$10,000 A Month With Affiliate Marketing 2020

$10,000 A Month With Affiliate Marketing 2020

You Are Not Going To Get Rich By Buying Some
Automated Push Button Program… There Is Some Work

STOP Messing Around And
Going From Idea To Idea
Get One Thing… Focus On That!

Looking For The Golden Opportunity
Wasting Time On Facebook, Countless Webinars, Youtube Videos, Training Courses, Books, Ect…

Now: Lets Talk Numbers
$10,000 A Month: What It Takes
$328 Per Day

Average Online Earnings Per 1,000 = CPM

Website CPM Averages $10 – $30 CPM / Per 1,000

300,000 – 1,000,000 Pageviews Per Month
(Run Of The Mill Amazon, Ad Networks, Affiliate Offers)

Youtube Averages $2-10 CPM / Per 1,000 Views

2,000,000 – 5,000,000 Video Views Per Month

Clickbank (product sales) 1% Conversion

9 Sales Per Day OR 900 Clicks To Offer Per Day
How Many Of Your Visitors Click The Ad For The Offer?

1,000,000 Page Views – That’s A Lot Of Work
1,500+/- Blog Posts (articles)
One Or Two Years Of Solid Work

Give Up Or Get Aggressive

There Is A Better Way

STOP Hoping For The Free Traffic Gravy Train To Come Knocking

You Need To Learn To AGGRESSIVELY Convert Your Traffic Into Leads Or Sales
And Get Them To Do What You Need Them To Do So You Can Get Paid

I Have Generated Hundreds Of Millions
Of Visitors To My Websites And Blogs

If I Relied On $0.01 Per View… I Would Be BROKE
I Have Tackled Over 100 Different Niche Markets

What Does it Mean To Get Aggressive
And Move Towards $10,000 A Month?

1. Directly Going After The Right Group Of People

Who Will Respond To Your Offer And How
Are You Going To Get In Front Of Them
PPC – What Are You Gonna Put In Front Of Them
SEO – How Will You MAXIMIZE Your Earnings By Choosing The Right Words And Offers (SEO hacking)
Youtube – How Will You Bust Your Ass To Make Direct Targeted Content
Social Media – How Will You Get Involved With People Who Want What You Have
Email Marketing – How Will You Structure Your Offer
Banners, Media Buys, Ect – How Will You Make Your Offer Direct

There Are People Right Now Banking $10K A Month Or More With SEO, PPC, Youtube,
And You Probably Never Even Heard Of The Niches They Are Using

2. AGGRESSIVELY (But Ethically) Push Your Offer
Look At Your Traffic, Focus On What They Want / Respond To, Then Put It In Front Of Them


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