Affiliate Marketing Talk At Traveling Beasts Seminar With Jermaine Steele

I Found Jermaine And Connected Thru His Facebook Post:

Jermaine Steele: 00:00 Quick introduction, real quick, if you guys don’t mind. Again, 20, 30 minutes, let’s give Marcus the same respect that we’ve given all the other speakers, por favor. And about 2010, I was still working a job and I bought a course called Simple Sites, Big Profits.

Marcus Campbell: 00:19 That’s the one.

Jermaine Steele: 00:20 Right? This course was a, I remember it was a software and an e-book, was 95 pages, I printed the whole thing out and I thought that I had to read the whole thing, which it helped me, so it was good I did. But I learned about branding, I learned about affiliate marketing, and I learned about how to really get to where what started me, which was affiliate marketing. I created a site called The Halloween Super Center. I went to Commission Junction, I started connecting it, next thing you know, I was selling Chuckie Bride Halloween costumes, which that tells you how old it was.

Jermaine Steele: 00:52 Point being, guys, that I created a site, and that was kind of like the beginning of this, if you will. So, yeah, hit me up. He’s like, “Hey, you’re in town, we’d love to connect.” I was like, “Dude, come on out.” He’s still doing his thing, right? He’s got a new brand, and I’m excited to bring up Mr. Marcus Campbell.

Marcus Campbell: 01:14 Thank you, man.

Jermaine Steele: 01:17 You need a computer?

Marcus Campbell: 01:17 I could use it, yeah.

Jermaine Steele: 01:17 Okay, cool,let’s-

Marcus Campbell: 01:17 Where are you guys, where are you guys at in marketing?

Jermaine Steele: 01:25 So [inaudible 00:01:26], like Alfredo was up here and he asked the same questions, ’cause he does a lot of consultants, printing, stuff like that. Everybody is on different pages, so we got e-commerce, we got, I’ll say this, everybody is winning, making money with e-commerce or affiliate marketing. Who here does affiliate marketing?

Speaker 1: 01:43 Me.

Jermaine Steele: 01:45 Victor, Andy, Rosie, so there’s quite a few in here. It still runs in my blood, so I still do it, but again, I’d say for the most part e-commerce, [inaudible 00:01:54], stuff like that.

Marcus Campbell: 01:57 Alright so, can you guys hear me?

Speaker 2: 01:58 Yeah.

Marcus Campbell: 02:01 We’ll talk about search marketing, you guys like search marketing? Pretty cool. Alright, so what I do is I’d like to go through and [inaudible 00:02:09] what’s going on. So for me what I wanna do, does anyone have a timer on their phone? Alright give me one minute. We’re gonna sit quiet for one minute and I’m going to show you guys something pretty cool. I’m gonna write it [inaudible 00:02:22] so let me know when that starts.

Speaker 2: 02:25 Alright ready, go.

Marcus Campbell: 02:31 Let me know when that stops, this is the fun part. This is a lot more fun [inaudible 00:02:57]. We’ll just kinda play it by ear. 20 seconds to go. 15…and 10, 9, I think we’re about there yeah? Alright cool. So the number I wrote down was 4 million. That uncomfortable minute means that 4 million people just searched on Google, 4 million people.

Marcus Campbell: 03:32 So what I like to do, is I like to look at that and say to myself, with 4 million people searching Google every minute, there has to be someone that’s looking for what I have to offer. Now we look at that and we can be searching anything from directions to get here…like I searched for on my way here. They could be looking for things like ways to stop drinking like I searched for about 4 years ago. They could be looking for things like recipes, they could be looking for anything.

Marcus Campbell: 03:56 And what happens is when you deal with this, you have a bunch of people and you can predict where they’re gonna be. So I’m gonna ask you this: if you go through and you take a look at your market and you’re like, okay, here’s where my people arrive. Not on the toilet, they’re not on the toilet, we don’t want them to arrive there. Okay. What we look at is okay, where do our people arrive? Well while people arrive, let’s say I’m doing affiliate marketing and I want to sell leads to local rehabs for alcoholics.

