How To Start A Travel Blog / Hotel Review Blog

How To Start A Travel Blog / Hotel Review Blog

PROOF… My Dummy Test Post I Made ON This Video Got RANKINGS IN JUST HOURS….

Page One On MSN and other search engines…

Page 1-2 of google depending on the server

Okay. First thing we got to do is take old Cotton Eyes Joe, put him right here. And the second thing we’re going to do is go ahead and circle all of the hotels that we find. Here’s one, a lodge. Make sure we get all of them because that’s going to make a difference in how much money we make. Fairfield Inn. Here’s another one, another one, another one. Let’s submit this and see how much we make.

Yeah. So I spent a couple of days watching videos about how to make money with Google Maps. And I got to tell you, I wasn’t convinced. Most of these guys are telling you that you need to go out there and find businesses and contact them and sell them stuff and hopefully the storm doesn’t get ya. Which takes a lot of work and is a pain in the butt. So I’m going to show you a super simple way to make money using Google Maps. Let’s get out of the storm.


Yes. This does have something to do with Cotton Eyed Joe, keep watching.

So there I was, minding my own business on a normal day, watching some videos where people are telling me different ways to make money with Google Maps. And I’m checking out my SpamZilla domain tool to find some latest, greatest domains that might’ve dropped that I could buy and possibly turn for a profit. And I came across this list of domains about hotels. And that got me thinking about all those guys teaching all that junky stuff that doesn’t work with Google Maps. I wonder if there’s a connection here. And connection there was. Because some of these domains actually had a lot of rankings for various terms about hotels and hotels in certain areas and hotels with certain amenities like hot tubs and different things like that.

And according to Ahrefs, one of those domains that’s currently for sale for $27 is supposedly getting over 5,300 visitors a month worth $9,000. Wait, what? How does that even work? Keep watching. I think you’re going to like this. Another domain I found wasn’t for sale, but they were doing this exact same thing. It says they’re getting over $170,000 a month in free traffic for various hotel words. Here’s one specific to East Tennessee that’s getting over $2,000 a month in free traffic. And chances are, they’re probably making more than that. Here’s a powerhouse of a site getting $3.2 million a month in free traffic. But how does this even work? Well, let’s dive in.

First, we want to take a look at our keyword tools you could use Ahrefs, you could use SEMrush, you can use Ubersuggest, or any keyword tool that you like. And what we’re going to do is we’re going to pull different words related to hotels near. Now, it’s very important that you don’t use “hotels near me” because this is just automatically going to pull up the map. And if the map comes up, that bypasses us and we can’t make any money and we want to make money. Right?

So what we’re going to do is we’re going to take a look at some of these keywords. Now it’s very important that you pay attention to this column here, which is the amount of people searching for the term each month. That means, “hotels near Disney World” gets 14,000 searches a month and the difficulty is 37. This is from zero to 100. 100 is damn near impossible, zero is pretty much easy. Except in the case of “hotels near me” because that’s going to show a false positive since it’s going to the maps by default. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to try to find the lowest competition keywords, like maybe “hotels near Cedar Point” or “Fort Lauderdale” or any of these that are a five or below are usually pretty easy.

We’re also going to take a look at other keywords like, “hotels with”. So “hotels with”, we have “hotels with jacuzzi in room” showing a difficulty of one and 20,000 searches a month. “Hotels with private jacuzzi”, “hotels with pools” and all kinds of thing. Again, stay away from the “near me” words because that’s just going to trigger the map and we won’t show up in the results. And even if we do, no one’s going to click on us. So we can see lots of different things people want with hotels.

Next, we can see “best hotels”. “Best hotels in Vegas”, “best hotels Chicago”, “best hotels Miami”, and on and on we go. Now, it’s going to start to get really good in just a minute. Here’s another one for “hotels that”. “Hotels that allow dogs”, “hotels that allow cats”, “hotels that take cash”, “allow dogs”, “allow you to smoke in the rooms”, all kinds of things that hotels allow you to do. Okay. Very cool. Very good. And we can use this to make lots of money, keep watching and I’ll show you how.

Now let’s take a look at the last report I ran, which has to do we do with our old buddy Cotton Eyed Joe.

“Hotels near Cotton Eyed Joe Knoxville, Tennessee.” There’s actually 200 people a month searching for that. That’s pretty interesting because if people are looking for hotels near something small in a small state, that’s not that populated and Cotton Eye Joe, I think they’re probably looking for hotels near other things.

Wait a minute, Marcus. I think I got one of them a-ha moments you been talking about.

