SEO + Affiliate Marketing = $100,000 Per Year?

$100,000 A Year With Free SEO Traffic?

how to make a hundred thousand dollars a year or more with SEO free traffic. We’re going to cut out the frills, the nonsense and the junk and get to what really works so you can get some results. Let’s dive in. Now, when we’re talking about SEO, all we’re talking about is getting ranked in the free search engine rankings. Like here, we have cheesy gordita crunch calories, which people could search for on Google and other search engines. And if you were to show up here, you’d be getting traffic for free and you could make money. And to show you that this isn’t as difficult as it may seem my last video about how to make money with Google maps. I actually set up this a demo post it’s just a demo.

I didn’t even do a good job about hotels near cotton, NY. Joe’s Knoxville, Tennessee, which actually gets about 200 searches a month. And we actually put this post up. You can see, I pushed the button here. I make the little post. You can see what it looks like. And as if by magic, we actually started showing up on Google on the first page for hotels near cotton eyed Joe’s Knoxville, which is crazy, right? If you put Tennessee after it, I think we ranked even higher for that one. And you could see here that this stuff actually does work. It’s not that hard. I’m not doing anything that I’m not showing you live on the camera. You can also see that we’re ranking here in being Microsoft right here, number like eight or something like that. We rank in a Yahoo here. I think we’re a little bit higher up on Yahoo.

And you could see this stuff gets results like crazy, and it’s not that hard to do so let’s get to the nitty gritty of what it takes to make a hundred thousand dollars a year with free SEO traffic. Now pay attention to this entire video because the lineup is going to show you in order what you need to know to make this happen in part number one, I’m going to show you the truth about SEO and money. Part number two, I’m going to tell you my personal story of how I went from zero to $167,000 in two years with free SEO traffic. When I was just starting out part number three, I’m going to show you solid proof that people are crushing it. Plus a little secret and part number four, we’re going to give you the action plan, how to build your lean mean no waste machine and part number five.

We’re going to talk about SEO growth hacking. But first we got to do the big fat disclaimer. And the disclaimer is I don’t want you to watch this thinking that at the end of the video, you’re going to get a magical a hundred thousand dollars a year for doing nothing. Even people who work at this for years have a risk of making nothing. In fact, the average person trying to make money online makes $0 and 0 cents. They probably don’t their equipment on the floor, but some people are actually doing really well. And what we’re going to do is hack what’s going on and what’s actually working so that you have a better chance of success with it. Well, let’s dive in

Todays Lineup… Stay Till The End

Part One: The Truth About SEO And Money

Part Two: My Story $0-$167K In Two Years

Part Three: PROOF People Are Crushing It + A Secret

Part Four: Your Action Plan – Lean No Waste Machine

Part Five: SEO Growth Hacking

Part One: The Truth About SEO And Money

Number one, the truth about SEO and money pay close attention. There is some math and you need to understand this, but it’s actually pretty basic. First, what we’re going to look at is V O T or value of traffic. Second, we’re going to look at PV or page views. You hear these terms a lot. When it comes to SEO, then we’re going to look at CTR or click through rate. Then we’re going to take note of ad blocks, which is pay-per-click based ads. Now, most people, when they’re making money blogging, what they’re going to do is find their pen and they’re going to set up their blog like this, and they’re going to get some traffic to their blog. And they’re going to put ad blocks, such as ad sense, Amazon, or even like media vine, or any other contextual ad type software. Now, this software is a little thing that you install on your site.

It’s usually a JavaScript code or a plugin or something like that. And it is going to show relevant ads on your site. Now, when these ads get clicked, you are going to get money. Now, most of the time you have to generate a click to get the money. So if a hundred people come to your website and only one of them clicks, and that makes you 50 cents. Well, then you just made 50 cents on a hundred people, which is less than a penny, a click, which is why most people give up at blogging. But we’re going to talk about some other stuff to help you understand how this works and get to the gold. That is the value of the traffic. Obviously not all traffic is created equal mortgage traffic is worth more than like recipe, traffic. You with me next, we’re going to talk about page views, the amount of people who hit your pages.

