How To Create & Sell A Digital Info Product


Do you want an unfair advantage when it comes to making money on the internet?

Something that makes it way easier than all the little tactics combined?


Today, I’m gonna tell you How To Get Rich With Info Products.

                                Disclaimer: You’re probably not going to get rich by watching this video.

  Most people do nothing hence they make nothing.

I’m Marcus and I’ve been making a full-time living online for the last 19 years. I’ve been doing Info Products for much of that time and making MILLIONS OF DOLLARS from the comfort of my own home.

Now, it wasn’t always completely easy sunshine and rainbows. I actually was an info product consumer before I ever became a marketer. The first info products I ever remember buying were as a teenager when I was learning the art of magic. We would go to magic stores and buy DVDs and books about How To Do Magic Tricks and How To Perform Magic Live and various things like that. We’d spend anywhere from $50 – $100 for a DVD or a book teaching us how to do the trick and sometimes it was frustrating because the motto of the store was “The Secret Is Told Once The Trick Is Sold” which meant You Had To Buy The Secret To The Trick. But IT WAS WELL WORTH IT because we would learn tricks that would astonish our friends and some of them I even put in my magic shows that I did for a living.

Fast forward to the age of 19 when I bought a $300 course on how to get more magic shows booked each and every month. I bought this course to learn exactly how to make more money as a magician by placing ads in magazines and writing letters to local churches and communities. I bought that product with the last $300 I had and I’M SURE GLAD I DID! Because in addition to booking more magic shows, I actually, inadvertently, Learned The Art Of Marketing.

Learning marketing was no different. I learned from the comfort of my own home, buying courses like traffic secrets which, at the time, was $1000 in the stomper net search engine course which was $10,000 a year.

I’m not complaining because I learned a lot of great information


I want to talk to you about: How to create information products for any industry out there

That’s right, it’s not just for magicians and marketers; It’s for EVERYONE!

From people looking to lose weight, people looking to save their marriages, and more…

At one point, I even bought this book showing different Javascript codes to use on your website!

VERY EASY BOOK TO CREATE! I think he just went online and found different Javascript codes and pasted them in a book and charged me $100 for it. WELL WORTH IT! I used a lot of those codes and ever since I first learned about info products, I started creating some of my own.  

Starting with my biggest product that I started back in 2008, The Simple Sites Big Profit CD. Now, this is how it came in the beginning – with a little CD that you got and you put on your computer. We’ve come a long way since that and now it’s a lot more robust! And it’s all delivered digitally! This is an example of an info product that has made me MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in revenue…

Info products that you giveaway free,  like a little landing page guide that I give away free on my site. It’s about an 18 page PDF that teaches people how to create landing pages and it works like a charm to:

Bring People Into My Offers,

Get People Into My Affiliate Programs

and more!

Another info product that I’ve been working on recently… This is actually the notes that I took when I was in rehab

Almost 5 years ago, when I went into rehab for alcohol addiction, I actually took notes of everything I learned and documented each step – EVERYTHING THAT HELPED ME GET SOBER. Now, I’m almost 5 years sober.


People are gobbling up that information

We have hundreds of thousands of people learning to stay sober on our videos!

We got thousands of people learning to stay sober with my sobriety letters and more!

This works in any industry and you can help people out while making money at the same time.

No! No! No! That couldn’t be further from the truth! Actually, a lot of people create info products in markets by compiling other information that’s out there online anyway! Case in point: Matthew Lesko

This guy made millions of dollars compiling information that was free on government websites. He would compile information on:

  • How to get government grants
  • How to get the government to fund your project
  • How to save on taxes
  • …..or whatever it is

He’d compile that information and put it into a handy little info product. He didn’t even come up with the information and HE BANKED MILLIONS!

Take a look at the PCDoctor! This guy literally made little videos on how to use simple programs like Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Outlook, How To Check Your Email, And Basic Things That You And I Take For Granted

He made little videos for people to watch, to learn how to use these programs…. AND BANKED MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. He was MAKING UP TO 80 MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR by simply providing basic information to people who need it!

