How To Make $1,000 A Month FAST With Affiliate Marketing

What I Would Do If I Had To
Generate $1,000 A Month
Within 30 Days

Part One: Breaking Down The Numbers

a. what is your niche and how fast can you get traffic
b. what is the best offer and commission payout
c. how many clicks will it take to get a conversion (that is your focus)

$0.10 per click = 10,000 visitors per month or 300 per day

$0.25 per click = 4,000 visitors per month or 133 per day

$0.50 per click = 2,000 visitors per month or 67 per day

$1 per click = 1,000 visitors per month or 30 per day

$3 per click = 333 visitors per month or 11 per day

NOTE: higher front end traffic has been about $10 per click (this isn’t even including long term mailing list profits)

It All Depends On What You Are Selling…

Lower Payout / Conversion = More Traffic

Higher Payout / Conversion = Less Traffic

How Many Little Clicks Are You Letting Stop You From Reaching Your Goals???

Part Two: Start A Simple Opt In / Sale Blog (

a. get a good targeted domain name
b. focus on your traffic method
c. create your HARD HITTING Sales Message
d. build your site / blog flow

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Overview Of The Sales Funnel And Direct Marketing (don’t pussyfoot when it comes to asking for sale / lead)

Right Now There Are People With Half Ass Sales Skills Getting Traffic And Making Sales On Social Media – Why Not You???

Part Three: Build Your Content / Offer Pitches / Giveaways

a. what is your target markets / needs / desires / wants
b. find other offers and flipper markets
c. set up mailing list follow up messages 5-10 with blog posts
d. add direct calls to action on ALL pieces of content
e. differentiate traffic content / sales content

Use Tools Found In /

Part Four: Start AGGRESSIVELY Getting Traffic (ethically and non spammy)

a. email
b. banner
c. contextual
d. search
e. web
f.  social
g. mobile
h. incentive
i.  banner
j.  native
k. video
l.  forums

Go To For A Printable Version Of This Task List
(go to for tutorials on how to do each one)

Part Five: Run Traffic And Analyze

a. how many impressions
b. how many clicks
c. how many opt ins
d. how many sales
e. where can you improve

Part Six: Bonus Fast Profit Tips

a. solo ads / direct banners
b. direct email questions and answers
c. live chat and or phone number
d. run webinars and trainings

Part Seven: Creating More Content And Giveaways

a. find new angles and new niche keywords (who else wants it)
b. repurpose and syndicate your content
c. create little giveaways and reports

Part Eight: Cash Your Checks And Grow!

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