recession proof business ideas – do this now!

My Recession Proof Business Plan

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Today, what we’re going to do is we’re going to talk about the recession. Is there actually a recession coming? Last night, I poured over tons and tons of reports and transcripts of videos and famous people and economists talking about the recession. And a lot of people are really freaked out about this. So, today I want to get to the nitty-gritty of what’s actually going on. We want to give you an update from a marketer standpoint and update from a real world person, just like you. I mean, I know we can hear from all these big wigs and everyone turns to Elon Musk and the richest people of the world for economic advice, but you got to remember billionaires are billionaires because they look out for their own interest. So, it’s a very important to look at. We got a different take here. We’re going to walk through how this is working and what to watch out for.

Now, one of my favorite politicians of all times was FDR. And one of his famous speeches is more relevant today than ever was. And this was a time in the ’30s when people were freaked out because the economy was tanking and everything was upside down and everything was going crazy. And he calmed the American people by saying, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” And this is one of the things that I always turn to because I look at the world in a different way. And I say, “Wait a minute.” Everyone can freak out. Everyone can get worried, but there’s a few people, actually a lot more than a few, that make things happen. There’s a few people that during times of economic downturn, they get insanely rich.

And that’s what we’re going to talk about today. And we’re going to talk about my recession proof business plan and what I would do if I was in your shoes as an average everyday person. Now, what I want to do right now is I want to really talk about what is it that caused the recession. There’s a lot of people that are like, “Oh, it’s inflation because of the car prices, it’s supply and demand, it’s this or that.”

Well, what really actually caused a lot of the inflation and a lot of what’s going on is a wealth transfer. This is something you are always going to see when you have a lot of big economic changes. It’s a wealth transfer. What does that mean? What that means is you have the ordinary every day weird looking people here. We’ll try to draw a normal people. You have the everyday normal people here. Okay? This is the mass population. Okay? And over here you have the one point… Actually it’s 0.001%. So, we’ll do less than 1%. Okay? And this is the billionaire class and there’s nothing wrong with this, but we’re going to talk about some flaws in our system that created this problem.

And the problem is this. During all of the craziness of 2021 and part of 2022, what we saw is a gigantic wealth transfer to the top 1%. We saw Jeff Bezos. We saw Elon Musk. These guys went from being practically broke. I’m saying that tongue in cheek, please calm down. That was a joke. Being practically broke with $80 billion, now worth close to $200 billion. And if you don’t understand how much money $200 billion is, you need to really pay attention to what’s going on because the news doesn’t talk about this. Nobody talks about this because why? We think that the billionaires are what makes our economy run. Like if we didn’t have them, suddenly, we forget how to farm, and eat, and run businesses. Okay. Nothing wrong with it. This is a problem our system created, in my humble opinion, which I like to share.

All right. So we look at this and we’re like, okay. So, there’s basically, I think, the estimates were between $3 and $5 trillion went from the masses here to the billionaire’s pocket. Okay? Very important. So, follow along with me. Does everyone agree with that? It’s like 5 billion if you’re like, “Yeah, we see that.” That’s something the news doesn’t disagree with. That’s something the billionaires don’t disagree with. That is a fact. A fact is, this money switched hands. It went from our pocket to their pocket, and that is a fact.

Now, what happened was, there was less money that the everyday person had to spend, okay? Less money. So, the average person had less money and they were struggling and restaurants got shut down. As long as you weren’t owned by a gigantic corporation, then you were in deep trouble. And so what the Fed did is the Fed said… Well, you know, instead of actually making things fair and making antitrust laws and dealing with corporations that are way too big, dealing with people that have way too much money, personally, I don’t think we need people with $200 billion if we can’t solve hunger issues.

That’s a fact. I mean, that’s my opinion fact. So, what the Fed did is they said, “I don’t care who you are. We are going to take this here. Money printer, and we’re going to print money.” Which we should probably make it big here. Here we go. Here’s the Fed printing money. All right? And they printed money. And they’re like, “Okay, we’re going to print money.” And guess what happens? Not only does Marcus have a giant mess of fake hundred dollar bills to clean up, but also now people have lots and lots of money to go spend on stuff when they were cooped up for months without anything to do. So, what’d they do? They went and spent it on stuff. And since people weren’t able to work, there wasn’t that many cars available. There wasn’t that many products available. There was supply chain issues.