Marcus Campbell: 04:23 Okay those companies are willing to pay $700 for a 90 second phone call. So someone gets on the phone for 90 seconds, you get a check for 700 bucks. Pretty cool, right?

Marcus Campbell: 04:32 Now the question is, how do we get this traffic? Cause if we go to Google right now and we were to search for something like, rehab, okay what you’re gonna see is, let’s see alcohol rehab. Okay what you’re gonna see is a whole bunch of advertisements, right? You got these guys up here that are local, and you should have some ads down on the bottom as well.

Marcus Campbell: 04:58 So what you have is you have a lot of people trying to get this traffic. Now if you were to look in the Google ad words tool, you’re gonna find that this traffic is anywhere from $50 a click to $300 for one click. That means I click on an ad, right? If I click that, if he was bidding on an ad, that would cost him $50 to $300 bucks. And a cool side about that is that someone’s getting paid on that right? Not just Google, but other people as well.

Marcus Campbell: 05:26 Now the question is how do I find someone that needs a rehab or needs the product I’m selling, but doesn’t know they need it yet? Cause that’s the golden part. It’s kind of like when they tell you the best time to sell home insurance or home security systems is when? After a home break in. Your neighbor gets broken into, you’re like I’d better go get a home security system.

Marcus Campbell: 05:48 So we look at that and that would be a good example. Now when we do this with search marketing, my job is is to say well what would people be looking up if they were gonna end up needing alcohol recovery or if they were gonna need a refinance or if they were gonna need to foreclose on their home. So we look at this and if we can find them somewhere in the buying process where they don’t know they’re going to be, then boom, you can create customers for pennies on the dollar.

Marcus Campbell: 06:13 So we look at this and what I like to do is I like to go through and find things that people search for. For example, if I know that someone can refinance to save their house, we know that 9 out of 10 houses that foreclose, if you got a simple re-fi, boom, you could probably save your house right? So we look at that and we’re like okay if that would save their house how can I get people that are in the process and I know they’re gonna foreclose. If I could have a magic ball and look into the world and say, look, this guy’s 6 months behind on his payment. It’d be good data, right? And that’s what our whole business is driven on, is data.

Marcus Campbell: 06:48 So if we have the data on that and I say to myself, well, what about someone that’s looking something up like ‘hardship letter for mortgage.’ So here’s someone, they Google this and they Google it like 9,000 times a month, not one person, 9,000 people. And they Google this and I look at it and I say here’s someone that’s looking for ‘hardship letter for mortgage.’ So they wanna write a letter to their mortgage company so that they can get a better loan, get a loan reduction or something like that.

Marcus Campbell: 07:17 So I could go through and I could be like, hey check this out. Did you know the rates are like 4% right now? If you do a re-fi, you can get cash, you can do that, whatever. Now this type of keyword, the keyword where you’re dealing with something like ‘hardship letter for mortgage’ there’s literally no advertisers on there. None. They haven’t figured it out yet. Even though I tell people every week in my webinars.

Marcus Campbell: 07:37 So we look at that and that’s predictive search marketing. You can also look at things like this right? Everyone in here knows that there’s a market on line for ‘make money on line.’ Right? How many of you you guys have heard of that niche? Or maybe you’ve searched for it yourself. Now, when someone searches for ‘make money on line’ I want you to think about their mindset. They’re sitting here with their arms crossed like this, and they’re like what’s this little short dude gonna tell me about making money on line? He’s probably a scammer. I mean look he’s got his logo, he’s got cigars, he’s gotta be a scammer. Every scammer has cigars.

