What Is a Squeeze Page? How Squeeze Pages Work

Hey guys! It’s Marcus here with affiliatemarketingdude.com!

Today, what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna talk about working with squeeze pages.

I want to let you know that if at any time you feel like you need some more Information, some tips, and tools and anything that I’ve put together for you to learn how to make money as an affiliate marketer, feel free to go to affiliatemarketingdude.com!

 You can get all the cool stuff there! Make sure you opt in on that page because you’re gonna get tons of cool stuff, live webinars, live trainings, and things like that.

Today, what we’re gonna do is we’re going to talk about working with squeeze pages.

Basically I’d like to start by telling you what a squeeze page is.

In all internet marketing we start with our traffic.

This is our audience. This is our traffic.

The idea of internet marketing as a whole is to take this traffic and put them to something. There are several options of what you can do to put them to something. There is an option of like a direct link. So a direct link would mean that you’re sending them right to the affiliate offer and you’re hoping that the affiliate offer converts them because if it doesn’t convert them, then you’re not going to make any money!

There’s also like a landing page. A landing page is basically something where instead of a direct link, you’d make a simple page and you’d say, “Hi, welcome to my page! I really like this product,” and you’d send them to the affiliate link after, after they hit your page.

There’s also something called a squeeze page. A squeeze page is where the goal is to get them to opt-in. That means join your newsletter, become part of your mailing list so that you can market to them over and over, because as you’ve heard it said I’m sure in sales, the key to making money is that the fortune is in the follow up. So the more that you follow up with your visitors, your students, whatever, the more money you’re going to make.

I mean hands down! The cool thing about this is once you have a list, you can literally send an email and get money in your account within seconds, which is really cool for minutes depending on how fast it is; but the idea of the squeeze page is to take your traffic to a page. This page has one goal. The goal of that page is to get people to subscribe.

The idea here is you want to have an offer, an email, and a name box. Then of course they hit submit. So you would say, “Get free cats.” or whatever you’re giving away. Maybe you have a video or some text here that explains what they’re getting; but the goal is to get them to opt-in.

Once you take them and they opt-in, now they go into your database and you have permission to email them. You could say, “Hey man, now I hope you like the free cats we gave you. Here’s some cat food. Here’s some pet insurance. Here’s whatever.” So they go on your database and the cool thing is, now they come back to you over and over and over. So that one click that you got is now coming back to you over and over because you used the squeeze page.


Now, there’s several ways that you can build a squeeze page.

You could build a squeeze page with HTML, just like this one, or you could build a squeeze page with WordPress. but this video is just a short little video giving you an overview of how to work with squeeze pages. Again, remember the goal of your squeeze page is to get them to opt-in get them to be part of your mailing list so that you can make money over and over.

Once you have this database you could send them directly to affiliates offers. You can send them to your landing pages or other landing pages. You can even send them to a sales page.




Again, I’m Marcus Campbell from affiliatemarketingdude.com!

Go to my site, opt-in, just like I’m showing you how to do.

I’m gonna give you tons of cool free stuff.

Check out my channel.


We got other videos on how to make WordPress squeeze pages, how to make HTML squeeze pages and I even have some cool templates for you!


Thanks again for watching!

I’m Marcus. Go to affiliatemarketingdude.com!