And now, because people want to buy stuff and there’s not that much stuff to buy that they want, inflation goes through the roof. And what does inflation do? Well, guess what my friends. It does absolutely nothing for the billionaire class. There’s my pen. It does nothing for the billionaire class. These people don’t care. They’re like I got $200 billion, if tomorrow it’s worth 175, they ain’t losing any sleep unless they’re completely neurotic, which that could be the case. Now me and you, we go and we’re like, “Oh man, you know, I got to pay $500 a month for gas. Last month it was 150.” That’s a game changer for a lot of people or, “Hey, this is what’s going on.” Now, we need to understand this because there is a very, very important thing to look at. Okay, again, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself because you can make it for yourself if you make it work.

Now, what really causes inflation and a recession? Now, we need to look at this because during the recession and during all the stuff that went on, all right? The richest 10% of the world now owns 76% of all wealth. Now, the Republicans and some Democrats, not that I’m on either side. I don’t think anyone have, has answers that I like since the 1930s. But we got to look at this and say, “Okay.” Most of the people in politics today are saying, “Well, you know, you got your people that own restaurant.” No, no, no. That’s not what we’re talking about here. What we’re talking about is people with a net worth in a huge bracket. That’s why, in my opinion, the tax system is ludicrous. Why does it stop at 500 grand? That’s the biggest tax bracket. 500 grand is nothing in today’s money. You go live in California. It’s like you’re basically struggling.

So, we got to look at this and we got to understand this. And here we go. Billionaire wealth up. A combined $5 trillion went to the richest class. Gee, wait a minute, Marcus, what did the Fed inject into the comment? Was it, wait, are you telling me that it was almost exactly the amount that the billionaires gained. Hmm, interesting. Interesting. Now, we also have people talking about minimum wage, all right? A lot of people to get jobs and they’re like, “Hey, I’m getting 15 bucks an hour now.” That’s pretty cool, all right? But the problem is the salary increase is not equal to inflation. So you might say, “Well, yeah, I got an extra thousand dollars a year, but things cost $2,000 more.” So, there’s a struggle here and we need to understand exactly what’s going on.

Salaries do not keep pace with inflation. JP Morgan tells the managers to send up the half to work from home. Now, they’re going back to work. A lot of people are talking about that. Get ready. Now, we also see income and poverty in the United States. Now, while we have these billionaires getting trillions of dollars, all right? And they’re protected. If a billionaire loses his 200 billion, they’re like Congress’ pen. Can’t write fast enough for the wealthy. It doesn’t. It’s automatic. It just comes on like a Harry Potter. And it’s like, “Here you go, Sir. Here’s your money.” Remember those space expeditions. That’s partially taxpayer funded for a guy with 200 billion. I don’t get to go to space. Not that I’d want to. I’m scared enough going on a roller coaster. I don’t know if I’d want to go to space, but this is what we look at.

Now, let’s talk about the real problem. And if you guys dig this video, give me a thumbs up. I know this is a different one than my normal video. So, let me know if you like this by smashing the like button. So, here is a little formula that we need to look at because right now you might be, you might own your house and you say, “Hey, you know what? My house is worth 500 grand and it used to be worth 300.” Okay. Okay. Let’s look at that. Let’s look at that because there’s another cog in the machine of this inflation recession risk. And the cog in the machine is this formula here. This formula here. What the formula is AYI, average yearly income times 28%. All right.

So, let’s say you’re out there and you’re like, “Marcus, I’m doing all right, you know.” And according to the Fed, you’re rich if you’re making a hundred grand. According to natural, actual logic, you’re pretty much broke if you’re making a hundred grand. But, Hey, there’s what you look at times 28% equals $28,000. All right. So, what does this mean? We got to take a look at this and we got to understand what’s going on, okay? What happens here is you have your average yearly household income times 28%, and that is how much house you can afford. So, this guy here can afford a 20… Is it 2200? 22 times 12, somewhere around that, right? So, 22 to 2500 per month, okay? So, this is what we’re looking at, 22 to 2500 a month. That’s what that guy can afford. All right. Now, some people get interest-only loans and everything, because we never learned our lesson from 2008, but we look at this and that’s what they can afford.

