Entrepreneur Classroom Part One – Entrepreneur Mindset Hacks

What it Really Takes to be an Entrepreneur

Marcus Campbell

Affiliate Marketing Dude




Part 1: Thinking Differently


Part 2: Entrepreneurship Skill Sets



Part One: Thinking Differently


How to Think Like an Entrepreneur

So You can See Outside the BS

And Use What Really Works


(Once you see this, you can’t unsee it.)


Sometimes it’s good to just get out of your comfort zone and do something.


I remember the first time I did a webinar. I had never done them before. I once did a tele-seminar. After that, one guy said to me, “Hey dude, just hop on this webinar.” I was all nervous and shaky (which is funny, because I was really just sitting in my office talking to the wall, and there just happened to be people that could see through the wall.)


And in the end, it really wasn’t that big a deal.


And I think that’s what we can learn here. You’re going to learn that being an entrepreneur is not that big a deal. What takes someone from $1,000 a year to $1 million per year, is not that big a deal.


I remember the first time I met a guy who was making a million dollars a year with web marketing. He said, “I’ll call you back later. My wide needs to go to Target.”


I was sitting there amazed. I thought, people making a million dollars a year still go to Target? That was so weird in my mind. I thought, how does that work? Do these people have a different life?


I think in society, we’re programmed to think that successful people have a different life. It’s something big, and different, and crazy, and weird. When in actuality, it’s really not.


There’s no difference between me and you. (Except that I’m probably about a foot shorter than everyone here. And I probably smoke too many pipes. That’s really it.)


You go to work eight hours a day, I go to work eight hours a day. The only difference is what we’re doing, and who we’re doing it for.


I’ll bet some of you guys work harder than me. Some of you guys work manual labor, some of you guys are drivers. And if you’ve ever seen me drive, you don’t want me to be a driver.


But there’s really no difference here. We’re going to go over that, and we’ll talk about what it really takes to be an entrepreneur. How to focus on it, and how to really get into the mindset.


And I’m going to tell you, it’s probably not what you think it’s going to be.


I have a different view on life, and on entrepreneurship, from a lot of my peers in the industry. And I think it comes from my years of experiences.


For one thing, I love to study people. I love to learn about what people do, what makes people tick, and I like to really learn about what it is that makes someone successful. What is it that makes someone sad? What is it that makes someone happy? And different things like that.


We’re going to talk about those things, too.


So, what does it really take to be an entrepreneur? Here are some tips that you must understand in order to master the entrepreneurial mindset.





Tip #1: Everything is made-up preprogramming.


No matter where you’re at, no matter what you’re doing. Even if you’re not in a cult, or you don’t follow mainstream media. You are a product of programming. You’re programmed by your upbringing, by your TV, by social interaction.


We all have the BS that has been programmed in our mind.

It says:


Be a worker.

Work for someone else.

Have the security.


That’s what life’s about. And we’re taught that from the time we’re a kid. We’re taught to really, really value the input of others. Really, really listen to what other people say.


If someone says something that hurts, you, you’re supposed to be hurt. If someone says something that praises you, you’re allowed to feel praised.


The funny thing is, you have those feelings inside you, right?


So, think about that. Ask yourself, “What is my current programming telling me? What is my current mindset telling me?”


Let’s look at this in terms of money. If you’re not getting the results you want, it might be as simple as going and following a few instructions. There may just be a lot more going on in your mind. Why is that?


I remember, I struggled for years. I used to always tell myself, “Why don’t I know what I should do? I know I could get to two, three million dollars a year. I know I could break this barrier. Why is it that I’m not doing what I know I need to do? It’s not like it’s that hard. It’s not like it’s strenuous. It’s not like I can’t afford it.”

In the end, it didn’t even take that much money. I started this business with a hundred dollars.


You might be asking yourself, “Why am I not doing that? Why am I not doing what I know I need to do?”


How many of you feel that way? You now you could go out there and do it, but for some reason, you just can’t get yourself to do it. You might not believe it’s actually going to work.


Or you might be afraid that it actually will work, and when you actually make money, you’ll lose the ability to have excuses.


