Google’s NEW AI Feature -NoteBook LLM

NoteBook LLM Will Make People MILLIONS! 


This time I teach you how to make serious money using Google’s new Notebook LLM Podcast Generator. This tool is a game changer for content creators and marketers alike. Let’s dive into how it works and how you can use it to your advantage.

What Is Notebook LLM?

Notebook LLM is a free tool from Google that allows you to create notebooks, which can contain text, files, or links, all stored in a single place. You can upload PDFs, Google Drive links, and even external text to build a repository of information. Once everything is uploaded, this tool can summarize, dissect, and generate content from your notes—including podcasts!

How It Works

  1. Create a Notebook: Head over to and sign up for a free account. Start by creating a new notebook and uploading files or pasting text. For example, I uploaded transcripts from some of my videos, and Notebook LLM generated FAQs, timelines, study guides, and more.
  2. Generate Podcasts: Here’s where it gets exciting. You can use the podcast generator feature to create AI-generated audio. I uploaded a 3-hour webinar, and it generated a 23-minute podcast with two AI voices discussing the content—similar to a real conversation! It’s like having an automated interview or conversation about your product, ready to go.
  3. Zero Plagiarism: I tested the AI-generated content with Grammarly, and it came back 100% unique. This means you don’t have to worry about plagiarism, unlike with traditional AI-written articles.

Ways to Make Money with Notebook LLM

Now that you know how it works, let’s talk about making money. Here are some ideas on how to turn this tool into a cash machine:

  1. Product Discussions: Use Notebook LLM to create content around products you want to promote. For instance, I took some content about silk pillowcases, fed it into the system, and generated a comparison podcast between silk and other fabrics. Add affiliate links, and you’ve got a compelling sales pitch ready to go!
  2. Transcriptions and Summaries: If you’re in a niche like crypto or finance, you can create podcasts or articles summarizing the latest trends. You can even use the transcripts as blog posts and monetize them through affiliate offers.
  3. Affiliate Marketing: This is where it gets fun. Add links to your podcasts or transcripts that direct people to relevant products. If you’re talking about ergonomic chairs, link to an affiliate product. If it’s about coupons, find affiliate programs like Coupart, which pays $4.50 per download. There’s always a way to tie it back to affiliate income.
  4. Sponsorships: If you create podcasts on a specific topic, like parenting or finance, you can pitch to sponsors who will pay to be featured in your content.
  5. Subscription Services: Turn your podcast episodes or unique content into a subscription service or membership. People pay for exclusive access to educational materials, course content, or early access to podcasts.
  6. Use for Sales Funnels: Create audio content that’s tailored for specific products, like refinancing a home, and include links to high-paying lead generation offers. You can earn $40 or more per lead just by referring people through your podcast.
  7. PLR Products: If you’re into reselling, you can take PLR (Private Label Rights) content, throw it into Notebook LLM, and generate unique audio or written content to resell or add to your products.

The Upsides and Downsides

The main upside is the speed at which you can create high-quality, unique content. It’s free, fast, and incredibly powerful. The only downside is that you might not be able to monetize the podcasts directly on platforms like YouTube (for now), but you can use them on other channels and still drive affiliate income or use them to promote products.

Closing Thoughts

This tool is a game changer in the world of AI content creation. Whether you’re using it to build a blog, podcast, or sales funnel, the possibilities are endless. Don’t miss out—this is the future of content marketing, and it’s available to you for free. If you want more info, check out my site for notes and additional tutorials.

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