Marcus Campbell: 08:12 So that’s what they’re thinking. Is that a good customer or a good prospect for me? Because I sell stuff that helps people make money on line. Well I actually found better keywords. For example, I could use a keyword like Ad-Sense. The Ad-Sense program allows you to put ads on your website and make money. Okay so technically a guy typing in Ad-Sense wants to make money on line. Right? So now I get this traffic. The traffic is like 3 cents to 30 cents a click. Or I can get it free with YouTube and whatever. And boom, now I get a customer that’s in a different part of the buying process. Does that make sense to everyone?

Marcus Campbell: 08:50 Cool, do you have a water?

Jermaine Steele: 08:52 Yes.

Marcus Campbell: 08:53 Alright, cool. Been sitting in the car too long. Now any questions on that so far? You guys all use search marketing? Or have you heard of this stuff before? Part of it.

Jermaine Steele: 09:05 It’s not cold brother but there you go.

Marcus Campbell: 09:08 Oh that’s cool. So you guys have heard of it before? Now how many of you guys have used paid search marketing? Okay, cool, ad words, stuff like that? Alright cool. That’s primarily what I’ve done and for me, as a marketer, my goal is to find what people search for and focus on that. Because for me as a marketer I’m like okay I wanna make money, this is my inventory. So every keyword that people search for on Google is my inventory.

Marcus Campbell: 09:34 Hardship letter for mortgage, it’s got 9900 people, if it’s worth a dollar a click to me, that’s 10 grand a month. If I go through and I look up something like ways to stop drinking, boom, I know the guys gonna have a problem, I know he’s probably gonna end up in a rehab. I can bring him through a funnel. Words like Ad-Sense, this is all inventory to me. And when we look at this, it’s different than any other kind of marketing because you’re actually going through and you’re tackling the person at the exact moment that they want something. So now what I do is instead of going to the ad-words tool and typing something in like mortgage or weight loss or something like that, what I do is I use what I call trigger words.

Marcus Campbell: 10:13 A trigger word is a word that I can go in and reverse engineer and say what are people searching for? Because as a marketer I don’t care about whatever product I’m using, I mean I obviously have to have a good product right? But I don’t care so much about what the end result is as long as it’s ethical, as long as it’s within something that I wanna do. What I care about is what are people searching for and what can I link them to?

Marcus Campbell: 10:37 And one of the markets that I found back in, I think it was 2004. I was doing my trigger word research and I found out that people were looking for backgrounds and layouts for websites. Right and at that time everyone was obsessed with My Space. They were out there and they were like, My Space is cool, My Space is great. Backgrounds and layouts and they wanted to have a cool picture of their favorite artist on their page. Or they wanted to make their mouse…

Marcus Campbell: 11:00 Picture of their favorite artist on their page or they wanted to make their mouse cursor a baseball instead of the arrow that is so boring, right? So we went there and so many marketers told me at the time, they’re like, “You can’t make money with that.” How many of you guys here, you’re like, “Myspace is free, it’s mostly like older teens, younger adults and there’s nothing to sell.” And you’d be like, “Marcus, that is not a buyer’s market, What are you talking about?” Right? How many of you guys, if you’re honest, you’d say, “It’s not a buyer’s market, how do you make money in it?” What I did is I went there and my theory is always if there’s traffic, there has to be a way to make money on it. There has to be, right? Because they’re spending money anyway.

Marcus Campbell: 11:40 I went through and I looked at it and I found some programs and I was like, “Okay.” These programs aren’t exactly what they want but I can actually get paid when people download things. And so, this company was like, “You’re gonna get $0.70 when people download a happy face.” And I was like, “$0.70? Cool. Happy face? Cool. Does it cost anything? No.” Okay, so how many happy faces could I give away in a day? I went to it and I’m like, “Well, these Myspace people aren’t looking up happy faces but I think they’d probably like them.” So what I did is I put it in front of them and boom, we had a site, we were getting about 4,500 downloads a day of the smiley face program where I was getting $0.75 or $0.70.