I have students who watch thousands of hours of my webinars, and they still don’t take action. That’s fine. I mean, I’m glad they get value, or entertainment or whatever. But still, I have to ask, “Why are you not taking action? Why are you not doing something?”


Because you’ve been programmed not to do anything.

But the cool thing about a programmed mind is that it can always be unprogrammed.


You can always reverse what was done. You can always look through it. But the only way you’re going to look through it is by rising about it.


You might ask yourself, “How do I rise above this?

How do I look from the outside in?”


You have to realize that the confidence, or the belief in yourself, is not in the other people who say it to you. It’s in you because you believe it. You just choose to believe it from other people.


It’s the same kind of thing if someone puts you down, or says things won’t work, or says you’re not good enough, or smart enough, or whatever it may be. That’s in you. You have those feelings in you, you’re just choosing to say, “Yes, I agree with this person.”


So, realize that everything is made up from programming. You’re programmed to believe, and be, and think what you are right now.


I have this saying in my own life that has helped me immensely.


It goes, “If I were in your shoes, I’d be exactly where you are.”


If I had your upbringing, if I had the programming you had, if I had the parents you had, if I had the social area that you grew up in, if I had all those things, I would be exactly where you’re at right now.


That’s the way that it works. If you take someone and put them through circumstances, they’re going to be the product of those circumstances.


Now, you have a way to see out of it, but sometimes you need some help. That’s what this is about.


Now that you know that you’re a product of all of this…

Now that you know that society has put these things in your mind…

Now that you know that lots of people have paid a lot of money for you to have the mindset that you have…


What are you going to do about it? It’s time to understand it, and to change it.


Everything is made up of pre-programming. Your mind, what you think, is not as good as you think it is. Often, we respond to ideas before really trying them out. We make this preplanned idea of what is going to work, what isn’t going to work, and what one person will think, and what another person won’t think.


We’re always filtering. Now, filtering is good because it makes life faster. But it can also be bad, because it means you’re not really listening to something, right?


In the core of your mind, you’re never actually learning new things.

Your brain is looking to fit new information into old categories. That’s the way the mind works. It’s called categorical reference.


This can be a good thing, but it can also be bad, in that you can’t really learn new stuff unless you think outside the box.


Realize that you are in charge of the information you put in your brain. You’re in charge. Right now, you decide.






Tip #2: Money is not an emotional thing.


This is a big one. Money is not an emotional thing. Money doesn’t give a shit about you. It doesn’t care when you don’t have enough of it. It doesn’t think, it doesn’t feel. It’s just a unit of measurement.


A lot of times in life we’ve been programmed to think that money is this big thing.


Think about the United States and the national debt.

What would happen in the United States if the national debt was completely paid off? If the national debt was paid off, would we all have a bunch of money? Would the government give us a bunch of free stuff?


It’s not what you think—it’s actually worse than you think. It would probably be closer to economic collapse.


That’s because the nature of money is debt. That’s how it’s created.

The government puts a certain amount of money in circulation, and that’s a negative called the national debt. Contrary to what most people think, it’s not all owed to China and other countries. It’s pretty much owed to ourselves.


But TV and programming all say that the national debt is terrible. We’re pre-programmed to think that way. We think it’s terrible to have all this debt, but all the while, it’s actually kind of meaningless.


Now, does that mean we should go out of control and spend a lot? No, that causes inflation. We have to balance it, which is why you need regulations and things like that. Basically, money works a lot differently than we think it does.


A lot of people get emotional about money. They feel funny about it. They think, “oh man, I don’t have enough.”


How many of you right now are sad that you don’t have enough money? You feel bad for yourself?


A lot of people are sad, happy, or depressed about money. People say, “I wish I had more money.” Some people even hate money.


But money’s not really anything to hate. It’s just a number. It’s weird. In life we look at people who have a lot of money, and we think about them differently. We idolize celebrities.


But money itself is not an emotional thing. It doesn’t care.


Never did a dollar build anything.

Never did a dollar jump out of my wallet and say, I love you.

Never did a dollar jump out of my wallet and say, I want you to be happy.