So, what’s going on here? Here’s what’s happening, all right? Billionaires, they’re fine. They got their trillions of dollars. Average Americans, they feel fine because they got some of the money injected. People in my family, I’m like, “Why did you get it? You’ve been retired for 10 years. You weren’t affected by this stuff. Why did you get a check?” It is weird, right? They didn’t… They just did here and there. It was like an Oprah show. It was like, “You get a money. You get a money. We’re the Fed. We just got money everywhere.” There we go, right? And so we got to look at it. We got money everywhere, but as long as it doesn’t come out of the 0.01% pocket. So, we look at this and we’re like, “Okay.” Now people got lots of money and they’re looking at this and they’re like, “Okay, what can I afford?”

Well, the average person in America, the average family household is making about 70,000 a year. Okay? Now, if you take that, you times it by 12 and you do this little arithmetic here, you get 1575. So, here’s what happens. Here’s what happens, okay? 1500 bucks, now, we’ll get you a house that’s $240,000. Last year, or even in the beginning of this year, it would’ve gotten you a house that’s 325, or a year before that it would’ve gotten you a house that’s 360. That is why the prices went up because people could afford more houses. This was completely controlled by the Fed controlling interest rates. Okay, nothing’s wrong with it. They’ve been doing it for years. It works. But for the average person, we need to understand what’s going on because here’s the deal. What happens? Here’s a guy in 2020. He’s like, “Dude, I can afford a 360 house.”

Well, let’s go get it. And everyone buys 360 houses and the price goes through the roof because people are buying them. Then the next year he’s like, “Oh man, now I can only afford 325.” That kind of sucks. What happens? Houses stagnate. Less people start buying them. And then the next year, oh wait a minute now. I mean, I make the same amount of money. Now, I can only afford a $240,000 house? So, you’re telling me it dropped that much? Exactly. And that’s what we got to understand because wages control everything that the common normal people, you and me, deal with. That’s what people deal with. This is wages affect your house prices. Wages affect all this stuff. And if the wages are stuck or worse, going down, or people are losing jobs, then your house price is going to drop. Less people are going to invest. And so we got to understand what’s going on.

So, what we’ve been doing is we’ve been living on a little bit of funny money. It was like, “Okay, we need to do something.” And God forbid, we take it from people who have enough to buy islands and rocket ships. God forbid, I know. No, sir. Don’t touch that. Not that you should just take it, but we need to understand the problem was created by our system. You would not have people with a $100 billion if our system wasn’t messed up. It would not exist. You look at it and it’s like, I remember a couple years ago, Amazon wanted to move their factory to Florida or something like that. And the government was like, “Here’s a bunch of money.” So, we’re throwing money at a guy who has more money that it probably would… He’d probably lose money if he had to go pick it up and be like, “Hey, I got to fly down and pick up money.” I mean, that’s a waste of my time. I mean, I make a billion dollars a second or whatever it is.

So, we need to understand that these are the problems that the system created. All right, everyone with me, mash out the like button if you’re with me. So, this is what we have and this is one of the quotes from the things that I looked at. He said, “Are we entering a new age where serious downturns caused by genuine economic hardships can be avoided with piles of cash?” This is the question that the Fed has with their money printer. And they’re like, “Okay, we got our money printer. We could print money whenever we want.”

Now, a lot of people think that printing money equals rampant inflation. Yes and no. You have to print a lot of money to have inflation. A lot of people do not understand how the national debt works. They’re like, “Hey, we need to pay the national debt.” Guess what? If you paid the national debt, there would be no money in our society. Debt is money. That’s how it works. They print money. You get money. It goes on a negative balance sheet as debt. A lot of people get this wrong. Now, can the Fed come out and print $100 gazillion? Yeah. And then your dollar will be worth nothing. That’s how it works.

