17 SEO Hacks For Affiliate Marketers – Get Free Traffic Fast

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17 Seo Hacks

1. Keyword Research is Key

2. Create A List Of All Possible Related Topics And Sub Category Keywords

3. Install An Seo Plugin On Your Blog

4. Do Your First Page Research

5. Make An Seo Plan BASED On What Is Already Ranking

6. Create Your Content For What Is Already Ranking

7. Push Content In Front Of Channels Already Out There

8. Get Involved In Your Market

9. List On Other Sites As Helpful Info (forums, quora, comments, facebook)

10. Produce Your Content For Multiple Types Of Media

11. Become A Guest Blogger

12. Use Marcus’ Search Glossary Method For Writing Topics And Keywords

13. Add “Bonus” Words To Titles And Content

14. Look At Your Stats And Go For Rankings You Can Improve

15. Have A Good Link Structure

16. Permalinks On Your Blog

17. Get A Good Keyword Domain Name

Join Us As Marcus Teaches All 17 Seo Hacks In Detail On Saturday Feb. 23rd @ 10am Est


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