How To Generate Leads With Online Video And YouTube

How to Generate Leads with Online Video and YouTube — affiliatemarketingmc at 

Today I’m going to show you how to generate leads with your videos. Whether you’re a real estate agent, an online marketer, an affiliate marketer, or whatever you’re trying to do, you’ll learn how to get people from your video over to your site.

The name of the game here is leads. Leads are the key to making money. If you can get a bunch of people in a database and email them whenever you want, then you can basically print money on demand.

Imagine right now if you could generate 3,000 clicks to anything you wanted, or even 100 clicks to anything you wanted. Wouldn’t that make a difference to your bottom line and to your business? Of course it would. So let’s talk about how to get leads from online video. You do this in four steps.

1. Know your target audience. When you’re trying to get leads from online video, the first thing you need to notice is who you’re talking to. Where are they coming from?

If you have a video on how to generate more leads for real estate, or you have a video on how to play guitar riffs, or a video on a specific book, or something like that, you need to know your target audience.

2. Create helpful content. Once you know your target audience, you want to create helpful content, no matter what it’s about.

If you’re making a video about how to play guitar riffs from a band tool, then you would show your audience how to play that one little riff. That’s your helpful content. If you’re showing them how to sell their house, or how to make more videos on YouTube, you’d make a little video about how to create a video or something like that.

You want to give them a little bit of teaser content that gives them value. Helpful equals value, so we want to provide value to the market in our video. This could be in the form of a one-minute video, a 30-second video, or a one-hour video. Whatever it is, you want to generate more leads. The shorter the video, usually the better. But of course, if someone opts into your mailing list after watching an hour-long video, they’re probably going to buy something, right? They’re pretty committed.

3. Lead them to offers based on content. Now, this is very important. When you’re doing this on YouTube or any other video platform, you want to get them away from YouTube and to your site. The best way to do this is with something they can’t receive on YouTube anyway. They could go watch another video on YouTube—there’s hundreds of billions of videos they can go watch. The fact that they’re watching yours is kind of a big deal in and of itself.

If you’re making a video about guitar riffs, then you can tell people, “Hey check it out. Here’s this cool guitar riff.” Then at the end of your video, you say, “Go to (or whatever it is) to download this riff in PDF.” Very important. When you use the word “download”, it’s like a magic word that triggers something in people’s brain. Whenever I use the word “download” in my email copy, the open rate goes through the roof, and so does the click rate. More opens, more clicks, more money for me.

Opting In

Now, when visitors get to your site, you want to get them to stay with you. You can do this in a number of ways. What I like to use is a custom plugin that I created called Squeeze Blogs Pro.

This is a little plugin that allows you to take your WordPress site and put a little opt-in box on it, on the sidebars and whatever pages and posts you want. So you can put your video on your page, and then the plugin puts the name and email boxes on the page, too.

Visitors fill in the name and email boxes, and then they go to your thank you page. They become a subscriber, and now you can email them. It’s very easy to do. The Squeeze Blogs Pro plugin allows you to maintain your regular blog content. And it works perfect with YouTube advertising, because you can change the opt-in box based on the video content. You can have all kinds of elements wherever you want them.

I’ve used this to generate hundreds of thousands of leads and make millions of dollars in marketing money, because of the fact that I’m doing this in a really cool way. Just helping people out.

For example, I have a lot of book reviews on my YouTube channel. I have all these videos, and I say, “If you like this video, go to my site to download the mp3, so you can listen to it in your car, on your iPad, on your iPod, when you’re working out, on your phone, whatever. Download the mp3 of this and watch my other book reviews.” Boom. Now I’m generating a list and I can market to them.

This, my friends, is how to get leads from online video in a really simple way. You don’t want to just say, “subscribe” or “opt-in to my newsletter.” Those are weak. They don’t give the person a reason. You have to give them a reason to opt in. Then, when they opt in, give them tons of killer content and sell lots of stuff.

For example, I could take everyone that downloads the mp3s of my videos, and I could sell them a video mp3 converter to do the same thing with other videos. I could get them into a free trial subscription to Audible. I could sell them content, make a membership club, whatever I like.

The sky is the limit. It doesn’t matter what niche you’re in. Just focus on 1) who they are and what they want, 2) creating helpful content and adding value, and 3) leading them to the offer based on your content.

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