The Most Profitable Ai Skill To Learn


The AI skill that I teach in this live training made me over a million dollars last year. And yes, it’s still making me money every single day. In fact, this morning, I woke up, and boom—there was money in my account that I made while I was sleeping. Now, you might be wondering: “Marcus, AI has been around for over a year now. Why am I not making any money from it?”

Well, in this video, I answered that question in detail. We’ll dive into why most people think it’s all about giving good prompts to AI to make money. But let me tell you, prompts alone won’t make you a single dollar—unless you learn the one skill I’m about to show you today.

Skill Hourly Rate (USD)
AI-Assisted Content Writing $5 – $20 per hour
AI Video Creation $10 – $35 per hour
AI Book Writing $10 – $25 per hour
AI-Powered Data Entry $5 – $15 per hour
AI Data Analysis $15 – $30 per hour
AI Image Editing/Creation $10 – $25 per hour
AI Social Media Management $10 – $20 per hour
AI SEO Content Optimization $10 – $30 per hour
AI-Powered Translation $10 – $20 per hour
AI Script Writing $10 – $25 per hour
AI Voiceover Creation $10 – $30 per hour
AI-Based Email Marketing $10 – $20 per hour
AI Chatbot Development $15 – $40 per hour
AI-Enhanced Web Development $20 – $45 per hour
AI Copywriting for Ads $10 – $25 per hour
AI-Powered Audio Editing $15 – $30 per hour
AI Product Description Writing $5 – $15 per hour
AI Data Cleaning $10 – $25 per hour
AI Email Response Automation $5 – $15 per hour
AI-Driven Resume Writing $10 – $25 per hour
AI Logo Design $15 – $30 per hour
AI PowerPoint Creation $10 – $20 per hour
AI-Driven Research Assistance $10 – $25 per hour
AI Keyword Research $10 – $20 per hour
AI Predictive Analytics $20 – $40 per hour
AI Customer Support Automation $10 – $30 per hour
AI Legal Document Review $20 – $40 per hour
AI E-commerce Optimization $10 – $25 per hour
AI Financial Forecasting $20 – $40 per hour
AI-Based Sentiment Analysis $10 – $25 per hour
AI Translation Management $10 – $25 per hour
AI Survey and Poll Creation $5 – $15 per hour
AI Infographic Design $10 – $25 per hour
AI Scripted Phone Calls $10 – $30 per hour
AI-Driven Business Consulting $20 – $50 per hour
AI Marketing Automation $15 – $30 per hour
AI-Enhanced Financial Analysis $20 – $45 per hour
AI-Based Lead Generation $10 – $30 per hour
AI Customer Experience Optimization $15 – $35 per hour
AI Competitor Analysis $15 – $40 per hour
AI-Based Survey Analysis $10 – $25 per hour
AI Campaign Performance Analysis $10 – $30 per hour
AI Image-to-Text Conversion $5 – $15 per hour
AI-Powered Virtual Assistance $5 – $15 per hour
AI Motion Graphic Design $15 – $35 per hour
AI-Generated Art Creation $10 – $35 per hour
AI Video Subtitling/Captioning $5 – $15 per hour
AI-Based Performance Analytics $15 – $40 per hour
AI Web Traffic Analysis $10 – $30 per hour





“If you do what everyone else does, you will
get what everyone else gets.” ― Stephen Richards

A lot of people believe that giving good instructions to AI will result in good output and profits. But here’s why that’s not true. Prompts are useful for generating content, but what they typically produce is very generic and, frankly, boring. This type of content won’t make you money.

You need to learn how to use AI directives, which are much more structured and specific instructions that guide AI to generate content with a clear business goal in mind. When you focus on using directives, you’re creating assets that can generate long-term, passive income.

When we talk about AI directives, we’re talking about something much deeper than just giving AI basic instructions. Directives let you:

  • Take full control over the output, ensuring it aligns with a specific business goal.
  • Avoid creating generic content and instead produce something with a clear purpose.

This is the skill that allows you to monetize your assets consistently and create things that can make you money while you sleep, just like real estate properties do.

The Secret: Curation, Not Creation

The real secret I’ve uncovered with AI isn’t about creating content—it’s about curating content. Why? Because the internet is already filled with tons of content. We don’t need more generic content. We need content that’s well-organized, selected, and presented with a unique twist that makes it valuable to your audience.

When you curate content, you gather information from different sources, organize it, and add your insights to make it more valuable. This is what makes your content stand out and generate income.






“find, contextualize, and organize information.”

selected, organized, and presented using professional or expert knowledge.

Curating content isn’t just about pulling information together—it’s about adding your unique spin. This is what sets you apart from the competition. Take politics, for example. After a debate, you’ve got these spin rooms where analysts come in and tell you what you just saw, giving it a unique interpretation. You need to do the same with your content.