Money is just a unit of measurement. It’s like a ruler. Money is a manmade invention. We believe that the money is going to run out. We think there’s not enough, that it’s a limited supply. But it’s not a limited supply. There’s plenty to go around.


You have to look at it and realize that money is not emotional, and therefore, you’re not going to be emotionally attached to money.







Tip #3: It’s not your birthright to be rich.


People think that the universe owes you a living. It doesn’t. The world, the universe, your family, the government does not owe you a living. No one owes you shit.


That can be depressing, or it can be liberating. What do you choose? Do you want it to be depressing or liberating?


For me, it’s completely liberating. If no one owes me anything, I can just go get what I want. Isn’t that pretty cool?


And how can you get what you want? You can get it by learning skills. You can get it by making decisions. You can earn it by selling things. Money is literally everywhere, once you open your eyes to it.


But so many people can’t get more money, because they’re focused on the money they don’t have.

The hand you give through is the hand that you received through. And if your hand is clenched, you think, “I can’t invest in anything. I can’t do anything. I have to keep every little penny I have.” You’re never going to get anything new.


Understand that it’s not your birthright to be rich. Even billionaires and all those people who inherit money, it’s not their birthright. It just happened to be where they’re at.

I can’t think it’s my birthright to be rich when other people have nothing. That’s how I look at it. Whatever the least person on the earth has, that’s what I deserve. I didn’t choose to be born here in affluent America, in a pretty well-to-do family. I didn’t choose that.


Now, since I have more money, it’s my responsibility to try to make more and try to help them.


No one owes you anything. You have to learn to get what you want. Once you focus on this, then it becomes easy. You can do it.


If I want to make $5000 a month, I need to focus on making about $168 a day, somewhere around there. What am I going to do to get my $168 a day?


If there are 24 hours in a day, then I need to make around $5 or $6 an hour, or something like that. What am I going to do to make a website that makes $5 to $6 an hour? If I want to do that, then I could probably get a toolbar download in about ten visitors. So if I got 15 visitors, I could get two toolbar downloads, and that would leave me money to pay for traffic, and that could make me $5,000 a month.


The problem is that people’s egos get in the way, and they don’t want to start from square one. But sometimes you have to. You have to learn to get what you desire.


Tip #4: Desire is not a universal pull to get what you want.


The next tip is that desire is not a universal pull to get what you want. This is a big thing they talk about in The Secret, in the Law of Attraction, in Think and Grow Rich. They all have some good stuff, right? But you have to take things with a grain of salt.


Desire is nothing more than a sort of lust for things. That’s all it is. If you want something, you desire it.


And just because you desire it, doesn’t mean that it’s owed to you. It also doesn’t mean that you’re going to get it. You have to understand in your head that desire on its own is not enough.


There’s an important lesson here. What did the people who made The Secret and the Law of Attraction sell? If you desire something enough, you’ll get it. What’s the essence of marketing? Creating desire. Anyone see a parallel there?


Desire is an emotion. No one owes you a living.


That’s what this is about – promoting thinking freely, thinking differently. This is very important. Challenge what you believe. That’s how you grow, right?


Our culture has been trained not to listen to others’ opinions. You argue why you’re right. Thank about the message being sent to society. Don’t listen to the other opinions of other people. Don’t open your mind. Prove why you’re right.


And that, my friends, is what keeps you stuck. That is what keeps you from making money. That is what’s going to stop you from living a good, fulfilling life.


Also understand that there’s a difference between desire and attachment to desire. Desire is good, okay? For one thing, we all desire money. And money does good things, right? We could buy things, we could help people, we could do all kinds of stuff with money.


But when we’re attached to that desire, it’s a different story.


I used to be attached to the desire of money. Years ago, I would be sitting in my office, even on days I didn’t have to work. I made $5,000 a day automatically, but I still worked every day because I felt like I needed to work. If I made less money one day than I did the next, I’d freak out. I was completely attached to this idea.


Marketing, at its base course element, is producing desire. That’s what it is. Right now, you might desire money. You might desire different things. Marketing, at its essence, is about producing desire.  And if we can reverse engineer the way our desire works, then we can figure this out.



