re intermediate, start at simple sites.

And if you’re ready to go, ready to start making money today, go ahead and be a founding member.

Guys there is nothing like this anywhere in the marketplace, and we’re only accepting a few people. So I want you to get in. Now once you’re in, you are grandfathered in and I’m going to have a special video on how to make your investment back using just the forum. So what I’d like you to do, is go ahead and choose your access point below. I am going to help you make money online. Really cool way because what I learned while I was away is that we’re all in this together and we’re all here to help each other out in the best way that I know. To help you is to provide you a place where you can go and get the help you need as well as practice your marketing strategies.

So what I did is a little test yesterday as the forum is brand new and I did a test with one of my sites. I just put a little link in this forum that we’re talking about. Anything made like 12 bucks right now that might not be a lot to some of you, but it’s enough to pay your membership and it was just a test when the forum was brand new. So I want you to really see the power of this because this is your ticket to making money online. Go ahead, choose your access point below I really hope you take me up on the offer of becoming a founding member because I’m going to show you how to make your money back fast in a really cool way.

Thanks again for listening! I hope you find this forum to be exactly what you’re looking for, to where you get rid of info overload and you have access to all the tools and tips that you need. Again, this is where all my coaching is heading towards. So you definitely want to take me up on whichever offer below fits your needs best.

I hope it’s the founder one and I hope I get to help you make money today. So go ahead, use the forum, use the links below to be part of the private forums, and let’s make money online together, in a way that’s never been done before, hand in hand, where you can start today. Make your first dollar online today and grow from there.

Guys this is the best learning opportunity because we are creating a collective consciousness of internet marketers with the same struggles. And people who have been where you are before and aren’t trying to tout some guru junk or sell some stupid thing that no one really needs. We’re all here to help each other and they’re pointing to things that we really need. So if you have a cool tip or something like that based on one of the programs that helps people, get in as a founding member and start making money right now!

Guys I thank you for watching. I thank you for continuing to be a part of this forum and let’s make money today. Go ahead and sign up below using the link that best fits you. Obviously the founding forum is the best way to go and I’ll see you on the inside.