Start A Million Dollar Software Business Today

Get A High Ticket Niche in The Software Biz And Get My Software Class Replays Free ($997 Value)

Wait a minute, did he say something about getting rich quick?

Well, today, ladies and gentlemen, we’re going to talk about that exact process.

Now I know there’s a lot of people out there that say you can’t get rich quick. I know there’s a lot of schemes and stuff that are out there promising to get you rich quick, but this is something entirely different. If you’re willing to stick around and learn exactly what I’m talking about here, which is how to start your own software business.

Now you might be saying, “Marcus, wait a minute, get rich quick? Start your own software business? How does this even make any sense?”

Well, we’re going to show you how this whole thing works and we’re going to cut it down and show you exactly what you need to do because today you are going to learn my entire plan for how to start a simple software business.

Now, this is something a lot of people don’t really know about me, but I’ve been starting software businesses since like 1999, 2000, when I first made the Herbalife disc back in the day. Now I’m going to tell you that I used the name software kind of liberally. All right, what we’re talking about is simple little tools like the Herbalife disc. I set this thing up. I went and got some CD, or not even CDs, back then it was floppy discs, right? I got a box of a hundred of them at the Staples and loaded them with this software that literally took me like a couple days to make, and bada bing, bada boom, that, it was what landed my career to getting a Lamborghini full of money in my office. So we’re going to show you how this works, because these are very simple software tools that we make.

These are not huge. Now I want to tell you this because as I was prepping for this video, I started to think, “Oh, I wonder how my friend’s doing?” This is a friend that came to me back in 2018. 2018, I’m hanging out, doing some social media marketing on Facebook, and someone messages me and is like, “Hey, I’m a friend of a friend. Would you be cool if I interviewed you for my podcast?” And I’m like, “Sure, podcasts are fun. This could be cool.” So she interviewed me for her podcast and she was talking about how I was doing these little software tools, giving them away, building them, selling them ,how I was making millions of dollars in software. I think that was the name of the podcast. You can go look it up and see the old podcast from back then and everything like that.

So we looked at it and I taught her this. And then, she’s like, “That’s pretty cool. I like your business model. I like learning about business models.” And here she is here from when we did our software training class together a couple years ago, which was a hit. Now the software training class is not open. So if you’re like, “Oh, Marcus, this looks like some clever pitch to get me to buy something.” Don’t worry. You couldn’t even buy it if you wanted to because it’s not on sale. This is just for the picture here. Right? And so, fast forward. So we had this podcast and I was on the podcast. She asked me all kinds of questions about this because she wanted to get into internet marketing and affiliate businesses. And she didn’t know which direction to go. Everyone was telling her, do this, do that, do this, do that.

And for some reason she liked what I had to say. She’s like, “Hey, that business seems pretty cool. This Marcus guy seems kind of cool. He’s a little weird, but this is kind of cool.” Right? And so I didn’t hear from her for like a year until, I think maybe six months later I heard from her and she’s like,” Marcus, I started this little software plug-in thing for Chrome. It cost me like $250 to make it. And I’m now making $7,000 a month.” And I’m like, “Hey wait, wait, what? Like, you just set this up? It cost you 250 bucks and now you’re making $7,000 a month?” Now again, ladies and gentlemen, please sit down. The results are not typical, implied, or guaranteed. The odds of you watching this video, going and doing nothing and making $7,000 a month are none. You’re not going to do it.

This takes work. This takes lots of business practice. This takes some money. This takes some risk. It takes some stuff. But what we are talking about, ladies and gentlemen, today is if you want to get big, big numbers. How many of you guys out there are like, “Wait a minute, this is cool. I can get some big numbers.” Or, you know, maybe you’re like Kim, and you’re like, “Hey, you know what? I just want to get started and make $7,000 a month or whatever it is.” Okay, that’d be cool. Or maybe you’re just like, “Hey, I want to make $500 a month to pay for my new car” or whatever it is. Okay. So we look at that. Now, fast forward, I just talked to Kim last night and I was like, “Hey, I’m going to talk about you on the webinar. Give me an update. How you doing?”

Hadn’t talked to her in like two years. She just said that they just did over $2.3 million in software sales of the little tools that she learned to make a couple of years ago from this plan that I’m going to show you today. So if you’re like, “Hey Marcus, what is it? What gives?” All right, this is what I told her. She didn’t buy any course. She didn’t come hang out. She didn’t get anything extra. What I taught her was on that podcast. And what I taught her is going to be even in more detail today. How’s that sound? Does that sound like it’s worth a like? If it does, smash the like button and we’re going to talk about this and we’re going to show you exactly how this works.