And we’re going to talk about CTR or click-through rate. In this example I was talking about here, the LUN would be a 1% click through rate. One out of a hundred clicked, 1% click through rate. If you’ve got 10% click through rate, that would mean 10 people click. And instead of 50 cents, you would have made like five bucks or something like that. This is where it starts to add up. That’s why this video is going to be really important for you in how to make money. And there’s a reason I’m talking about the math and the numbers. First, before we talk about niche marketing or SEO or ranking or anything like that, because this is where you need to start. If you’re in this to make money. So we’re going to talk about how this works. Again. Page view is the number of people who come to your site and view a page on your site.

Very important. We have to look at that. We need to understand it. Now, the average across the board, the average amount people are making blogging is $2 CPM. That means that if they get 1000 people or 1000 page views to their website, that means that’s only generating $2, which means they’re not getting that many clicks on the ads. And they’re not making that much money on the clicks, which is bad. This is why most people they give up on SEO. They give up on blogging because this is the norm. Now for me, if I made $2 for every thousand people who visited my site, I’d be flat broke because I don’t get that much traffic. But luckily I make a ton of money with it. And I focus on only traffic that I know is going to get me money. We’re going to talk about this more in the getting rid of the waste.

When we talk about how to set up our lean mean money, getting machine. Now it’s important to note that most people when trying to do this are going to work down. What that means is they’re going to work down from some type of place they want to get. So I want to make a hundred thousand dollars a year, therefore at $2 per thousand page views, I’m going to need to get 50 million page views per year. Now this is flawed thinking, and we’ll set you up for failure from the start because we all know getting 50 million page views a year is near impossible for most people. So what I’m going to propose to you is to start working up. This will all make sense in just a little bit, stick with me, but first let’s take a look at some of these sites that are getting lots of results.

Here’s a site about gluten free recipes and things like that. Ahrefs, my favorite keyword tool says is getting about $128,000 a month in free traffic. Now take this number with a grain of salt because I highly doubt they’re getting a dollar, a click, but they are making quite a bit. So that’s pretty good. But take these with a grain of salt.

Here’s a site about knitting. It says it’s getting an average of $10,000 in traffic every month.

Gardening, almost a hundred thousands,

almost a hundred thousand bucks a month in traffic guitar stuff and not like big guitar stuff. This is like how to play and different things like that. 50,000 a month

card tricks of all things, thousand dollars a month,

portable air conditioner units, and how to install them and reviews and things like that. $99,000 a month. And I think this one’s probably a little more accurate because it’s actually a very expensive market, which is important.

VOT = Value Of Traffic

PV = Page Views

CTR = Click Thru Rate

Ad Blocks = ppc based ads

Average Across The Board Is $2.00 CPM

That Means 1,000 PV = $2.000

Now Most People Will Work DOWN

1,000 PV = $2.000

Which Means For $100,000 A Year

50,000,000 Page Views Per Year… WTF

NOTE: Many People Get Higher CPM’s… Some Get 10,20,30 or more…

Now I want you to know that at the get-go many people are actually getting a higher CPM. So when we talk about the $2 per thousand views, I don’t think that’s the majority of people who do this for a living. That’s just across the board. Everyone, some people are getting 10, 20, or even $30 or more for every thousand visitors. And I’m one of those people in the more category. So pay attention if you want to learn how I do it, but first let’s get into my story.

Back when I started my business about 21 years ago, this is what I look like. I look like this guy, right? Pretty handsome looking fella. And I went out there and I tried to get free search engine traffic. And I was actually pretty good at it, but I wasn’t good at SEO. I was just good at finding the right keywords that I knew I could get traffic for, like the cotton eye Joe word that I ranked for.

I’m not doing anything magic or fancy. I don’t even have a fancy SEO plugin or backlinks or anything. I just utilize this keyword that I knew I could rank for because there’s no competition. And that was exactly my philosophy. Back when I started, I said, why go for keywords that are competitive? Why not just go through the words that get some traffic that I can make money with? And that’s exactly what I did my first year. I made like $20,000. My second year I made $167,000. And the rest is history. Even topping over a million dollars in some years from free search engine traffic. And you need to understand that this is very important to look at, and it’s very important to understand how this works, because there are people out there making more money than you could even imagine with free search engine rankings.