Tip #5: Get your ego out of the way.


Our culture is very ego-based. A lot of people don’t know as much as they think they do. Or, they think they know something, but they’re not doing anything with it.


I want you to start from a place of humility and realize that you don’t know everything.


Here’s the deal. In our culture, in our society, the critics are esteemed. People with opinions are esteemed. They’re on TV, they’re everywhere. Everyone’s got an opinion.


But the truth is that no one really cares about your opinion. In the grand scheme of things, no one really cares about what you think.


The minute I learned in my life that my opinion didn’t mean jack shit was the minute I got free. Then I was able to become a better marketer, and really live life where it doesn’t really matter.

I can share my opinions, and that’s cool, and if you don’t accept it, that’s cool, but I’m not attached to it.


This attachment to your own ideas is pre-programmed. Your opinion doesn’t really mean anything. Your critique doesn’t mean anything.


Once you realize that that your opinions don’t matter, it will free you, too.


If I want to make $5000 a month, I need to focus on making about $168 a day, somewhere around there. What am I going to do to get my $168 a day?


If there are 24 hours in a day, then I need to make around $5 or $6 an hour, or something like that. What am I going to do to make a website that makes $5 to $6 an hour?


If I want to do that, then I could probably get a toolbar download in about ten visitors. So if I got 15 visitors, I could get two toolbar downloads, and that would leave me money to pay for traffic, and that could make me $5,000 a month.


The problem is that people’s egos get in the way, and they don’t want to start from square one. But sometimes you have to. You have to learn to get what you desire.


You can change your life right now, right this second. But people will say, “Change takes time.” It doesn’t. Change starts now. It starts right now. It begins the second you say, “I’m going to do it. I’m going to sell this. I’m going to set this up.”


You just keep going through it and going through it and going through it and going through it, and you will get the results you want if you keep going through it.


Part One Review


Tip #1: Everything is made-up preprogramming.


Tip #2: Money is not an emotional thing.


Tip #3: It’s not your birthright to be rich.


Tip #4: Desire is not a universal pull to get what you want.


Tip #5: Get your ego out of the way.









Part Two: Entrepreneur Skill Sets


Learn the Seven Major Entrepreneur

Skill Sets That, When Applied,

You Can Always Find Work or Create

Your Own Business at the Drop of a Hat



Now, we’re going to talk about learning new skills.


Right now, you can choose to go learn a skill. You might say, “Marcus, I need to make $5,000 a month starting next month.” Everyone here can figure out a way to do it.


I have to be following the disclaimers of the government and say, “results not typical, implied, or guaranteed, and most people make nothing.” And it’s true, most people do make nothing, because most people don’t do anything.


However, there are lots of people making lots of money doing things. You can go out there, and you can learn a skill, and you can make $5,000 a month starting next month if you really wanted to.


You have to be a fast action-taker. Because sometimes on the internet, there is a sliver of time for an opportunity that you can get in, that you can capitalize on for years to come.


It might be a small thing, and then, boom. It can change the course of your career forever. You can tackle a fad, get on the bandwagon, build an audience, and before you know it, you can make money from it.


You could literally go do something today. You could put up a YouTube video today, and it will be out today. If it doesn’t get traffic, you learn to make it get traffic, or you buy an ad. You can put a post on Facebook today. You can get traffic today.


Within five minutes, you can be at the top of Google for any search term you want, if you’re willing to pay. The only reason you wouldn’t be willing to pay is you don’t know what you’re doing, which means you need to learn a skill.


It’s pretty basic stuff. You could think that you’re dumb, you don’t know how to do it. But you’re not dumb. I’m no smarter than you. I just went and learned different skills. It’s really just all about learning stuff that is in demand. That’s it.


Some of you are experts on raising kids. Some of you are experts on driving. There’s some of you that are experts on all kinds of things. And even if you’re not, you can learn to be.


I wasn’t born with this knowledge. I wasn’t born with a computer in my hand. (I actually struggled through computer class, because I wanted to do my own thing.)

But I wanted to use the computer to make money. I was curious, and thought, “How do I do it?”


