ptc sites that pay 10$ per click – scam or real?


Just a couple of years ago, the size of the mobile marketing industry was put at $65.1 billion and it’s expected to rise to $33.7 billion in 2027. And today, we’re going to show you how to put your phone to work for you. Make sure you watch this entire video. As I reveal the secret website and apps that paid big money. All right. In today’s lineup, we got a lot of good stuff for you including the app that pays 60 cents per minute. But I got to tell you, it’s not what you think on the surface. It’s actually quite a bit better than what you think. Part number one, we’re going to go through the truth of these so-called money apps and the people that are telling you to download money app to get money automatically. Part number two, we’re going to follow the numbers and do the math and find out if these are the best route for you.

Part number three, I’m going to show you the real apps. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, real world stuff with real live screenshots that pay you big money. Part number four, I’m going to show you how to promote and use these apps so that you can get paid. And in part number five, I’m going to show you what to do next, so that you can take this even further and turn this into a full fledged business. Are you ready? Let’s get to it. And as always, if you want a copy of my notes from this video and other cool stuff to help you make money online the real way, check out, As you can see, we got tons of notes and cool stuff from this video. It’s actually what I’m using to make this video. Now let’s get into part number one, the truth about so-called money apps.

Now there’s all lots of videos out there that get lots of views telling you about secret websites that are going to pay you big money for literally doing nothing or just clicking a few things. And we got to take a look at those and see exactly what’s going on. Here’s a screenshot from one of the ones touted in a very popular video. Now I want you to notice the numbers here because it’s very important. When we take a look at the amount of registered members, we got 92,908. We got a 1500 thousand just joined yesterday. However, yesterday they only paid out 28 bucks. And for the lifetime of the entire site, they’ve only paid out $10,000. It’s like less than 10 cents a member. Here’s another one, $2.5 million payout. It seems pretty impressive until you look at the fact that there’s 1.2 million members. That’s like two bucks a member.

Here’s one that paid out 727,000 with almost a half a million members over the course of 10 years. That means this gigantic website that’s supposed to make us rich is only paying $70,000 a year, so they say, and that’s split between a half a million people. Get out of here. Here’s another one, total paid 271,000, total members, 151,000. That’s again, less than $2 per member. Yet these websites are getting tons and tons of traffic. Here’s one that gets over 6 million visitors a month. And looking at the reviews of some of these sites, the best I could find was a guy who said he could make like $500 a month but that’s mostly referring people to the site, not actually doing what he’s teaching. Here’s another one that gets 406,000 visitors a month. And we got to take a look at what these websites are.

Now, a lot of people tout these as great ways to make money. Oftentimes in my opinion, PTC or paid to click websites, end up being complete and total time-wasters and the amount of fraud in this type of business model, if you even want to call it that, is insane. And there’s literally new sites popping up each and every day. It’s kind of like a traffic pump and dump scheme. Now that begs the question, are there legit paid to click websites? Yes, I’m sure there are, but the amount you can make again is very low. These sites run on an advertiser generated system. What happens is they have a big pool of advertisers willing to pay. And oftentimes on these PTC websites, you can actually see a tab at the top that says advertise and you can find out how much they are charging advertisers for clicks or views or whatever it is.

And oftentimes this number is extremely low. I’m not talking like 3 cents a click low I’m talking like fractions of fractions of pennies per click. And if the advertiser is only paying one fraction of a penny, then how are they going to be able to pass money onto you as the person viewing the ads? And the answer of course is they’re probably not. This is a lot like getting paid to fill out surveys and other things like that. While it can be legit and there are some that pay well, the vast majority of people are going to make nothing or end up not even getting paid because a lot of these sites are not even legit to start with. But don’t worry, if you’re looking for a real way to make money online with apps, pay close attention because we got some good stuff for you.

Now in part number two here, you’ve seen all the claims, follow the numbers, do the math. You always want to follow the numbers and see if it actually makes sense. If someone says you’re going to get a hundred dollars a click just for clicking something, you need to ask them like, what are we clicking and why is that person willing to pay a hundred dollars or more for me to click it? If they say you’re going to make $22 a minute just reading, do the math. There’s 1,440 minutes in a day. Are you literally telling me I’m going to make like 30 grand a day just reading? Or if someone says $10 every 30 seconds, that’d be 20 bucks a minute times 1400 minutes in a day. Again, it’s like 30 grand or 624 hours, 300 a day typing names, $1,500 to watch a video.