The key is in finding the right words, getting rid of the waste and focusing on what really works when I started out and I was in like 2003, 2008, all those times when I was doing a lot of SEO for clients and for myself, I went out there and I got these SEO rankings based on words that not only I knew would get traffic, but also that I knew would make money. So before I started to get a ranking, I would actually see if there was a way to make money. I didn’t want junk traffic. And we’re going to talk about that in a minute. A lot of people that are claiming they’re making a bunch of money and they probably are. They also have a lot of junk traffic, which means a lot of the stuff they did is a complete waste. Now, the reason I was able to be successful as a one-man shop, doing SEO for the last 21 years is because of the fact that I focus on no waste.

I only want the people I want, and I only want to put them to the offer that I want to put them to. This is why I don’t use auto-generated ads. This is why I don’t use just Amazon. This is why I don’t use all the time. Other junk that’s out there because I treat each keyword ranking and blog posts as its own way to make money. Because these are like my little storefront. I might have that Knoxville, Tennessee, you want, it might make me a dollar a day. I might have another one. It might make me $10 a day. And if I could do some tweaking and take the $10 a day one and get it to 50 or a hundred a day that just X my results with just a little bit of tweaking. And if you understand this, this is how you scale a business for free rankings to make a hundred thousand dollars a year or more.

Disclaimer, you’re probably not going to make a hundred grand. You’ll probably just watch this video and say, Marcus is entertaining. What’s on TV and probably not do anything. That’s what the vast majority do, but hopefully you’re a little bit different. And if you are different and you’re going to do the work, let me know as a comment. Now my philosophy back then is I started with the keywords first, start with the niche. And then I determined my market. I didn’t do it backwards. Most people, they come to me, they say, I want SEO. I’m going to go for guitars. And I’m like, nah, you’re doing it backwards. You need to find the keywords first build on the keywords. You know, you can get, this is why my program, where I build the niche for you. We actually have a program where I select your niche.

I get a top tier domain name or an expired domain name that has a lot of backlinks or whatever it is. We do all the research. We find your niche. We find your keywords. We show you what to offer. And we actually give you support and walk you through it. This is why it’s so valuable because I’m doing that work for you. And if you’re interested in partnering with me in that go to high ticket, Again, you don’t have to do that. Watch the rest of this video. If you do want to do that and work with me personally, I think that’s a great option. Let’s go ahead and get into number three, which is the proof that this works. Now, you already saw some proof with the hotels near a cotton eye. Joe, you saw me rank for other keywords. We rank for a new egg affiliate program, all kinds of stuff, right?

We get rankings all the time. You can go Google them. You can check them for yourself to see that, Hey, this stuff actually does work. You can use your keyword tools to see that they actually get traffic. It’s actually not that hard to do. You got to focus, you got to be steady and you got to be consistent and you got to go for the keywords. You know, you can get with the offer attached. I know with new egg affiliate program, I can make like a hundred dollars on hosting. I could sell my product, which is 300 bucks. So there’s a lot of money there. So the fact that there’s only like 300 people a month searching for it, doesn’t bother me because I know, Hey, if this is a little guy can make me 300 or a thousand dollars a year, then all I need is like a hundred of them.

And I’ll get to like over a hundred grand a year or 30 of them, and I’ll get to a hundred grand a year or whatever it is. And you got to understand that. And that’s why we broke it down and said, Hey, $274 a day is the goal. If I can make 20, 50 or a hundred blog posts that equal that somehow, then I got my base. I can make a hundred grand a year. Then I just scale it from there and tweak and grow and everything like that.

Part Two: My Story

I Started With The Keywords First… That Determined My Market

Part Three: PROOF This Works

Google Blogger Income Reports

Get The Data

Weed The Waste

90 / 10 Rule

But you got to understand how this works. So you guys have seen proof that it works. I want to show you other proof. That’s not mine, which I don’t have permission to show it. So I’m just going to tell you how to find it. What you’re going to do, who is later on when you’re doing your research, go and go Google the term blog, income reports, blogger income reports, my site, income reports or whatever.

