This Fake Ai Guru Makes Me Money

Hey guys, welcome back! Today, we’re diving into some cutting-edge AI tools that you can use to make money online. I will show you step-by-step how to leverage Microsoft’s Co-Pilot and Google’s Notebook LM to create a powerful content strategy that will boost your income using AI in ways most people don’t even know are possible!

Let’s break it down into real, actionable tips and techniques you can use right now to maximize your profit potential with these tools. So grab your notepad (or your favorite note-taking app), and let’s get started!

What You’ll Learn in This Guide…

  1. AI News You Need to Know:
    • Overview of the latest trends in AI and how platforms like Google Gemini and Udemy are integrating AI to create content.
    • Learn how to stay ahead by leveraging these tools before everyone else jumps on the bandwagon.
  2. Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your AI Guru:
    • Using Microsoft Co-Pilot to gather content and insights from top sites in your niche.
    • Leveraging Google Notebook LM to turn YouTube videos into your personal knowledge database.
  3. Practical Tips for Turning Content into Cash:
    • How to create unique, high-value content that’s perfect for blogs, PDFs, or even video guides.
    • Strategies for linking your content to affiliate offers that convert.


What’s Happening in the AI World?



Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s talk about what’s new in AI and how it’s going to affect content creators and online entrepreneurs:

  • Google’s Notebook LM now has a new feature that allows you to turn any YouTube channel into your personalized guru. This means you can ask questions, generate content ideas, and get detailed insights on niche topics faster than ever before.
  • Google Gemini has introduced smart response features to Gmail, making AI-assisted communication even more intuitive. How does this help you make money? Imagine streamlining your communication with prospects or automating responses for your sales funnels!
  • Udemy is taking a controversial step by using AI to recreate courses based on the content it already hosts. This means content creators need to keep a close eye on what’s being automated and how they can stay ahead of the curve.


Creating Your AI-Powered Guru :

Now, let’s focus on turning these AI innovations into real money. Today, I’m showing you how to create an AI-powered niche guru that will do a lot of the heavy lifting for your content creation. Here’s how:

  1. Start with Microsoft Co-Pilot:
    • Find Top Sites in Your Niche: Identify 5-7 authoritative websites in your niche. Use a simple search on Bing or get a list directly from ChatGPT. For example, if your niche is finance, you might want to look at sites like or NerdWallet.
    • Use Co-Pilot’s Browser Integration: Open each site in Microsoft’s Co-Pilot and enable the Co-Pilot button. This allows you to leverage ChatGPT’s capability to analyze the entire website, extract key insights, create FAQs, and find trending topics.
    • Ask Niche-Specific Questions: Use Co-Pilot to ask questions about a particular topic. For instance, if your niche is “debt management,” you could ask, “What are the top tips for paying off debt faster, according to this site?” Co-Pilot will summarize the info based on that website, giving you a tailored response.
  2. Dive Deeper with Google Notebook LM:
    • Turn YouTube Videos into Knowledge Repositories: Notebook LM allows you to add YouTube videos as sources. Paste the URLs of relevant videos into Notebook LM, and it will turn them into structured information, ready to be referenced or turned into your content.
    • Create Multi-Source Overviews: Add 5-10 YouTube videos from various thought leaders in your niche. For example, if you’re in self-improvement, include videos from Tony Robbins, Gary Vee, and others. Notebook LM will compile insights and even generate FAQs, tables of content, and other resources.
  3. Combine Co-Pilot and Notebook LM: Now you have two powerful tools working for you. Use the insights from Co-Pilot to create text-based content (think blog posts, scripts, or articles) and use Notebook LM’s features to create structured guides or even podcasts.




Turning Content into Money: Making Your AI Guru Pay

Once your content machine is running, it’s time to monetize. Here are a few strategies to make your AI guru work for you:

  • Create Targeted Blog Posts: Write blog posts summarizing what top gurus in your niche say about certain topics. Use headings like “What the Top 5 Finance Gurus Say About Getting Out of Debt”. Then link to relevant affiliate products like credit repair services or personal finance tools.
  • Develop High-Value PDFs and Checklists: Use the content created by Co-Pilot and Notebook LM to create checklists or PDFs. For example, in the dating niche, you could compile “Top 7 Dating Tips from Industry Experts.” Offer these as lead magnets to build your email list.
  • Use FAQs and Guides for Social Media Content: Use the FAQs and guides generated in Notebook LM to create quick social media posts, Pinterest infographics, or even short TikTok videos.


And now what?

 Create a Content Strategy That Converts 

  • Step 1: Identify a Niche and Define Your Audience.
  • Step 2: Use Co-Pilot and Notebook LM to gather insights and content ideas.
  • Step 3: Turn those insights into valuable content for your blog, YouTube channel, or social media.
  • Step 4: Include affiliate links, opt-in forms, and calls to action throughout your content.
  • Step 5: Promote using social media, paid ads, and organic search.


 Join the AI Profit Challenge!

I’m launching the AI Profit Challenge, a seven-day challenge designed to teach you how to create, monetize, and automate AI content like a pro. I’ll guide you through the process, share my tips, and show you how to build a content empire that makes you money while you sleep.

So, what are you waiting for?




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