How Much Money Will An Affiliate Niche Sites Earn – Estimate Average Niche Site Earnings…

Hey guys, Marcus here from


You might be asking “Marcus, how do I know what a site’s gonna make?”

Disclaimer: You’ll only know how your site works when you start testing it!

I’ll be teaching you on how to narrow in on your niche!

EPC – It’s an abbreviation for Earnings Per Click. YOU NEED TO BE OBSESSED WITH THIS.  

Essentially, what EPC means is how much you can expect based on each click. With the EPC, you can foresee how many clicks that you would need to get in order to pay for your month expenditure.

For example:

For your monthly bills you’ll need $1000 a month.  If each click will earn you at least 0.30$, then you’ll need 3000 clicks in order to pay for that $1000 monthly payment.

Pretty simple and easy!

Next, we’re going to determine what’s the value of your niche!

You have you ask yourself: Who do you want to learn from?

Here’s some tips on what you can do to understand your niche:

  1. POTENTIAL– You want to focus on how much you will be able to earn in the niche. If you know if that niche has a good potential on earning more than a different niche. Then you should take that!
  2. FIND OR MAKE YOUR RESOURCES – Once you have found a certain niche, you need to reel traffic in through a series of products and as well as different resources. Ask yourself if there are videos, PDFs, applications, toolbars, photos, and other products and resources that are related to your niche.
  3. SEARCH FOR CONNECTIONS – With that niche that you’re striving for, you can search the web if there are people who have been selling or advertising these products in the websites. Generate your leads! 

What if you’re getting traffic but you’re not getting any sales?

No worries! We’ll hash that out for you.

We’re going to make you a map that you can use that will guide you the process of gaining sales.

I made an excel calculator that you can download that will help you when it comes to knowing how much you’ll earn from a certain product.

  1. Let’s say that you’re selling a product (for this part, we’re selling a 100$ drone). For each drone that you sold, you actually get 50$ for it.
  2. If you’re going to sell a 63$ product, on the high end, you’re going to earn 2$ a click. On the low end, you’ll earn 0.63$ a click.

If you’re really good, you can sell an item for 1 out of 30 clicks. If you’re new to the industry, you could get a purchase for 1 out of 100 clicks.

Sometimes, you can get around 10,000 clicks in a month, that means that you’re earning a potential of $6300

The best way to know the cost per click would be should be on your Google Ads.

We have to understand the value of traffic:

  1. Direct Hit Offer– If the individual offers a product for free and he gets paid for it. The direct hit offer is very accurate to the keywords.

Use buyer keywords!

Examples: “buy a cheap drone for under $100”

Note – A buyer keyword is going to convert higher the price.

However, there are some downsides to buyer keywords. EVERYONE buys buyer keywords. Because of this, the price goes sky-high. The conversion then starts to DROP.

REMEMBER – If something is easy, it gravitate towards break-even

2.) Pretty Damn Close Offer – The barrier of entry is low. Something like fill-out a form, put your zip code on the box.  

3.) Off The Beaten Path – An example of this would be if you are selling click funnels or a website-building software


Another way of value-ing your traffic is by simply looking at what people are paying for. Basically, what the price of the word is should tell you what their worth is!  

That’s all there is to it!

Narrow down your niche and make sure that you have an idea on what profits!


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