And a lot of people might be saying, “Well, Marcus, $18,000 a day, $2.3 million,” excuse me, I’m getting over a cold here, “18,000 a day, $2.3 million, you’ve made $5 million. What are you talking about? Nobody makes $18,000 in a day.” Well, actually a lot of people do and some people make like $18,000 in a minute. And a lot of those people, guess what, ladies and gentlemen? A lot of those people, they got software businesses and their money guns probably actually work. And it just makes money and money and money. And now you got to smash a like button because I got to pick all that stuff up after this training. But we look at this and we’re like, these people have software businesses. That is what they’re doing. Now, let’s talk about how we’re going to do this and how it’s going to work because there are some hacks. You might be saying, “Well, software equals Bill Gates.” All right. I won’t even try to draw Bill Gates, but there he is.

Right? There’s Bill Gates. And you might be saying, “Well, software equals Bill Gates equals difficult. The guy’s like a genius. And I don’t know what I’m doing.” Well, neither do I and neither did Kim, but we figured it out. And guess what? I’m going to give you that plan right here, right now if you’re willing to listen, right? You could skip ahead. You could go watch other things, but you might miss something that could put money in your pocket. Imagine if Kim sat there and she’s like, “Yeah, Marcus sounds just like everyone else, whatever. I’m just going to go and watch whatever.” Right? What if instead you paid attention here and you really acted like you wanted to make money? I’m not talking about like, “Oh well, I do want to make money, Marcus. I’ve been researching.” Researching? Watching a bunch of videos does not mean research. That means you’ve been entertained, okay? Very important.

So let’s look at this and let’s understand exactly what’s going on because if we can follow the plan here, okay, The first thing we’re going to need is an idea. Now people come to me all the time and they’re like, “Marcus, Marcus, Marcus, Marcus, my friend, please sit down because I’ve got an idea that you need to get on the ground floor on.” And I say to them, “Come on over here, come on over here. Ideas are worth nothing.” Literally, they’re worth nothing. People think ideas are the hard part. They’re not, I’m going to show you. We’re going to get like a hundred ideas on this call. You got your pen ready? I got my pen. See there? Got the Affiliate Marketing Dude official pen.

All right? If you got your pen, you’re going to be taking notes, because we’re going to give you ideas. You write them down, you go do them, come back, go do them, come back to me and be like, “Hey Marcus, it actually worked because people are doing this same thing.” There’s a guy, I think no Noah Kegan. I think is his name. He’s on the YouTube. He talks about stuff all the time. Popular guy. Guess where he got his money? AppSumo, a software business. Lots of other people are doing this. And there’s a way to look at the back door and find ideas that are guaranteed to work before you spend one penny building them.

This is what I do all the time. It’s not fancy. It’s not beautiful. It’s boring. But it puts a hell of a lot of money in my bank so that I can do things that are not boring. Right? So let’s look at this, let’s take a look. So the first thing we need is an idea. Again, pay close attention because people think the idea is the money hard part. It’s not. We’re just going to go and we’re going to let the internet tell us our idea. Okay? I’m not a genius. I don’t know what people want. I got to figure out what they want because of what they type in Google and what other sites are selling. Right? It’s simple. It’s a very simple process. People who over complicate this are not paying attention. So here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to go and we’re going to look for ideas.

And the places we’re going to go look for these are places like Envato. Envato is a element plugin tool, software type place. We’re going to look at AppSumo. We’re going to look at, what’s the other one there? WordPress. Okay. We’re going to look And I actually have some reports of these that I pulled up for you guys, which maybe we’ll make these available if you go to download my, put your name and email in. When I have these ready, we’ll send them out to you. And we could see exactly what’s going on. So we got WordPress plugins, Font Awesome, Elementor, Yoast SEO, and we could see exactly how many times a month these are searched for.

So if you want to make millions of dollars, are you going to do it with this one that only gets 900 searches a month? Probably not. All right. If you want to make millions, you might need something else. Now I will say WordPress Plot popup plugin, that appeals to all the WordPress people, even though they’re not searching for it. So that could be a broad market. Now let’s keep looking here. This is from And what it does is it shows you exactly what people are looking for. Migration, featured post, excuse me, so they’re looking for a featured post plugin. Contact form seven dinosaur game. So people are looking for like a dinosaur game plugin, which is pretty cool, so if you’re in the game making market, that would be pretty perfect for you.

