Landing Pages, Squeeze Pages, and Funnels

Affiliate Landing Pages, Squeeze Pages, And Marketing Funnels For Profit — affiliatemarketingmc at 

Today, we’re going to be talking about landing pages, squeeze pages, and funnels. What are they? What’s the difference? And which one do you need to use to make the most money with your website?

Landing Pages
First and foremost, let’s talk about landing pages. A landing page is quite simply the page that someone lands on. If you’re taking people from Instagram, or you’re taking people from paid traffic, or you’re doing banner traffic, or you’re sending an email, or whatever, the landing page is simply the page you send them to. It’s usually the first interaction that you have with your audience.

The landing page for Google is You go to Google and that’s their landing page. They have a search box on there, because they want you to search. With YouTube, you go to and they have videos on the page. That’s their landing page.

If you go to, you could see the landing page for my site. On my landing page, I want people to put their name and email in, so I have a squeeze page as a landing page. (More on that in a moment.)

Now, you can use this landing page in many different ways. For example, I’ve made millions of dollars with simple one-to-five page landing pages or page sites, where I simply promote affiliate offers. One of my more famous ones was a website for the lottery. The whole idea was to get people to download a toolbar that showed them all the different lottery numbers. I didn’t have to have a mailing list or anything, I simply promoted the product on the page.

Squeeze Pages
So in order to get all the confusion out of the way, a squeeze page could be a landing page. The idea of a squeeze page is to “squeeze” your traffic and get the people that are really interested to put their name and email in the box. Another example of a squeeze page could be asking for more information–maybe a free shipping address or something like that. But basically, what you’re doing with your squeeze page is getting people to fill out the form and generate a lead.

You see this a lot with Clickbank, with various CPA affiliate offers where the advertiser is simply going through you to make a landing page. The whole idea of the landing page is to kind of pre-sell whatever the offer is. You can also have a landing page which says, “Hey, put your name and email in the box, and you’ll get XYZ.” This would be considered a squeeze page. Again, remember that a landing page and squeeze page are the same thing. A squeeze page can be a landing page, and a landing page could be a squeeze page.

The idea is to get as many people on your mailing list as possible, because then you can follow up, market with them, and make a lot of money. I’ve done this in some markets where I’ve generated as many as 500,000 people on my mailing list in about 90 days. I did that with paid traffic, but it was actually kind of cheap because of the fact that I was buying traffic for about two cents a click.

You can do this really easily. All you have to do is funnel them over. Right now, we’re running ads on Instagram, and sending people to lead pages, and making all kinds of money. We’re doing pay-per-click ads, Facebook ads, doing all kinds of stuff to our squeeze pages. Because once we get this mailing list, then I could email these people and make a lot of money.


Now, let’s go on to the marketing funnel. The funnel is designed to get people to funnel through your marketing system. It’s more of a sales process in an integrated way to graduate people through the things that they’re buying. Marketing funnels are extremely powerful when it comes to taking visitors from just cold traffic (like pay-per-click traffic, or video traffic, or something like that) and getting them into your list. You learn what they want, and you bring them into different levels of your paid products and paid services. You graduate them, and you can make a lot of money.

Let’s say that your end goal is to sell something that’s like $1,200. In your funnel, you would have stages. You’d start with a landing and squeeze page, and you’d get your traffic to come in at the top of the funnel. You’d have people put their name and email in the box. They would be your leads. Then you would take people from that and go and sell them something cheap, or give them something for free, such as a free E-book with $5 shipping or something.

Then you’d get a bunch of people that would get the book, and they would be on your mailing list. After they get the book, you could offer them something for $50 that they would be interested in. A lot of people would take you up on the $50 offer. They would consume the content, and then hopefully later buy your product that is $1,200.

For another example, on my site, I have an entire funnel on the back end, designed to get customers to buy different things as they go along in the buying process. I could get people to come to my offer and say, “Hey, check this out. Put your name and email name email, and you’ll get XYZ.” Right now, you could go to, you can put your name and email in the box, and you can get my free internet marketing affiliate toolbar. It’s really cool—5,000 people a month are actively using it.

So people will put their name and email in there, then I’ll say, “Hey, by the way, if you like this toolbar, why don’t you buy this thing? And
the thing could be just $47 or $297,” or something like that. Of course, the goal is to say, “Well, if you like that, we’re also going to give you a site. Do you want us to build your site for you? That’s $1,200,” or whatever it may be.

Right now, we’re testing this on one of my addiction websites, where we talk about alcohol addiction. We want to get visitors to opt-in, then we want them to join a monthly thing, and then of course we want them to graduate through things like personal coaching and other things like that. You see this everywhere, and it’s used everywhere.

Everything is Connected
Remember that all of these things can be kind of the same thing. They’re all examples of landing pages, and they’re all examples of squeeze pages. And if you build them correctly, they can be a marketing funnel for you. You can use all kinds of these things, and you can use variations of them. You have to find out what works for your market.

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