DIY Sales Funnel for Affiliate Marketers and Product Owners

DIY Sales Funnel for Affiliate Marketers and Product Owners: Build You List and Make Profit — affiliatemarketingmc at

Today, we’re talking about the product funnel. How do you get customers in? Where do they come from? Where do they go? What does it look like? We’ll be taking you step-by-step through the process so that you can see exactly how this works.  

Building a Marketing Funnel: The Landing Page 

Everything always starts with a landing page. A landing page is a page someone lands on from your traffic source. If you buy paid traffic from Google AdWords, Bing, Yahoo, or something like that, and you send people to your site, that is now a landing page. If you send people directly to an affiliate offer, you’re sending them to the affiliate offer’s landing page.  

Not everyone who visits your page will buy something, or fill out an affiliate offer, or click on the things that make you money. Most people will do the exact opposite. We find that the average amount of people who buy something strictly from traffic to the page is about 1% to 3%. If you get 100 clicks, that means 1 to 3 of them are going to buy something. It’s usually closer to the 1% number, and even less if you’re a beginner and don’t know what you’re doing. 

That means out of 100 people who come to your website, 99 leave without doing much. And if you’re paying $1 a click, that means you wasted $99 on ineffective traffic that doesn’t convert. It gets worse when you start getting to the big numbers.  


Make Your Landing Page into a Squeeze Page 

You always want to make a landing page, but in this case, for your product sales funnel, you make your landing page into a squeeze page. A squeeze page is a page that allows visitors to enter in their information. The idea is to get people from your squeeze page onto your mailing list, so that you can follow up with them and get more clicks.  

The squeeze page takes those same 100 clicks and offers them something of value. People come to your page and it tells them to put their name and email in the box.  

I’ve been doing this for many years, so we have hundreds of landing pages. If you’re starting out, you may have 5 landing pages and squeeze pages based on the top keywords in your market.  

For example, let’s say you buy traffic for the keyword “Adsense”, and people come to your site. They want to learn how to make money with Adsense. You could have a simple squeeze page that tells visitors to get their free Adsense report. It might have a video that talks about what the report is going to show them. Visitors submit their information, and they go to your mailing list.  


Building a Marketing Funnel: The Mailing List 

You will usually convert about 30% of the visitors that come to your site into your mailing list. So if you have 100 visitors, you will get 30 people on your list. If you do this every day, then at the end of the month, you’ll have 900 people on your mailing list. At the end of the year, you’ll have around 10,000 people.  

Why is this important? Because if you have 10,000 people on your mailing list and you send an email out, chances are that around 10% will open your email. 5% to 7% of them are going to click. These people will go on a new email list. That means that at the drop of a hat, whenever you feel like it, you could generate 500 to 700 warm clicks. That is powerful stuff.  

If you send an email every single day, which a lot of marketers do, that’s around 21,000 clicks a month, for free, from people who have already looked at your content. 

And how do you send so many emails? This is through your email autoresponder. 


Building a Marketing Funnel: The Autoresponder 

Once people come onto your mailing list, now they’re in your marketing funnel. You want to have a follow-up autoresponder. You write the emails ahead of time and you set up a system, so that the autoresponder automatically follows up and sends them out. You could take the new people on your list and have seven emails to send them over the next seven days. You could do it 365 days a year if you like, and you would be making money on autopilot. This is where a lot of the sales are made. Autoresponders often cost around $17 a month. Who wouldn’t do that? 

Here’s an example. Let’s say you were helping people buy cars online.  

  • Squeeze page“Want to learn the dealer invoice price? Put your name and email.”  Your traffic opts in, and they get your follow-up autoresponder.  
  • Autoresponderday 1: “Hey, did you find the price of that car yet? Here, let me help you out. It sends them to a video.  
  • Autoresponder, day 2“Hey, did you learn this yet? Here, check this out.” It sends them another resource. 
  • Autoresponder, day 5: “Here’s a tip. When is the best time to buy a car?” It sends them to the information.  
  • Autoresponder, day 7“Do you want me to look up the invoice car price? It’s $17.” That’s your tripwire.  
  • Autoresponder, day 14“Do you want to learn how to negotiate prices? It’s $197.” 
  • Autoresponder, day 21“Do you want me to do all the work and find you the best deal? That’s $997, and I guarantee I’ll save you at least 3 times on your car.”  

Everything goes back to your sales, and all you have to do is focus on the funnel.  

Building a Marketing Funnel:  

Learning About Your Traffic and Selling the Product 

When you send your traffic emails with product offers, then you can start to learn about them. You watch what they click on. You start to see what they’re interested in, and you can figure out what you want to sell. You can send them all kinds of product offers.  


Selling the Product: The Tripwire 

When trying to get someone onto their mailing list, a lot people like to go for what’s called an SLO, or a self-liquidating offer. This is also called the tripwire, and it’s used to get someone to buy something right away. You make it so easy that it’s simple for people to sign up. Since this offer is self-liquidating, it pays for all your traffic. But it’s not about making a bunch of money—it’s just to get people into your funnel have already bought your products.  


Selling the Product: The Upgrade 

Tripwires aren’t so much about the money as they are about the ability to upgrade. People naturally want to go through a process. They naturally want more of you and the products you have to offer. They naturally want better things.  

Keep this in mind when you’re thinking about making money and you don’t have a lot to start. In the beginning, if you do a lot of work to build something of value, then boom. You have something to sell over and over again. 

Think about this in terms of what your market wants, not what you think they want. The idea is to have something for the majority of people on your list. Don’t focus on the ones who can’t afford it—focus on the ones who can. As you go down your list, you’re going to graduate people into the next thing. This works with affiliate offers, with your own products, with resell rights, everything. You want to gradually get your traffic down into the next offer. 

Remember that in your market, at any time, there are people willing to spend lots of money. This can be difficult to grasp, because many of us don’t think that way. We look for things that are inexpensive and we want good deals. But there are people in this world who don’t care about price. You might not spend $1,000 or $10,000 on something, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t tons of people lined up to buy it. So many people miss out on sales because they’re not psychologically preconditioned to think that expensive stuff is hard to sell. It’s not. 

If you’ve got something good, don’t be bashful. Don’t not push it because you think it’s too expensive There are people out there ready to get what you have to offer. If you’re doing a good job, if you’ve got a following, if you’ve got people listening and you’ve got their attention, you can sell pretty much whatever you want, as long as they’re interested in it.  



You can take your traffic through all kinds of different lists, but the goal is to beef it up.  

If you can get 700 visitors to your site every day, that’s $21,000 visitors a month, or roughly 250,000 per year. If you’re only making 50 cents a click, you’re still making $125,000 a year. 

But you can do a lot better than that. You can make a dollar a click, or three dollars a click. The sky is the limit, but you have to focus on the funnel. You’ve got to do it the right way, be clear, and be concise. You drive people through the process, get them into the funnel and keep their interest. You want to give them valuable stuff, and you want to graduate them down the chain of command to the things that cost a lot but also benefit them a lot.  

No matter if you’re an affiliate marketer or if you’re creating your own product—this is how this works, and it works in any niche. As always, it’s important to provide value. You give lots of value, and then you sell. 

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