Make Money with Your Web Traffic



Hey guys! It’s Marcus here.

Today what we’re going to do is talk about what internal linking is, 

how it works, and how it can help you make money online.

But first I’d like to start up with a story.

This is a story my grandfather told me several years ago about when he used to work as a gas station attendant.

You see, there was this gas station off the highway. Let’s put this gas station up here and what he did is he said, “You know I’m gonna work here and get a certain amount per gallon that I pump.” That’s how he was paid. Now along the way, he said, “Hey you know what, these people traveling on the highway would probably be interested in getting soda. I think they’d be interested in chips and stuff and candy.” And this is back in the 40s or 50s I think it was the 50s something like that.

He said, I think people would be interested in soda chips and candy. So he asked the gas station guy. He said, “You know since I’m paid just on the amount I pump, can I sell some stuff to your customers and have the profit?” He said, “Sure it’ll be my guest.” So he went and purchased cokes at wholesale chips at wholesale and candy at wholesale and offered it to the gas station people. He found that he could make a good living. Actually got the down payment for his first house using this method by just offering something else to people who already existed.  

Now I want you to take a look at what was happening here. Because the highway was there with the traffic already, he was simply diverting people and utilizing the traffic that was already there.

Very important! That’s going to have a big big part to do with this INTERNAL LINKING STRATEGY. So remember this story where Grandpa wit and offer different things to people who are already there. Great story, learned a lot from him. Good man.

Now let’s take a look at what internal linking is and what it has to do with you.

The art of internal linking has to do with the ability to be able to direct traffic. You are going to do traffic and basically what’s going to happen is, you are going to take the traffic. The traffic’s here and you’re going to direct them where they should go. The highway is the traffic. These are the people coming to you, saying we want this certain thing. By knowing that they’re on the certain highway, they are on by way of keywords, by way of sight you advertise on, by way of whatever you’re using to get them to your site.

That’s what you know, that they’re interested in.

And your goal is to either make money by selling ads. You could sell ads or you could sell space on your site much in the same way that the gas station guy purchased or rented the place on the highway, because he knew those people were going to need gas. Obviously, if you’re driving on the highway, you need gas of course until hybrids come out in a bigger way.

So the idea is you could either rent banner space. So the highway here is your website. This is where all the traffic goes. If you don’t know how to get traffic, don’t worry. We’re going to talk about I in another video. So the traffic is on your site. Now what you could do is could put advertise here things and have people purchase banner ads. That would be an example of external linking. Because what happens is, you’re renting the space and once they click on that, they are out of your control. So you’re basically directing them somewhere else.

That would be the example of banner ad. So keep that advertise here, up here as our example.

Now what I like to do is I like to control the traffic the way that I want because if I was to offer banners on my site, I might get a couple hundred bucks a month. Maybe a couple thousand a month, depending on the site.

But I know that. I know my customers better than any advertiser out there and you can do the same because you have the data.

So our goal is to direct them to things that they would want much in the same way that my grandpa

We can anticipate what they would want also. So by driving on the highway, we know that some people are going to get hungry. So what we could do is we could build a website about food places. We could build a website about food places. What we’re doing is we’re taking the traffic here and directing them to another one of our properties that is about an expensive type thing. So they’re here and they’re just looking up driving. And we’re diverting them into something like the hamburger place or the food place or whatever. Hopefully, this is making sense to you.

Another thing that they could want is auto repair. Let’s say, they hear a weird sound driving along the highway and they need auto repair. That’s another thing we can direct them to. That would be a sight that we own about you know, hey if your car is doing these things here’s what you need to do. And of course, directing them to different auto places.

Another thing we can do is direct them to buying a new car. Say, “Hey man, you got an old junky car or whatever. Get a new one. Here’s how you can get new one with no money down and you know bucks a month or whatever it is.”  Another thing, obviously the most obvious one here would be gas. Obviously, these cars are going to need gas so we could divert them there.

So here are four things that we are anticipating that the market is going to want, based on where they’re at. They’re on the highway. Now in your market, the highway is your website and the traffic is how they got there. So you own this piece of the highway that they’re traveling along the internet, which is your website and you know why they got there much in the same way that you would know, hey these people came from a certain part of the city to get to this part of the highway.