We got to be careful with this stuff and only focus on stuff that actually works and make sense. And the numbers actually fit because if you want to make a hundred thousand dollars a year, that’s really only $274 a day. That’s a much easier goal. And let’s talk about how to do that using the method I’m going to show you in step number three. Real apps that pay big money. Now pay attention to this part. This is something I’ve done for years to make millions of dollars online, but it’s not what you think. And I got to preface this with a little question for you. And that question is, why would YouTuber Mr. Beast be promoting the Honey App like crazy? And why would the Honey App pay Mr. Beast millions and millions of dollars to promote said Honey App? Why? Well, the reason is, is because the Honey App knows that they’re going to make lots and lots of money with affiliate marketing.

Now, what is the Honey App? The Honey App is, well, an app. What does the Honey App do? Helps you find coupons and drives people to affiliate links so that they buy products. And the Honey App knows that for every person Mr. Beast or any other affiliate refers to them, they’re going to make X amount per year, maybe 20, 50, 100 bucks or more. And knowing that they can now pay people a certain amount every time that app is downloaded. That’s right, we’re not going to get paid using apps. We’re going to get paid to promote apps. Let me show you what I mean. If we were to go over here to OfferVault, which is a popular search engine for affiliate offers, we can type in the word Chrome or download or software and we can get all kinds of results of things that are paying us every time someone downloads them.

Like right here there’s a memory installer or connection stats, or up here we have some speech program or whatever it is. We simply give these apps away free since they’re helpful, like the Honey App. It’s pretty helpful, give it away and you get paid. And the last I heard the Honey App pays like $4 a download to give it away. And that adds up pretty quick. So let’s say for example, we want to use this Speechify thing, which pays 60 cents per download and it could be up to $40 a sale. Okay. Very cool. So 60 cents per download and $40 a sale. So you could make quite a bit, which is pretty damn good. But the question is, what does the app do? Well, the app does text to speech software. So you type something and it turns it into an audio file with a voice.

Pretty cool, right? And it actually turns out that this kind of stuff’s pretty popular. You got 615,000 people a month looking for text to speech. You have all kinds of other people searching for this stuff as well. Thousands and thousands of people each and every month, looking for a text to speech converter. And since you don’t have to sell anything, you just give this away and get 60 cents, this could be pretty easy and quite lucrative. Here’s some other keywords people are looking up with the same type of… For the same type of thing. And you’ll notice here, the competition column. Now, you’re going to notice that the difficulty is pretty high on some of these it’s from zero to a hundred and a hundred is like impossible. Zero is pretty easy but if we start to refine our keyword list, we can actually find stuff that gets a little bit less competitive like Kindle text to speech or even, different text to speech softwares like this.

Or even, from text to speech, all put together 2300 people a month search for that and the difficulties only are one. And keep watching for a big aha moment. Which brings us to part number four, how to promote these apps and get paid big. Now, some of the ways that I’ve promoted these in the past is paid traffic, content networks, SEO or free search engine traffic, tutorials, or social media. Let me show you how this works. When you sign up to promote one of these apps you are going to get, what’s called an affiliate link. This affiliate link is a link that you can promote when people click it and download the app, you are going to get paid. It’s really as simple as that. Now, the key is you need to get people who are interested in this type of app. So I could go out there and I could create a blog post or a blog about this app or text to speech or whatever it is.

I could go out there and I can create videos on text-to-speech. And if you take a look on YouTube right now, there’s tons of videos about text to speech software. Some of them get 300, 400,000 views or more. And if you were to get like three to 400,000 views, the odds are, some of these people are going to download that free app and you’re going to get 60 cents. And all you got to do is create a simple video. Or, if you’re doing paid traffic, you can go and pay for traffic on search engines as long as you’re paying less than 60 cents a click, ideally, probably 5 cents or less, which is doable, you can get traffic from there. You can use content networks or you can do banner ads, or you can do SEO. In fact, one of the tips you can use is listing out all the different text-to-speech software sites because people actually search for those.