So we also have WordPress FAQ plugin, Woo Commerce. Now you might be saying to yourself, “Well, Marcus, Marcus, Marcus, buddy, old pal, please sit down because isn’t this idea already done? You’re telling me go over here find a WordPress Quiz plugin. And you’re telling me, okay, what I’m going to do is I’m going to make a WordPress Quiz plugin. But, Marcus, this is already done. WordPress Quiz plugin. Type Form has one. Jebbit has one. WP beginner,” So there are some that are available here. Well, does that mean we can’t be there too?

More on that in a minute. Let’s get back to the plan here. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to take a look at this and we’re going to say, “Okay, I need to find something that looks simple that I can make better.” So I’m going to go through and be like, “Okay, WordPress Quiz plugin. Excellent.” Most of these are just going to be, “Here’s a quiz. Here’s this.” Okay. I’m a mar-

… Going to be, here’s a quiz, here’s this. I’m a marketer. So I’m going to go through, I’m going to be like, here’s how I want my quiz plugin. And this is what I’m going to do. I’m going to envision it. I’m going to be like, I want a quiz. And I want them to be able to have two to three… one, two, or three pages of quiz stuff. So I want them to have one, two, or three pages of quiz stuff. But I also, as a marketer, I want to get their data. So I want to collect data, and I don’t just want data of here’s what most people said. I want the data like, “Hey, put your name and email to get the result of the quiz.” And now I can market to you. Very cool. So, that is something I want.

So if I add the data bit, I make it easier, and I make it sellable. Then I can make this pretty good. Does that make sense to everyone? Smash a like button, type something in the box if you guys are understanding it. So what we’re looking at here is we’re going over to places like Envato, we’re going to look at AppSumo, we’re going to look at all the competitors. We’re going to take all the competitors, we’re going to start looking at their keywords.

And what we’re going to do is we are going to strip out stuff that we can use to build a plugin. This is how you build a real business, ladies and gentlemen. If you’re out there and you’re like, “I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to make money. Some guy says I could just push a button and get $10,000 a minute.” And you can, but you have to have $10,000 to put in this thing. And then you push it, and the money comes out. But you got to have money to start with. So that’s about all you’re going to get for push button.

The next best thing you have to do is understand exactly how to do this. How to do this, very, very, very simple. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to be like, focus. This is what we’re going to do. We are going to find what works. So we’ll do flyer webinar. I don’t know what that is. Interesting, though. I’d go look it up. Aesthetic templates. Envato element. Free video stock. So we’re going to go through, and we’re going to look… Template landing page. Okay, good. There we go. Template landing page. Excellent.

So now, this is something that’s very big. So we see here template landing page. So I could go through. Again, we go back to the drawing board and we’re like, well, maybe I got template landing page. What do I want to do? I could get some stock images. I could give them to my programmer. And I could say, “Make some little thing where they could drag and drop these images and make a landing page.” Simple. Very simple. Very easy to do. Then we say, “Hey, program this, make it work.”

Now what our idea or our job is, is to find out exactly what to do here. All right. Even if you don’t want to make an actual plugin, you could do a wedding template. You could do other stuff here. So we’re going to look at this portfolio. This is a big one. Watch this. If we do portfolio… Let’s do keywords. If we do portfolio here… Portfolio plugin or gallery plugin. These are big. All right, here we go. Now we’re cooking. Does anyone know why we’re cooking now? Why is this important? We got 300 global volume. We also have gallery plugin. We have photo plugin. So there’s another 600. Photo plugin for WordPress. Boom. So now we’re looking at this, photo gallery plugin. So now we’re looking at this and we’re like, we got three ideas here. And we’ll switch cameras so that you could see what’s going on here.

So we got three different ideas here. We got the landing page, we got the quiz, and we got the gallery plugin. Gallery plugin. Now again, with our gallery plugin, what we need to do is we need to say to ourselves, “How does this work? How are we going to make it happen in a real world way?”

Now, all we got to do is go back to our programmer and say, “Hey, this is what I want it to look like. I want a gallery plugin that does this, this, X, Y, and Z.” Pay attention. Focus. If you want to make real money, this is how you do it. You go pick it up. You make it happen. Are the results typical, implied, and guaranteed? Are you going to get rich just by watching this video? No, you’re not. But what I’m showing you is something that works time and time again.