And you’re going to find a bunch of blogs that make a bunch of money. All right? I found some, there’s tons of them out there and they’ll actually show you how they’re making money and everything. Now here’s what you want to do. This is a little secret hack. That’ll help you make money. What you’re going to do is you’re going to take that site. All right, you’re going to take the site. We’re going to show you some examples down here of how it works. You’re going to take that site. You’re going to put it into your keyword tool to find out what they rank for and where their traffic’s coming from. You weed out the waste. Right? I don’t want the keyword terms of, you know, I found one that said Santa hat, right? I can’t really make a lot off Santa hat unless I drop ship Santa hats.

So I might not want that ranking, but there are other rankings I might want for the gluten-free. I might not want recipes, but maybe I do want the paleo diet ones because paleo diet leads to something that can make me money. So we’re going to weed out all the waste that doesn’t make money. And we’re going to pay attention to the 90 10 rule, the 90 10 rule or the 80 20 rule or whichever rule you follow says that the majority of your money is coming from a fraction of your work. Very important. So you look at these sites, you look at the income reports, you take the 90 20 rule and you’re like, okay, most of their money is probably coming from a handful of blog posts and the others are waste. Now as an SEO guy, if I want to make money, I’m going to focus on the handful, get rid of all the waste.

I don’t want that stuff. I want this stuff. I know I can rank for that actually makes money. And we’re going to show you how that works right now in part number four, part number four is our action plan and how to build our lean no waste machine. Here are the keywords for the lifestyle one. And I think I have them in here so I can show you how this works in a real world way. Okay. So here let’s, let’s get this cleaned up. We’ll put it right here. All right. So here is one for like, I think this one was for random reviews. Okay. So for random reviews, this guy had the Santa hat. So I might say, well, Santa hat, you know, maybe I’m not going to go for that one. Maybe not cereal container because you know that it’s going to pay pennies on the dollar Ryobi pressure washer.

Yeah. I’ll take that. That thing’s like a hundred bucks or more sometimes even 300 bucks, a giant bean bag. Maybe if I can find a good affiliate program, but I need to get paid a lot of money. Like, I don’t want these Amazon things where I get 1% and I sell a $50 beanbag and I get 50 cents. I don’t want that. I want good stuff. All right. HTMI switch. Yeah. These can be pretty expensive. So I’ll definitely take that best waist trainer. That’s good for like losing belly fat and stuff like that. Let’s see fire TV don’t really want that DeWalt table saw. Yeah. I could go for that best orange juice. He’s probably not making much on that. And then you got other stuff. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to just go for the handful of stuff that I know he’s getting traffic in, right?

A lot of traffic, a lot of traffic. We’re going to look at what he’s getting trafficking. What’s actually selling. And we’re going to go for this stuff that actually works and watch this. This stuff is magic.

Part Four: Your Action Plan – Lean No Waste Machine

If you look at it, here’s one for lifestyle, Lillian, Fox nails. Maybe I can make money on that. Mormon baptism, probably not. I don’t think I can make much money on Mormon baptism because I can’t really sell a Mormon. Baptism is noom worth it. This is a diet product. A guarantee you, a lot of the money is coming from this one here. Happy planner, sticker template. Maybe if you’re doing like your own Etsy stuff, a Bosch mixer. Yeah. I could sell some Bosch and mixtures. So again, right there, not that much audible expensive. Yeah. I could sell some audible there, but you know, 150 searches a month.

I probably only make like a hundred bucks or something. Maybe 200 bucks on that one. All right. Again, results, not typical and blinder guaranteed. But if you understand this, the big kahuna here is, is nuMe worth it. That’s a thing I’m going to choose the niche around that. Obviously make sure the trademarks and everything are good and do honest reviews. But if you understand that that’s where the money’s at. There it is. Right. You look at the income report. That’s where it’s all coming from. All right. Here’s another one for gardening. We got earthquake tillers, Vegeta, pod, best loppers, right? And seed starting mix. This could work, you know, selling some seed stuff, garden hose, nozzle. Probably not that great. I mean, I could go the Amazon angle, but a garden. No, his nozzle is like three bucks. So I mean, even if I sold every single person that came to my site, 4,400 times, three bucks, that’s like 12 grand in sales.