And I went out there, and I failed sometimes. And sometimes I did really good, and sometimes I did just okay. But over time, in my business, I’ve made quite a bit of money, and I’ve done a lot of stuff.


How do we learn different skills that are going to work? I’m not talking about skills like web design or coding. I’m talking about the skill of being in charge of stuff.


What is the core of business? What is an entrepreneur paid for?

The number one thing I do that I’m paid for is making decisions. It’s what I do all day. I make a decision.

And that’s what you got to get in the habit of doing.

You might say, “Well, you know, I’m going to do this, I’m going to do that.” But the number one thing that hinders people is making a decision.

That’s it. Why am I paid good money for what I do? Because I make decisions.

You have the ability to make a decision. You can tackle a niche. If it fails, cool. Who gives a rip? No one cares. You might have a critic or two who says, “Well, I told you the internet thing doesn’t work.” But lots of people make money on the internet. You’ll find a different way.

When I started, I probably had 10 times as many people than you do telling me it wasn’t going to work. I still have people who tell me to get a real job.

Making decisions is the number one thing. My job is to make decisions, and your job is to make good decisions. Decisions to enter a market, decisions to make a website, decisions to send an email, decisions to do a webinar, decisions to do all these things. That’s what puts people ahead.

Look at people who are bosses and people who are under bosses. Why does the boss get paid a lot, and everyone else gets paid a little?

Because the boss makes decisions that put everything on the line. Not because he wears a fancy suit, or because he went to Harvard. He’s paid to make decisions.

This is the hardest thing for so many people, because no one is telling you what to do.

But you need to learn to make decisions, because that’s where the money is.

Once you understand this, you can understand the seven skills sets you need to become an entrepreneur and build the business you want.

Skill #1: Ambition


You’ve got to have the ambition. You’ve got to have the drive. You have to want it. You have to say, “This is what I want to do,” and you’ve got to be willing to go do it.


Desire is not enough. You’ve got to take action. If you don’t have the ambition, you’re not going to do anything.


You have to want it. You have to say that you want a different life.


I saw that I wanted a different life. I said, “I’m going to be home when my kids get home from school every day, and they’re going to say hi to me.” And that’s how it happens. That’s why I do it. Because they want to see me when they get home from school, and I get to be here. I don’t miss anything.


I said, “This is the life that I want,” and I went and made it. I said, “This is how I’m going to make it,” and I did it.

This is extremely important, because you get what you make. Your life right now is a product of what you made of it so far. You might’ve listened to a bunch of other people, but this is what you made.


I’m not a victim of circumstance. I’m not a victim of everything life puts on me. I’m just a person, and I make decisions, and I do what I want. But I have to have the ambition.


In life, everyone can do whatever the hell they want, if they’re willing to pay the consequences.


I could go and I can do bad things. I could go rob a bank and get rich, if I’m willing to go to prison. (I’m not, so I don’t do that.) I’m willing to do my business so that I can get my money. I’m willing to do the stuff I need to do, so that I can get to where I want. That’s the ambition I have.


Figure out what your ambition is—because it’s not money.


Nobody wants $2 million in the bank. They want security and feeling. Nobody wants to quit their job. They want to not have a job and be their own boss.


So, get to the deeper meaning. What do you want? Do you want to be home when your kids get home from school? Good. Make your life that way and start today.


Nothing is more motivating then someone who paid you to do something because it’s actually harder to not do that. I don’t know why, but it just works that way.


People will work way harder to save $10,000 from being taken from them than they will to earn $10,000.

Think about that for a minute.


The average person on the planet would do more to keep the money they have than to get more money.


I’m the opposite. When it comes to my business, I’m going to spend whatever I have to in order to make it happen. But I know it’s going to work. (Make sure it’s going to work. Don’t take silly stupid risks.)


In a way, investing doesn’t have to cost anything. People ask me all the time, “How much should I budget for paid traffic?” Nothing. Don’t budget anything for paid traffic. Because if it doesn’t make you money, you’re not going to buy it anymore.