Very much the same way but in your instance, it’s keywords. It’s keywords. So it’s like, these people got here because they were looking up how to reduce acid reflux or how to cook beef stroganoff or whatever it is. They’re looking up these certain terms. So your job is to take these people that are on the highway and say, “Hey guys, you know what, why don’t you check out auto repair?” And you direct this guy to auto repair because he’s interested in it. He’s a man. Here’s what you need to do if your cars thumping around or whatever. Another guy comes up and say, “Okay great! What do you need?” Well your car looks kind of old, why don’t you go over here and get a new car? or Hey man, you look like you’re running on empty there. Why don’t you go get some gas? And you direct him to gas. Or Hey man, you guys look pretty hungry. Want to get some food? And on and on you go, taking each person and directing them to another property that you own, that is about something expensive. 

So your job is basically just sorting this traffic into the right spots. Just like the story with my grandpa. Not everyone bought chips and coke. Some people were just there for gas and the cool thing is, he made money on that. But in the process, he offered other things that he thought they would want. So our job as the owner of this little tiny portion of the information superhighway that is the internet, this little portion which is our website, is to direct people to what they need based on why they’re there.

So if we look at acid reflux, our job is to say, well what are the solutions for the acid reflux? Or I think take some kind of prescription. They could maybe buy a home remedy book or whatever, or maybe they need better health insurance or whatnot. And our job is to direct them to where they need to be. So this is our website. Let’s say, someone is searching for how to stop drinking. We can say, hey here’s a way to do it yourself if you think you can do that and we have a site about how to do it yourself.

Then we say, okay well another way is to go to a rehab. If you need help with rehab now, we have a website about rehab triggering the expensive ads about rehab and of course having affiliate offers. Another thing we could say, “Hey! Get some health insurance. It allows you to go to rehab or whatever it is. And we’re branching them out to all these things that they want, which are sites that we own, which are based on the anticipation of what they are going to need.

So our job first and foremost, is to direct the traffic where they need to be and get paid in the process. And I want you to think about all those times that you got distracted online and you clicked on different things that were related somehow to what you originally wanted. That’s the same thing we’re doing is getting people interested, providing options, and making money in the process.

Now the art of direct linking is very very very simple to do, but there is an art form to it. So in much the same way that you see on my five-figure niches site, how I have my video, which is our content and then we have these little boxes over here that are showing us different options, here’s what the search history reveals. Here’s the webinar. Different things like this that are leading to sites that I own.

Very important because this is where you are going to put the stuff that they want, like the food. Let’s see like the food, the gas, the new car and the car repair. That’s where you are going to put all this stuff, and you’re going to divert their attention and say, hey you know what, if you’re interested in this, go over here to one of my sites that describes the best way to do it, much in the same way if you’re to say, “Hey, here’s a site about how to make a blog.”

Okay number one, get your domain. You would have a little box over there that says here’s how to choose a domain name. Then you take them to a site that’s something like Then you have another box that says, “Oh we already have a domain name. Here’s how to get hosting.”  You have, how to get and you’re leading them to things that they want already from your little portion of the highway. The part you own, which is your site to other places that you own, which are taking them to the expensive markets.

This is the art of internal linking.

We’re going to talk about this and show you a real world example in the next video and throughout the five figure niches training course. So if you haven’t joined yet, go ahead and click the link below. Get started guys! We’re going to go through everything. There’s nothing held back from you and you’re going to finally understand exactly how to make money online by doing it. So this course isn’t just about understanding how to make money online. It’s about getting you to make money online.

So go ahead, click that link below, sign up. If you’re on the fence about it, I want to make sure that this is absolutely right for you. Go ahead and hit me up on live chat or give me a call. I’ll put the number below the video that you can give me a call and I’ll turn that photon today on my desk. That way, I can answer your questions and everything. But watch for the next video. Sign up. Get started and I will show you exactly how this works. So I hope you enjoyed this video. Put your comments below and start directing traffic to what makes you money.

Thanks again. I’ll see you in the next video!