Go From Beginner to $1,000 a Month: Start an Opt in / Sale Blog

What would I do if my back was against the wall and I had to make $1,000 a month, each and every month within the next 30 days?


Well, today, I’m going to show you exactly what I would do, and walk you through everything so you know what you need to do.


Now, I got to tell you, this is a business. It takes some work. There’s some little tweaks that need to be made. Not every niche, not every customer, not every affiliate offer is the same.


What you can expect is real-world information on how I run my blogging business and how I’ve helped many other people do the same. I’ve helped lots of people get financially free over the years by learning this simple stuff.


I think if you follow along and you really dive in, you should be able to get some results.


Start a Simple Opt in / Sale Blog


Something you want to do is set up a simple opt in or sale blog.


You can learn how to set up a blog at www.GoHubSite.com. It will show you how to get hosting, set up a test site, and then build it out. It’s very cool.


Here are the steps you can take to create your simple blog.


Get a Good, Targeted Domain Name

The first step is to get a good, targeted domain name.


Make sure you’re getting a domain name that has something to do with your niche.


You just go get it, it’s very simple. I buy domains every single day for our high-ticket niche customers.


And if you say that all the good domains are taken, then you haven’t looked hard enough. There are always ones you can use.


Focus On Your Traffic Method


Before you build your site, you have to know your traffic method.


Why? You’re going to build a different site for paid traffic than you would for free traffic. You’re going to build a different site for social media than you would for YouTube.


I can teach you all of this stuff. If you want to learn it, you can go to www.SimpleSitesBonus.com and get my course. It walks you through everything in videos, and it even shows you how to determine what your best traffic method is.


And if you need help, we help you. Every Tuesday we have a call that you can join, if you’re in the Simple Sites course.


Create a Hard-Hitting Sales Message

Notice that I said “hard-hitting”. You don’t want to go out there and just waffle it. You want to sell.


If you want to make money, you have to ask the people to do what’s going to make you money. What do you want them to do that’s going to make you money? If you don’t ask, then you won’t get it.


Ask for the sale. Tell people where to sign up. Show them how to sign up.


Build Your Site / Blog Flow


Next, you have to build your site or blog flow.


What is a site or blog flow? It’s pretty much what it sounds like. It’s how your site flows.


Some people use things like ClickFunnels or Builderall to build their sites. Those are decent software, but they’re not magic. They’re just building platforms. If you want to use them, go ahead and do it.


As for me, I recommend using WordPress. We have plugins that do everything you need to do on WordPress.

Right now, I’m running a seven-figure business with WordPress and my plugins. That’s it. I don’t even use all 12 of my plugins, I just use 2 of them.


Here’s what this looks like.


You have your site. On page one, you want people to opt in. Your goal is to get them to put their name and email in the box, and click “submit.” When they click “submit”, they’ll go to the thank you page. On your thank you page, you want to have some offers.


Let’s say that you have a site about belly fat. People come to your site, and you tell them they’re going to get a free report on belly fat and how to lose belly fat. Maybe you have a video on your site telling people how they can get the free report (by opting in). You tell them that they’ll learn the top 10 tips to lose belly fat. Or maybe you just have an image on your site.


Either way, once people opt in, they’ll go to your thank you page.


On that page you can tell them thanks for joining, and they’ll get an email shortly that’s going to have the belly fat report. But for now, here are the top three things that help get rid of belly fat. (Here you can give affiliate offers.)


Then, behind your blog, you have all these blog posts. These will be emailed out with offers on them.


This is exactly what I do.


If you look at the main site for this business, it’s Affiliate Marketing Dude. You can see it at www.AffiliateMarketingDude.com. You’ll see the main page, where people can enter their name and email. On other pages, people can opt in as well. It’s basic. That’s what we’re doing.


You’ll also notice that I have other stuff that gets picked up in Google, stuff that I can mail out and send to people.


I have my ads and my content. It’s the same exact kind of blog as I’m tell you to make.


In my opinion, this works better than some kind of fancy funnel building software. Why? Because it ranks in Google. It’s easy. It’s fast. It’s adaptable. I like that.


I want to be able to change something at the drop of a hat. I want to be able to go in there and not log into some complicated software. I just want to be able to type a word, or put an image up, or put a video up, or whatever it may be.


WordPress makes it extremely easy. When you pair it with our plugins, it’s ridiculously simple and easy to do, if you really focus.


Once you build your site or blog flow, you’re going to want to build your mailing list. That will be the key to getting the numbers fast. You can use the tools that you find in the MarcusMentor.me program. And if you need help, you can join our Tuesday calls.


You can get our plugins, and a book, and a t-shirt, and all kinds of cool stuff at www.MarcusMentor.me.


To learn more, go to www.AffiliateMarketingDude.com.