So let’s say we have photo gallery plugin for WordPress. My job is to say, “Who is it that wants this?” Photo gallery plugin. This is going to be people like wedding photographers, photographers, artists, different things like that. And then I say to myself, “Well, what do these people want other than just a gallery plugin?” Because there’s tons of gallery plugins, but I want something specific. So if I make a specific one for photographers, where maybe they have… Hey, you can have your clients log in. And after they pay for their photos, now they can log in and get them. Or maybe it’ll have a scheduler for when you have your wedding or whatever it is. Very important.

Again, with all these features, I’m going to say, I could get this plugin built for less than $1000, probably in the 300 range. But let’s say 1000 because maybe I don’t know what I’m doing the first time around. Maybe I want some extra features. Maybe we run into complications, but most of these can be done extremely inexpensively. You guys saw last week. Last week I gave you guys a plugin. Again, remind me to talk to you about plugin giveaways, because that’s important as well. I gave you guys a plugin that works for WordPress, and it helps you put different links on different things. Important, simple, easy.

You guys look at this. You’re like, “Well, Marcus, I don’t understand how this works.” Look at companies like Linktree. It’s the simplest software in the world. I don’t like it. I have a better version of it, in my opinion, but it’s super simple. The coding on that probably costs next to nothing. Seriously. What if you could provide a better version, and you say, “Hey guys, instead of paying $20 for something you don’t even get a website or a domain, why don’t you [inaudible 00:20:04] $9, and there we go? You could have your own domain. You could use this plugin, which works like crazy.” Very important.

Wolf, we’re going to talk about who I hire to make the plugins in just a minute. This is going to be a full overview tutorial for those that are interested in learning, what I believe is the best get rich quick method there is, building software. Guys, if you get this, it can be life changing like it was for Kim. Her story was crazy. She just came in, and she’s like, “Hey, what do you do?” And I’m like, “Here’s what I do.” Later, she’s like, “I did what you do, and now I make money.” Which is pretty cool. I think she just had her own first live interactive meeting recently or seminar or whatever you call it.

So what we’re going to do is we’re going to take a look and look at these ideas. Look at what stands out, and then look at, very important, look at the bigger picture. That’s what old Bill Gates did. These kids came out, they made this company called DOS or this software called DOS, which is disk operating system. They had it. They thought it was cool because they were programmers. Remember, programmers are not marketers. They’re not. It’s just two different types of people, like people who are gardeners are usually not these or whatever it is. You’re just into a certain thing. Nothing wrong with that, but they’re not marketers, which is what we need to learn.

So what we have here is what’s a bigger picture. Bill Gates found the software. He was like, okay, IBM is selling a bunch of paperweights called computers for four grand. I think if IBM puts this software on their computers for free, they just give me a finder’s fee or whatever so I could develop other software, then they would like that. And so he did that with the idea, the bigger idea, that everyone’s going to want Windows. He already knew everyone was going to want the next thing he came out with, because now they all have this software on their tool. Very important that he looked at it in a different way.

So with us, what are we doing? Is this about a gallery plugin? Is that what we’re doing? We’re making a gallery plugin, and hopefully we’ll get enough sales to make these millions of dollars. No, that’s not what we’re doing. That’s not what we’ve ever been doing. This is what you got to understand because if you get it, that’s when it’s going to start to change everything. It is not about the gallery plugin. It’s not about the landing page plugin. It’s not about the quiz plugin. It’s about the people who buy these things.

If I have a list of all the people that are photographers that use WordPress, now we’re talking money. Did you guys just get that? Did you hear the aha moment there? How many of you guys got it? Smash your like button, because this works with anything you do. So what we’re going to do here is we’re going to take a look at this, and we’re going to say, now we got our ideas. We got our ideas. We’ll give you a couple more just in case someone wants an idea to copy, which is fine. We can go through and say, well, AppSumo’s got some decent ones here. Email examples, apparently a lot of people like email examples. That would be cool. I could put together a plugin with a mailing list software, might be a little expensive, with email examples. So install this, and you get custom templates that you just put my business, here’s my product. That way they don’t have to write their own emails. Hey, simple.

Or I could go through and say, well, maybe I’m going to do whatever these plugins are or a snap download or maybe something like podcast recording. So maybe there’s a podcast plugin. That’d be cool if I got all the people who do podcasting and stuff like that. Or maybe there are plugins for other different types of things. And we can look at these and see tons of them. There’s literally tons. Podcast software, scribe software, LinkedIn message template. So maybe there’s a LinkedIn plugin people want. There’s always something like that. LinkedIn in plugin. Well, plugin, we don’t want a lug in. We want a plug in. So we got a LinkedIn plugin. LinkedIn, WordPress, apparently people want a LinkedIn plugin.