Okay. So what we’re going to do is actually pretty simple. We’re going to go and we’re going to either get a new domain name or use one of the domain names on that list of expired domains. All right. They both cost the same amount if you get an expired domain or if you get a new domain, they’re the same amount. Now, you can actually get your domain for free if you go to to start your first website. This is my instructions, it’s my website. It’ll show you how to start a website in 15 minutes. And I think as of recording this video, they actually give you the domain name free if you get one year of hosting, which is a hundred dollars for the whole year and you could have as many sites as you want on one account. So you’re good to go.

Now, what we’re going to do is we’re going to get our first domain name and we’re going to get a domain that is related to hotels. So I’ll do hotel finder extravagance or something, best hotel finder, or I’ll pick one from the expired domain list. Which if you want to learn about expired domains, check out the video in the description after you watch this one. It’ll talk to you about expired domains. So we’re going to get that domain. Let’s say we get or something like that. Okay. We got And what we’re going to do now is we’re going to set up a WordPress blog. And don’t worry. We don’t have to do blogging like the other people teach. We’re just going to put content about hotels. It’s actually very simple.

Then what we’re going to do is we’re going to find hundreds or even thousands of keywords that are low competition that are related to various hotel type things. “Hotels that allow dogs”, “hotels that are near the Cotton Eyed Joe”. Hotels that are near this, hotels that are next to this. “Best hotels when you’re going to see a concert at the Staples Stadium”, or whatever it is. You’re going to go through and you’re going to find all these keywords and you’re going to make a big list of these keywords.

Now, this list is going to be worth money because what you’re going to do is create a small piece of content that will literally take you 15 minutes, maybe 30 minutes at the most. And you’re going to put that on your blog about the various topics and the keywords you’re going for. Let me show you how this works and we’ll use old Cotton Eyed Joe here as our example. There’s Cotton Eyed Joe, he’s a pretty handsome looking feller, if you ask me. So what we’re going to do is we’re going to go over here to our blog. Now, I didn’t set this up on a hotel blog because of the domain that I’m actually getting, the reason I blurred out, is because I’m going to try to buy it. It’s $27. It’s on auction. So I’m probably not going to get it for 10 days or something like that. But we could get one of the other ones. I’m just going to show you how this works on my blog because the principles are the same.

What we’re going to do is we’re going to go to post, add new. And since we have our keyword here, which is, “hotels near Cotton Eyed Joe’s Knoxville, Tennessee”. there’s over 200 people a month searching for this. That’s over 2,400 people a year searching for this. And if I could make myself a measly 10 cents per visitor on this traffic, which I could probably make more. But let’s shoot low because the results are not typical, implied or guaranteed and the average person trying to make money online makes nothing. You didn’t think you’d get one of my videos without my famous disclaimer did you?

Well, let’s take a look. So that would mean that this post would make me about $240 a year, but we also have other sub category words as well. So I’m going to say this will probably make me $350, maybe $365 a year. Now, if this makes me $365 a year, that means that this one blog post could potentially make me a dollar a day or more. Pretty cool. Right? How many of you guys would sit down and write some content for 30 minutes and get a dollar a day? Or let me rephrase that, how many of you guys would sit down right now for 30 minutes and do a blog post if I gave you $365? Well, I think most of you guys would because most of you out there aren’t making $700 an hour. So you got to pay attention to this.

Now, again, it’s not typical, implied or guaranteed. You might make nothing. You might lose money. You might make $10 a day. I don’t know. Some of these make a lot more. So we got to look at this. But here’s the secret. If I can make one that makes a dollar a day and then the next day do the same thing and the next day the same thing, next day the same thing and keep doing this over and over and over again. Based on the data, improving as I go along, I can build up a passive income stream in a very simple way. But the reason most people don’t do this is because they look at the dollar and they say, “I only made a dollar. It’s not going to work.” Well, ladies and gentlemen, I have been doing this for 21 years and I’ll still put up a blog post if it’ll make me a dollar a day or more.

Why? Because that means I don’t have to work anymore and I still get my dollar a day as long as the thing lasts. Very simple. Now let me show you how easy this is. If we have “hotels near Cotton Eyed Joe”, we’re going to take the exact keyword here. I’m going to put this exact keyword as my blog post. Again, you want to learn how to do this, go to You can set up a blog. It’s super easy. That’s our title. Now we’re going to go here and we can put an image. So let’s say we want to put the image that I made of the Cotton Eyed Joe map. That’s a fancy map. You got the Cotton Eyed Joe map here. Boom. I actually titled it “Hotels Near Cotton Eyed Joe” so it’s actually pretty simple. There he is there.

