Can YOU Make Money Online With A Free WIX Site???

9 thoughts on “Can YOU Make Money Online With A Free WIX Site???”

  1. Marcus Hola AMIGO dime perdona no etrado yo en el correo a sido mi Nieto estoy muy mal estoy inchada tengo polifiomialgia aguda y estoy un poco sedada menos mal que tenia a mi Nieto me dio una trobosi pulmonar ya estoy regular te mando un besote GRACIAS

  2. Wow ur videos are so helpful. I’m new and payed for a couse I wish they explained things as clearly as you have. Thanks

  3. Marcus,
    I’ve spent the last two months trying to get a site up and running. I have failed miserably. I’m no closer now than I was 8 wks. ago. I have spent over $ !,000.00 and have absolutely $0.00 to show for it. I have listened to every video you have produced. I believe I have learned a great deal from you and I’m very thankful for your efforts. Apparently, I’m not fit to build a web site. I’m not a Geek, I am a salesman. You sent me 2 niches and I was thrilled with them. I want to spend my days giving things away and selling garage Wrestling mats for $100.00 to $500.00. Wrestling singlets, head gear and wrestling shoes that can run to $100.00. How about heart monitors for seniors working out my pdfs?

  4. You are the rare bird in this space because you are out of your cage! That’s meant in the kindest of terms! Masterful editing with c o n v e r s i o n s ! You reminded me of Lou Ferrigno transforming into the HULK!

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