Marcus Campbell: 12:24 Now fast forward a couple years later, they made me a custom program. I went through … we were doing like three to four dollars per download, thousands of times a day. When you look at this, this is how the internet works and a lot of people don’t reverse engineer it because they’re so focused on linear thinking. How do I find a customer that wants this, right? So I’m selling mortgages, I better type in mortgage, I better type in mortgage Florida, I better type in mortgage refinance, mortgage rates. All of these are gonna be competitive because they’re completely obvious. What I say is when everything is obvious, it goes to breakeven. So like the rehab one, you can get $700 for a 90 second phone call. Problem: you’ll probably get a phone call every maybe 10 clicks, alright? Traffic’s $0.70 a click; breakeven. Car loans, right? You could get $10 for a car loan for them, alright? They amount per click … probably gonna pay $3.00 for that click; breakeven.

Marcus Campbell: 13:21 So what you gotta do is you gotta think outside the box and you have to think differently and you have to go to your keyword tool and say what are people typing in to end up where I’m at, right? If someone’s out there, so let’s say one of the programs that’s really big … how many you guys back up your computer using a cloud? Cool, thank you if you went through my link. So here’s the deal, right? Cloud back up, very expensive keyword. You got companies like McAfee, you got companies that have huge, huge budgets. Here in this room, even the guy making the most money is not gonna be able to compete with McAfee or those big companies, so what do we do?

Marcus Campbell: 14:01 What we do is we go for something like hard drive error, right? Someone looking up a hard drive error, they’re like, “Holy crap, I got hard drive error 90648 and I don’t know what it means so I Google, right?” And I go there and I go, “Well, hard drive error 90468 happens to be a bad hard drive.” How many of you guys could have figured that out? It’s a bad hard drive, what should you do? Well, why don’t you go to the cloud and back it up? Boom, now I get paid on the sale for them even though they’re not looking for it, right? Because they want hard drive error and I can go through and I can look at this and I can remedy it in a linear fashion where I’m not going out there and say, “Well, I sell make money online therefore, I want make money online. I sell mortgages, therefore, I want people looking for mortgages.” Instead, I’m backing up a step and saying, “Can I predict what people are gonna do?”

Marcus Campbell: 14:49 About, I think it was two years ago, I was about … yeah, two years ago … three years ago, I had just gotten out of rehab. I had an alcohol problem, four years sober today. Not today, but awhile ago. Thank you. And about 90 days out of rehab, I was like, “I wonder, if you look at my search history, if you could have predicted this?” And that question right there, if you answer it, you will be rich, just answer that … If you could predict, based on my search history, that I was going to need rehab, how many of you guys would be like, “Yeah, I’d like a piece of that.” I mean, rehab’s like 50 grand, 100 grand and the companies pay a lot, right?

Marcus Campbell: 15:33 If you could predict it and so what I did is I went through and I looked at my search history. Some of it was depressing, some of it was not good, some of it was like … not that not good, get your mind out of the gutter, right? I do that on other computers, you know? But we look at that and we’re like, “Okay, here we have this and we break it down.” I had things like am I going insane, alcohol and mental illness, alcohol and depression, alcohol and Zoloft. They had me on Zoloft at the time, which … don’t mix the two, not good. I looked up all these things and you could have clearly taken that search history and you could have predicted where I’d be. Now think about that for a minute.

Marcus Campbell: 16:14 What if you could take whatever you’re marketing, I don’t care what it is whether it’s a software, whether it’s make money online, whether you’re a personal coach, whether you’re a consultant. Whatever you’re doing, if you can take that and say, “What could I predict based on what these people are searching for? What could I predict?” If someone’s out there and they’re like, “How do I build a lead capture page for my website?” That’s a cheap click, that’s dirt cheap. I know because I’m buying it right now and I get traffic for $0.30 or $0.10. These people want hosting, they want my products, they want products that are done for you, website building things, right? We look at this and we say, “How can I go through and back up in the buying process?” And say, “What is it that they would inevitably use to end up where I’m at?” Does that make sense? Does that helpful for you guys?

