What Is Adwords – How Google Adwords Works

Hey Marcus, what’s Google AdWords and why do you have this big cheque for $1.4 million dollars made out to them?

Marcus:                First of all, disclaimer, that’s not a real cheque. Second of all, I did spend close to $1.5 million dollars advertising my businesses, affiliate products and other things on the Google AdWords platform and in this short little video, we’re going to talk to you about what AdWords is, how to get started with AdWords, what the content network is, what’s the difference between AdWords and AdSense and how you could get started using AdWords to promote your business, products, service or market yourself as an affiliate marketer and we’re starting right now.

Speaker 1:           And we’re starting right now.

Marcus:                Hey guys, it’s Marcus here and welcome inside the backyard office. Today, what we’re gonna do is talk to you about what Google AdWords is, how you can use it in your business or with affiliate marketing to actually turn a profit online and we’re gonna go deep into what makes this work and why it works. Now, if you like this kind of stuff and you wanna learn to make money online with your business or affiliate marketing or whatever it is you got going on, make sure you click that subscribe button and click the little bell notification icon. That way you get the new videos that I come out with when I release ’em and you’re notified when we have live web trainings here every Wednesday and Friday morning, so you don’t wanna miss those, make sure you subscribe. Right now let’s dive right in and let’s talk about what Google AdWords is.

Now, if you were to go to Google right now and you did a search on Google. Let’s say we’re gonna do one for one I’m ranking for, Cartre Bonus, that’s for a product that I’ve been promoting lately that helps marketers manage all their stuff. So if you do a search for Cartre Bonus, you’re gonna see the following results. You’ll notice up at the top there’s one of my listings for affiliate marketing dude that has a little green ad box by it. That means it’s an ad and I’m actually paying for that listing. Now that is ran through the Google AdWords platform. What you do is you go to Google AdWords, you sign up for an account and you can actually bid on keywords or phrases or different types of interests and show up when people search. Now if we scroll down the page a little bit more, you’re going to see a ranking that doesn’t say ad, that’s also from my affiliatemarketingdude.com website.

Now the difference between the two is one is called SEO or free traffic, and the other is paid traffic. Now the reason everyone doesn’t just go for free traffic is sometimes it’s very difficult to get for various word you’re after and maybe sometimes you wanna be higher up on the results as well. So what we have is Google AdWords. Now Google AdWords is like a big marketplace for all the keywords that are searched for on Google and as we know, Google is searched over 4 million times a minute. That’s like 65,000 times a second, that’s a lot of searches. So we got a lot of people searching things on Google every minute and as a business owner, you can literally put yourself in front of whoever you want whose searching Google. Now there’s several things you’ll wanna notice and several things you’ll wanna take a look at.

First of all, we have to look at our keywords. Now behind the scene of our keywords, you’re gonna notice that there is a thing called the Google AdWords Keyword Planner. That’s a lot to say. The Google AdWords Keyword Planner is going to show you what keywords people search for and how many times a month they are searched for. So you might have 30,000 people a month searching for affiliate marketing or 100,000 people a month searching for make money online or maybe there’s 500 people a month in your local area, which is called geo-targeting, that are searching for a real estate agent or a lawyer or a car dealer or something like that. Okay so, first and foremost, we wanna look at our keyword, okay. Very, very, very important. You can, again, go to the Google AdWords Keyword Planner. The next thing we wanna look at is the location, okay? Location. So you can geo-target these and say, “Hey, I only want people in the United States of America,” or “I only want people in Thailand,” or “I only want people in Winter Springs, Florida, where Marcus lives.” Right?

So we have all that stuff there. You wanna look at location. Now when you pair the keyword with the location, you can literally drill down to your perfect prospect. So if you’re a realtor in Winter Springs, Florida, boom, you can get just those people. Your ad will only show when those people in Winter Springs, Florida search for realtor or homes for sale or something like that. Very cool. So we have keyword, we have location then we have what’s called match type. Now this is very important and a lot of people don’t really look at this. Match type is how do you want your keyword to trigger the ad. All right, ’cause obviously if I go bid on something like the word coupon, that’s really broad, we don’t know what people want. Now I can do something like glasses coupon or eye doctor coupon or maybe some other kind of coupon in my area and I can do different types.