And we can go through, we could do this with literally anything. You could do for WordPress. And what we’re going to do is we’re just going to find what works. Membership sites for WordPress. And we could go through and be like, well, maybe I could make a membership plugin, or maybe I could do this or that. And I’m going to show you in a minute how to see if this stuff actually works and how to test it on your traffic before you actually build this stuff.

So what we’re going to do is we’re going to use all these sites. We’re going to look at their keywords. Because they got lots of keywords, and it tells us what people want. How to sell photos online. Okay, great. Sell photos online. Now that’s got 2600 searches a month, and we can make an app for that super easy. You go to your programmer, and you’re like, “Okay, here’s what I want you to do. I want you to make a plugin that literally puts their photos up, so it’s going to be a gallery plugin. And then we’re going to have a little button that goes to PayPal-

And then we’re going to have a little button that goes to PayPal. And then after they pay at PayPal, they could download their photo. And now, ladies and gentlemen, you can sell photos online. Really simple, right? You could do all kinds of stuff here, and you can find all kinds of different things: Photoshop, photo editing, all kinds of stuff. Right. And if you go through and you just start to look at this stuff and say, “Hey, wait a minute, people are looking for all these plugins and tools for WordPress,” there you go. You literally have a built in marketplace that’s ready to buy what you have to offer.

It’s like if you went to the store and you’re like, “Hey clerk, whatever people ask for that we don’t have, keep a log of it.” And at the end of the day, he comes in and he’s like, “Hey, everyone wanted orange grapes.” I’m like, “Well, I don’t have any orange grapes. Maybe we’ll start buying some orange grapes. People want them; I guess it would probably work.” Then you put them on the shelf and everyone’s like, “Oh, it’s like you read or mine.” No. It’s like, you told me what you want because you did.

And we can look at these lists. Again, I’ll have these available at Download my Notes when they’re ready, and you can see exactly what plug-ins they’re looking for. And I’ve developed tons of plugins and tools and software since about 1999, and it works like crazy. WordPress chat room. There you go. All kinds of stuff. Or you could even do plugin, like WordPress plugin, like X. Facebook like plugin or plugin for, or plugin whatever. And you could do all kinds of research, Zoom plugin for Outlook, Grammarly for Outlook. You could do Zoom plugin for WordPress. A lot of people do WordPress and they do Zoom webinars. I do them all the time. That’d be a pretty cool one. Affiliate plugin for WordPress, survey plugin, best form plugin, newsletter. On and on we go. Very simple. Maps plugin. I developed one of those years ago for $40. And yes, ladies and gentlemen, some of these will be less than $100. Very, very, very important. We’re going to understand how this works. Desto says, “I need to get better at Microsoft Excel.” No, you don’t. I downloaded these from AA [inaudible 00:28:22]. I didn’t do anything to them except open them in Excel.

Let’s keep going here. Google calendar plugin. Lots of these things are very easy. And they run on what’s called an API, and API’s work like crazy. How many of you guys use my tools over at, I’ve got all kinds of tools like our domain extractor. I’m pretty sure this cost me $40 to make. Pretty sure. It might have been less, might have been a tad Moore. I don’t think so, though. He had it done in two hours, and it’s pretty cheap and it’s very simple. And what this does is it allows you to go get a list of domains, throw it in here, it’ll strip them out so that you can buy and sell domains. And now, some of these tools I provide free because I want the mailing list because, like old Bill Gates over there, I get that it’s about the bigger picture, it’s about the bigger market. And when you understand this, that’s when everything starts to change.

What we’re going to do first and foremost is we are going to look at the idea. We’re going to look at the idea and then we’re going to get a plan. What is the plan that we’re going to do? Gallery plugin, ultimately I would want to sell maybe CRM software, customer management for photographers and stuff like that. Or maybe I want to get them into maybe Shopify or a Stripe account or a merchant account or something like that. But ultimately, what I want is a big list of people who gave me money for a plugin that are photographers that are on WordPress. Wo we’re going to get the plan there and we’re going to find some back end stuff.

Then what we’re going to do is we’re going to ask ourself how are we going to sell this? What is the plan to sell this? Well, the plan is going to be based on what people are searching for. If I’m out there and I’m like, okay, gallery plugin. Or let’s do plugin photographers. Got to sound it out because I don’t know how to spell that very good. Spelling was never my strong suit. All right, so we have this and we’re like, okay, Photoshop for beginners, plugin for photographers. Okay. Even though that’s small, WordPress shopping cart plugin for photographers, these do tell me about my market, so this is good. Okay, so we’ll do plugin photo, plugin gallery. And what we’re going to do is we’re going to compile all the keywords that these people are going to look up.

