Affiliate Marketing – Launch Jacking Method

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4 thoughts on “Affiliate Marketing – Launch Jacking Method”

  1. Hi Marcus,Av been following all your video tutorial and even installed your toolbar but am lost.You seem to have garnered so much knowledge in this affiliate marketing biz.
    However i would want to start as an affiliate marketer and cpa business.May i know the starting up to all this business.
    What am i supposed to do to get started?send me a link to any of your program i can start with.
    I so much have a lot of confidence in you and your program
    Thanks as am anxiously waiting for you.

  2. How does a newbie answer the interviewing questionnaires on various “affiliate network” sites, to be accepted? I am not even sure what some of the terminology means in questions. I have to make up answers.

    Also, they want to know your current market and number of subscribers. Well, I don’t have any yet!

    It’s frustrating. Do you have any tips on how to get qualified with any of these networks, so I can get started? Thanks.

  3. Marcus Dude! Im on a free stock trading site called Robin Hood! Its actually a great site / phone app.

    I’m so poor my user name is churchmouse. They just offered : refer a friend and my friend and myself get 1 free share of stock randomly chosen by the site.

    Would you just do the referral and take the stock X # of friends? Or would you charge $! per “friend” plus get the stock? If you charged could the site object? I’m not a bottom feeder yet but I’m willing to learn!!

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