Now, again, there’s a balance there, but I think we need to look at this differently. And I think that a lot of you guys are here because you want to learn what to do. What am I going to do now that, Hey, a week ago, I thought my house was worth 500,000. Now, I’d be lucky to sell it for 410. Next year, I’d be lucky to sell it for 3. Remember what happened in 2008 when people in California… I remember, I bought my first house at 24, it shot up to 800 grand, and then it dropped down to 300. And I was like, “Wait a minute. This is interesting. And mass may have says absolutely. Housing isn’t a bubble. It’s a different type of bubble though. It’s a very different type of bubble. And what we have to look at is we have to understand why. Why? What happened in 2008? The house was more than people could afford. Fact.

So, the lending companies, it was their fault. But what happened? Nothing. They got big checks, right? Big corporations fail, government bails them out. Little people fail, you’re on your own. And what we’re talking about today is that’s the fact of our economy. I think it sucks, but I’m going to teach you how to be on your own because that’s what I’ve always done. I’ve always gone out there and said, “Hey, you know what? I ain’t getting any handout, so I better hand myself something in the form of doing what I need to do.” And so what I did is I learned. A lot of people don’t know this about me. I never went to college. Not that college is bad. I’m glad my doctor went to college because I don’t want some guy who’s like, “Hey, I’m a self-taught surgeon. Just come on over here, man. Bring…” It would be a little weird, right?

So, we got to understand this. But I learned this stuff because I had to. It was like, how am I going to feed my family if I don’t have a job and I don’t have any credentials or anything and I had to learn this. And so, what I did is I focused. Now, I want to read some things that I found about inflation, because I think this is interesting. This one says, “we are currently living through one of the most trying times in our global economy, unemployment is below 4%,” which a lot of people think is good, but it might not always be that good. We got to understand that. And he says, “Hey, are we just kicking the can down the road?” Are we kicking the can down the road? Is the Fed just propping things up on stilts. Are you like that guy in the basement using bubble gum to block all the leaks and eventually the leak’s going to crash and your house is going to fall down. Is that what’s going on here? We need to understand this.

And a lot of people, they turn to people like Elon Musk and Bezos and stuff like that for economic advice. And I think that’s kind of flawed. Do they have some things to say? Of course they do. But are they economists? No. If I want to learn how to start a company like PayPal, hell yeah, I’m going to listen to Elon Musk. If I want to do something like Amazon. Yeah, I’m going to listen to them. But as far as economic policy, maybe not. Maybe I’m going to listen to some different people and we need to stop just looking at every celebrity for the answers, because they don’t have the answers. All right? We got to look at this as a whole. And we got to look at this in a real world way because far too many people are watching the news looking at talking points. But the talking points are protecting certain interests. And the certain interests are the money interest, the business interest. It’s very, very rarely your interest.

And so, what we got to do is we got to look at that. Here’s another one that says, “Inflation is the obvious problem at the moment.” Yeah. It is an obvious problem, but what are we going to do about it? We saw a lot of people with crypto and what are those NFT monkeys spending so much money on all this stuff. And we got to look at this and say, why? Now, I never touched it. I was like, “Okay.” I don’t understand why buying some stupid drawn monkey. I mean, let’s face it. It’s pretty stupid looking. Okay, here’s a monkey drooling on himself and it’s worth 600 grand. I don’t know. I think maybe I’ll go buy a Picasso, like a guy who actually does art, but you know Marcus, you don’t understand. One day, when Mark Zuckerberg plugs us all in the batteries and that monkey’s going to be really, really… Okay, maybe not. But last I checked, people lost their butts, investing in stupid crap.

Now, some people made a lot of money, but you got to look at it. I like to be smart, and I like to be long term. And I’d rather take a long term smart approach than going out there, trying to get rich on the next thing, because that’s a very quick way to go out of money. For everyone you see that made millions with NFTs, there’s hoards of people that lost tons of money. And they don’t talk about those people because that’s not fun. So, what we got to do is we got to talk about this. Now, this one says, “If investors start to think that growth can continue forever, they will throw money at any business they can find.” Same thing happens with houses. If house buyers think that houses are going to go up forever, this is what happened in 2008. Oh, now it’s just never going to happen. Marcus, you’re full of it.