That’s What Info Marketing Is All About

Let’s jump in the computer and I’ll show you:

  • Exactly What Kind Of Info Products To Create
  • When To Use Them
  • How To Make A Ton Of Money With Simple Little Info Products


Right now, when dealing with info products and online education type products…

  • …Are you teaching someone something?   
  • …Or providing some themes, templates, or images?
  • …Something that’s digital that you can give to them, usually in the form of an e-book?

I want you to look at some of the statistics because they’re absolutely mind-blowing…

Like this here:

  • com is an online education platform providing info products

….was sold to LinkedIn for $1.5 billion!!

  • The Global E-Learning Market is set to reach $325 billion!!


  • The ClickBankHomepage used to have a little ticker back in 2011…

….over $2 billion in earnings

for People On The Clickbank Platform!

Selling digital information products!

  • Jvzoo sells little softwares and info products as well.

Paying out Recent Paid Client Earnings  of $129 million!!

This is a huge industry and it’s going to give you a leg up on the competition because once you have your own product…  BOOM! GAME OVER! YOU WIN! You can collect a lot of money and be in charge of your niche!

So it’s time to get your head out of the sand and  it’s time to start producing quality info products that serve the needs of the people that are looking for information… How do you find those people?

What we like to do is to start with the Google Adwords Keyword Planner

You can start off by typing something like…  “How to”

You can see what people want to know…

We could see people want to Learn how to delete an Instagram account

While you probably cannot charge money for a guide on how to delete an instagram account; that’s a great way to get customers into your mailing list and into your videos and products and everything like that freeYou can see over 301,000 people are looking it up!

Just think, if you were to create something about… How to secure your online privacy? That would be something you can sell to this market!

Same thing with:

  • How to delete a Facebook account?
  • How to deactivate Instagram? Snapchat?

and all kinds of things that people are looking to delete…

People are also looking for

  • How to get more followers on Instagram?

If you were just to go to Google and type this in, there’s probably a book on Clickbank right now on how to get more followers on instagram! There’s probably one on jvzoo and all kinds of things!


There’s lots of things being sold and you could create a book very very simply on how to do this!

  • How to make Friends?

One of the best info products of all time was the book “How To Win Friends And Influence People” which tackles on that.

  • How to make Money on Instagram?
  • How to Change your Name on Facebook?
  • How to Start a Conversation?

              ……and on and on we go!

  • How to Delete a Video?
  • How to Get Over a Crush?

You can see that hundreds of thousands of people looking for How To Lose Weight!

People looking up:

  • How to stop temper tantrums?
  • How to draw different things?
  • Looking to be artists

There’s lots of different things that you can use to find people that are looking for information.

From how to do things around the house to how to become a famous magician to how to delete your instagram account!  A lot of stuff is very, very targeted! You could create info products!

If you were to have an info product about

How To Stop A Puppy From Biting  or  Stop Your Dog From Barking

or any of the other things on this list and you Sold It For $30…  All You’d Have To Do Is Sell 10 Of Them A Day to Make 6 Figures A Year! It really can be that easy!!

We’re gonna show you exactly how to set that up!Someone’s gonna pay for how to stop a puppy from biting… They probably won’t pay for how to delete a facebook account unless it had some more stuff, like maybe how to secure yourself online digitally  safely or something like that…

If we have something like How To Stop A Puppy From Biting

So I want to create an info product for how to stop a puppy from biting

  1. Look At What Are The Things That Happen.

Look at what kind of issues they’re having. We could go to forums, go look at books on Amazon and look at the chapters and see what chapters are there. We can look at the comments and see what people are struggling with. We can look all over the web and do some research on what people are struggling with

  1. We Compile That Together.

Get the things that the people are struggling with the most, compile it together and then create a book!

  1. You Can Create A Book Yourself.

You just go into Microsoft word, start typing a book based on the chapters. Really easy! You can put a headset on or a little microphone recorder and you can record it if you know about the topic. If you don’t know about the topic, check this out over on one of our sites that we’re an affiliate:      GETWEBSITECONTENT.COM

You can actually get an e-book written. I can go here on and I could say I want a book on how to stop a puppy from biting. I want the book to be a hundred pages and you could see if i get expert writers, it’s only gonna be $1200 to get that book.

It might seem expensive at first but it actually isn’t in the long run!

When you look at how much you can make with this stuff, If You Do It The Right Way!