Audience: 16:14 Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Marcus Campbell: 17:04 Okay, cool. Any questions on that so far? No? Okay, cool.

Marcus Campbell: 17:09 So yeah, that’s basically what I do for a living is I go and I find people that don’t know they want something because if I know you want something before you know you want it, I’m extremely wealthy, right? Because I through, I’m like, “There we go, that’s what you guys want and you didn’t know it yet.” How much time we’ve got?

Jermaine Steele: 17:27 Oh we’re good, you’re good.

Marcus Campbell: 17:28 Cool.

Jermaine Steele: 17:29 Yeah, I was just … take all pictures.

Speaker 3: 17:31 Unless, I missed, do you use any specific tools or keyword searches to …

Marcus Campbell: 17:36 Yeah, I use the AdWords tool. When I used the AdWords tool, I’ll go in and what I’ll do is I’ll use a list of trigger words because again … I’ll go through … As a marketer, I don’t care what I use so I’m not going in there saying, “I’m gonna sell rehab leads.” I go in there saying, “What the hell do people search for, right?” Four million, four million a minute, what are they searching for? I’ll go through and that’s how I found the Myspace one. Seven figure business off of a simple little term. That’s how I found my web hosting one that makes money every month. We look at it and it’s … I’ll go into that tool and instead of typing something mortgage or whatever, I’ll go in and I’ll type in tips, download, pdf, learn, ways to, calories.

Marcus Campbell: 18:17 Like calories … you guys want to get in the weight loss market? People looking up calories in a banana. I don’t look it up because I don’t care how many calories are in a banana but someone who does care wants to lose weight. That traffic right now, you could get it for $. 02 a click or free. A lot of these words you could get free if you’re not into paid traffic.

Jermaine Steele: 18:34 [inaudible 00:18:35] that’s kind of what you said. Like I was looking the other day, can you drink coffee while you’re fasting?

Marcus Campbell: 18:41 That’s probably a good one.

Jermaine Steele: 18:42 I didn’t type it. [crosstalk 00:18:43] then that will lead into …

Marcus Campbell: 18:46 Mm-hmm (affirmative), yeah that would lead into like intermittent fasting.

Jermaine Steele: 18:49 [crosstalk 00:18:49] fasting, you know? So that’s way off of diet terms but they’ll lead into a good diet [inaudible 00:18:54].

Marcus Campbell: 18:54 What happens too is it’s problem solution oriented. Like the guy who’s like, “I wanna make money online.” You gotta sell him. I want a guy who’s like how do I put AdSense up?” Well, here’s how you do it. By the way, if you do it like everyone else, you’re only gonna make 10% and I’ll show you how to make 90. If they’re like, “I wanna make 90.” Boom, then they sell themselves. Guy looking up the fasting one, right? Can I have coffee while fasting? You go through and you’re like, “That’s his question,” you say, “Well, here are the reasons yes, here are the reasons no. By the way, what kind of diet are you on?” You get him to click something.

Marcus Campbell: 19:27 One of the things that I utilize, which is very important is getting people to click things, right? Sounds basic. You’re like, “Well, everyone clicks everything online. What the hell are you talking about, dude? I didn’t pay for this?” But what happens is you can actually put your site up so you have your site and you’re like, “Okay, should I drink coffee while fasting?” And then you go through and you say, “Well, why are you fasting?” You’re like, “Okay, are you fasting because of religious reasons? Okay, click here. Are you fasting because you want to lose weight? Good, click here. Are you fasting because, you know, you’re on a detox or you’re going the doctor or whatever?” Which I’ll bet the coffee one has to do with a doctor, I’ll bet that’s where that’s from because they’re probably looking like fasting before surgery, can I have coffee? So we’re looking at that, right?