As you can see here, people are looking up the names of the various text to speech software. Now, don’t stop there. You can actually sell text to speech software alongside the app that you give away and make even more money. For example, if you were to look on ClickBank, you could see for text to speech, we have Text to speech app that pays $21 a download. Here’s something about stopping your parrot from biting. Can you believe this stuff sells? Pretty cool niche, right? Here’s one about turning text to human speech, $44 and on and on we go. We can also go to JVZoo and you could see here, for a period of like about a week, week and a half, I actually promoted a text to speech software and made over $5,000 in that short period of time, just by sharing how easy the software was to use.

You can make little tutorials. You can share this stuff on social media. The sky is literally… The sky is literally the limit. And one of the aha moments I really want you to get is the power of utilizing the names and different things people search for. For example, when I was doing research for this video, I found out that these PTC sites get a lot of traffic, right? We get a lot of traffic for these. For example, if we were to take Clixsense and put that in our keyword tool here, you’re going to see lots of people search for this site 3,500 a month. If you were to take a look at some other ones here, like Free Ad Pro or whatever these are, right. Lots of people are looking this stuff up to see if they’re legit. Now, I teach you guys legit ways to make money.

So I could simply go out there, talk about these sites, get traffic, do an honest review or show people what they are or have a list of text to speech softwares that are free, and then say, “Hey, by the way, I hope you enjoyed this list. Download this app to generate text to speech for free or whatever it is, right?” So it’s very simple. And if you utilize that the right way, you’re going to see how this stuff works in a really simple way. And you don’t even have to have your own website. For example, if we were to take a look at some of these keywords, like the PTC sites list, this one’s getting over 1200 searches a month and this even… It’s not even his own website. He’s actually listing with a medium website. So you could even do this without having your own website.

It’s very simple to do. And again, the name of the game is provide some decent content about these free tools that you give away that make you money. And this is exactly what I’ve done to get as many as 500, 2,000, 5,000 or more downloads in a day. So while other people out there are talking about an app that’s going to make you a $2 a minute, I’ve actually been there and done that with apps that I promote, not an app that I download and use that’s magically going to make the magic money fairy, give me money because I manifested it. No, we’re going to go out there and we’re going to do the work and it’s not that hard. It’s all lined out for you, but you got to binge watch my videos to see how this works. And step number five. What we’re going to do next is we’re going to go out and we’re going to promote this and we’re going to stack it.

Maybe you start a blog. Then you make a video. Then you make a medium post. Then you get a press release and you stack all this stuff up. And it’s not that difficult because you have to ask yourself, how many people each and every day are downloading free apps? How many people each and every day are downloading text to speech apps? How many people every day are downloading apps that fix images or remove backgrounds from images? Guys, the sky is the limit. And if you can find this stuff that pays you per download, it’s so super simple. And I’ve had some of these convert one out of every two people download the tool. Now, again, the results are not typical implied or guaranteed. The chances are you’ll make nothing because most people make nothing when trying to make money online. But I want to show you that this stuff is real, it can work and you can do it if you really want to.

Again, remember, this is a business. You go out there, you get people interested in the free app, you give them the app and you get paid. Now, what I want you to do next is check out, Get on my mailing list. I’m going to send you all kinds of free stuff. Go to, if you want me to help you out every week and answer your questions in a live call and binge watch my videos to learn more about how to make money online. Thanks again for watching. Watch the video that’s going to pop up and I’ll see you in the next video.


NOTE: marcus does not endorce or reccomend any of these sites… PTC is not a sustanable business for most people… this list is for ranking purposes and for tomorrows video.

The Paid To Click Websites Reviews contains information such as website name, link, and a brief review. There are many PTC sites that can be highly profitable. However, some require referrals or have built-in bid bots that make it harder for members to make money on the site. The reviews in this list are chosen because they do not have these restrictions, which means more income potential for you:

Website name: ClixSense

Short description: ClixSense is one of the largest PTC websites around, with over 400k members worldwide. A unique feature of ClixSense is the ability to earn money by renting referrals. You can rent a referral for $0.005 per click or 0.6% of earnings generated by that click, whichever is less. Your account balance must be at least 50 cents more than the rental price in order to process the request successfully, and you may only have ten active rentals at any time. There is no minimum payout amount requirement, and payments are made through PayPal within 24 hours after request if the account balance exceeds $1.00USD.

The review: Great PTC site with easy navigation, outstanding support from Clixsense staff, many ways to promote your ads, and best of all, there are no cashout minimums.