And Getting It Out There In A Way That Makes Sense

Marketing is going to be what makes or breaks your info product

The way that you set this up is actually quite easy,

Once you have the book written in a PDF format or a word document format,

You can go to Paypal or Clickbank or whatever platform you’re using.

When you set up your product in this platform, it literally asks you for the product.

What’s the product name?

  • Stop Puppy From Biting Book

How much am I gonna charge for it?

  • I’m gonna charge $57 for it.

Where do they download it?

  • You can actually upload the file here if it’s PDF or you can make a simple download page on your blog and have some upsells and things like that. It really is this easy!!

All you got to do is get traffic to your sales page and then BOOMYou could be off to the races, build mailing lists, and all kinds of things to make lots of money online!


and pairing them together in a way that serves the needs of the market based on their search

It’s Very Simple To Do And You Could Do This With Literally Anything!


Now, I’m going to show you 2 Really Cool BONUS TIPS to accelerate your earnings to the next level!!

BONUS TIP #1: Use An Info Product As A Giveaway

For example, I use an info product and I had a little book written. We write a book about how to remove mold from a carpet or wine from carpet or how to remove anything from a carpet. It could be like a big guide on how to remove anything from a carpet.

We create this and we use it as a giveaway! These things go viral! You can get videos out there on youtube teaching things You can make articles, press releases, anything! You want to give this book away and you can give it away really inexpensively because you can see a lot of these keywords are low competition.

Next, you want to drive your people who download the book into affiliate offers. You can go over to You can find carpet cleaners and for some reason, they can’t get the stuff out of their carpet. Boom!

You can get $20 for a 90 second phone call for people who want carpet cleaning! Crazy right?

It works in anything from carpet cleaning to pest removal to whatever! It works like a charm! You could drive people to this stuff and use your little info product to drive people to the affiliate offers and get paid!


BONUS #2: if you have an info product in a niche that’s a good niche, something where you can charge $50 to $100 for the product, you can actually take it a step further and do what I do which is…  Turn Your Info Product Into Software

You can actually turn your info product into software by having videos and stuff. Takes a little bit of work but remember, I’ve made millions of dollars on the software you’re looking at right now! It looks like this, it’s really cool!

This is actually the Simple Sites Course.

And You Might Make Millions Too

If You Learn The Steps And Everything

Disclaimer: I don’t know if you’ll make anything but the Simple Sites Course teaches you a lot!


Instead of having just a DVD or an ebook, I compiled it together and made a really cool software program where they can go through and watch the videos, click on the links, and it makes it a lot higher perceived value. If I just gave you a list of videos and links and things like that and maybe some PDFs, you might pay $100 but because I have it embedded in a software, I can charge upwards of $1,300 – $2,000 or more for the same exact information packaged differentlyDO IT AND LEARN TO MAKE MONEY!


ANOTHER BONUS TIP #3: You Can Actually Record Trainings Live!

If there’s something you know about, maybe you’re good at getting followers on Facebook, or maybe you’re good at removing viruses on a computer, or maybe you’re good at writing a resume or whatever, You Can Actually Record The Training Live And Sell It! 

If you want to learn more about info products… We Are Actually Starting A Recording Of Live Trainings That You Can Get. YOU ALSO GET THE RECORDINGS OF ALL OF THESE TOPICS.

All you have to do to sign up is BE PART OF THE SIMPLE SITES BIG PROFITS COURSE! You’re gonna get all these which is AWESOME! Right?

You can even get them as part as part of

Whichever budget you’re in, You can either start at MARCUSMENTOR.ME – below budget or You could start at SIMPLESITESBONUS.COM – a little bit higher budget And You Can Get The Live Trainings Of All Of These!

Instead of just giving you an Overview of How Info Products Work like I did today, I’m actually gonna go in that webinar for 2 hours and…

  • Setup an info product for you live!
  • Show you how to sell it on your site!         
  • Show you how to get sales and everything!

You Can Be There Live,

You Can Ask Questions,

And You Get The Recording

so that you can Learn To Make Money With Info Products!!

You can go over to or

Get started and you will be on the list to get these 20 live trainings

Teaching you in-depth ways to Make Money Online!



stay tuned for videos!

Join Ai Profit Scoop For $17 And Get A Domain From Marcus :)