Get Paid Writing Checklist – $124 A Day?

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today i am going to show you a really simple method to make as much as $124 a day or more by simply saving checklists and uploading them to websites to make money…

this is very simple so DO NOT overcomplicate it… just do it and you can get paid.

the basic idea is all around creating something of value that you can give away to a specific group of people and profit online.

first… let me show you the demand… then i will show you some ways to find lots of people who want your little checklists and where to upload them so you can get paid.

here is the amount of people searching for checklists every month…

wedding checklist 20,000
moving checklist 18,000
camping checklist 17,000
hospital bag checklist 10,000
first apartment checklist 6,000
house cleaning checklist 3,300
new puppy checklist 2,900

and there are thousands of others as well…

>> Join Marcus’ FULL Checklist Profits Class For Just $27

so lets say we want to use “moving checklist” we have to look at this and understand that there are literally 35 Million people who move in the USA each year alone…

so when we see 18,000 people a month looking this up… its actually a lot bigger market than it appears.

We also have to think bigger picture.
When people move… they have mortgages, and rent, and insurance, and moving trucks, and moving companies, and all kinds of things like new utilities you name it.

So we know that moving is pretty expensive… this is gonna be important for later where we talk about how are going to get paid… and get paid we will

So lets take a look at where we get paid then I will show you where to get these little checklists and what to do with them… seriously I can get these checklists for like $0.40 and make a ton with them… yes ladies and gentlemen… you may have to invest a whole 40 cents… but you can find them free too if you look hard enough.

so back to how we get paid…
Here on offervault we can see all kinds of offers that pay us when people fill out forms and stuff.
Right here is one where we get $8 when someone gets a free moving quote…

they simply put in where they are moving from and too and a phone number, email, and stuff like that and I get $8


There are other offers for just about any checklist you can imagine.

Now… where do we get these checklists…

First I can go to google and search “moving checklist” and I can see if there is anything that Is non copyright that I can use…

Or I can use a site like and look for little checklists with resell rights…

sometimes they give you like 500 for like $10 or something… I used to do this with legal forms all the time.

So here is a checklist for moving… I can open it in word like this or whatever editor I want.

Then… I take my link from the affiliate network I found on offervault… and I paste it on my document a few times like this… I can even say click here for a moving quote or something.

Slap a little affiliate disclaimer on it letting them know I am an affiliate (you can get this at where I have all kinds of tools for you) and bam… save it as a pdf

Now I have a pdf that is helpful for a group of people and will drive traffic to affiliate offers that make me money… simple.

I can upload this to sites like medium, forums, facebook groups about my topic, my own website, file sharing sites, and more.

When people get the checklist and click my affiliate links… I can get paid.

Now if you want to do this the right way I would highly suggest getting your own website and use that to track all your affiliate links… that way instead of some ugly bitly link or affiliate link I can say or something and that would be my link and I can even build a whole site around this with lots of checklists.

So there you have it… a simple way to make money online and you don’t even need a website to start… you could have tons of these little checklists out there making money for you day in and day out.

To get the checklists with the rights go to ill also put some other tools there about this method to get you started

>> Join Marcus’ FULL Checklist Profits Class For Just $27

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7 thoughts on “Get Paid Writing Checklist – $124 A Day?”

  1. I really don’t get you with the dots
    And I’m a beginner so I would prefer you make it simpler for me

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