I’m not going to sit there and $10,000, and then at the end see what happens. That’s silly. Spend $5, and if nothing happens at the end of $5, figure out why. On the other hand, if you made $10, then spend $20 tomorrow, and see if you can make $40.


That’s what I did with my site, one of my big famous sites with the cursors and the layouts. When we started out, I said, let’s spend $20. I made $50. So, I spent $50 the next day, and I made $100. Pretty soon, within weeks, I was spending $1,700 a day on ads, and I was making like $5,000 a day.


Now did I come out and say, I’m going to test $5,000 today and see what happens? No, I started with $20.


Start small, and ramp it up. Get it up there, make it work, test, be curious, be interested, be ambitious. Go after what you want.





Skill #2: Curiosity


Curiosity is the ability to say, “What will happen if…?”


That’s how I live my life. I’m curious as hell. I’m curious all day. I’m one of those people who love social experiments. I love trying new things. I love figuring out what people are going to do. The minute I lose my curiosity is the minute I’m not going to try things.


Are you curious about making money online, or do you just want money? A lot of you say that you just want money. Well, you have to be curious to be able to get it. You have to go out there and try something, and keep that curiosity along the way.


Don’t live in the fear of loss. The fear of loss kills creativity, and it kills curiosity.


Instead, think,

“What if people respond to that?

What if that actually works?

I wonder if people will opt in.

I wonder if people will click “download”.

I wonder if they’ll do this.

I wonder if they’ll do that.


Tell yourself that you’re no longer going to live your life by the fear of loss. Instead, you’re going to live by the hope of gain. You’re going to live by being curious, and saying, “What’s going to happen?”


Be curious and test things. Get people’s attention. Get their interest, get their desire, get them to take action. It’s pretty simple. Don’t overcomplicate it.


You could do this on Facebook. You could do this on Instagram. You could do this with videos. You could do this with a sheet of paper. What matters is learning how to communicate to an audience to get their attention, get them interested, get them desiring, and get them to take action.




Skill #3: Perseverance


This is a big one. You have to be able to persevere. You have to be able to stick with it.


Don’t have what I call marketing ADD, where your brain is going everywhere and you can’t focus on one thing.


Focus on one thing. Do the one thing good. Even if it’s not what I’m teaching. If you’re doing Shopify, then go all in on Shopify. You’ll eventually make money if you do it right (hopefully sooner rather than later). See it through and make it work.


And as you go along, if it’s not working the way you planned, keep at it. (Really, it probably won’t. Nothing really goes the way you ultimately plan it.) Sometimes it will be even better. I didn’t expect people to like the Affiliate Marketing Dude stuff as much as they do, but they do.


Some things will work great, and some won’t work as well. But you’ve got to be able to persevere. You’ve got to be able to do it, and go for what works, and you’ve got to keep at it.


Now, if you want some extra help, can you pay for a hack? Sure, you could pay for me to find your niche, get your site, and get everything set up so that you can see it. But am I going to just give you the thing? No, it’s not going to work that way. Life doesn’t work that way.


You could buy one of my courses. But a course is only as good as your ability to extract the info. I don’t teach anything – you learn. Learning is an active process.


Or maybe you need to go to a different person. Find someone you like. But no matter what, you’ve got to persevere.




Skill #4: Taking Responsibility


Take responsibility.


I am where I am because I decided to be where I’m at.


You might say to me, “Marcus, you don’t understand. We had a baby. I have to work two jobs to make ends meet.” And that’s fine. That’s the life you chose. If you had to, then good. You did what you had to do, and your family will eat, and that’s great.


But if you want something different, don’t say that you’re a product of where life put you. Say that you’re going to be a product where you’re going to put your life.


Now, sometimes there are things that happen that you can’t foresee. But I believe we can also find our way out of those. Sometimes people have hardships and people get depressed. But you have to look at it and ask yourself, “Can I still take responsibility?”


Even if you have depression. A lot of people struggle with that. I used to struggle with it until I learned depression was about getting out of your mindset.


Emotion is just energy and motion. They’re just things in your mind. Emotion is just a feeling, and people live their lives by emotions. They don’t do something if they don’t feel like it. Their egos get hurt. Their pride gets hurt. They get upset that people were mean. Stuff happens.