And we’re going to go ahead and do alignment none. We’re not going to link it to anything and we’re going to do full-size and then I’ll just shrink it down right here. Okay. So boom, there we go. We’ll shrink it down to 900 or 800 or something like that. Just whatever looks good. And you can do this like that. We’re going to hit enter.

Now what we’re going to do is we’re going to put our keyword again so they know what they’re getting and we’re going to make this a big, bold keyword. We’ll do heading one, big and bold, like that. Then all we got to do is list them. We already got them there. So number one is the Econo Lodge and I can even get fancy and say, “This is 3.2 miles from Cotton Eyed Joe.”

There you go. Boom. You do the math. You figure it out. You look at the map and everything like that, then I could go through and I can be like, does it allow dogs? “Allow dogs? Yes.” What’s the price? Maybe it’s £150 a night average. Okay. Maybe I could say free breakfast or whatever. You just do the work and you’re like, okay, this is how it works. Breakfast. I can’t spell and do a video at the same time. And then we go, number two… Well, we’re not going to go number two, please. Don’t take that the wrong way. Next we could do “Tru By Hilton Knoxville” like this. And then again, we’re going to have the benefits. Then we do the next one, “Fairfield”. Boom, there we go.

And we’re going to make content about this. Now we can also go through and we can have content up here. That’s when the Cotton Eyed Joe started in 1942, back when whatever happened and you could talk a little bit about the Cotton Eyed Joe and what it is and everything like that. Very simple, very easy. It doesn’t take very long to do. And what you’re going to do is you’re going to focus on really giving these people the value based on what they’re coming for. We want to talk about these hotels and give them information that other people are not giving them and help them out in a simple way that other people aren’t helping them out.

Now, the question is, how are we going to make money with this? Right. I could post this and I could be like, boom, there we go. Hotels Near Cotton Eyed Joe’s. It’s up. It’s ready to go. This thing can start ranking in Google pretty fast. And now in order to make money on this, what we’re going to do is we are going to sign up for various affiliate programs. So Cotton Eyed Joe, over here, you need to shrink down because you’re a little too big. There we go. We’ll just make a good size there. So now what we’re going to do is Cotton Eyed Joe, or you, are going to go out and sign up for affiliate programs. You can go out and you can sign up for travel credit cards, travel credit. You could sign up for Expedia. You could sign up for various hotel things. Maybe you’re going to go for Marriott or maybe you’re going to do Best Western or whatever it is. You can sign up for their specific things.

You can also do what’s called an affiliate feed, which is where they’ll actually give you the feed of the hotels and you can put that on your site and it’s through the Expedia Affiliate Program. So whenever they click on that feed, which gives you free content, is actually going to pay you when they sign up. Now, you can also do cost per click ads like Google AdSense. You could do Mediavine, you can do all kinds of different CPC programs that will load it with the different hotels and things like that, which is really cool. You can also tie it into best things to do near Cotton Eyed Joe or whatever it is. And it’s very simple. All you got to do is look at this in a really cool way. And of course, if they’re flying, maybe you can do airlines or maybe you could do discount coupons or whatever.

And when you look at this, there’s lots of things that you can offer. And I want you to look at this because a lot of you guys, you may or may not use the hotel example, but I want you to look at this in a big term because people don’t see this stuff the same way that I do because I’ve been doing this for 21 years. What I see here is an opportunity where the Michelin book, if you guys know the Michelin book was the Michelin traveling book where it would rate all the restaurants and the hotels and all this stuff and you get the little book. That got huge. It made a ton of money and it’s still around today because of all the money it made. I think now they just rate restaurants and stuff like that.

But if you look at this, we could go out there and we could utilize all the keywords. I know there’s not just people looking for hotels by Cotton Eyed Joe’s, they’re also looking for other stuff. And if we understand that and we start to use the other keywords, there’s a lot of money at stake that can be made here by simply making a simple blog about a certain type of hotel. There’s people doing concert hotels, or hotels near sporting events, or hotels near this, or best hotels for whatever it is. And if you understand that, then you could start to make money online in a very simple way.

So don’t overthink this. Just go to, start your first blog today. If you want to learn more, check out for my notes, get on my email list. And if you want to be trained by me personally, every Tuesday with help, plugins, tools, software, the whole nine yards, check out And by all means smash the like button if you enjoyed this and check out the other videos in the description and binge watch my content so you can make money online in a really cool way. Thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next video.

1 thought on “How To Start A Travel Blog / Hotel Review Blog”

  1. For those who have been looking for a way to earn an income online, this an excellent business strategy! Having spent the last few days looking for potential keywords and possible domain names on Justdropped, I am very enthusiastic about the possibilities!

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