Website name: FreeAdPro

Short description: FreeAdPro is a large PTC website (over 250,000 members) that allows advertisers to reach a wide range of targeted users. The site does not require referrals, and payments are sent via check or Paypal within 48 hours from request if your account balance is $10 or more.

The review: This excellent PTC site has no referral requirements and offers various different payment methods, including PayPal, Moneybookers, Western Union, Check, and Wire Transfer – the highest level of payment methods around.

Website name: FuxCash

Short description: FuxCash is a PTC site (over 150,000 members) that has an excellent reputation in the industry. Payment methods include PayPal or E-Gold, and payments are sent within 24 hours upon request if your account balance is $10USD or more. There are no referral requirements on this site which allows for great earnings even with very small investments.

The review: Very good PTC site that doesn’t require referrals and offers 24-hour payments for those with an account balance of $10USD or more.

Website name: Goobux

Short description: Goobux is a free-to-join PTC site (over 300,000 members) that has a lot of great features on it. It offers referral earnings, paid emails, and mobile phone service income, which can be quite profitable. The minimum payout amount requirement is only $1, but you will need $25 in your account before requesting cashout – payment methods include Paypal and E-Gold!

The review: Great PTC site with a lot of different ways to make money. You can use all the features or just a few.

Website name: InboxDollars

Short description: InboxDollars is one of the top PTC sites around, with over 4 million members worldwide. It offers various ways to earn on the site, including paid emails, surveys, community posting, and more. The minimum cashout amount requirement is $5USD, and payment methods include PayPal, Check/Money Order, Get Paid To Reviews & E-Gold – definitely a good choice if you are looking for a place to make money online!

The review: This excellent PTC site has no referral requirements and offers various payment methods, including PayPal, Checks, E-Gold & Get Paid To Reviews.

Website name: MyAdsInbox

Short description: MyAdsInbox is a large PTC site (over 150,000 members) that allows advertisers to reach a wide range of targeted users. The site does not require referrals, and payments are sent via check or Paypal within 48 hours from request if your account balance is $10 or more.

The review: This excellent PTC site has no referral requirements and offers various different payment methods, including PayPal, Moneybookers, Western Union, Check, and Wire Transfer.

Website name: TradeDoubler

Short description: TradeDoubler is a very well-established PTC site (over 1 million members) that offers great advertising services for companies looking to get their products/services in front of targeted users. The minimum payout amount requirement is $1, which means you can easily reach it just by clicking ads every day – definitely recommended!

The review: This is one of the best PTC sites out there and is well worth considering: high earnings, no referral requirements, and easy cashouts.

Website name: Vibux

Short description: Vibux is a large PTC site (over 100,000 members) that offers great tools for making money online. You can earn up to $0.60 per click, which means larger amounts can be made if you invest more time into this site.

The review: This excellent site has no referral requirements and offers various different payment methods, including Paypal, Check & Moneybookers.

Website name: Neobux

Short description: Neobux is one of the best PTC sites out there, with over 10 million members worldwide. It offers an extensive list of ways for earning on the site, such as paid emails, click ads, and more which means it can be quite profitable to use.

The review: This excellent PTC site has no referral requirements and offers various different payment methods, including PayPal, Check & Moneybookers.

Website name: Clicksia

Short description: Clicksia is one of the largest paid-to-click sites with over 130,000 active members worldwide. The minimum cashout amount requirement is $1, and payments are sent via check within 7 days upon request, which means it’s an easy way to get some extra cash if you need it.

The review: This top PTC site has no referral requirements and offers various different payment methods, including PayPal, Check & Moneybookers.

Website name: Neobux

Short description: Neobux is one of the best PTC sites out there, with over 10 million members worldwide. It offers an extensive list of ways for earning on the site, such as paid emails, click ads, and more which means it can be quite profitable to use.

The review: This excellent PTC site has no referral requirements and offers various different payment methods, including PayPal, Check & Moneybookers.

Website name:

Short description: This is one of the best PTC sites out there, and it has a large userbase (over 7,000 members) which means consistent ad exposure. The minimum cashout amount requirement is $1, which means small earnings can still pay off.

The review: This excellent site has no referral requirements and offers various different payment methods, including Paypal, Check & Moneybookers.

