How To Search The Web – Google Tricks

Hey guys it’s Marcus here and today what I’d like to do, since over the past few years all we’ve talked about is how other people search the web and how to monetize it – what I’d like to do is – I’d like to take a few steps back and ask YOU if you really know how to search the web to find the things that you want because chances are no one really sat down and told you – you just kind of fiddled around with Google.

So what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna teach you several different ways to search the internet for content for your site for calculators, for different research topics, and all kinds of different things that will help you get the information you need so that you can help others as well and make profit in the process.

  1. Now what we want to do first and foremost is decide why we want to search the web and what we’re looking for are we looking for a research topic. Video and audio or what is it we’re looking for recently what I do is I take little walks and listen to audios that I record from the internet or listen to from the internet or whatever you want to call it and what I’ll do is I’ll type something like the person’s name and mp3 searching for an mp3 file. So if I was to do something like let’s say we used a pastor’s name like Joel Osteen mp3or something like that okay you’re going to find that what’s going to happen is it’s going to show you all the different podcasts and things like that where you can listen to these people’s stuff.

Or you can even do something like King James Version Bible mp3 right and you can find different things like that another thing you can do is King James Bible PDF if you want to find a document or a PDF or something like that right and here we have the full PDF version of the of the Bible we have all kinds of different things so when searching the web you want to use lots of different things to actually find what you’re looking for and also find things for your visitors as well.

  1. One of the pages that I use is the Google search features page. I’m going to put a link to this below the video with different examples and things like that so that you guys can use it. Now, what this shows us is that there’s different ways to search the web so like I’ll search ‘Weather San Francisco’ – and voila! Now we have the weather in San Francisco!

  1. Not what’s the big secret here? Well what we want to show you is that the way that Google works is all based on search query okay that basically means that you have this big long string of info now when you look at this long string of info which looks really confusing to a lot of people you’ll notice several different thing:
  • One, you’ll see Q =  weather + San + Francisco + CA which basically is this here.
  • So if I was to change this to let’s say Los Angeles what’s gonna happen is  we’ll have the weather for Los Angeles all by just changing this.
  • You can also change the query if you want to search for Chinese food – simply replace the same keywords with ‘Chinese food’ and Chinese food will pop up from California.

Now what does this mean for you? how does this help? ”Marcus you’re kind of confusing me.” Right? Well that’s okay we’re gonna get into the nitty-gritty here:

  1. First and foremost, what I want you to realize is you can find information on any topic – very very good informationby using the string PDF so if I was to go in and say let’s say critical thinking PDF and we hit Search look at all these PDFs that I could read about critical thinking right so I can read some of this stuff and find out exactly what’s going on summarize it link to it or use it in my site to actually give information.
  2. Let’s say that we have a site about hospital medical scam. We have this site and we say “Man, we haven’t written content on this site. I’d like to find some content for this site.” We can go in and search something like ‘how to read hospital bill PDF’, and what we’re going to find so we have like understanding your hospital bill why medical bills are killing us how to read your hospital no to negotiating right so we have all this information here and we could go in and read all of these PDFs and kind of gather information about how to read the hospital bill.

  1. Now another thing we can do is we can send this to outsourcers or we could simply put links on our site let’s say we have a site about perhaps romantic ideas right we could do something like romantic ideas dot PDF. We have here’s a free bonus version of romantic ideas we have let’s see here 10 romantic ideas for Valentine’s Day romantic ideas for the month right in anything with the PDF in front of it is actually a PDF that we could use right here’s some red hot romance ideas and of course we don’t want to like plagiarize this stuff if you do want to share it with your visitors you could put it on your blog and say ‘Hey I found this really cool thing for you right just make sure you end them to your blog.’very simple.
  2. Or you could go through and gather information from all these sources and kind of summarize it on your own and use these as references right that’s basically how the internet works. If we’re going to look at scientific papers – let’s say “Emotion in psychology PDF”. What you can see down below this PDF is references. The internet works just like these references. One of the sources talks about Cognitive Neurosciences and uses this as the top of the search engine.

  1. Now another thing to do is to utilize some of the things that I’ve put on this page now obviously I’m making the video so it’s not right here but it will be right here right one of the things that I did is I actually made it easy for you and showed you or have have put here for you the different things that I use right here’s the PDF one you just put your content like if you put ten ways to play golf or whatever write it find content BAMit’s gonna search for it automatically using Google.
  2. Now another thing you can do is resell rights let’s say you want to find a book that you could sell or give away on your site right all you do is you go save your marriage resell rights now what we have is all these different things like ‘save your marriage’book nine dollars for the book and you get to sell it and keep everything right lots of good stuff for you to use
  3. Another thing that I use all the time is calculators right if I do calculators let’s say I have a site about ‘pay off mortgage’find calculators what’s gonna happen is it’s now going to show you the spreadsheets for the calculators right and you can edit these like this one here I can edit right in Microsoft Excel and you can edit these like this one here I can edit right in Microsoft Excel right all I got to do is save it edit it make it cool put it on my site. Really easy.

  1. Again, don’t plagiarize. Use this stuff to learn from and use it to kind of make your own way because as you make your own way you could lead to cool affiliate programs that are gonna help your visitor get the result that they want very very important which brings us to our next one which is affiliate programs a lot of people say Marcus I don’t know how to find affiliate programs for my market ok well let’s take a look let’s say we are in the tattoo market all we do is type in tattoo and it searches for us automatically using Google here’s a tattoo affiliate program here’s a Clickbank tattoo affiliate program.

 I’m going to do is I’m going to go ahead and put the search features link below this video so you can see all those and use them to learn how to search and I’m also going to have these little boxes on the side of this video so that you can play around with them and learn how to make the search engine give you what you want!

 What I’m gonna do in the next video is I’m going to show you how to utilize these in a

different way to where you can actually have people search and make money in the

process but for right now what I want you to do is I want you to spend some

time getting to know Google in a new way!