If I’m getting 10%, that’s like 1200 bucks. So you get to do the math and say, is it worth it? Is it not? And that’s selling every person that comes to your site. You ain’t going to sell that many. You’ll probably get a small percentage. She got to understand this pressure washer. Hell yeah. That thing pays me a lot more. So you starting to get it. Let me know in the comments below, if you’re getting this and before we do a couple others to note that you want the ones that have the lowest competition. So in this KD range on [inaudible] you want the lower numbers, the lower is the better chance of ranking. So I have a good chance of ranking for Vegeta pod. Probably not so good for grow lights for seedlings or something like that. So keep in mind, lower competition is definitely going to be easier, especially with a brand new website.

I’ll put some more videos as links in the description of this video so that you can check out more of my stuff on finding low competition keywords, which is makes this whole engine run. Now let’s take a look at some others. Here’s a gluten-free one. You could see gluten-free you got gluten-free waffles, meatloaf, banana bread. A lot of these are recipe related. So you need to remember when it’s recipe related. You’re not gonna make that much per click unless you get a really creative offer, like a recipe download or a toolbar or a Chrome extension or something like that. Or even like, you know, a grocery discount or something. You got to get a little creative because making money on recipes is difficult because people just want free recipes. Now, however, with this example, you could build a mailing list and then give them other gluten-free stuff and give them other content, all kinds of stuff around this.

I’ll put some more videos as links in the description of this video so that you can check out more of my stuff on finding low competition keywords, which is makes this whole engine run. Now let’s take a look at some others. Here’s a gluten-free one. You could see gluten-free you got gluten-free waffles, meatloaf, banana bread. A lot of these are recipe related. So you need to remember when it’s recipe related. You’re not gonna make that much per click unless you get a really creative offer, like a recipe download or a toolbar or a Chrome extension or something like that. Or even like, you know, a grocery discount or something. You got to get a little creative because making money on recipes is difficult because people just want free recipes. Now, however, with this example, you could build a mailing list and then give them other gluten-free stuff and give them other content, all kinds of stuff around this.

That would work really well. Here’s another one for the air purifiers and air conditioners. We could see here, like propane heater, indoors, portable air conditioner, venting options. Ventless portable air conditioner and on and on. We go. So again, we want to strip out the words that we know we can rank for and the ones that are good. If I was going to go for this, I’d try to take these ones with low competition. Do some research, find some more using other websites and get my content plan where I’m like, okay, these are the ones I know I can get. These are the offers. I know I’m going to take them to here’s how I’m going to make money. This is what I expect. And then boom, once it starts ranking, we’re off to the races. We can get some results. Here’s another one I did for guitar.

I think the guitar one let’s see, it looks like I didn’t put the guitar one. So we’ll skip to random reviews. This is one for random reviews. Again, pressure washers and things like that. This is the example we did on the other screen. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to find sites in our niche. We’re going to strip out the low competition words that have a direct offer, get rid of the junk, get rid of the waste. And we’re going to focus on the good stuff. Then when we do again, I am deliberately making this video simple because all you’re going to do is set up a You’re going to get a domain name about the topic. So if I do random review, it’d be like review dude or random review. Dude, if I’m going for air purifier, I do like the air review dude or whatever.

I think the guitar one let’s see, it looks like I didn’t put the guitar one. So we’ll skip to random reviews. This is one for random reviews. Again, pressure washers and things like that. This is the example we did on the other screen. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to find sites in our niche. We’re going to strip out the low competition words that have a direct offer, get rid of the junk, get rid of the waste. And we’re going to focus on the good stuff. Then when we do again, I am deliberately making this video simple because all you’re going to do is set up a website at You’re going to get a domain name about the topic. So if I do random review, it’d be like review dude or random review. Dude, if I’m going for air purifier, I do like the air review dude or whatever.

