How To Make Money Off The Bitcoin Crash

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$6,900 in one day with zero investment? $31,000 a month? $163,000? $2.5 million a month? Bitcoin crashes to the ground, a looming recession, and to top it all off, gas prices have literally gone through the roof, which is why I decided to start driving this thing to work.

That’s crazy.

Today I’m going to show you five ways to make money with Bitcoin without even investing, and it all has to do with these six files right here, which I’m going to give to you for free. Keep watching to find out how.

Because while everyone out there is trying to understand when to buy, when to sell, and when to get involved in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies, some people have silently been getting ultra rich, like this guy here making $31,000 a month, or this one making 163,000. 2 million, 24 million, and more. And these five methods are super solid. They work worldwide. They continue to work and even thrive during times of economic downturn. And when used correctly, they’re virtually guaranteed to put money in your pocket.

So let’s open up these files and dive into the five ways you’re going to make money from the Bitcoin crash. Okay. So first off, what we need to understand is the fact that cryptocurrencies and different investments are looked up a lot. You could see here Bitcoin price or BTC price is looked up over 16 million times a month. Dogecoin and others are looked up a lot as well. Now, we can see from these files that there is a ton of traffic in these markets. And also, there’s not that much competition when you get some of the more specific keywords.

And since Bitcoin and crypto investing keywords are in a market that makes lots of money, what we have to do is look to Patrick over here, who has found the solution to making money with this traffic. Because as time goes on, people are going to search for these more and more. As we can see from these files, millions and millions of people each and every month are looking up different ticker symbols, like this one here for some kind of compass mining or even games or different types of places to invest crypto are looked up a lot of times. And when you pair that with these five methods I’m going to show you, it’s pretty simple to start making good money. But remember the results are not typical, implied, or guaranteed. I have no idea what you’re going to make.

This is just an information video to show you the many possibilities that are out there that you can profit with, starting with method number one, and that is to start a news or ticker blog. This is quite simply where you go out there and start a blog to talk about the different news and ticker symbols that are going on in the crypto marketplace. As you can see, lots of people are looking up the various different symbols related to cryptos. They’re looking for how much they’re going for, if they’re going up, down, whether they’re rugpulls, scams, whether they’re good investments, and what the history of the company is like.

And since this information is free online anyway, you simply do the research, compile it in an easy way to understand, and get paid when people click ads on your website. It’s actually super simple, and you don’t really need that much experience and you don’t even have to sell anything, because what’s going to happen is your blog is going to show expensive ads. When those ads are clicked on, you get paid. And as you can see over here from the Google AdWords keyword planner, these guys are paying insane amounts of money for each and every click. Best gold IRA, $180 a click. Best online brokerage account, best investment platforms, $49 a click, and on and on we go. This is literally insane. But remember, you’re not guaranteed to get $180 a click. We have no idea what you’re going to make per click. This is just to show us that people are paying lots of money, which means our traffic is going to make a heck of a lot more. So if you’re using number one and you want to make a news or ticker symbol blog, you can rake it in big time.

Now let’s talk about number two. No, not that number two, although some of this stuff is pretty crappy and that would be the scam and rugpull exposure. There’s lots of people out there on YouTube and blogs and websites and different forums and places like that that are talking about all the different crypto scams that are going on online. And if you ask me, there’s way too many. But that is a chance for you to swoop in, be the good guy and bank lots of cash. We could see here, this guy has top five crypto scams. He’s got over 335,000 views on that one video alone. Here’s another one that was just uploaded 18 hours ago. So far over 87,000 views. And if you were to do a simple search on YouTube, you’re going to see tons and tons of people doing this exact same thing, talking about all the different crypto scams.

And as we learned from our buddy Patrick over here with his Lamborghini full of cash, this market pays lots of money per click. And if you have videos in the crypto market and you’re using YouTube monetization, that’s going to trigger a much more expensive ad, and they don’t even have to buy anything. They simply view the ads, click the links, and you get paid. And all you would have to do is follow the news and watch the reports and check out the latest cryptocurrencies. Do the research, help people out, and put money in your pocket. And again, this is a very sensitive market, so make sure you don’t do anything shady. Don’t recommend anything that’s garbage or a ripoff or a scam. Just simply provide helpful info and get paid when people click on the ads.

