how to become a reseller – super low risk method

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Here Is My Domain Haul Full Reseller List

Domain Name Sold At $5 * $5 * $5 * $5 * $5 *… $50 * (12 Bids) $105 * (22 Bids) $305 * (31 Bids) $125 * (11 Bids) $116 * (8 Bids) $160 * (12 Bids) $102 * (18 Bids) $36 * (7 Bids) $123 * (24 Bids) $124 * (27 Bids) $425 * (41 Bids) $205 * (10 Bids) $68 * (13 Bids) $205 * (38 Bids) $55 * (11 Bids) $199 * (42 Bids) $165 * (36 Bids) $120 * (1 Bid) $50 * $11 * $11 * $40 * $100 * (20 Bids) $12 * (1 Bid) $12 * (1 Bid) $30 * $455 * (20 Bids) $12 * (1 Bid) $20 * (3 Bids) $445 * (38 Bids) $378 * (44 Bids) $5 * $5 * $11 * $30 * $50 * $40 * $234 * (11 Bids) $5 * $1,025 * (96 Bids) $255 * (35 Bids) $585 * (60 Bids) $50 * $405 * (32 Bids) $309 * (26 Bids) $209 * (36 Bids) $150 * (30 Bids) $95 * (19 Bids) $95 * (18 Bids) $95 * (24 Bids) $289 * (40 Bids) $179 * (9 Bids) $37 * (5 Bids)
fountainhillswindowcoverings.c… $200 * (11 Bids) $80 * (16 Bids) $476 * (68 Bids) $148 * (9 Bids) $109 * (16 Bids) $327 * (18 Bids) $100 * (20 Bids) $146 * (15 Bids) $12 * (1 Bid) $274 * (57 Bids) $282 * (26 Bids) $25 * (5 Bids) $285 * (58 Bids) $95 * (18 Bids) $20 * (3 Bids) $383 * (16 Bids) $489 * (102 Bids) $490 * (98 Bids) $150 * (1 Bid) $99 * (18 Bids) $279 * (29 Bids) $215 * (29 Bids) $50 * (9 Bids) $135 * (19 Bids) $95 * (19 Bids) $12 * (1 Bid) $100 * (18 Bids) $167 * (34 Bids) $190 * (39 Bids) $135 * (26 Bids) $216 * (15 Bids) $97 * (22 Bids) $203 * (26 Bids) $185 * (6 Bids) $135 * (23 Bids)

A lot of videos out there are showing people going to Walmart, Target, Goodwill, and other places to find products cheap and resell them online, and these are known as product hauls. But today, I’m going to show you something a little different, something I’ve been using for years to make money without having to have a bunch of product, a bunch of risks, or even spending a bunch of money. That’s right. In my product haul, I’m going to reveal some products that I bought for as little as $8 that sold for over seven grand. So buckle up. This is going to be a fun ride.

Come on. Let’s go to work. This spreadsheet contains 94 domains that I bought over the last two months, totaling a spend of $14,851, meaning I spent on average $158 per name. And the main thing I need to figure out is what I have to do to get my $158 per domain back as a whole on this entire haul or lot. And it’s very important that we look at this as a whole, because I don’t want to take each individual domain and say, “I need to get 158 on this,” because that’s not exactly how it works. And using that mindset, I could be missing out on the big sales like I talked about earlier. So I need to look at this and say, “What are the odds that I could sell all these and get $15,000 or more, so that I could be in profit?” And with that in mind, what we’re going to do is we’re going to value the domains two separate ways.

The first way we’re going to value the name is name alone. What is the actual domain name worth alone? If I have, what is it actually worth to a buyer, based on what other people are buying? The second way we are going to value these domains is based on previous rankings. We’re going to look at domains that ranked in Google, that have search engine rankings, that have traffic and everything like that, and we’re going to value them based on that. These are two criterias I look at, and what I want to do is have the lowest success chance of getting my $150 back per domain as possible. I want to make this so easy that I could liquidate these at any time and get my cash back. That’s very important, because when you’re running a business, you need to have cash positive. We can’t go in the negative, because then we can’t buy anything that we can sell anymore.

We’re kind of stuck. And when we’re stuck, we’re out of business. This is why businesses fail. So what I want to do is I want to say, “Okay, based on the name alone, can I get 150? Based on the rank alone, can I get 150 or more?” And then I want to have what’s called a back-out plan. What is a back-out plan that I can use if I’m sitting around with a bunch of domains? Let’s say, for example, on this list, I only sell 10 of the domains, and I’m stuck with 84 domains that nobody’s really knocking down the door to get to. What am I going to do in that case? And we’re going to talk to you about that back-out plan in just a little bit, but first, let’s take a look at these names and look at what they’re worth based on the name alone. And in order to do that, we’re going to use the GoDaddy appraisal tool.

