Tutorial: Free WordPress Squeeze Page Plugin and List Building

Free WordPress Squeeze Page Plugin And List Building Tutorial — affiliatemarketingmc at Youtube.com

A lot of marketers rely on WordPress’s basic blog structure for their sites. They use themes, posts, pages, and ads, but they have no specific goal in mind. So they’re hoping that people will see their content, like it, and eventually join their newsletter, mailing list, or whatever it may be.  

But as direct response marketers, our goal is to get as many people as possible into our sales funnel. That’s the purpose of the pages of our blog. 

Today we’ll look at the basic structure of how a blog should look, using the lead squeeze page model to build out a marketing funnel. We want to structure our blog differently and take control of the way it looks.  


Anatomy of Your Blog: The Header, Menu, and Footer

Your blog will have some kind of theme. At the top of the blog, that theme will either have an image header or it won’t (usually without works better). If it has an image header, then under that you have the menu going across the page that shows the other pages on your site. Since the pages are the first thing your visitors are going to see, we want to make them look like links rather than buttons. These links should be related to your keywords, something your market may be interested in (and perhaps will click on). You should only have 3 – 5 pages maximum. 

“The pages on your blog have one specific task: To bond with your visitors and get them to opt in.” 

For example, if your market was “How to Lose Weight”, your links might say “Lose Weight”, “Exercise”, “Eating Right”, “Simple Workout Plan”, or something like that.

At the very bottom of the page is the footer. This is where you put your about, contact, copyright, disclaimers, and other types of information.


Anatomy of Your Blog: The Content

Like the links to your other pages, the content should be designed to get visitors to enter their information into your opt-in box (more on that soon). You take the content on your page and make it teaser content. The images and messages are enticing–if there’s a video next to the opt-in box, then in the video you can tell people to opt-in if they like what they saw. If there’s a post with images, then you can use arrows pointing to the opt-in box.


Anatomy of Your Blog: The Opt-in Box

Instead of the regular WordPress sidebar, we want to get people to join our mailing list. Unless they do that, we can’t market to them continuously—we just have to hope that they come back to our site, which doesn’t always happen. So, we have an opt-in box. This section contains teaser copy, bullet points of your offer, and name and email boxes which link to your autoresponder (the plugin we use does this with Aweber). 

One of the most important parts of this section is the bait. What’s the reason that someone will put in their name and email? If you simply tell your visitors to sign up for something, such as a newsletter, that doesn’t quite work unless you have a huge blog. And even then, the conversion rates are lower than the should be. So you want to focus on what you can offer them in exchange for their information.

If you don’t have strong opt-in bait, you can look at bait from your affiliate programs. A lot of times people skip over the benefits added in an affiliate program, but these can be very good bonuses for your list. The key is to borrow the juicy bait that these affiliate programs have. It can be some benefit of a product, or maybe a great video with a link. It doesn’t have to just be a free report, a re-sell rights product, or even something you own. It can, quite literally, be anything on the internet.

When you use these affiliate benefits as opt-in bait, you can boost your conversion rate on the offer by showing users how to get it. You want to start getting into the habit of doing the research for the people.


How to Get the Opt-In Box

The other sections of your blog already come with your site, and you can get the opt-in box by getting the Squeeze Blogs plugin at SqueezeBlogs.com. You just install the plugin, and on your WordPress dashboard, find the plugin on the sidebar. Select the plugin to see different tabs for creating exactly what you want on your site and where you want it. There is a video on the plugin that will teach you how to use it. In the plugin you will give your Aweber listname (if you have one), your teaser copy, and your bullet points. If you’re using another autoresponder, then you use the HTML code rather than the auto set up.

For more information, go to SimpleSitesBigProfits.com.

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