And to show you how this works in a real world way, I’ve actually compiled some of the top cryptocurrency keywords that have very low competition. This is a difficulty score from zero to 100, 100 being damn near impossible and zero being pretty much inevitable. We can actually take a look here that there’s stuff like coin market cap or XPR coin. And when we put these in YouTube, we could see the competition doesn’t really exist and people are getting lots and lots of traffic with these very simple non-competitive keywords. And quite simply, all you need to do is go down the list, find the information, make a simple video, and put some more money in your pocket.

And that brings us to method number three of how you’re going to make money with the Bitcoin crash, and that is to buy and sell crypto domains. Domain names are bought and sold online every single day to the tune of millions of dollars. In fact, I myself have sold over a million dollars worth of domain names and websites associated with domains and different things like that.

Take a look at this list here of the top 10 domains in the crypto market,, $2 million,, $1 million, tokens, half a million, Bitcoin Wallet, 250 grand, and on and on we go. In fact, just last week, I bought for about $1,200. And don’t worry. If you don’t have 1200 bucks, I’m going to show you a way to do this super cheap. And the reason I bought this domain is because of all the traffic it was getting already for Bitcoin and Bitcoin mining and different things like that. We could see it ranks for keywords that get over 13,000 searches a month. Not only that, but check out some of the links that are pointing back to my new website. This one here from Wikipedia with a list of Bitcoin companies. We got some other Bitcoin sites linking in, crypto investments, and on and on we go.

So I can go ahead and put a simple blog on this website, start ranking for this traffic, and make tons of money, or I could sell the domain for a profit. As you can see here, lots of crypto names are going for lots of money. And since mine also has back links and built in traffic and it used to be a crypto mining business, boom, I think I hit the jackpot.

But if you don’t have 1200 bucks, don’t worry. We’re going to use a little tool called SpamZilla to find domains that we can buy for a couple of dollars and sell for hundreds or even thousands of dollars or more. Yeah, some of the domains I’ve bought for like $8 or $15 I’ve sold for as much as $25,000. And all I’ve got to do is use a tool like SpamZilla that I could get over at, type something like crypto, and this is going to show me all the domain names that recently expired that contain the word crypto. And my job is just to find one that looks really good., cryptoprofittrends,,, 24cryptominingtrade. It says it’s worth 165 and I could buy it for one penny? Polycrypto says it’s worth 775. I can get it for a penny?

But again, take these with a grain of salt. Make sure that if you’re investing $10 on a domain, you’re pretty certain you can get your $10 back. And on this one, I think that’s going to be pretty easy. So I could just go down the list and find different crypto domains that look really good, start buying them, and sell them for a profit. Cryptomaniacs, cryptonitecoins,, and on and on we go. There’s literally over 100,000 domain names that drop each and every day. And if you want to learn more about my domain strategies, check out the links in the description.

But now let’s dive in to method number four, YouTube channel updates. This is a lot like the other method, but instead of just doing crypto overviews, we’re actually going to make a channel about the latest updates. You can see this guy streamed just 10 hours ago, 54,000 views. And since it’s in the crypto market, he’s making lots of money. Here’s another one, Alt Coin Daily, who’s coming out with all kinds of different crypto updates and things like that. And if you want to add even more money to the mix, you can actually have them go to your website for more information. And as you can see here, tons and tons of people are providing information on different Bitcoin updates, new coins, and different things like that. Wait a minute, who’s that maniac with a chicken? Oh, yeah. That’s me.

Now let’s go to method number five. In method number five, what you’re going to do is create free cryptocurrency trading guides. You’re going to do the research and find all kinds of links of what people can do to start investing in crypto and help them out and give them tips and links and all kinds of things like that. And if you pair method number five with all the other methods I showed you, you’re going to have a zinger of a way to make money online.

And if you’re interested in getting these reports with the top keywords, check out And to learn more about each of these five methods, check out the videos in the description that’s going to go into even more detail. Smash your like button, subscribe, and I’ll see you in the next video.

1 thought on “How To Make Money Off The Bitcoin Crash”

  1. Hi Marcus continuation my last name is spelled h a y n i e thank you have a good day

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