We’re going to go over here, and you’re going to be like, okay, good. I’m going to get all the keywords. I’m going to get photography plugin. I’m going to get WordPress gallery. I’m going to get all these keywords, I’m going to put them over there and I’m going to be like, okay, let’s throw these here and see what works.

Now, let me tell you another little hack. Another little hack you can do is by going to the WordPress plugin site. If you do I think it is. Let’s see, WordPress. This one here. We’re going to go, which you can put that in here. Let’s go right here. We can go right here and do And we’re going to do… Let’s see here. We got YouTube gallery. That’s an interesting one. Definitely a plugin I think people want. File managers, download manager.

Now, what we can do is we can look at these and say, “Okay, well I’m going to make a file manager WordPress plugin.” Cool, great, wonderful. What I can do is I could look at what the people’s issues are with the plugin, because they got reviews. I’ll be like, “Hey, some people didn’t like this. What did they not like?” Here’s what they didn’t like. We can go in, find another one. Say, “Oh, well you know what about the CAPTCHA plugin or WooCommerce? What people don’t like about this.

And when you find out what people don’t like, then you could… That doesn’t have very many reviews. When you find out what people don’t like, then you could go through and be like, hey, now I can make a solution that’s actually going to work. And you could be like, hey, this is pretty cool.

Now we’re ready to go. Okay. Now we’re ready to go. We’re like, okay, now I can build out my plugin. And now to sell it is actually pretty easy. I can put this on Envato, I could put it on, I could put this on AppSumo. I think they have an open marketplace. I could build my own website and sell it via ClickBank or maybe sell it via PayPal or Stripe or whatever it is. Very simple.

And now, what happens is you have something of value that you can take to the marketplace. When you have your own software, it puts you in a different level because now I can get visitors pretty much for free if I price it right, which brings us to our next point, which is the price point. We need to look at what our price point is that’s going to make sense. Once we get this thing… And the way we get it, all right, we get our idea, we get everything ready, we’re like, okay, this is what we want. Here’s how I want my gallery plugin. I did all the info on the reviews, I checked out other plugins, I thought about what I would want as a marketer, thought about how to make it better, and now I know what I want. Now I’m going to go over there to places like Upwork,, and maybe even Fiverr. As you can see here, I’ll design a plugin, $1,600 bucks. I’ll design a WordPress plugin, $100, $150, $100, $300, whatever.

Now, Fiverr is a little bit more risky of the platforms. I haven’t tried it. I know some other people have and gotten good results. I know some haven’t gotten bad results, so we got to look at that. Now, Upwork is usually pretty good because you’re paying by the job, and you’ll be like, “Hey, I want this result for $500 or $300. Can you do it?”

Ladies and gentlemen, yes, we’re talking about making lots and lots of money, which is not implied, guaranteed or anything. The average person makes nothing. And on top of it, you’re going to have to invest money to get this thing built. If you’re out there and you’re like, I just want to push a button to get money that flies backwards apparently… This must be the deluxe money gun. I don’t know. There you go. Fancy, fancy stuff. But if you’re looking for push button stuff, it doesn’t exist. You’re not going to get $1,500 a minute watching a video. But if you put in work and build a business, you can build something that actually works. And it’s not that hard to do. While everyone else was trying to get rich watching videos, I built a plugin last week. While everyone else was doing this, I built a website. While everyone else was trying to find get rich quick, I was finding ways to actually make it happen because it’s not about the tactic, it’s not about the idea, it’s about your plan. What is your plan going to give you? Mine gives me money because it’s pretty much cut and dry, go out there and make it work.

And you might say, “Well, Marcus, what if your plugin doesn’t sell?” Well, then I go to plan B. I either give it away or make the thing sell. That’s what I do. I’m not going to sit around with something that don’t work and go, “Aw, shucks, better try guru number two.” No, I’m going to make it work. If it does not sell, if I can’t sell my way out of a paper bag with my plugin, I’m going to go give it to every photographer. But guess what I’m going to do. I’m going to go to my plugin developer and I’m going to say, “Hey buddy, at the bottom of the plugin, I want something that says this site was made with Marcus’s photography plugin. Click here to get it,” because I know if I can’t sell it but I could give away 5,000 copies, I still got the end result, which is what old Gates was after.

