How to Make Money on Fiverr + Important Marketing Lesson


Back in my day, we had to work all day to get us five dollars. We didn’t have that fancy internet stuff like you, young people have. I had to work all day in the sweating sun to earn myself five bucks but Marcus is gonna show you how to make five dollars in about 15 seconds. Stay tuned! 

Hey guys! It’s Marcus here and welcome back to the channel here at Affiliate Marketing Dude.

If you’re new and you like learning about how to make money online with affiliate marketing and making money and everything like that, make sure that you click the subscribe button and hit the little bell notification icon. That’s where you get my latest videos and you can attend our live streams here every week.

Good stuff! Don’t want to miss it! But now I want to dive in and show you a cool tactic that I was kind of discovering last night. That really has a really good marketing lesson attached to it.

So first, I want you to look at the fact that there are lots of tools in the simple sites course.

In your simple sites big profits course, if you have that, you’re gonna get a tool section like this. You’ll get all my tools which isn’t awesome!

Also what you’re gonna notice is that the things that I teach you on this channel and in the tools and in the courses that I have are skills and those skills once learned are valuable skills. I’m gonna show you how that works right here.

First of all, the other day I was looking for someone to create a bunch of buttons for me. A bunch of little buttons like search buttons and Buy Now buttons and everything like that for our new plugins to give you guys some options to have on your site. While I was looking for that, I was out there and I was searching for stuff like web button like this.

It’s going to fiber because fiber is where you can get little things created and stuff like that. You can outsource things really easily. So I was going through and I was looking at guys like this that have little buttons and buttons here but even more buttons.

As I was going through, I noticed something come up that’s a really really important that I found here. Let’s see if it shows up here. It was actually under PayPal buttons.

 If we go through and we type in PayPal button, watch what happens. What happens is we get people that are willing to create PayPal buttons for like $5 which is cool.

The whole idea of this video is how do you make five dollars over and over and over again in a really easy way in about 15 seconds and I’m gonna show you that.

Here we go!

These people are actually creating PayPal buttons for five dollars or 10. I’ll help you make a PayPal button. They’ll help you integrate a PayPal button. Lots of people are looking this up and I want you to pay close attention because you’re about to get an aha moment now. A lot of people are looking it up. We got PayPal button. People on the Google AdWords tool every month are searching for it. PayPal donate button. 9900 people every month searching for it. Look at your competition. It’s pretty much like not even there.

Create a PayPal button, PayPal code, PayPal Buy Now button, PayPal payment link button, PayPal donation.

Tons and tons of people. There’s thousands of people looking up PayPal buttons.

Now let me let you in on a little secret.

The secret is that no one wants a PayPal button.

What they want is sales and donations. They don’t want the button. The button is a vehicle to get them sales and donations but what they really want is the sales. They want the money. They want to get the donation, get the payment. That’s what they want in the real world. So I got a look at that. That’s what we call intent-based marketing.

What’s the intent behind someone searching for a PayPal button? Well they want to make sales. Keep that in the mind.

Lots of people looking this up. It’s a huge niche. Lots of stuff. Lots of things going on here. Here’s even PayPal Buy button code if you want like a longtail keyword or something like that. Now on Fiverr, these servicers are being sold. People are selling these every day. You can go there. You can order it. Now let me show you something really cool in the tools that we have in this that I teach you. We have a PayPal button generator so if you want to make $5, if you’re like Marcus I’m totally broke, I don’t have two nickels to scrub together. I don’t got nothing teach me to make money.

What you could do is you could actually go through and use the tool in your simple sights course. You don’t have to buy the course. I’ll actually provide it for you free in the link in the description. So you can use this tool. You can go to Fiverr. You can sell PayPal buttons all day long till your heart’s content and you can do it free.

All I ask is that hey when it works out, good for you. Come buy my stuff so you can learn to make even more fair enough. Check it out! We have this button called create a Buy button and let’s see where it’s at. I got a lot of tools in there which waits for a lot of stuff. You could do this with tons of things, not just PayPal buttons.

Now we got a Buy Now button creator.

We choose our payment processor.

We choose PayPal.

Because they want a PayPal button, we choose the button we want.

I personally like this Add to Cart button but you can use whatever you want or you can make a custom one for your $5 guy or whatever. You put your item number in. You ask your client what’s the item number. Well it’s what’s the item name. Well it’s PayPal button ebook or whatever it is. Whatever your client says you put your price. What’s the price of

  1. Then you put your paypal email, whatever your clients email is. There we go.

Now you copy this code. This is the code that they are looking for. That’s it! That’s the code they’re looking for.

So now they could take this code. They can go to their page. So let’s say we wanted to put it on the home page of affiliate marketing dude. We just click Edit. They would put their code in whichever type of website software they use. We go to the text and then we put our code below the form like that. We hit update and boom we got a fancy handy-dandy PayPal button like this.

Something you can start away. It’s so simple. It’s not even funny so really cool.

Now there’s little lessons that you can learn.  The takeaways from this is, number one you can make money on the internet really easy.

What is fiber? Fiver is a place to get traffic. What is creating PayPal buttons, that’s your offer.  Really simple. It’s same kind of things I teach you with affiliate marketing but I thought you might get it in a different way. If you see it in like hey this is a service oriented thing. Here’s what you’re creating. Here you go.

You can even make a website about how to create PayPal buttons or you can sell PayPal buttons or whatever. Now here’s where the cool part comes in when you create your PayPal button and you deliver it to someone. You can actually include like a little guide on how to use it and then on the guide you say, hey by the way, if you want to learn how to increase your sales or increase your donations, go to this website or whatever and it could be an affiliate offer. It could be your own offer whatever because the fortune is in the follow up which is really cool.

I hope this made sense to you because it’s a basic way to see, hey this is what people want, they’re buying it. Now here’s a skill that you can create in 15 seconds. You’re off to the races! Super easy. Super fun! Use it with your affiliate marketing. Use it with your niches and hey if you’re short on funds, go set up a fiber account. So PayPal buttons all day or whatever you want to do.

Again, the link to the tool is in the description. There’s also a link in the description that will take you to my guide on how to get started with these things which is really cool. You can see that over at when you get the tool bar and everything like that.

So as you can see, big niche. As you can see, people paying now and as you can see it’s really easy. All you got to do is learn the skill and you can learn tons of skills and make lots of money doing very simple tasks online.

People do it every single day so I hope you enjoyed this video and got a little aha moment about how affiliate marketing, internet marketing and selling stuff online works.