So we have broad match, which would be like coupon download. Okay, let’s say we do coupon download. Now that would trigger anything. Now this is gonna trigger coupon, download, download coupon, how to download coupon. I need to download coupon, coupons for download, anything that has the word coupon and download in it. Doesn’t matter the order or anything like that, boom, you’re gonna trigger under broad match. Next, we have what is called exact match and it’s in these little brackets here, okay. If I do an exact match for coupon download, mkay, that means that these people have to search coupon download. That’s it, that’s all you get, just coupon download. Boom. That’s it. Now if I do what’s called a phrase match, that’s in quotes, phrase match, okay. That is the word coupon download, exactly like that but could also have other things in it, right? So if I do house prices as phrase match, it’s gonna come up with house prices in our area, house prices 2018, 2019 house prices predictions, right?

So it’s gonna have everything but it’s gotta have the phrase match exactly in it like that. Okay, so these are some of the different match types you have. So, first of all, we have the keyword. Again, we look at the Google Keyword Planner. Next, we have location, which we do by geo-targeting, you just tell Google, “Hey, where do I want people to see my ad?” Very important, especially with affiliate marketing because some of the things don’t pay you for customers that are in certain areas so very important. And then we have the match type, which is also going to allow you to drill down and find your perfect customer and then, on top of all this, we look at the fact that Google makes it really easy to see your stats and control everything you’re doing. See this is how it works. When you go to set up an ad, obviously, you want your ad to match the keyword, okay.

So if I’m doing realtor in Winter Springs, I’m gonna go through and I’m gonna make my ad say, “Winter Springs realtor” Mkay and then I could say something like, “over two million in sales last month.” Or you could do something like, “Guaranteed to sell or you don’t pay.” Or something like that, mkay, that would be our ad. Next, we have what’s called our URL, okay. Our URL is what is our domain name? So it’d be like, for me, it would be affiliatemarketingdude.com. So it’d be affiliatemarketingdude.com, that would be our URL, and then we have our target link. This is where they’re going to go to. This allows you for tracking and stuff like that or to test different pages, right? So I could say my URL is affiliatemarketingdude.com but the target link is affiliatemarketingdude.com/ga54 for Google AdWords campaign 54 or whatever, right, that way I can track it and stuff like that and send some to your page.

Okay so, really cool. Now we look at that and we get control. So, first of all, you control the keyword. Second of all, you control the location. Third of all, you control the match type. Fourth, we control what our ad says. So if you go in there and you have a product that’s $1000 and you don’t want people that don’t have $1000, you say, “Hey, x product, $1000.” Boom, done deal, really easy, right? You’re gonna weed out all the people. And that’s the whole idea of using keyword and pay-per-search or pay-per-click search, is to weed out the customers you don’t want and focus on the ones that you do.

Marcus:                Dude, Marcus, that’s insane. So all this money you sent on Google AdWords, you actually drilled down and got your perfect customer and made a huge profit on your investment?

That’s right and it gets even better because not only do you control the keyword, the location, the match type and your ad, but you also control the amount you pay. Now what you’re gonna see in the Google AdWords Keyword Planner is a suggested bid amount. You might look at something like Winter Springs realtor and it might say, “Hey, you know what? Our suggested bid is between 75 cents and four dollars.” Okay, now what this is, is this is called pay-per-click. Your ad is shown, it’s shown free, doesn’t cost anything to show your ad. You only pay when someone clicks on the ad and goes to your site. Very easy, right? So it’s like I only pay for people who visit my site. Now what they do on your site is up to you once you pay for the click, that’s it, you’ve paid for the click, right, very simple. Now once they get to your site, you can go through and sell them stuff and everything like that.

