Make $2 Over and Over Again with CPA Affiliate Offers

Earn $2 Over And Over Again With Affiliate Marketing + Easy Converting Offers — affiliatemarketingmc at

Today I’m going to show you how to make $2 all day, every day.

If you make just $2 an hour, every hour, you’ll make around $50 a day. If you do that twice an hour, that’s around $100 a day. And if you do that four times an hour (once every 15 minutes), then that’s $192 a day.

In order for this to work, you use CPA affiliate offers. CPA stands for “cost-per-action”. You, the marketer, gets paid each time someone performs an action. You’ll be looking for offers that pay $2 to marketers.

Your first question might be, “Why would you look for offers that only pay $2? Why wouldn’t you choose an offer that’s much higher?” The reason is that these offers have a very low barrier of entry. That means they’re very easy to convert. They costs nothing to the consumer, and we get paid on the other end. And the money can add up very, very quickly.

I’ve used these to make as little as 35 or 45 cents per click on what other people consider to be junk traffic, and with that I’ve made over a million dollars with these types of offers. And there’s no stopping no—I still do this every single day.

You can see a screenshot of one of my affiliate accounts where I use CPA offers.

I’m only getting paid around $2 per conversion, but you can see there’s a lot of money here.

We’re going to talk about three different types of CPA offers, and I’m going to show you an example of each of them. To do this, we’ll go over to OfferVault. This is like a search engine for affiliate offers.

I can go here and see all kinds of offers that affiliate networks have. You can see there’s over 64,000 different affiliate offers here.

We’re going to isolate this and try to find offers that pay in the $2 range.


Email Submit

First, we’ll be looking at email submit offers.

These are where the marketer gets paid when the visitor puts their email address in a box.

We want to scroll past all these sponsored listings because they’re not usually that targeted.

So let’s take a look at this: “Samples and Savings”. It’s an offer for Bath and Body Works.

Let’s look at the landing page preview.

For us to get $2.40, all a visitor has to do is put their email in the box and hit “choose samples.” That’s it. Crazy, right? That’s why I like these kinds of offers.

And you can see there are tons of them, like “Amazon gift card,” “Flight voucher”, etc.

You do have to do your research and make sure they’re legitimate, good offers. For the most part, a lot of them are pretty good.

Zip Submit

There’s another kind of offer you can do, and it’s even easier. This is called zip submit.

These are ones where the marketer gets paid when visitors put their zip code in a box. They don’t even put their email or anything like that.

Usually the zip submit ones are little bit less of a payout, because advertisers aren’t actually getting the email address, which obviously is valuable to a marketer.

This is what we’re getting paid. So on this one, if I got this person to do the action, I would get $4.50 or whatever it is.

Here is one from the Dish Network.


Dish is saying that they will pay $2 for someone to put in their zip code.

Here’s a preview of their landing page.

If a customer enters their zip code through my affiliate link, I would get $2 for that. So you can see that the barrier of entry is very low.



Now let’s go into my favorite category: toolbars. These are awesome. With these, the marketer gets paid when a visitor downloads a toolbar or an extension on their computer.

For example, you could use my free affiliate marketing dude extension over at There’s a little toolbar I have that helps you look for these things.

Here’s what the toolbar looks like.

So if you wanted to look for offers, you could just go in and put “toolbar” or “Chrome add-on” or something like that, and it will do all the searching for you. It makes things super easy.

The reason I give it away for free is because I know that the average person who uses it really enjoys my stuff, and eventually they end up signing up for something and buying a course or something like that. So it works really well.

And it’s the same exact reasoning behind these offers. Companies know that if a visitor puts their zip code in and clicks one of those icons, they’re probably more interested than someone just searching the web. The visitor actually took an action.

I know that if someone downloads my toolbar, they’re more interested than someone just watching a video or something. So I would pay people to give away my toolbar.

Here is an offer that lets a visitor stream sports games on their browser.


It pays $2.45 for Internet Explorer, and $2.45 for Firefox. All a visitor has to do is go and download it.

Here is a preview of the landing page.

A lot of people ask me, “Why would people download this stuff? Why would people download toolbars if you can get all this stuff on the internet for free anyway?”

Let me show you why. This is a CNET screenshot of some of the downloads for just a one week period.

You can see that over 1 million people downloaded an anti-virus software, and 800,000 people downloaded another anti-virus. There’s lots of stuff being downloaded.

And if you were only making like $2 on a tenth of a percent of all those downloads, you’d still be making pretty good money.



Combine All Three

You can make simple sites that combine all three of these types of offers.

Let’s look at an example of this. Here is another of my accounts where I made a site selling tattoos.

On the site, I actually had a zip submit offer and an email submit offer, and then I gave visitors different downloads for tools. Then I offered the option for them to download printable tattoo designs from an affiliate company that I was affiliated with, which paid me around 20 or 30 percent per download. The tattoos cost around $9, and my average earnings were around $3 to $7 per tattoo that they downloaded. That added up to over $8,000.

There’s another account over here, where you could see the actual offers. This is one where I gave away a Bible toolbar.

You can see we got 4,000 visitors, and we gave away 230 of these Bible toolbars. We made around $870 over the course of a couple days.



So if you want to make $2 all day every day, with lots of cool offers, this is the way to go.

If you want to get my free toolbar, you can check out

If you want to learn more in my course, check out the Simple Sites program over at

And if you’re super interested in doing this, check out my high ticket niche program over at This is where we find your niche, build your site, set it up, and get you’re ready to go. After you sign up, go ahead and submit your order for your niche, and we’ll give it to you.