Marcus Campbell: 20:10 Then if you’re looking at surgery or something like that; one, you can take each of these solutions and put it to a different thing that makes money, right? So to kind of make it simplified, it’d be like you want to lose weight? You want 50 pounds, 100 pounds, 200 pounds, right? You take them to the program that’s gonna fit. Now two things happen here. One, you’re making more money because the product is more suited to what they want and two, you’re getting data. Data is what rules this game and we look at it and we’re like, “Okay.” I set up a simple Bible site. I found out people wanted to download the Bible, Bible Online. Okay, they wanted to read the Bible online. So I went through and I did this site, it was a one page site. It took me about 15 minutes to make and it had little Bibles and it was like, “Here’s the NIV, here’s the King James, here’s this, here’s that, here’s that.” And so, I went through and I looked at what they were clicking on. I was like, “Okay, they’re all clicking on this one down here. I’m gonna move that to the top.” Instant 50% more revenue.

Marcus Campbell: 21:06 Same kind of thing I did with a sports site. I had a site about watching sports online, people want to watch sports while they’re at work because who doesn’t want to watch sports while they’re at work? And so, I went through and I was like, “Okay, the 49’ers are getting most of the clicks because they used to be a really good team.” But you know, they’re getting all the clicks and so, here we go. We’ll move it to the top and I’m learning about where these people are at, which is important. If you can learn about where your market’s at in a simple little test, that’s what’s gonna be key.

Marcus Campbell: 21:36 The second tactic that I use that’s really good is utilizing what people naturally do, right? What do they naturally do online? Like if I go to a site and I’m looking for cheap gas prices in my area, what’s natural? What would be natural for that? You go to the site, if I say, “Put your email in.” Would you guys be like, “What the hell does he want my email for? I mean, he’s gonna email me gas? You know? I don’t know.” What if I said, “Put your zip code in?”

Audience: 22:01 Yup.

Jermaine Steele: 22:03 You know, I was gonna say-

Marcus Campbell: 22:00 What if I said put your zip code in?

Jermaine Steele: 22:01 Yep. Yeah, I was going to say …

Marcus Campbell: 22:03 It would be like, “Of course I will.” 99.5% of the people who come to my site put the zip code in the box. Now, that doesn’t do anything. It doesn’t make me any money but it allows me to pre populate the second offer and now all they have to do is click submit and I get two bucks. Right?

Marcus Campbell: 22:17 Another example was on my lottery website which was a site designed for like, looking at the latest numbers, right? You go there, you got your ticket. You’re like, “Okay.” I built this site and I was like, “Okay. Download the lottery toolbar so that I can get paid. I mean so you can find out the numbers.” Right? That’s why. Not so I can get paid. Right? And people didn’t download it.

Jermaine Steele: 22:17 [crosstalk 00:22:40].

Marcus Campbell: 22:40 What’s that?

Jermaine Steele: 22:41 It’s a better way to win.

Marcus Campbell: 22:44 There you go. And so I went through and I’m like well nobody cares about the bible toolbar. Or the lottery toolbar. Right? No one cared about it and I was like, “Well, why not? I get four bucks when they download it, they should care about it.” So I went through and I was like, “Well, what if I put a little dropdown box in the corner of my site that said, ‘May 6th, 2018’?” Actually more than 99% of the people clicked on that. Some of it clicked it twice. So what happened was now, instead of saying, “Hey come to my site. Please download the toolbar. Please, please, please I need my four dollars.” I went and I said, “Which date are you checking?” Boom. Took them to the page, it said download the toolbar. End of story. I think that one did, the day that the lottery was big like three years ago, is when I set it up, and it’s best day was like 16 hundred bucks. I didn’t even sell anything, it’s just a little toolbar. It literally took me 13 minutes to make the site. Boom, there you go.

Marcus Campbell: 23:39 But again, predictive searching, looking at what their looking for, and taking them to what your page is, getting the data and then figuring out what to make money on, which is cool. So never start with your money method. Like a lot of people try to force their product on what people want. Like if I was gonna create a product, which I have a couple of products, but if I was gonna create a new one I would create it based on why people search. What are they searching for? If people are looking for ad sense, if people weren’t looking for ad sense, I’d be doing something completely different. Right? Does that make sense?