By finding a unique angle, adding emotional appeal, and using real-world examples, you can turn common information into something compelling that grabs attention—and ultimately, makes you money.


Creating Content That Resonates

The content that actually makes money isn’t just sitting out there on the internet for no reason. It serves a purpose. If you want your content to resonate and make money, you need to:

  1. Understand Your Audience: Define your audience’s core desires, pain points, and what drives them.
  2. Gather Relevant Facts and Data: Use AI tools to research and collect high-quality information. Analyze trends and gather the necessary details to make your content informative and valuable.
  3. Find a Unique Angle: Challenge conventional beliefs and bring a fresh perspective to your content. Apply a unique spin that differentiates your content from the generic material out there.
  4. Incorporate Emotional Appeal: Content that resonates emotionally with your audience is more engaging. Use emotional triggers like fear, ambition, or security to capture attention and drive action.
  5. Simplify Complex Concepts: Break down complicated ideas into simple, digestible information. This makes it easier for your audience to understand and engage with your content.
  6. Add Visuals and Tools: Enhance your content with visuals like infographics, tables, and diagrams to make it more engaging and easier to consume.
  7. Craft Provocative Headlines: Your headlines should be compelling and click-worthy. Use AI to help generate eye-catching titles that spark curiosity and encourage clicks.
  8. Seamlessly Integrate Promotions: Don’t just tack on a promotion at the end—integrate it naturally within the content. Make sure it flows and feels like part of the overall value you’re delivering.
  9. Leverage Current Events or Trends: Use trending topics or news as hooks for your content. This ensures your material feels timely and relevant, increasing its chances of getting noticed.
  10. Maintain Consistency: Consistency is key to long-term success Publish regularly and stay consistent in the quality and purpose of your content.
  11. Monitor and Improve: Analyze the performance of your content. Use metrics and feedback to refine your approach and improve future content.
  12. Create Content with Intent: Start with a clear goal in mind for each piece of content. Whether it’s driving sales, increasing traffic, or building a brand, ensure everything is aligned with that goal.




By using AI for content curation in this way, you can dramatically reduce the time spent on manual research, ensure your content is up-to-date and well-organized, and offer a unique, engaging perspective that keeps readers coming back for more. This combination of speed, accuracy, and creativity makes AI a powerful tool for curating high-quality content that resonates with your audience.

How to Use AI for Content Curation

AI is incredible when it comes to content curation, not just creation. It allows you to gather, organize, and present relevant information in a way that saves time and boosts quality. Here’s how you can leverage AI tools like ChatGPT, Perplexity, or similar platforms to curate content efficiently:

Finding Relevant Information for Your Niche

AI tools can help you quickly gather relevant articles, studies, and news about your niche. Instead of spending hours searching for the latest developments or trends manually, you can:

  • Ask AI to search for the latest articles, news reports, or research papers on a specific topic.
  • Use it to identify new trends or emerging topics that you might have missed.

For example, you can prompt ChatGPT with:

  • “Find the latest studies on small business grants in 2024.”
  • “What are the trending topics in AI-powered marketing this month?”
  • Summarizing Key Points from Large Articles or Datasets

One of the most time-consuming tasks is going through lengthy reports, articles, or datasets to extract the most important insights. AI can:

  • Summarize long articles into concise points, giving you a clear overview of the key information.
  • Extract specific data or statistics from articles and display them in a digestible format (such as a table or bullet points).
  • Provide quick answers to complex questions by analyzing multiple sources simultaneously.

For example, if you have a long report on tax credits, you could ask:

  • “Summarize the main points from this report on tax credits for small businesses in the US.”
  • Brainstorming Fresh Headlines and Unique Angles

AI can also help craft catchy headlines and find unique angles to present your content. You can:

  • Use AI to generate headline ideas that are engaging and likely to attract clicks.
  • Ask it to suggest different perspectives on a common topic, giving your content a fresh twist.

For example, instead of just writing “How to Get a Small Business Loan”, you could ask the AI to create more engaging alternatives like:

  • “Unlock the Secrets to Securing Small Business Loans in 2024”
  • Enhancing Research Speed

Instead of manually digging through various websites and articles, AI can act as your personal research assistant. AI tools can quickly sift through large volumes of information to pull out the most relevant and insightful content for your blog, article, or video.

For example, if you’re curating content about the latest AI trends in marketing, you can ask:

  • “What are the top 3 AI trends in marketing for 2024?”
  • “Can you provide recent statistics on AI adoption in small businesses?”

This saves you hours of manual research, ensuring you quickly get the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Organizing and Structuring Information

Once you have gathered all the relevant data, AI can help organize and structure it in a cohesive way. Whether you need to outline a blog post, structure a long-form article, or organize points for a social media post, AI can help you:

  • Break down complex topics into simpler sections.
  • Organize content into logical flow with headings, subheadings, and key points.
  • Suggest how to structure your curated content for maximum readability and engagement.