Now, I want you to remember that you want to use the GoDaddy appraisal tool with a grain of salt, because it’s not an exact amount saying, “Hey, this is exactly what someone’s going to buy your domain for.” It’s more of a rule of thumb. So instead of just paying attention to this estimated value over here, take a look at the other domains and see if they’re related to what your domain’s about. And then kind of do some critical thinking, and think about what would this domain be used for, who’s going to use it, why would they use it, and everything like that. So in this example, I can see, which could either be an alcohol business or a volleyball business, right? So either or could work. We could actually use other tools like the Ahrefs keyword tool to see what used to be on this domain name.

And again, if you don’t have the Ahrefs keyword tool, you can use the free tool over at Wayback Machine. You can use the HOTH free tool, which we’ll talk about in just a minute. But here on Spike it Hard, we could see that it was about volleyball, and it actually does have some current rankings. So it’s looking pretty cool. It is a volleyball-related site, which is really good. I can go out there and I can use that. Now, we can see over here that there are some related domains with easy, hard, down, stuff like that. We can also see down here spark it forward, punch it out, very similar-type domains that are going for this amount here, anywhere from 300 up to 1,700, $1,800, which is pretty cool.

So I’m looking at this one. I’m like, “Okay, this looks pretty good. Can I get 1,000 bucks?” I don’t know, maybe. Let’s try something like spike, and we’ll use the word volleyball, or something like that. That way we get domains that sold with the word volleyball in them, and see what those went for. So we got spike volley, which went for $900. Viper soccer, slime soccer. Down here, we have baseball. Play volleyball went for $3,000, so this one’s looking pretty good. I think Spike it Hard could get some good money. We could see that went for 25,000. Actually, more than 25,000. And then down here, we can kind of see what’s going on and see what stuff is selling. We could even just put some random characters and see if they show different volleyball stuff, or whatever it is, and see what’s being sold. Super volleyball, that went for 2,100. So we’re looking pretty good here.

We got better volleyball, $1,200. So I’m thinking here my low-self-esteem chance is probably going to be… I know I could get $100 for this. I could probably get three to 500, maybe even more. So I’m thinking this is probably a good buy, since I bought this one for just $5. Pretty cool, right? And I’ll show you how I find these and how I sell them in just a minute. Next, let’s go ahead and take a look at HVAC on time. Now, I bought this domain because I know that HVAC gets lots of money. If we were to type HVAC into the GoDaddy tool, you’re going to see that this stuff goes crazy. HVAC outsource, 2,200. HVAC now, 2,200. HVAC direct, almost $5,000. Down here, HV locator, HVAC review, sizing, all different times of stuff here. Also, check this out. On time HVAC, HVAC on time, that’s pretty darn close, and that one went for almost $3,000, which is pretty cool.

So we can take a look at this and be like, “Hey, yeah. The odds of getting 500 to $1,000 on this I think are pretty solid. I could probably get more than that, but just for grits and giggles, let’s go ahead and type in and see what comes up., more than 25,000. Dot net, 2,500. HVAC pro, 1,200. We could see down here all different variations that are going for lots of money. We can also do something like best HVAC, see what comes up for that, because this is going to show us what the HVAC domains are going for. So I could see that this one is a pretty solid buy here, considering the fact that I paid a whopping $12. If you think that was a good deal, let me know in the comments below. Here’s an interesting one, where GoDaddy actually says it’s worth like $1,900.

So let’s take a look at this. The issue probably is around the idea of cash, which is driving this number through the roof, so let’s go ahead and just double check and make sure if it has any rankings or anything like that. Because sometimes, if they have rankings, they are worth a lot more money in a different marketplace. But right now, we see there are no rankings, so this is solely based on the domain So we have, $2,000. Buzz cash, 1,700. Chat cash, 4,200. And notice how I’m paying attention at these numbers, because this is actually what sold. These are the ones that actually sold with the word cash and date and flirt, and stuff like that. So let’s try flirt pros, or something like that. Let’s see if we could trigger flirt ones and see what comes up. Flirt expert, 288. Date genie, almost 1,300 bucks there.