You want to change your emotions? Change your energy. Change what you do.


Next time you’re sad, go for a jog. I guarantee that most people with depression probably exercise. But there are marketers out there who say, “No, you need this. You’ve got to have this. If you don’t have this, you’re going to be sad.” There’s a pill for almost everything.


I’m not saying these are bad things, and you should obviously listen to your doctor and do what they say. But sometimes there’s stuff out there that just doesn’t make sense. Marketers will try to tell you that there’s something wrong with you. And people believe it all the time.


I thought for years that something was wrong with me. Now I’ve realized that there’s nothing wrong with me. I might be a little bit different, maybe a little bit out there. But I’m me and I’m okay. And if I’ve learned to live with it, there we go.


A lot of people want to blame others instead of taking responsibility. That’s like saying you can’t go to the gym because the weights are too heavy.


You’ve got to look at this and say, “I’m in charge.” This is my responsibility. My happiness is my responsibility. My putting food on the table for my kids is my responsibility. My making more money is my responsibility. My spending money stupidly is my responsibility.” You’ve got to be a responsibility taker.





Skill #5: Ability to Sell


Another skill you need is the ability to sell. You might not like sales. You might even hate sales. But you have to get over it and start liking sales.


You sell all the time.


(You sell me on the fact that you don’t like sales. Congratulations. But you didn’t make anything.)


I love sales because it’s just curiosity. People look at it as success or failure. I look at it as, what didn’t work that time that I could do different next time? What worked this time that didn’t work that other time?


When I do webinars, even to this day, sometimes I find that the sales aren’t good. I’ve learned that when I actually teach stuff, sales are low. When I tell stories, sales are through the roof. People don’t want to learn stuff. They want to be entertained.


You need the ability to sell. A lot of you guys can be good marketers, and you already are good marketers. You sell your ideas all the time. You sell them to yourself. You sell them to your spouse. You sell them to your friends, your parents. You sell them. You are selling your ideas.


You’re selling already, it’s just a matter of what you’re selling. The reason people don’t like sales is because they don’t believe in what they’re selling. You are not selling ideas that get you paid.


If you have something that’s going to help people and you don’t sell it, you’re actually doing the world a disservice. You might say, “I have this, and this will help people do this, but I don’t like sales.” In reality, that’s pretty selfish, and also not making you money (which is what selling is).


This is about selling your ideas, selling your point of view. That is the essence of marketing. You’re getting a response. This is direct response marketing.



Skill #6: Laser-Targeted Focus


You need laser-targeted focus. You’ve got to be able to target right on one thing.


Some people get focused on the rejection. I don’t think about rejects—I just look at the orders. On a really good webinar, I will get 40% of the people to buy. That means 60% rejected me. If there are 200 people on the webinar, then 140 people rejected me.


Now, think about that. Only 60 bought. But even if people didn’t buy, it’s still my gain. I still made money. Some people didn’t buy, but I still have people who did. I don’t waste time thinking about the people who didn’t.


And there are always people who will buy. There are always people who will benefit. You just have to get the right crowd, get the right offer, and say it enough times. That’s it.


You’ve got to laser target focus on what works. Get your market, figure out what works. Go with it. Keep at it. Do not give up. Focus, focus, focus.


Don’t get distracted. Do go messing around on Facebook. Don’t go doing the wrong thing. Do what you have to do to make what you want to make. You can do it starting right now.





Skill #7: Productivity


You have to have productivity. If you’re not productive, you’re not going to make any money. The best way to be productive is to set small, little attainable goals each day.


Maybe today you’re going to run an ad. Tomorrow you’re going to set up a new site. The next day you’re going to test some traffic.


On my website, we actually have a list of 15 productivity tips that you can do in 15 minutes a day to start getting results. There’s some really good stuff there.














Part Two Review


Skill #1: Ambition


Skill #2: Curiosity


Skill #3: Perseverance


Skill #4: Taking Responsibility


Skill #5: Ability to Sell


Skill #6: Laser-Targeted Focus


Skill #7: Productivity