For instance, you can prompt AI with:

  • “Help me organize a blog post on small business loans. Start with an introduction, followed by steps to apply, and conclude with common mistakes to avoid.”

This process speeds up content creation by providing a clear framework from the start.

Monetization Strategies

Once you’ve curated your content and set it up in a way that provides value to your audience, the next step is to monetize it. Here are some of the most effective ways to turn that curated content into income streams:

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular and accessible ways to monetize curated content. Here’s how it works:

  • Partner with affiliate programs: Join affiliate programs related to your niche. This could be through networks like Amazon Associates, ClickBank, or ShareASale, or directly through brands that offer affiliate programs.
  • Promote relevant products or services: In your curated content, include links to products or services that align with the information you’re sharing. For example, if your content is about improving work-from-home setups, you could promote office furniture or productivity tools.
  • Earn commissions: Commissions can range from a few percent to as high as 50% or more depending on the product and affiliate program.

Pro Tip: Choose products or services that genuinely provide value to your audience. Promoting relevant, high-quality items builds trust and increases the likelihood of conversions.

Creating Paid Courses

If your curated content is in-depth and educational, consider turning it into paid courses. Here’s how:

  • Package your content into a course: If you have a wealth of valuable information, such as tutorials, guides, or insights in your niche, you can organize this content into a structured course.
  • Host on platforms like Teachable or Udemy.
  • Charge for access: Whether it’s a one-time payment or a subscription model, you can monetize the course content and generate a steady stream of income from students who want to dive deeper into your expertise.

Pro Tip: Start with free lead magnets like short guides or webinars to attract an audience, and then upsell them to a more comprehensive paid course.

Ad Revenue

Monetizing through ads is a great option if you’ve built up a significant amount of traffic. Here’s how to turn that traffic into income:

  • Join ad networks: Platforms like Google AdSense, Mediavine, or AdThrive allow you to place ads on your website or blog.
  • Leverage video ads: If you’re producing video content (such as on YouTube), you can monetize through YouTube Ads. You get paid based on the number of views and ad interactions.
  • Sponsored content: As your audience grows, companies may approach you to create sponsored content. You can charge them to feature their products or services in your curated content, adding another revenue stream.

Pro Tip: While ads are a passive way to earn income, they typically require a large amount of traffic to generate significant revenue. Focus on high-traffic content and gradually scale up your ad earnings.

Consulting or Freelancing

If you’re curating content within a specialized niche, there’s a good chance you can offer your expertise as a consultant or freelancer. Here’s how to turn your knowledge into a paid service:

  • Position yourself as an expert: By consistently producing high-quality curated content, you establish yourself as an authority in your niche. This makes you an attractive option for people seeking expert advice or personalized services.
  • Offer services for a fee: You can charge clients for one-on-one coaching, consultations, or even done-for-you services like content creation, strategy development, or technical implementation (e.g., SEO optimization, social media management).
  • Freelancing platforms: Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or LinkedIn can help you find clients who need your specialized expertise. You can also leverage your own audience to find consulting or freelance opportunities.

Pro Tip: Use your curated content as part of your portfolio. Showcase examples of your work, expertise, and past successes to build credibility and attract clients.

Digital Products and Memberships

Another powerful way to monetize your curated content is by creating digital products or memberships. Here’s how:

  • Sell eBooks or digital guides: Package your curated content into a downloadable eBook, guide, or toolkit. If you have extensive knowledge or a collection of tips, insights, or research, it can be valuable enough to sell.
  • Offer a paid membership site: You can create a membership site where people pay for access to exclusive curated content, insights, or community discussions. This could be ongoing, high-value content that isn’t available for free anywhere else.
  • Charge for exclusive newsletters: If your curated content is especially valuable (such as industry reports or insider tips), you can offer a premium newsletter subscription that charges a monthly access fee.

Pro Tip: Digital products and memberships offer an opportunity for recurring income with relatively low overhead costs once set up.

Sponsorships and Brand Partnerships

Once your curated content gains enough traction and authority in a niche, you may attract the attention of brands that want to sponsor your content or work with you in partnership. Here’s how:

  • Partner with brands.
  • Sponsored content: Brands may pay you to feature their products in your blogs, videos, or social media posts, particularly if you have a large following or highly engaged audience.
  • Host giveaways or events: Work with brands to create exciting opportunities for your audience, such as hosting product giveaways or online events, and charge the brands for exposure.