You don’t understand. It’s a buyer’s market. It’s a seller’s market. You don’t understand, and the realtors come parading around and telling me what to do. And I’m like, “There’s a bubble. There’s a bubble.” They’re like, “There’s no bubble.” There was a bubble. So, we got to understand this because investors will go nuts if something looks like it’s going to last forever. NFTs, crypto, whatever it is. The more people that are employed, the higher inflation will rise. Interesting. People now, “Oh well, isn’t… Aren’t jobs the greatest thing?” I mean the 2008 election was all about jobs. Everyone’s got to have a job. Everyone needs a job. My dog needs a job. My dog, she really does need a job. Laziest dog I’ve ever had. But at any rate a lot of people think this is good, but sometimes it’s not.

And a lot of times we look at this and we say, “Well, you know, you don’t understand Marcus, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos and all these people. They provide employment.” Yes they do. But they also made the industry so efficient that they put a lot of people out of work. And guess what? The population’s still growing. We got problems here, but we got to understand this. So, what is it that we are going to do? If you’re sitting there and you’re like… Congress is arguing about everything, this guy’s arguing about that, the Fed prints a bunch of money, which makes money worth less and I only got 1500 bucks or whatever you got and what am I going to do? What is a real world person like you and me going to do if tomorrow our dollars worth 70 cents? Or tomorrow your house that you are banking on for retirement is worth 220 instead of 500?

What are you going to do? Well, what you’re going to do and what I’m going to do, and this is not financial advise. I mean, I’m telling you what I would do. I’m not telling you what you should do. You got to decide that on your own. That’s the nature of this. So again, remember, this is what I’m doing and this is what I’ve always done, and this is what has sustained me. Remember, I started before the .com crash. I was still in business after it. I was in business in 2007, 2006. The crash happened. Still in business. Actually thrived. So, we got to understand exactly what’s going on and we got to play the game smart. We got to play the game smart. So, we’re going to look at this and we’re going to say, “What are we going to do?” Well, what I’m going to do is I’m going to look at smart assets.

What is a smart asset? A lot of people think their house is an asset. Well, if you’re paying a mortgage, it’s not an asset. That’s a liability. That might be growing in value. That’s good. That’s smart. You need a place to live anyway. So, obviously that’s smart. But a smart asset I’m talking about is something that’s going to pay you over and over. What if today you woke up and you’re like, “Hey, I made a blog last year and now it makes me $2,000 a month.” How many of you guys would be like, “Oh my God, that’s a game changer. Are you kidding me?” If I got an extra two grand a month, again, in the grand scheme of things, two grand is not that much. But if someone said you are now going to get $2,000 a month from a blog you created and it’s going to happen every month. How many of you guys would be like, “Wait a minute. That’d be pretty cool.” Now, I don’t have to worry as much. I don’t have to struggle as much.

Another thing we’re going to look at in addition to smart assets, which could be a YouTube channel, a blog, advertising, a low business you set up, is skills. If you learn a skill that is recession proof, which we’re going to talk about some of them in a minute. If you learn a skill that is recession proof, then you could pretty much make it through anything, knock on wood, within reason. If everything hits the fan, then the only thing you’re going to make money with is how to clean up after the fan. So, we got to look at that. But skills can really work for you if you do it in the right way.

And then what I also like is smart controllable investments. If I invest in an NFT, I have no control. Either people like the dumb looking monkey or they don’t. And guess what? Guess what, Ladies and gentlemen? Come on up here. Let’s get real for a minute. No one liked the dumb looking monkey. They didn’t, no one bought it because it was great art. They bought it because they thought there was a way to make money. If you put it at an art show, they will laugh at you out of the art show. It’s terrible art. Yeah, in my opinion. That’s my opinion, but we got to look at that.