Imagine if gates was like, “Hey, IBM, come on up here, buddy. Come on up here, IBM, here’s what we’re going to do. You’re going to give me $10 million bucks. This is smart business here. You’re going to give me $10 million. And this is probably what IBM would do because they wouldn’t do it. And so you give me $10 million, I’ll put this on your computer, and all you got to do is charge every computer owner $500. They just bought the computer for $4,000; it’s a no brainer. IBM would’ve said, “Here’s the door. There it is. See yourself out.” And the people who bought the computers would’ve said, “I just paid $4,000, and now you’re telling me I got to pay $500 to make it work? BS.” And he would’ve gone home and he wouldn’t be one of the richest people in the world.

But what he did is he said, “Hey, you know what? I think we’re going to have a better bet giving this away and then selling something later.” You like that? Because once you give this away, if you got 5,000 people with this plugin and you say, “Hey guys, I hope you enjoy my free plugin.” And they’re like, “We do. You’re such a nice guy. You’re so swell. Thank you.” This week we’re going to have old Bob over here who makes millions of dollars selling photos online. He’s going to come teach you this stuff. And if you want to get his course, you can, and you get 50%, and you sell stuff as an affiliate because you built your affiliate business on a plugin rather than just some idea, which is good, but what I’m showing you is if you want to get results fast, if you want to get big dollars fast, this-

… you want to get results fast. If you want to get big dollars fast, this is, in my opinion, the best way to do it. And we’re talking big money. If you’re like, “Okay, Marcus, I’m looking to make 50, $100,000 a month,” all right, if you’re in that category and you want to make it like now, this video actually came from a student of mine who came to me and he asked me, he’s like, “How would I make $11 million in 6 months?” And I’m like, “That is the most random question I’ve ever [inaudible 00:39:30].” 11 million in 6 months. “I don’t know. You’re in a jam or something? What’s going on, buddy? Let’s have a talk.” And so I said, “Hey, the best way to do that would be start software. Go all in on software. Make it work. Make it happen.”

Because what happens is you are now going to have something that works. You’re now going to have a platform that you know works. Look, these things are selling. How do you know they’re selling? Look at the reviews. I know this one sells more than this one. Why? 201 reviews versus 13. And then we can go through and look at exactly what else is out there. Very important, because far too many people are trying to come up with an idea and reinvent the wheel, rather than just looking at the data. And the data tells me where to go. The data tells me exactly what I need. Then we’re going to look at our price point. All right, what is our price point? Well, what did the plugin cost you to make? Let’s say this one cost me a thousand. I want a little overboard, added some payment platforms, it’s a thousand bucks.

Well, to break even what would I need? Maybe I could sell for 27 bucks. Nobody misses 27 bucks. I could sell it for 27, that’d be pretty easy, or 47. Or maybe I could have my programmer and for an extra 10 bucks, he’ll go out there and he’ll make me a light version. And then they can upgrade to the pro version. I do this all the time. And when you start to look at this in a different way and say, “Hey, wait a minute. Now I got my price point. I’m filling a need in the marketplace based on what they’re searching for. And now I know my job is to go sell it or if it doesn’t sell, I give it away.” So there’s always a plan B and plan B is “If I can’t get my thousand bucks back selling it, maybe I’m going to give it away. And then maybe people get hosting…” Or whatever it is, “… and I can make money on the back end.”

And when we look at this, we’re like, “Okay, now I can see exactly what these people want.” Here’s all the people on WordPress. They want Google directions plug in. And you can see what these get. So Google directions plug in, some kind of Maps plug in. So we could see here, WordPress, Go Maps, formerly Google Maps. Layers, plugin, lot of reviews, some bad stuff. Very little bad stuff, but, hey, you know what? What our job is to think about the person who wants this plugin, not all the features we can cram into it. Does that make sense? My job isn’t to make a plugin with tons and tons of features and cool stuff, and end up broke with a really badass plugin. That’s not my job. That’s not it. My job is to solve one problem with one solution for the market that wants it.

So like a lot of these guys, like I told you earlier, programmers are not marketers. So what I did is I said, “Here’s some simple plugins I want. Here’s a simple theme I want.” We have simple blog theme. Hundreds of thousands of people have used simple blog theme. And, again, it has a link back to me, which is kind of cool. I like that. That’s why I give it away. And we can get them into other stuff. Maybe you can make a free tool for something that works on free web hosting and funnel them into paid web hosting. Or you can get them into other stuff as well. But sometimes when you look at this, like the software that Kim made was actually, it’s a little complicated on the back end, but she got programmers to do that. I don’t think she knows programming.

