Getting Your Website Indexed in the Search Engines

Submit Your Website To Google Getting Indexed In Search, Backlinks, Pagerank etc. – affiliatemarketingmc at 

With over 2 million new blog posts every single day, and thousands of domain names put on the internet every day, how are you going to get found by the search engines?

Today we’re going to talk about how to get indexed and picked up by the major search engines super fast, and we’ll show you how to get your website to the top, no matter how new it is.

Back in the year 2002 – 2003, I was doing search engine marketing for local companies. I started a little search engine company and I was making good money, ranking people at the top of the search engines.

One day I decided to get more customers by advertising on the Clickbank login page. Back then, you could advertise on the page, and it was anywhere from $600 to $1,200 a month to advertise on the page. And so I’d been toying with the idea, because back then that was kind of a lot of money. I asked myself, “Will I get enough customers to make this work?”

So I put a brand new site on there to advertise my search engine services. I noticed that a brand new site back in 2002 got picked up by Google the instant it went on the Clickbank login page.

Up until now, it was taking six to nine months to rank a new site to get it indexed. We had some tactics to get that down a lower number, but on average it was somewhere like three to nine months, depending on what we did, and hopefully we’d get picked up. You submitted your site, and that was about it.

So for me, putting an ad on the Clickbank login page and getting picked up in Google in less than 24 hours was insanely mind-blowing. But it got even better than that. I noticed that all the links on the bottom of the brand new site also got picked up. That means whatever this site was connected to got picked up in Google in 24 hours. Which is crazy!

So I decided to start this little website called Google Fast. And the idea was to help people get indexed in Google fast. I actually paid for the ad on Clickbank. I put my site up, which looked like this:

Then down at the bottom, I listed the new sites that had paid for listings, and naturally, because they were a link to my site (which was linked to Clickbank), boom, they got picked up and they got ranked in the search engines, and everyone was happy. I was making a lot more than the $1,200 it cost to be on the Clickbank login page.

So what does this have to do with you getting indexed in Google? Well, if you weren’t paying attention, that’s a little lesson in backlinking.

Let’s say you have a brand new blog, a brand new website. You want your blog to get found by the search engines.

You can submit your website to the search engines using a box like this.

If you go to Google and you search for “submit your website”, the box will come up. You type in your web address and hit the button. It will take a little while, but Google will eventually know you exist.

Here is the natural way that search engines work. There are web crawlers, like spiders, that crawl web pages they already know exist. They look for new stuff that the pages are linking to.

Each page indexed in Google has a page rank. This is a term that Google gives to sites based on their popularity and how many people link to them. Each page is assigned a number between 0 and 10. The higher the number, the more power the site is going to have, and the more it will be ranked for its keywords. The lower ranked pages will not be very strong. Higher ranked pages will usually be on big powerhouse sites, such as Fox and CNN.

Here is an example of using PageRank with

These numbers, even if they’re low, can be very powerful depending on the niche that you’re in. Because some niches, if you have the right keyword, you don’t need a lot of power.

Now, some of the ways that you can go through and get this page rank is by getting other sites to link to you.

You can go to various web sites and check page rankings.

Let’s say you have a new blog. Google doesn’t know it exists yet, but much like the story in the beginning, Google knows that the Clickbank login page exists. They know that it’s there. They know it’s big, and they know it’s about affiliate marketing.

So what happens here is this: Let’s say you are listed on the Clickbank page, or whatever page is popular (it could be a news site, it could be a blog, it could be anything that’s popular. Specifically if it’s in your niche, it’s going to help you out).

If you’re listed on the Clickbank Marketplace, and the Clickbank Marketplace has a page rank of 6, and this site (like the old Clickbank Marketplace) had millions of links on it (these are 13 outbound links), that would mean that the page rank would then get divided and sent to the next pages. And it takes a while for all this to happen. This is why people think backlinks are good. However, not all backlinks are created equal. If I have three major news sites linking to me, that’s better than having like a hundred thousand junky sites that are not relevant, linking to me.

The reason is because you’re going to be the only link, or with a couple other links on the page, which gives you a lot more power. And they’re relevant pages that are big, pages that Google knows about. So it’s very cool.

The example I used for Clickbank was an easy one, because all I had to do was purchase a link on Clickbank. You can pay for links all over, everywhere you want, but you have to be careful, because you don’t want to do or get involved in what’s known as a link farm. These are just big old sites that link to everything, and it’s a bunch of junk. You want to do very targeted things. You can do this by going to web directories and listing your site in the directory. You can do this by going to the top sites in your niche. See if you can comment, see if you can get involved in what’s going on, and provide a link back to your site.

You can do this on forums, you can do this on sites like Quora, you can even do this on sites like YouTube, where you include your link to your website in the description of the video. It’s a very simple, easy thing to do. You can also use different indexing companies.

You want to keep your strategy very tight-knit, and you want to look at what’s powerful out there. If you have to buy a link, that’s fine, just make sure it makes sense with your budget and the amount of traffic you’re going to get. And that will work for you.

Another great way of getting ranked in the search engines and getting indexed is by utilizing a little-known tactic of press releases. They can be extremely powerful, and very inexpensive, sometimes even free. If they’re done right, you can get a lot of really good, quality backlinks, and get your site listed very, very fast (sometimes within a few hours).

Remember, Google already knows the sites that you’re going to be on in the press release, and so all they have to do is start to pick up your stuff. Just make sure you use a link to whatever site or whatever page you’re trying to promote. And again, remember page rank is not site-specific. So you could have a subpage on a site that is ranked higher than the actual domain. It’s pretty interesting.

And you want to focus on the pages that you want to promote. Again, one of the biggest tactics you can use is going for the right keyword. Most of us, when starting out, we’re not going to rank for a word like “mortgage calculator”. But when we can rank for something like “qualifications for FHA loan”, or perhaps “mortgage calculator with PMI and interest” or something like that. We can go for longer words, words that are more refined, words with a lot less competition. The more competition, the higher page rank you need, and the more link juice and the more people you need linking back to you.

If you get an easier keyword, it’s going to be a lot easier to rank for. Sometimes, just getting indexed is enough.

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