Jermaine Steele: 24:10 Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Marcus Campbell: 24:12 Alright cool. So we can take some questions if you guys have questions.

Jermaine Steele: 24:15 Are you paying for traffic or [inaudible 00:24:18]?

Marcus Campbell: 24:18 Both. Yeah, I pay for traffic and I get it organically. The trigger word method is wonderful for free traffic. Like if you guys want free traffic, use this, you’ll get tons. And then you just go through and you say okay, well how can I find people? What can I lead them to? And I mean there’re tons of free traffic out there.

Speaker 4: 24:36 Can you do it in Ad Words?

Marcus Campbell: 24:36 Ad Words?

Speaker 4: 24:39 Can you do it in Ad Words?

Marcus Campbell: 24:40 Yeah, you could actually go into Ad Words and when you create your account, you could see … So you’ll go in Ad Words-

Speaker 4: 24:46 Right.

Marcus Campbell: 24:47 And you’ll type in, like for me I’ll type in ways to and it’ll come up and it’ll be like ways to lose weight, ways to make money, ways to whatever. Right? And then it’ll say next to it, 900 thousand searches a month, 500 thousand searches a month. And it’ll say that, and then when you create your ad, you’ll just bid on it and then as long as your site is about that, you’ll be able to get traffic cheap. And you get traffic within five minutes.

Speaker 5: 25:10 So if you sold [inaudible 00:25:10] a day and the daily budget you?

Marcus Campbell: 25:12 Yeah, so a lot of people look at paid traffic. Now how many of you guys are like, “I’m a little afraid of paid traffic.” If you’re honest, a lot of people come to me and they’re like, “I’m afraid of paid traffic man, what if Google just like zaps my house away?” Right? And that’s what we think. We’re like, “Googles gonna be like I’m just going to take your house man, you got nine clicks, you know? Got to pay for it.”

Marcus Campbell: 25:32 But the cool thing about Google is you set the terms. I’m like, “I wanna pay 50 cents a click. I wanna spend no more than five dollars a day. And I want it to shut off at five o’clock or when it hits five bucks.” Right? So we go through and we look at it, and it’s completely under your control. And the cool thing is, your results are instant. So I log into Google and I’m like, “What did I spend?” And I log into my affiliate account or whatever I’m selling, and I’m like, “What did I make?” And as long as what I made is more than I spent, I’m good. And it’s instant, like you could see right away. So, that’s pretty cool. All right, other questions?

Jermaine Steele: 26:08 How do you give them those tools that you set up? You do it on the same website?

Marcus Campbell: 26:14 Yeah, so, on the website, what I do is I actually, I used to do these in static websites back in the old days of the internet before the Facebooks. I would do a static page and I just have different lengths for different buttons. What I’d do is behind the scenes, I’d run a program like Crazy Egg. Crazy Egg it kind of like makes a movie of your people on your site. I’d go through and my site would look like this, and it’d have the little lottery drop down thing here. And then in Crazy Egg it’d look like this because all the people clicked here. Right?

Marcus Campbell: 26:46 I’d cover over it and it’d be like, this guy clicked and he came from Google Edwards and he used this keyword. You can do that if you have a lot of time on your hands. So it will show you. Now, what I do now, is I actually have plugins built because I do all of this with WordPress and the plugin will actually give me data on what they use in the dropdown, not just that they clicked it. So, I’ll get it and they’ll be like, “Hey, most people want 100 pounds, 50 pounds, whatever.” Does that make sense?

Jermaine Steele: 27:12 Yes.

Marcus Campbell: 27:12 Yeah. So, utilize tools. I mean, there’s tons out there. You can use free tools. There’s tons of free tools. But, use a tool that’s going to get you the result you want. Like, I look at it, and a lot of people come to me and they talk about making money online in affiliate marketing. And they’re like, “What should I buy?” And I’m like, “Well, what are you doing?” They’re like, “Well, I just want to make money online.” Okay, well start at square one.