Flirt pros, actually that one is on sale for 1,700. We also have chat experts, flirt guide, flirt star, 1,300. I can do flirting, see that that one’s at $22,000.,, dating. So there’s quite a few good ones here that we can see. So I think I could probably sell this if I find someone who’s interested in teaching people how to make money on chat sites, or flirting, or whatever it is. Pretty cool stuff, pretty easy. I think 1,900 is a little bit of a stretch, but I could probably get $300 no problem. Now, I could get 1,900 if I follow the directions towards the end of this video. Keep an eye out for that. But I think all in all, I’m doing pretty good, considering I only paid $20 for that domain name. Now let’s go ahead and get into some of the domains that actually have domain value and linking value, because these are ones where it’s kind of a no-brainer to buy, as long as I can get them cheap enough and they make sense.

This first one here,, I really liked. Now, GoDaddy says it’s only worth about 542, but I’m going to show you how I can take this domain and turn it into a multiple-thousand-dollar site and make money on my own, or even sell it for thousands and thousands of dollars. So we need to take a look here and see what’s going on. First of all, went for almost $1,800, so that’s kind of cool. We also have some down here, military college. We got American flags, diamonds, all kinds of stuff here. We could do… Let’s try military medals, see if that sparks some very similar stuff. Here we go., 5,000. Watches, 7,000. Clothes, 6,000. Merchandise, 900. Uniforms, posters… Okay, so this is looking pretty good. This stuff is selling.

So I think is a good buy. Now, I want to show you something that really, really piques my interest. If we were to take this domain and put it over here into the Ahrefs keyword tool, or even… If you can’t afford to do Ahrefs, check out the HOTH, and then go to the search engine rankings tool. So over at the HOTH, you can put this in here as well. Now, Ahrefs is going to show me the movements, which the HOTH doesn’t, but if you can’t afford to get an expensive tool, this’ll do. We could see here that this actually ranks right now for Russian WW2 medals, German medals, replica medals, and on and on we go. So we got lots and lots of rankings for this site, 32, and it just keeps going. Now, over on Ahrefs, I can see the same thing here: lots and lots of rankings, getting search results, getting traffic, everything like that.

Now, the reason I like this is because it’s in one tight-knit market. It’s all the people looking to buy replica medals to make a shadow box or something like that for their loved one, or a momentum, or a keepsake, or whatever it is. So these are very, very specific. They’re product-oriented. This is stuff that people want to buy. Now, the domain alone is probably worth 100, 300 bucks on its own, maybe even more if I find the right buyer. But these keyword rankings… If I build this site up and make this work in the search engines by just creating content about what it already ranked for, I can build this up and flip it as a website for thousands and thousands of dollars. If I just built it and flipped it… Let’s say I put a couple hundred dollars into it with content, did a little bit of legwork, made some money with AdSense. Later down the road, I could probably sell this for three to $5,000.

Now, if I want to build this up to be a big kahuna website, I can do that, and then later down the road sell it for 10, 20, maybe even $100,000, depending on how much it’s making per month. But again, remember the results are not typical, implied, or guaranteed. I’ve been doing this 20 years. This is a business. The average person makes nothing. If you understand this is a business and you start to look at this with a business mindset, I think everything’s going to start to change for you. So if you can see that this is a good value, if this is like, “Hey, this is pretty solid. It’s got rankings. It’s something we can sell. It’s got some value. It’s got some back links,” we’re looking pretty good. Now, let’s take a look at what I paid for this, because I think this will show you kind of my mindset of what I’m after. On this particular one, I paid a whopping 36 bucks.

Wait, what? Yep. I probably would’ve paid like 150, but hey, if I could take it for 36, I’m going to bag it. And I think that was a good haul. Now, here’s an interesting one: The reason I got this is because I know that there’s screen repair companies that pay lots of money for traffic, and this is very specialized. This is a domain that any screen repair business can use. It’s not like screen repair Montana. This is screen repair everywhere. So we could see rapid PC repair, 600. Cell phone screen repair, 1,500. Cell screen repair, 300. And down here, we have some other ones about screen repair going for like 2,000 bucks, 600 bucks, and on and on we go. Now what I’m going to do is remove the word rapid, and see what shows up for screen repair.