Next, digital advertising. Did you know that digital advertising actually grows during times like this? Did you know that right now, the company TikTok, which is literally a bunch of people watching videos that are less than a minute long is valued at like $400 billion. And they’re raking in billions of dollars worth of advertising every quarter. Did you know that Google is making like $200 billion a year in advertising or something crazy like that? Did you know that Amazon is making billions of dollars? And what a lot of people don’t understand, TikTok is a huge advertiser. Facebook’s a huge advertiser. Amazon’s a huge advertiser.

And if we understand, “Hey, wait a minute, recession, no recession. What do we know? What did Marcus say in the beginning of this training?” This stuff don’t affect the billionaires. This stuff don’t affect the huge corporations. Amazon, they’re going to get rich during times like this. We saw it happen. That’s not a stock speculation. I don’t know anything about the stock market except a little bit. But when we understand… Wait a minute. So this company thrives, makes billions of dollars, throws money at advertising like it’s going out of style, literally pays people to make videos on their platform for products they sell and get a commission. Wait a minute. Wait. So the gap is the corporations are paying the money. I want some of that. I want some of that. So, how am I going to get it? Well, TikTok worth billions. TikTok in 2022 is likely to triple ad revenue. This isn’t valuations. In our world, we have valuations like, “Oh, that company’s worth $10 gazillion. Apple is worth all the apples in the universe or whatever.” No, no, no. That’s how much money they took in, $11 billion.

And what did they take it in for? They took it in for advertising. So if you know how to do stuff that advertisers are willing to pay for, you can be able to get your own little money gun here. And instead of loading it with these fake dollar bills, you could put some real ones in there. I don’t know why you’d want to do that. But apparently people like to throw stacks in the club and I never got that. I mean, if I was at the club, I want to go dancing. I don’t want to throw stacks at the club, but at any rate you could laugh at yourself too. And anyway, here’s the deal. Here’s what I do. Number one, a lot of people, you’re going to see here, turn to the internet. Look at this. State of the economy, people are searching like crazy.

What does that mean? That means that if you had a blog, if you had a YouTube channel, if you had a Twitter or a platform that was talking about economic issues, you’d be getting that traffic. And guess what, ladies and gentlemen, if you get that traffic, advertisers pay big money. Big money if you know how to do it. Look at this. Recession traffic. Look at it. Here we are last year. Nobody looked up recession. Here we are this year. Man, near everyone’s looking up recession, which is why we got a lot of people looking at this video, which is why you need to smash a like button so that we get more people to look at this video. And actually, you know what I’ll do. I’ll actually even show you the screenshots. There they are. I was just showing my face, which I don’t think you guys want to look at that. I’m not that party, but we could see here.

People are searching for this stuff. Look at that personal finances, mortgage forbearance. Look at that. Mortgage forbearance went nuts. If you had a site about mortgage forbearance, you would’ve made a fortune. We got this here. People looking up recession. 2021, nobody. ’22, everybody. How to prepare for recession. Look at these trends. Look at this. Based on what people are searching for on Google, a recession is nowhere near. Well, that was 2019. So, I think it’s changed a little bit now. Here we have, US recession saw more Google stress searches. People are searching. They want answers. US recession indicator, Google trends, Google search trends as recession forecasting tool. All right, smash the like button. There you go, and subscribe if you dig this stuff. So, what we could do is we could blog about topics. We can reach out and help people, right?

A lot of people, you could go out there, you could set up a site, you could have live chat and you can say, “Hey, if you’re struggling, talk to me, I’ll try to help you.” I’m not some genius, but you know, I got some information. I study this all day. You can reach out and help people. You can break a blog or website or whatever it is about credit. Credit is always huge. Loans are always huge in recession. Refinance, always huge. House prices, right now, you go to the old Google trends. You look up house prices. Let’s do Google trends. All right? And you look up house prices and you’re going to see house prices are trending right now. Let’s… There we go. House prices. Look at that. Boom! Upward trend. Huge right now. It’s like it can even go any higher. It’s a plateau. And we can even see what states they’re looking it up.