Website name:

Short description: is a great advertising platform that allows you to convert your traffic into cash with ease! It has an excellent user interface and is very easy to use.

The review: This excellent website has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name: Clicksia

Short description: Clicksia is one of the largest paid-to-click sites with over 130,000 active members worldwide. The minimum cashout amount requirement is $1, and payments are sent via check within 7 days upon request, which means it’s an easy way to get some extra cash if you need it.

The review: This top PTC site has no referral requirements and offers various different payment methods, including PayPal, Check & Moneybookers.

Website name:

Short description: This is one of the best PTC sites out there, and it has a large userbase (over 7,000 members) which means consistent ad exposure. The minimum cashout amount requirement is $1, which means small earnings can still pay off.

The review: This excellent site has no referral requirements and offers various different payment methods, including Paypal, Check & Moneybookers.

Website name: Neobux

Short description: Neobux is one of the best PTC sites out there, with over 10 million members worldwide. It offers an extensive list of ways for earning on the site, such as paid emails, click ads, and more which means it can be quite profitable to use.

The review: This top PTC site has no referral requirements and offers various different payment methods, including PayPal, Check & Moneybookers.

Website name: Superpaidtoclick

Short description: SuperPaidToClick is one of the best advertising sites out there, with over 1 million members worldwide. It offers an extensive list of ways for earning on the site, such as paid emails, ad clicking, and more which means it can be quite profitable to use. The minimum cashout amount requirement is $5, which means you’ll need to earn a fair amount before you can request payment.

The review: This excellent advertising site has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name: Earningunited

Short description: EarningUnited is one of the best PTC sites out there, with over 5 million members worldwide. It offers an extensive list of ways for earning on the site, such as paid emails, ad clicking, and more which means it can be quite profitable to use. The minimum cashout amount requirement is $1, and payments are sent via check, which means it can take a few weeks for you to receive your earnings.

The review: This top PTC site has no referral requirements, but there is a limit of how much you can earn per day (75 cents?).

Website name: 5000pts

Short description: 5000pts offers paid ads, games, videos, surveys, and more in exchange for credits that you have earned from referring others and completing offers.

The review: This top PTC site has no referral requirements, and there is no limit to how much can be earned.

Website name: Gainpay

Short description: GainPay is a unique PTC/paid offers website that features an exclusive ‘Shop’ section which means it’s possible to earn some cold hard cash by shopping online using the voucher codes you’ve collected from viewing ads and completing other tasks on the site, therefore giving you more of an incentive to use it.

The review: This excellent PTC site has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name: MellowAds

Short description: MellowAds features lots of great ways to make money online, including ad viewing, paid emails, offers, and more, which means it can be quite profitable to use. The minimum cashout amount requirement is $1, making it very easy to withdraw your earnings whenever you wish.

The review: This excellent advertising site has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name:

Short description: PaidByReferrals is a top paid-to-read email site that features lots of ways to earn money online, including ad viewing, paid emails, video ads, and surveys which means it can be quite profitable to use. The minimum cashout amount requirement is $5 USD which means you’ll need to get lucky with your lottery tickets in order to withdraw any earnings.

The review: This top paid-to-read email site has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name: GoinUp

Short description: GoinUp features many ways to earn money, including ad viewing, paid emails, offers, surveys, and more, making it rather easy to earn good amounts of cash from the comfort of your own home.

The review: This top paid-to-click site has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name:

Short description: PaidVerts offers free membership; however, it’s possible to receive perks such as bonus credits for signing up via the ‘Invite Friends’ feature, which means it could be quite profitable to use. The minimum cashout amount requirement is $1, which means you’ll need to get lucky with your lottery tickets in order to withdraw any earnings.

The review: This top advertising website has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name:

Short description: Earn Cash Daily features ad viewing, paid emails, and surveys, making it quite possible to earn money from the comfort of your own home.

The review: This top PTC & paid to read email site has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name:

Short description: AlwaysOnlinePays features paid emails, offers, and surveys, meaning it could be quite possible to earn money from the comfort of your own home.

The review: This top PTC & paid reading email site has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name: MellowAds

Short description: Mellow Ads features many ways to make money online, including ad viewing, paid emails, offers, and more, which means it can be quite profitable to use.