Now here’s where it gets really cool because I can actually go through and I can tell Google I only want to pay a certain amount per day. This is called your daily ad budget. On your daily ad budget, you can go through and say, “You know what Google, I only wanna pay $20 a day, okay.” You’re like, “I only wanna pay $20 a day.” So if you’re paying a dollar per click, you’re only gonna get twenty clicks a day, which maybe in your business might be enough to generate some income, all right, and maybe some others you need more. But if you get those twenty people a day, at the end of your twenty clicks, Google’s gonna pause your ad and then it’ll start over the next day. Now, in addition to this, we also get pretty much instant reporting, which means if someone clicks right now, I go into my account and I see hey, costs me a dollar, I spent a dollar, I got a click. Here’s the keyword they clicked on, here’s the page they went to. Pretty easy, right?

And then I can go through it and say, “Well, you know, this isn’t working the way I want. I’m gonna pause the ad.” Or, if the ad’s working really good, I could go through and say, “Well, I wanna spend $120 a day.” And boom, there we go, right? So we have full control over everything we do and we can accelerate, we can pause our ads, we can generate this stuff and we can make everything work the way we want and we have 100 percent control over what we do. Now, a little bit of disclaimers here. One, you never want to promote an affiliate product directly on Google AdWords. They don’t really care for that too much. What you wanna do instead is promote yourself or your website as the commodity in your market. That way when people come to you, they can join your mailing list, they can check out the stuff that you have on your site, they could read the information, they could watch the videos, whatever it is you have for them, they’re gonna look at that and say, “Hey, this is really good information, I like this guy, I trust this guy, I wanna learn more about what he has to offer.”

So very, very, very cool. Now, using Google AdWords as a great way to build a mailing list. It’s a great way to sell products, it’s a great way to build your brand, it’s a great way to get the word out about products or perhaps your services, if you’re a realtor or something like that. It’s a very good way to get out there and be seen because literally when you have 4 million people every 60 seconds searching Google, I guarantee people are out there searching for what you have to offer and if they are, put yourself in front of it. Start building your mailing list. Another thing to notice is that Google AdWords is kind of like a bidding war, the more advertisers you have, generally, the higher the price per click goes. So if you have a ton of advertisers, the price is gonna go really high.

If you have low advertisers or zero advertisers, the price is gonna be really low. In some cases, I’m able to get traffic for two to four cents per click, which is really cool in some markets and then in some markets you wanna check out other ways of doing it. Now, before I let you go, there’s a couple of other things you want to know. First of all, is what we called the Google Content Network. Now the Google Content Network runs exactly like Google AdWords, it’s actually in your Google AdWords in your keyword. What it is, is a little check box. Now, if you click the check box for the Content Network what that means is not only are you gonna show up on Google, but you’re also gonna show up on some other search engines and you’re gonna show up on websites that have the Google AdSense code on them.

So if there’s big websites in your market, perhaps you’re in recipes and you go and you get some traffic for recipes, you’re also gonna be on the top recipe sites that use AdWords and your ad will be shown there as well. Now, often, this is very, very less expensive click and I’ve actually gotten millions and millions and millions of visitors. Very, very inexpensive using the Content Network. It’s a lot like banner advertising but it goes through the Google Network and it goes through keywords and everything like that so it’s really cool. And then of course, the last thing you’ll want to notice here is Google AdSense. Now, Google AdSense, as we mentioned, is the content network, it’s the exact opposite of Google AdWords.

Google AdWords is where you’re paying for traffic, Google AdSense is where you get paid for traffic as a website content owner. Now I hope you enjoyed this little video, where I talked about AdWords, AdSense, the Content Network and how to get in with the Google AdWords Keyword Planner and I hope you enjoyed my fake cheque. Now if you like this stuff, go ahead and subscribe to my channel right now. To get other videos on how to make money online, how to promote your business and how to do affiliate marketing and make some extra money or even full time money like I’ve done for the last 19 years. So make sure you subscribe. Put your questions and comments below so that I can use ’em in my next video and I’ll see you in the next video.


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