And we start to understand that, wait a minute. People are looking this stuff up. Look at this. Senior citizens guess house prices, Madden 20. And why would they… Whatever they have to do in it. But we’re looking at this and we’re like, “Wait a minute!” So, people are searching for this. I can make this stuff and make money. And guess what? You can even do a YouTube channel. Whether you want to be on pace or on camera like me, or whether you want to be behind the scenes and just read stuff, right? Look at this. You got Meet Kevin, you got Graham Stephen, both of them got highly popular. One of them, I think, is making $12 million a year. And what’s he do. He’s got a YouTube channel about economic topics. And guess how he gets paid. Wait a minute, Marcus, how does he make all them 12 million a year or whatever it is? Advertisers.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, big companies like Zillow, and refinance companies and loan companies and credit companies and real estate companies pay fortunes. You can also create press releases about hot topics that are going out there. You can also do video commentary, make a little videos. “Hey, today, here’s what happened today in the Fed.” Because I don’t want to sit and watch the Fed guys argue. I think that’s boring or more boring than watching a pile of rocks try to crawl across my lawn. That’s really boring.

But I’d like a recap and that would work. Social media updates. You could make a Twitter and be like, “Hey, I’m the Twitter guy that’s going to show you what the Fed’s doing. I’m the YouTube guy that’s going to show you what’s going on.” And be real about it. Show people real world stuff that’s really going to help them. What if you went in? What if you said, “Hey, I like this stuff.” For me, I love this stuff. I love learning about what happened back in the ’30s. What happened in 2008? Because I think it’s fascinating. What happened in the ’80s and ’70s with inflation? I think it’s fascinating.

I think it’s important to look at creative things because we can be creative. We can learn how to do stuff, but unfortunately we live in an economy where it favors people with hundreds of billions of dollars. So, we got to find a way to do our own thing. And luckily your old buddy Marcus here shows you how to do that on this channel, smash the like button, subscribe and check this stuff. And we start to understand exactly what’s going on. We can show people how to save money. Hey, here’s my blog about how to save money. And guess what, ladies and gentlemen, if you’re doing a news topic, site, website or blog or channel, this stuff’s not competitive because nobody knows about it yet. Nobody knows what the Fed’s going to do in 2023. And if I can tackle this stuff, I can go out there and make this work in a real world way.

We could show people how to do frugal living, how to cut energy cost, how to save on grocery costs. A lot of people don’t know, but one of the biggest grocery stores started during the great depression because they went and said, here is how to save money on groceries. Right now, we go out there, you go to the grocery store. I remember I moved to Florida and I was like, “Yay, cheap grocery prices.” And now it’s like, “Hey, wait a minute. I feel like I’m in California again.” It seems like everything’s expensive.

Luckily, I make a good living, but Hey, nobody wants to pay $20 for a pound of filet mignon, which by the way, if you know how to cook right, I could show you how to make a sirloin, and you would swear it was a filet mignon. You just have to know how to cook right. So, pretty cool stuff. But at any rate, we got to look at this and say, “Hey, there’s a lot of stuff we can do.” There’s a lot of things we can do to make money on our own. And it’s not that difficult. The results are not typical implied or guaranteed. The average person makes nothing that’s because the average person expects to get rich overnight. I don’t.

I say, what if I could do something today that’ll make me $10 a day every day? What if I could do something tomorrow that’ll make me another $10 a day every day? What if I could do something that can make me money when I’m not working? What if I could build and grow on something that’s going to build and grow? The reason Jeff Bezos is so rich is because he sacrificed early profits and he said this is what I’m going to do. I’m going to build a company that sells pretty much everything that you can’t avoid. And now you can’t avoid it. I go to the store and they got nothing on the shelf. I say, “Hey, I want that computer.” They’ll say, “Well, we don’t have the computer.” I’ll say, “Well, why is this sitting there? Why would you have the computer on the shelf if you don’t have it in the back? Why would you have the couch on the floor, if you don’t have the couch that I could take home with me?”

I came here to buy stuff and unfortunately I go home and I’m like, “Okay, I guess I’ll order on Amazon, because I have to, because the store doesn’t have any damn stuff in the store.” So, there you go. But we have to look at this and we have to understand exactly what’s going on, because what’s going on is you could bridge the gap. Here’s the gap. Amazon has no salesman. Walmart has no sales. You go to Walmart and you’re like, “Hey, do you know about this computer?” He’s like, “I don’t know. I don’t know, I was hired yesterday and what’s a computer?” Not all of them, but some of them. You go to the Staples, and they don’t have the computer, and they don’t know about the computer. You go to Amazon, you got to do your own research. But what if… Come on. Come on up here. What if you could be Amazon’s salesman. What if you could bridge the gap and help people make wise decisions about what they’re going to buy and how to save money on what they’re going to buy.