The review: This top PTC & paid to read email site has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name:

Short description: Paid2bux features many ways to make money online, such as ad viewing, surveys, and more which means it can be quite possible to earn good amounts of cash from the comfort of your own home.

The review: This top PTC & paid to read email site has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name:

Short description: Coinad features ad viewing, surveys, offers, and more which means it could be quite possible to earn money from the comfort of your own home.

The review: This P2P lending site has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be borrowed/lent.

Website name:

Short description: Cashinbox features paid offers, surveys, and more, making it quite possible to earn a decent amount of cash from the comfort of your own home.

The review: This P2P lending site has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be borrowed/lent.

Website name: SparkBucks(dot)net

Short description: Sparkbucks (defunct) originally featured ad viewing but recently changed into a lottery-based system with offers available, meaning it could still be quite possible to earn a good amount of cash from this website.

The review: This P2P lending site has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be borrowed/lent.

Website name:

Short description: Paidmailerz (defunct) featured ad viewing, offers, and more, which means it could be quite possible to earn a decent amount of cash from this site.

The review: This P2P lending site has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be borrowed/lent.

Website name:

Short description: My Paying Ads features paid email, surveys, and offers, making it quite possible to earn cash from home.

The review: This P2P lending site has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be borrowed/lent.

Website name: Centregold

Short description: Centregold features paid emails, surveys, and offers, making it quite possible to earn good amounts of cash from the comfort of your own home.

The review: This P2P lending site has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be borrowed/lent.

Website name: BuxPlus

Short description: This PTC site features ad viewing, paid offers & more, making it quite possible to earn a decent amount of cash from the comfort of your own home.

The review: This pays you to click website has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned – definitely worth joining if looking for this type of site.

Website name: Clixsense

Short description: Clixsense features ad viewing, paid offers & more, making it quite possible to earn lots of cash from the comfort of your own home.

The review: This pays you to click website has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name: PaidViews

Short description: Paidviews featured ad viewing and paid email, meaning it could be quite possible to earn a decent amount of cash from this website.

The review: This P2P lending site has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be borrowed/lent.

Website name: Paid-Views

Short description: This website featured ad viewing & paid email, meaning it could be quite possible to earn a good amount of cash from the comfort of your own home.

The review: This pays you to view a website that has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name: SuperPaidSurveys

Short description: This paid survey site featured ad viewing, paid emails, and more, making it quite possible to earn a nice amount of cash from the comfort of your own home.

The review: This pays you to view a website that has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name : Click2paid

Short description: Paying $0.01 for every 25 adverts seen could be one way to make money online if looking for this type of website.

The review: This pays you to view a website that has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name: Paid-Ads

Short description: Paying $0.01 for every 25 adverts seen could be one way to make money online if looking for this type of website.

The review: This pays you to view a website that has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name: CashCrate

Short description: This PTC site features ad viewing, paid offers & more, making it quite possible to earn a nice amount of cash from the comfort of your own home.

The review: This pays you to click website has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name: Earnably

Short description: Paying $0.01 for every 25 adverts seen could be one way to make money online if looking for this type of website.

The review: This pays you to view a website that has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name: BingRewards

Short description: Get paid $0.50 per search made through the Bing search engine – worth joining if looking for a site like this!

The review: This pays you to use a website that has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name: iRazoo

Short description: This PTC site features ad viewing, paid offers & more, making it quite possible to earn a nice amount of cash from the comfort of your own home.

The review: This pays you to click website has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name : Swagbucks

Short description: Get paid $0.50 per search made through the Swagbucks search engine.

The review: This pays you to use a website that has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name: Search Media Marketplace

Short description: Paying up to $0.02 for each advert seen could be one way to make money online if looking for this type of website.

The review: This pays you to view a website that has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name: PaidViewAds

Short description: Paying $0.01 for every 25 adverts seen could be one way to make money online if looking for this type of website.

The review: This pays you to view a website that has no referral requirements, and there is no limit on how much can be earned.

Website name: Points2Shop

Short description: Points2Shop is an established PTC site (over 2 million members) that offers advertisers a way of advertising their products or services for free – the advertiser will pay you based on clicks and views, and you can then redeem these points for various different prizes. The minimum cashout amount requirement is $1, which means small earnings are worth it!

The review: This excellent site has no referral requirements and offers PayPal as the only payment method – definitely recommended if you want to make some additional money via PTC sites.