Gluten Free


If I’m doing gluten, I do a gluten king or gluten tips or whatever it is. If I was doing travel, I’d get a travel domain. And We show you how to pick the right domain name. And we show you how to get the domain free when you get web hosting, which is pretty cool. All right, you’re going to need hosting. Anyway. If you already have a site, don’t worry about it. That means you probably already got hosting. Next. What we’re going to do is we’re going to do SEO growth hacking. All right, we’re going to go. And we’re going to make posts with good content about these keywords. Very simple. There’s not much more I can tell you other than when you find a good keyword for like, you know, cherry pitter, you know, review the cherry. Pitters when you find something about a best waist trainer, all right, how are we going to train your waist and get rid of belly fat or whatever.

You’re going to make a good piece of content that these people would want again, make a good based on what they want. If you do that, and you have the right keyword, you don’t need fancy SEO, plugins, and tools and all this stuff. You could just literally answer the question that they’re asking or help them out in your content. Next, what you’re going to do is you’re going to put them up and you’re going to get them ranked, okay. They will automatically get picked up in Google, as you could see, I didn’t do anything with the hotel. One. It automatically got picked up because Google knows my blog exists. Once Google knows your blog exists, it’ll start to pick things up a lot more quicker. And then if he gets some back links, that’ll help as well. But again, don’t overthink this. Just start with the words, you know, you can get, that’s how this works.

random reviews


You go for what you know you can do. So what you’re going to do is you’re going to growth hack. Other companies that are getting this stuff, use their sites, them in your keyword tool. Find the, the words that you know, you can get, find some offers that are direct. Every blog, post needs an offer. If I make a blog post about a cooling neck, Gator, whatever that is, I’m going to have an offer for that. It’s not going to be one size fits all. I’m not going to put the generic ads on everything, unless it makes sense. I’m going to do the work. Now there’s some things you need to know about growth, hacking your SEO. First, talk about click flipping. In some instances, there’s a word that might not have an offer attached to it, but we can get them to something else.


For example, hardship letter for mortgage. Doesn’t have an offer direct to it. Like I can’t sell a hardship letter. I mean I could, but probably not going to work well, but I can take them. And I can say, click here and how refinancing can help you. Boom. Now they go to refinance site. So in some instances we’re going to do click flopping or click flipping as it were market flipping. And we’re going to flip them to something else. Okay? You need to be smart about this. And you need to think about each blog, post each keyword as its individual way to make money. If you do this, you’re not going to be stuck in bed log land, where all these people are trying to get post and not making anything. You’re going to go for direct things. You’re going to go for multiple offers. What offers can I put here?

Are there multiple waste training offers? Are there multiple offers for this? Are there more multiple for this or that? And when we go through, we’re going to make this work in a really, really simple way. All right, next, what we’re going to do is get rid of all the waste. We don’t want the junk keywords. I saw some guy who had a site, he’s getting hundreds of thousands of page views. And one of them was like, what color is the snake? And it’s like, I’m not going to make any money with what color is the snake? I mean, if your snake’s blue, I can’t make money on that. Right? So we have to pay close attention to how we’re going to make money and what we’re going to do. And we need to answer the question of how can I only go for rankings that I know will make me money, say it with me, sing it with me.

How could I only we go for rankings that are going to make me money. And if we treat them all separate, that’s, what’s gonna make this thing work. Now, if you like this kind of stuff, subscribe, smash the like button and also check out my coaching. If you want to go into my inexpensive coaching, go to blog, profit We’ve got a call every Tuesday where I help you out. If you want me to find your niche and walk you through a plan and help you out for a long time, show you how this works. Look over your shoulder, check out high ticket, And by all means, check out the next videos and the videos in the description. That’ll go even more detail into how to make a hundred thousand dollars a year with SEO. Again, it’s all a numbers game. If you can get the right traffic, the right offer, maybe five people will buy the offer or five people will fill out the form every week or one personal do this every day. It’s all a numbers game. If I can make a post today, that makes me a dollar, $2, $5 a day every day, then all I got to do is make 50 of those. And I’m making a hundred grand a year. It’s not that hard to do. It’s not guaranteed. It does take work. If you’re willing to do it. This thing has been so rewarding over the last 21 years. Thanks again for watching. Make sure you subscribe, click the bell, smash the like button and check out the next video.

Click Flipping


Get Rid Of Waste


Multiple Offers


Treat Each Ranking Separate


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