Marcus Campbell: 27:34 But, only get something that you know you need. Right? Don’t go buying a whole bunch of stuff. Just get … Be like, “Okay. I want a tracker.” Then go buy the tracker that’s going to fit your needs because there’s a lot of stuff out there and it could be like a rabbit hole, you know? You go and you buy things, and buy things, buy things, try things. If you’re not focused, right? That’s why I love search marketing because it’s measurable. I can measure exactly 19 people today came from ways to lose 100 pounds in a week. Those 19 people clicked on this. Out of that, five people bought. Right? Boom. Totally easy to track.

Marcus Campbell: 28:09 If you can track that, the world’s your oyster. You go through it, you find all the keywords you want, you build sites, lead them to things that pay you and get paid. So, yeah.

Jermaine Steele: 28:18 Are you using like volume tracking or-

Marcus Campbell: 28:20 What’s that?

Jermaine Steele: 28:21 CPP Labs or volume?

Marcus Campbell: 28:23 I have custom tracking software that I use. It’s not as detailed as the stuff you’ll pay for, but what I find is sometimes you don’t need that much detail. For me, I just want to know one, where’s the money coming from? And two, what are they clicking on? Because if I can look at a site … That’s what people, they really go wrong on. They set up a site and then they test it on paid traffic and it doesn’t work and they’re like, “It just didn’t work.” I’m like, “You quit right in the middle when you got the data because the data is everything.” If I know that a site broke even or lost money or whatever, and I know what they clicked on, then boom, there you go. Right?

Marcus Campbell: 29:04 Then I can go through and isolate what they’re using, so yeah. All right. Any other questions? No? Okay. Think we’re good.

Jermaine Steele: 29:14 Sorry, one more.

Marcus Campbell: 29:16 Sure.

Jermaine Steele: 29:17 Do you do YouTube ads as well?

Marcus Campbell: 29:19 I did YouTube ads in 2009 and I did extremely well with them. Back then, it got kicked off the ad for a community thing and so I was kind of scared to run them again. So, I haven’t run them since just because I’m a total chicken shit, pardon my language, but I should run them again.

Jermaine Steele: 29:37 Might zap your house.

Marcus Campbell: 29:39 Yeah, might zap my house. It has been zapped. Here in Florida, every house is zapped. I learned that the hard way, man. More lightening here than anywhere. Are you guys all from Florida? No-

Jermaine Steele: 29:51 All across the states.

Marcus Campbell: 29:53 Cool. He’s from Florida. Or did you have a question? Florida? Yeah. We moved here two years ago and there’s a lot of lightening. But, I love it here. It’s cool.

Jermaine Steele: 30:04 Real quick, everybody, Bobby’s taking off. Later Bobby. [crosstalk 00:30:08].

Jermaine Steele: 30:08 All right. Quick question.

Marcus Campbell: 30:08 Sure.

Jermaine Steele: 30:08 Do you have a business card or-

Marcus Campbell: 30:08 Just remember it. [crosstalk 00:30:28].

Jermaine Steele: 30:37 All right, Bobby. So anymore questions for Affiliate Marketing Dude?

Marcus Campbell: 30:41 No?

Jermaine Steele: 30:41 We good?

Marcus Campbell: 30:45 Cool.

Jermaine Steele: 30:46 Going once. Going twice. Going three times. Give it up for Marcus Campbell.

Speaker 4: 30:52 Dude, thank you man.

Marcus Campbell: 30:53 Sure, no problem.

Speaker 4: 30:55 I’m going to bring all the speakers up in just a minute-

1 thought on “Affiliate Marketing Talk At Traveling Beasts Seminar With Jermaine Steele”

  1. Very valuable content! Thank you so very much, Marcus. You are a rebell and a hero in my eyes. Love people who swim against the stream and come up with something very unique and new.

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