1. Understanding the Niche and Audience

Why It’s Key:

Without understanding your niche deeply, you risk curating content that misses the mark, lacks relevance, or fails to engage. Every audience has unique needs, preferences, and problems, and it’s crucial to curate content that speaks directly to them. Knowing the ins and outs of your niche also allows you to frame your content with the right tone, messaging, and context.

What to Do Before Curating:

  • Identify Pain Points: Before starting, analyze the biggest challenges or questions your audience has within your niche. This helps ensure that the curated content provides real value, solving specific problems or answering burning questions.
  • Segment the Audience: Understand that even within a niche, there may be sub-groups with different needs. Tailor content to these sub-audiences when necessary.
  • Research Competitors: Look at what others in your space are curating. Find gaps or underexplored areas that you can capitalize on to stand out.

Example: If you’re curating content for a personal finance blog, understand whether your audience is young professionals looking to save money, retirees seeking investment advice, or small business owners managing budgets. Each group will require different content angles.

2. Aligning with Your Objectives

  • Why It’s Key:
    • The curation process must be aligned with a broader business objective, such as driving traffic, improving SEO, or promoting a product or service. Content that is not aligned with your end goal may generate interest but not lead to the results you need, such as conversions or sales.
  • What to Do Before Curating:
    • Clarify Your Goal: Is your goal to increase brand awareness, drive traffic, boost sales, or establish thought leadership? Each goal will shape how you curate and present content.
    • Define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Before curating, decide how you’ll measure success. Are you looking for more website visits, email sign-ups, or social media engagement? Your curated content should be designed to drive these metrics.
    • Set a Strategy for Conversions: If the end goal is to push a product or service, think about how curated content leads into your sales funnel. It’s essential that your content curation supports this journey—from awareness to decision.

Example: If you’re curating content to promote an online course, ensure that each piece of content naturally connects to the course topic. Highlight the value of the course without making it feel like a hard sell by offering educational, highly relevant content.

NOTE: Start with the End in Mind

Before diving into content curation, it’s critical to understand what you are spinning into. This means having a clear understanding of your niche, audience, goals, and how you’ll add value. This foundation ensures that every piece of curated content is strategic, relevant, and tailored to drive meaningful engagement with your audience.

By knowing where you’re heading, you can ensure that content curation is not only efficient but also impactful, leading to better engagement, thought leadership, and, ultimately, business success.

Consistency is Key

If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that consistency is everything. When I committed to putting out three videos a week, my business transformed. It gave me more data, more engagement, and more opportunities to tweak and improve.

The same applies to distributing your content. Whether you’re using SEO, social media, or paid ads, you’ve got to put your content in front of the right people consistently. Consistency ensures that your content doesn’t just sit there—it gets seen and acted upon.

Creating Content with Purpose

Whenever you create content, always ask yourself: What’s my end goal?. You should start with a clear purpose in mind:

  • What do you want your audience to do after they consume your content?
  • How can you guide them toward that action, whether it’s buying a product, signing up for something, or simply engaging more with your brand?

When you create content with a clear purpose, you ensure that everything you put out works toward driving your business forward.

Tools and Frameworks to Help You

I use a variety of tools to make sure my curated content is top-notch. Some of my go-to resources include:

  • ChatGPT and Perplexity for research and generating ideas.
  • Feedly and Google Alerts to stay on top of relevant topics and trends.
  • BuzzSumo to see what’s popular in your niche.
  • Canva for making your content visually appealing and shareable.

And don’t forget to measure and adjust. Monitor what works and what doesn’t, and improve your approach based on those insights.

Focus on creating AI directives, not just prompts. With directives, you’re guiding AI to produce content that serves a clear, specific goal. This ensures that every piece of content you create works toward helping your audience and making you money. Unlike basic prompts, directives are about achieving business results—and they’re the key to making AI work for you.


If you follow these steps and master AI directives, you’ll be able to create content that’s not only valuable but also generates consistent, long-term income. Start applying these strategies today, and watch how your approach to AI content creation—and your revenue—transforms.




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1 thought on “The Most Profitable Ai Skill To Learn”

  1. This was probably one of the best videos that Marcus has made. Thank you Marcus! Donald Trump and other world leaders, including dictators, have been known to use communication techniques that align with principles discussed in Edward Bernays’ Propaganda. Bernays, known as the “father of public relations,” explored how public opinion can be shaped through media manipulation, psychological tactics, and the use of influential figures. He emphasized the importance of controlling narratives to influence the masses.

    Leaders throughout history have employed these principles, whether consciously or unconsciously, to rally support, suppress dissent, and maintain power. Bernays argued that in democratic societies, propaganda is a tool for shaping public consent, while in authoritarian regimes, it can be used to control and dictate.

    Trump, in particular, utilized media effectively during his campaigns and presidency, often bypassing traditional news outlets to speak directly to his followers through social media, much like how Bernays advocated reaching people through the most effective channels.

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