Screen repairs, 350. Actually, that’s a pretty good deal. I would’ve bought that at 350. Screen replacement went for over $9,000. Display repair… And then down here, we got some other stuff. Screen fix, 5,000. This is looking pretty good. I think is probably on point. I think if I waited it out, found the right buyer, I could easily get 1,000 bucks for that. Now let’s take a look and see if it has any extra, which would be rankings and keywords and back links and stuff like that. To check the rankings, we can again use the HOTH, right like this, or we could use our Ahrefs keyword tool. And this, my friends, is a doozy. We got screen repair Long Beach, screen repair near me, screen door repair near me, 4,600 searches a month. We were ranking number 47. Screen replacement near me, almost 8,000 searches a month.

We were ranking number 47 for that one as well. And on and on we go. Now, I could build this up to be a major screen repair site and get lots and lots of traffic. And if I go over here to OfferVault to find some affiliate offers, I could actually use this traffic and redirect them to this guy here that’s selling screen enclosures. He literally pays me two to $30 for a little 90-second phone call for someone interested in repairing their screen. We can also generate leads for handymen, or handyman, or however you say it. And these are paying the same amount, like two to $30 for a little phone call, and they can get their screen repaired. We can also sell them… We can also put ads on our site and get paid when people click. We can put affiliate offers for screens, you name it.

The sky is the limit. This one is a doozy. And of course, if I want to just do this quick, I can turn around and flip this like that. So $1,200 is what GoDaddy’s saying. The rankings are pretty solid. I can build this up. I can flip it. This one is pretty solid. And this one I got for a whopping 234. And my big question as a domain buyer, website builder, and seller is: How hard is it going to be to get my 234 back? And in this case, ladies and gentlemen, I think it’s an absolute no-brainer. And just to show you a couple others here, we have, which I got for 12 bucks. I think that’s pretty solid in the prepper market. It didn’t have any rankings, but this is a popular domain, so I’m thinking I could probably turn that around for 300 bucks without doing anything.

I also got, which says it’s got an estimated value of 1,300 bucks. Smart prepper, cool neighbors. So smart prepper, that’s a pretty close resemblance there. Mine’s not as good as his, but I think it’s okay. And considering the fact that it used to rank for all kinds of different things related to survival, and prepper, and stuff like that, I think this was a no-brainer at $12. I also found, which… Usually I don’t buy a dot US, but I thought this one was pretty good. And it did have some rankings for reverse mortgages, and mortgages, and things like that, which… This traffic’s really hard to come by. And the fact that it was a dot US didn’t bother me, because it’s for US mortgages, which is fine. That’s okay. If it was a dot edu, that might not make sense. But again, if it had the rankings, I’d probably buy it anyway.

So, 30 bucks I think was an absolute steal. GoDaddy value says less than 100, but I know for a fact I can get a lot more than that, because it’s in the home mortgage stuff. went for 60 bucks, but I’m guessing that was probably a long time ago. at 15,000, this is looking pretty good. I think the odds of getting my 30 bucks back are pretty solid here. What do you think? Let me know in the comments below. I also found a good flashlight domain, which ranks for all kinds of stuff, a golf domain, vision boards. This one here ranked for all kinds of different Herbalife products. So I know that my investment of 50 bucks is safe, because all I need to do is go find a Herbalife person and sell this to them, and it’s pretty easy.

And we could see here actually is… It’s got to value of 169, but I think I could get a lot more than this considering the fact that it has rankings, and it’s a pretty short domain. Motor scooter world was pretty solid with a 1,000 dollars valuation, and lots of movements and rankings showing up for the scooter niche. was an absolute diamond in the rough, considering that it actually ranked for crystal hearts, crystal heart, and all kinds of other product-related keywords. And the value on that one’s 851. However, I know that building this up and selling it, it’s worth a heck of a lot more. Anniston septic was pretty solid at $95. This is a very specific term for a city for septic tank people, and these go for lots and lots of money. Again, a no-brainer., poker training,, which is a pretty solid domain.

Here it’s 1,400 bucks, but we could see easy lawn care, eco lawn care, these are going for quite a bit of money. Lots of other lawn care ones here as well. I think for 203, I could easily double my money on this one, probably even quadruple it. We have primally wild, which I think is good for a meat, ButcherBox kind of store. We got thrifty millionaire, luminary facts, and one of the more expensive ones I bought was Now this one here, we look at it and we’re like, “Hey, why would Marcus spend all this money? It doesn’t look like a safe investment. I mean, look. 100 bucks, 1,000 bucks? You spent 1,000 dollars on it?” Well, let me show you where the gold is here. Right here, if we go to our keyword tool, we can see that it actually ranks right now number six for chair workouts.