Wait a minute, Marcus, are you? Yes. These companies are paying right now. You go on Amazon and you look at a sponsored video or a little video about the product and it says this guy’s making money. He didn’t even need his own website. He went on Amazon, uploaded video where he is like, “Hey, here’s how this battery works. Here’s how the battery works. Oh, look, it’s a good battery. It’s nice and light and it goes in the camera.” And that’s what he does. And you buy it and he gets paid. And people don’t understand that in the new economy, you can make your own way. And you can make your own way that makes a fortune. A fortune, results are not typically implied or guaranteed, but if you’d say, “Hey, wait a minute. That battery video makes me $67 a month. Oh, Hey, I got this other video that makes me $1,400 a month.” That one did really good. Hey, this one does this, Hey, this does this. And what’s going to happen is you’re going to build those mini assets.

Another thing you can do during a recession or an economic downturn is smash a like button if you like this video. But you can also teach people about hustles and site jobs, something I do all the time. A lot of people watching my videos. They love the videos where I talk about domains. Just this morning, I got an offer or actually it was yesterday while I was making my domain hustle video, I got an offer on a domain I bought for 200 bucks and I think I’m going to get three grand for it.

They’re already up to 800 bucks. I know I can get three grand for it, but it’ll be somewhere between 800 and three grand and probably closer to three, because that’s what I’m going to take. I bought the thing for 200 bucks last month, sold it now for three grand. So, you could teach people hustles and site jobs. And guess what? These companies pay through the nose. You can even do pet care. Pet care is always big during a recession. Healthcare is always big. House repair, appliance freelance, help people through the changes. And remember that advertise, advertising always holds strong. You think advertisers stop advertising? No.

Here’s an old saying in business. When business is bad or when business is good, you ought to advertise. When it’s bad, you’ve got to advertise. And companies like AT&T, T-Mobile, actually T-Mobile has a fantastic ad right now. And it’s an ad about other companies charging more money for recession. It’s a fantastic ad. And they’re like, “Hey, we’re going to save you money and we’re going to give you a thousand bucks.” I’m like, “Damn! Whoever came up with that ad concept needs to get a raise because they get it.” And guess what, ladies and gentlemen, if you get it, you can make money. And if you want to get it smash a like button, subscribe, watch my videos. I tell you like it is. There’s information that you can use that’ll teach you how to start a business, run a business for free. It’s all free. Just like today’s videos free. All you got to do is smash a like button, subscribe.

If you want me to be your mentor, go to Come hang out with me every Tuesday on a live Zoom meeting. They’re virtual, but we have a live Zoom meeting where you can ask anything you want about buying domains, building websites, be an affiliate marketer, influencing, and how to make money in this economy. And if you like that stuff, check out It’s literally like a dollar 10 a day or something if you do the math. It’s 127 bucks and then 37 bucks a month. And you can stay there as long as you want. You can learn all kinds of stuff. You could show up every Tuesday and get the help you need. And there’s all kinds of good stuff for you.

But guys, remember, you got to learn to look out for yourself. You got to learn to educate yourself. You got to learn to understand and get information that you need. That’s going to help you through tough times, if there are tough times. Stop listening to what everyone else is listening to because that’s what they’re getting. You can read the little headlines. You can dabble in that stuff.

But if you start to understand this stuff in a real world way, then you can make a difference and you could do what you love doing. Say, “Hey, I’m going to teach you the truth about the housing market.” Not as a realtor, not as someone who’s hawking mortgages and doing cheap stuff, because I don’t have to. That’s the beauty. I don’t have to be shy street. I don’t have to sell things till I’m blue in the face. I provide the information. You either like it or you don’t. Smash a like button if you like it. Check out Thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next video.