How to Find $1000 – $10,000 Niches for Affiliate Marketing/Niche Marketing Explained

In this week’s webinar, learn live with Marcus the best way to find an $1000 – $10,000 niche and valuable tips on how to get started and make money. Topics in this week’s webinar include:




How to Battle the #1 Reason Most Don’t Succeed:

One of the top reasons that people do not succeed in affiliate marketing is an inability to get started and find the right niche. Live with Marcus, discuss the best ways to find a profitable niche.



The Benefits of Paid Traffic and Why You Shouldn’t be Afraid to Use it:

Paid traffic is a great way to generate leads and sales on your blog. With methods discussed in today’s webinar like monitoring competition, testing, and adjusting, it’s simple to drive traffic and profit while using paid methods.


Understanding How a Niche Market Works:

Optimize your blog profit by learning the best techniques to set up your site with a specific group of people in mind.

Set a Goal and Purpose for Your Site Before You Create it:

Before you create your blog or website, there are several questions to ask yourself. What is my niche? What kind of people will be searching for this? What kind of offers could I pair with this niche? What do I want people to do on my site?




Ten Commandments of Blog Making:


  1. Thou Shall Not Beat Around the Bush

Be direct. When a visitor comes to your site, it should be simple to navigate and understand the purpose for your site.


  1. Thou Shall Not Confuse Thy Visitor with Useless Information

Your visitors time is valuable to them. Keep it short and relevant. Avoid including unnecessary information.


  1. Thou Shall Not Bore Thy Visitor with Boring Information

Keep it interesting. Boring content will cause your visitors to leave your site.


  1. Thou Shall Not Go Too Broad with Your Topic – Stay Focused

Create content and optimize your blog to keep your niche and your target audience in mind.  


  1. Thou Shall Not Sacrifice Your Message for Design

You want the visitor to complete the action(s) you had in mind when creating your site. Keep your blog design simple in order to keep the visitors’ eyes and attention on the important information.


  1. Thou Shall Help Your Visitors in a Direct Way by Using their Favorite Medium

Be personal. If your visitor prefers videos, send them valuable videos. If your visitor prefers PDF files, use PDF’s. Keep the experience personal and provide value.


  1. Thou Shall Always Direct Visitors Where You Want Them to Go

Walk your visitors through the steps you want them to accomplish on your site. Keep the process simple and easily understandable.


  1. Thou Shall Always Find Ways To Interact with Your Visitors

A good way to interact with visitors is to set up a mailing list and sending out a weekly or monthly newsletter.


  1. Thou Shall Always Use Your Content to Lead People to What Makes You Money

Be deliberate. Create content with a specific goal in mind and lead visitors to what makes you money.


  1. Thou Shall Always Use Your Design to Guide Your Visitors Eyes Where You Want Them

Learn to design your site to make important areas more visually appealing.


2 thoughts on “How to Find $1000 – $10,000 Niches for Affiliate Marketing/Niche Marketing Explained”

  1. Marcus a.k.a. DUDE

    Do you have a side by side comparison between simple sites and high ticket niches?

    Thanks, Kelly

    1. yep… simple sites is a do it yourself software… high ticket niches is a niche, domain, site setup, content, plugins installed, traffic plan, and i tell you what offers to promote and how to promote it 🙂 simple sites is included when you get a high ticket niche… so its a no brainer if you can swing it.

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