That, my friends, is why I bought this domain name. And building up this site and selling it, I could probably get five, 10,000, even more. If I spend my time, I can turn this into a site that makes a full-time living just in the chair workout niche. So again, use the GoDaddy tool, use your rank checker, and buy domains that make sense. Now, I’m going to show you a little hack which uses the Ahrefs tool, which will help you find domains like this. If you want to find domains that are like $5 all day long, buy them, and flip them for profit, listen up. What I’m going to do here is go to GoDaddy Domain Auctions. Then, I’m going to use this search box here and drop down to closeouts and bargain bin. Bargain bin is going to give me all the domains as low as $5.

Now, you can weed through these domains till you’re blue in the face trying to find good stuff, and you probably will find some good ones, but let me show you a tip if you’re looking for domains that have rankings. What I’m going to do is click the traffic button once, and then it’s going to organize them based on traffic. I’m going to take this entire list of domains, and I’m going to copy it right like this. Boom. Then, I’m going to take this list, go over to, click on domain extractor, put that big list of all that junk in like this, hit submit, and get a list of just the domain names. Then, I can go to the Ahrefs keyword tool, click on more, then batch analysis, put the entire list in right like this, hit analyze, then sort them by keywords, and this is going to show me the ones with the rankings in Google.

We could see here Take a look at that. It’s going to show us what it ranked for. It looks like a bunch of junk here, nothing I can really use. Here’s one, eagle survival mart. Again, prepper, survival, this stuff sells like crazy all the time, and we can see it actually does rank for different survival terms. They’re not great rankings, but this is something I can build and sell. And since this one’s only five bucks, I think it’s probably a good deal. Then, we just rinse and repeat, go through the list, and find exactly what we want. Now, sometimes I will buy one if it has a good name without rankings, or a bad name with rankings. It just all depends on what I plan on doing with the site and if I think I can sell it. But using this $5 tip, you’re going to be able to find domains at a fraction of the cost, and you might find some zingers in there too.

Another little tip is to type something in that resembles an expensive market. I could go in and type in septic, and see all the domains that have the word septic in them. We could see South Florida septic tank, antiseptic now, South Florida septic. That one’s only five bucks. Septic tank marketing, septic and pump, off-grid septic, only 11 bucks. And then of course, we can go through these and see what they rank for, if anything, and see if they’re worth buying and flipping. And when it comes to selling these names, there’s three major ways that I do this. One, I can go to a site like GoDaddy Auctions, Sedo auctions, or any other domain auction site, and I can auction the name off, hoping to get more than I paid for it.

Now remember, auctions don’t always have your perfect customer. For example, when I bought Anniston septic, I only paid $95, meaning that was the price at the time on the auction. However, I know that lots of people each and every month are looking stuff up like Anniston septic. So I could literally go to some of these businesses and say, “Hey, look. You’re paying for ads for the word Anniston septic, and I actually rank number three right here. Would you like to buy my domain?” And oftentimes, they’re going to say yes. And I would venture to say if I was to do this to the right customer, I could probably get between 1,500 and $4,000 for this domain. And that’s method number two: outreach to the people that would possibly want the name. Method number three is to build your own domain site. You guys can see over at I have my own site where I sell domains.

Right here, you can buy the replica military one, best of monitor, and I get sales all the time. Now, it’s very important that when you build a site like this, you actually redirect the domains you bought to the sales page. For example, I just got a bite on this domain, where someone wants to buy The offer started at $500, so I know I’m going to get more than 500 bucks. And between you, me, and the wall, I only paid $8 for that. So what I did… When I bought the domain, I went ahead and redirected it to the page where they can buy it. And the cool thing about this is you don’t need web hosting or any fancy website. Whoever you bought the domain with has a little box, and you could send them pretty much wherever you want, and it literally takes a couple of seconds.

And the key here is to remember to be very smart with how you buy these. Make certain that whatever you think you’re going to get is more than what you’re going to pay. And as a rule of thumb, what I like to do is take whatever I think I’m going to get, divide it by three, and then act as if that’s the real number. That way, I’m insulating myself from lots of risk, unless of course I find a zinger. And oftentimes, I do find zingers. And as you can see, they’re not that expensive. So all in all, for just under $15,000, I got 94 domains. Several of them already sold, some on their own, some with websites attached. I’ve already made my money back, and I still got like 80 of them left. So if you think this is a solid business model, check out the videos in the description that are going to teach you even more about how to make money with domain names. Thanks for watching. Subscribe, smash the like button, and I’ll see you next time.