Youtube Traffic Secrets For Affiliate Marketers GET More Views And Subscribers With Nick Nimmin

Youtube Traffic Secrets

with Marcus Campbell And Nick Nimmin

One of the most important aspects of affiliate marketing is being able to drive traffic and knowing how to drive the traffic where you want it. This week on Friday’s webinar, we invited guest Nick Nimmin, who focuses on affiliate marketing through YouTube, live to share secrets with you on:

Finding a Good Niche

It’s important to be deliberate when picking a niche. Always try to go for the less obvious, more targeted niches.

How You can Make Money with YouTube

AdSense and views are not the only way to make money on YouTube. Not only is YouTube the 2nd largest search engine, it is owned by Google, the leading search engine. Even without millions of views, with the right targeting and application, it is simple to make money from YouTube.

Power of Keywords

Keywords are one of the most important parts of targeting the correct audience.  Skip the bigger keywords and choose more targeted, direct keywords.

Figuring Out What You Want to Accomplish

Before getting started there’s a list of things that it’s good to ask yourself:

  • What am I promoting?
  • What kind of website would I need to make?
  • What is my goal? How much do I want to make daily?
  • How much of my product do I need to sell daily to meet my goal?
  • How much traffic do I need to get that amount of sales?

How to provide value to drive traffic

Providing the audience with valuable information or the solution to one of their problems is a good way to drive traffic

How to choose a Niche that You can Rank

Picking a niche that you can get ranked onto the front page of Google or YouTube will do much better than making a video on a high-competition niche that won’t be seen.

And More…

Not only did the webinar provide valuable tips for free on affiliate marketing using YouTube videos, a new course all about how to make money using Youtube is now available called Video Hacks.

What You Will Learn with Video Hacks:

Session 1: Getting Started on Youtube Finding and Defining Your “Niche”

One of the most valuable steps will be learning how to find a profitable, low-competition niche and the many ways that finding the proper niche can help you make more money.

Session 2: How to Start and Grow Your Channel For MASSIVE Views, Subscribers, and Traffic

This lesson will help you learn to optimize your channel to benefit your niche and the in’s and out’s of growing your channel on YouTube, as well as  how to bring in more traffic, more subscribers, and more views.

Session 3: How to NEVER Run out of Content Ideas or Traffic

This lesson shows you how to use keywords and valuable information to keep your audience and to never run out of idea or content for your audience.

Session 4:  How to Drive Your Viewers to Stuff that Gets You PAID

This lesson will include the best ways to optimize your channel, your videos, and how to find the best offers to drive your viewers to doing the tasks that make you money.

Bonus Session: How to Use Simple Persuasion to Get People to Buy Your Stuff

By showing you the very subtle techniques and how to providie valuable information and content to your audience, you will learn to persuade your viewers to buy your products.

Bonus Session: How to Set Up Your Blog to Capture Visitors, Leads, and Make Sales

It’s important to have your own site or blog in order to track your viewers interaction. In this lesson, you’ll learn the best ways to optimize your site in order to get more visitors to your site, capture leads, and make sales.

Bonus Three: Get Marcus’s WordPress Plugins For Your Blog {$297 Value}

Receive valuable plugins to help you set up your blog and to optimize your site to get the most sales.




3 thoughts on “Youtube Traffic Secrets For Affiliate Marketers GET More Views And Subscribers With Nick Nimmin”

  1. Mr Marcus, i really like your pattern of teaching,it is simple and easy understandable. I am a baby in this online affiliate marketing but i pick interest in your program when i came across one of your video on YouTube on December 2017 since then i have been following on YouTube. I have some challenges which had prevented me making any attempt but your video S E O for beginner ” about free traffic” persuade me to write in order to know if i can get some help from you. I, Onwuka Uchenna choice from Nigeria do not have enough fund to take your causes which could have been good opportunity to acquire skills that will help me to become a good online marketer, do not have a website, do not have YouTube video, do not have any niche in mind but have leaned many things from you. I do not want to be left behind because i understood that this is where the world is heading to.I have $150 which i want to use to get a niche domain and host it but my concern is As a new person without much experience could i be accepted in C P A Networks? How could you help me get accepted. since pay-pal is not workable here in Nigeria, is there any other ways one can pay and get payed in this C P A networks if, i get stuck creating my niche website how could i get help. i really want to start something that will be giving me some income which will help me begin taking some of your cause e.g simple site big profit, S E O cause and you tube cause for now.

  2. Hi Marcus, your system is not recognizing my email address. So I can’t get on to the ticket or get the bonus download.
    I did the $97 upgrade

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