And it served one simple need, one simple thing. And when you think about that and you’re like, “Hey, wait a minute, how would I get to 18,000 bucks a day?” Well, if you have a software that maybe it’s $27 a day, if it’s big enough, you could sell it to a thousand people a day. That’s not unheard of. That’s not rare. In this business, that’s something that actually happens. If the market will serve it and you have to look and say, well, if you got 100,000 people a month searching for your solution. You could check forums, you could check plug-in directories. You could check all these places. If you have 100,000 people a month searching. Well, that would be what, 3,000 people a day? It’s a little bit of a stretch, but $27 isn’t much. Could we make it happen? Yeah. With the right paid traffic angle and the right stuff, that could happen. That could work. Now, if you really wanted to get to like $18,000 a day with something like this, you would probably need a bigger price point, maybe $97.

Or even a recurring monthly, 10 bucks for the add-ons or whatever it is. That could work as well. So we need to think big picture. We need to think of what we want to do. Now, for some of you guys who are like, “Hey, I just want to make a thousand dollars a month or whatever.” Obviously that’s going to be a lot easier goal to get to, and software can be your vehicle for it. And if you guys do want to learn more about how I make software, there’s some links in the description. You can post comments below this video. Let me know you want more videos like this. And pretty simple, pretty easy stuff. You just have to go through and say, “What is it? These people are looking for. What is it that I can build? What is it I can do?” And then you get massive traffic.

Now, this is easier, because when you get massive traffic for your plugin, you’re keeping all the profits, you have all the tracking ability. You could put it different places. You could go out there and say, “Well, I’m going to sell it on Envato. I’m going to sell it on this. I’m going to sell it on that.” And another tip for you that works like crazy is you can make a plugin that solves the needs that a bunch of plugins make. And then you could go and you could do tutorials on the other plugins. And you’re like, “I’m going to make a tutorial video on the all-in-one SEO plugin. I’m going to make it.” So like, for me, I don’t know if we have room on the board, but let me show you this with old Patrick, over here. For me, I have the plugin, which is called… What is it called?

The voodoo one. The one we just came out with. Can’t even remember. My brain is not working. See what happens when I get a cold? The voodoo one for the redirects. I think it’s called Slug voodoo. That’s it. So Slug Voodoo is basically a SEO plugin, a redirect plugin, a backlink plugin, all in one. So what I would do is I’d find all the SEO plugins. I’d find all the redirect plugins, which one of them went out of publishing. So I would be able to nail it there. Then I go through and then I’ll get all the backlink plugins. Good. So now between those three, there’s probably 100 to 200 different plugins I can make tutorials on and people are going to watch them and then I’ll talk about, “One of the things I wish they had was this Slug thing. One of the things I wish…”

And then my next video, after making 10 or 20 tutorial videos, boom, my next video is going to be “By the way, I’m going to do a tutorial on Slug Voodoo.” How many of you guys are like, “Wait a minute. Are you kidding me? Is it really that simple? Is that really how this stuff is built?” And the answer is yes, it is. Absolutely. All you got to do is follow the plan. And the plan is very simple. And what I’ll do for you guys is I’ll have this plan laid out. I’ll have someone take notes on this video and then we’ll have the notes available at download my notes. So if you want them go to, put your name and email in. We will email them when ready. Please don’t write, “Oh my God, I didn’t get the notes.”

I didn’t get them yet, it’s because they’re not ready. We will email them to you when they are ready. And you guys can have those. And if you want to learn more about software, smash the like button, let me know in the comments below, check out the videos in the description and follow this plan. Because once you have that software, you have something that sets you apart from the other people in the market, you have something that you can use to build a business that eventually is going to be pretty damn huge, if you follow the right path. Same thing works for blogging. Same thing works for everything. And what I would do is add this to your arsenal. If you’re out there and you’re like, “Hey, I want to get a niche,” maybe you want to get a high-ticket niche or something like that.

When you get your high-ticket niche, say, “Marcus, I want one in the software niche. I want to do one with that plugin thing you talked about,” and I’ll find one that’ll work. We’ll get you a little idea. You can go make it happen and stuff like that. But it’s actually very simple if you follow the plan. So smash your like button. If you want one of those go to and I’ll get you a software niche. Just make sure you request it. And if you need anything else, let me know. Stay tuned. We’ll see you next time. I don’t know why you’d stay tuned if you’re going to see us next time, but keep watching videos. Have a good one.

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