Crazy SEO Hack For Beginners (1,915 Top Rankings With One Post)

Wait, what? Over 1,900 top rankings from one blog post? Most SEO gurus are going to tell you to go for a long tail keyword, focus only on that keyword, build an article, and get the ranking. And normally I’d tell you to do the exact same thing.

But about 20 years ago, I was doing SEO, fiddling around, and I came across this crazy little hack that got me over 1,900 keyword rankings for one blog post. So while everyone out there was focusing on making one blog post for one keyword, I was using the same blog post to rank for multiple keywords in my niche, which got me a heck of a lot more traffic.

So if you want to make money like Patrick over here, listen up, because this is a hack you need to know about. And make sure you watch this entire video all the way through at least one time, so you get the big “aha moment,” because the “aha” moment in this video will help you get more traffic.

There I was, about 20 years ago, I had just set up a brand new website about mortgages and loans. And I was building this website out, trying to go for rankings that I knew I could get, long tail stuff, like best mortgage rates that you can find with bad credit, and different things like that.

And on my templated page, since we’re using a regular pages and not blog posts, what I had was a list of all 50 states, right? So I had all 50 states there. That way, I would have my mortgage and loan tips and everything like that.

Then I would have this list of all 50 states, so that people could click on their state, and get a quote or something like that. What I noticed is by accident, this one website page, started ranking for multiples of the keywords.

Not only was I ranking for mortgage loan and bad credit, but I also ranked for “mortgage loan and bad credit, California,” “mortgage loan and credit, California,” “mortgage loan and bad credit, Alabama,” and on and on we go. This shot my traffic through the roof.

You can see here, according to the AHS keyword tool, over 17 million people, each and every month, search for a state name. You could also see that over 8,600 people a month type in “mortgage rates, California,” but it’s pretty competitive, and they have Google local search, so unless you have a business, this probably won’t work anymore. That’s the bad news.

The good news is, is this method still works like crazy. Take, for example, this blog post I put up about crazy ClickBank hacks and different products you can promote. I actually went through and listed some of the products here, and you could see, I don’t really have any content about the products, other than just a list. Other than that, there’s only one paragraph trying to sell my Blog Profit Network.

But, as you can see, we actually started to rank for some of these keywords. Here we are on Google, and it didn’t even rank the exact page. This is still just the blog index thing. Here’s another one where we rank on the first page of Google, and it’s not even in the title. So this is actually a pretty simple method.

But in order to make this work properly, you need to understand the concept of keyword grouping, because we don’t want to just go out there and go for every keyword under the sun. We need to pick very specific things that are going to work to sell the products that we want to sell, by getting the traffic that we want to get, that we know we can get.

And in order to do that, we’ve got to think outside the box. Instead of thinking on the plain long tail line, like “mortgage quotes,” “mortgage quotes for you,” “mortgage quotes, bad credit,” we need to think a little bit differently in terms of what else people are searching for.

This is where it’s going to start to blow your mind. Because most people out there, they come to me and they say, “Marcus, I want to build a website for antivirus.”

They’re going to go try to find stuff like “remove spyware,” “how to remove a virus,” “get rid of a virus,” “best antivirus software,” and different things like that. And they’re going to be thinking on a linear playing field.

Now what we’re going to do is we’re going to think outside the box, and think differently, and think of how we can get multiple rankings for one blog post. So we’re going to go out there, and we are going to take a look at different things people would type in, that they’re interested in, that would get them into wanting an antivirus software. And it’s actually pretty simple.

But for some reason, nobody thinks like this. To show you how this works, here’s the result of a popular virus site talking about different files. They have lists of things that look really weird, like QTQ Web Whatever, and all kinds of weird stuff that seems like it has nothing to do with viruses. But actually these are different names of viruses.

If you look at this list, the competition is pretty much non-existent. That means we can get this traffic super easy. But you’ll also notice that over here, they got a lot of pages, one for each keyword. And while that can be a good process, it takes a long time to make all those blog posts.

So listen to your old buddy Marcus here, and I’m going to show you a better way, but first, a couple more examples. We can see here, this one ranks for different types of soil additives, and we can see there’s different types of additives named for whatever they are, right?

There’s something here down here called “soil additives.” There’s one called “amending soil,” “nitrogen soil amendment.” We got “amending soil for vegetable,” “azomite soil,” “phosphorus soil,” “phosphorous soil amendment,” and on and on we go. So if there’s someone interested in gardening and soil, and stuff like that, a list of these different amendments or additives is really going to help them out, and get you a lot more traffic.

Here’s an example for types of headaches. I didn’t even know were types of headaches, but this guy ranks for 7,800 different keywords for one post about the types of headaches.

You can see here, he has “constant headache,” “severe headache,” “headache on the left side,” “headache location chart,” and on and on we go. And because of these keywords on this one page, he’s getting over 46,000 visitors, each and every month.

Now, in order to make this work, we need a generic piece of content that follows the guidelines of the keywords that we want to rank for alongside of it. So we want to think in terms of types, we want to think in terms of product names, files, lists, top 10 comparisons, and more. And then what we’re going to do is we’re going to come up with a good title.

Instead of going for something like the virus name, we’re going to do Top 50 Virus Files. We are then going to make a piece of content talking about the top 50 virus files. You’ll list out the file that has low competition, that you can get traffic in. And then you talk about what that file does. And then you lead to your affiliate link, so that you can make money.

You’re going to do this for all 50 of the virus file types. Then, this post will get picked up by Google, and it’ll start to rank for some of these keywords. The odds of ranking number one for all 50 is pretty slim, but make sure you watch the rest of this video, because I’m going to tell you what to do.

When we go out there and create our piece of content, whether it’s the top 50 virus files, or top 10 soil additives that help your garden, or whatever it is, we need to make sure that we make it relevant. And we want to make sure that it’s good, readable, natural content.

You want to do a good job of answering the question of, “Hey, these are the top 50 virus file types,” or, “These are the top 15 soil additives.” Starting to get it? Good. Let’s continue.

Now, a little side note here. This will work for anything you want to do. So you don’t have to have your own website, although it is recommended, but you can do this on press release sites, you can do this using a medium post, you can even use a variation of this on YouTube, where you’re doing various different things, and you list them out, or whatever it is. So you don’t have to have your own website to make this work.

Next, what we’re going to do is wait. Yup, part of this is the waiting game. You are going to wait until the search engines start to pick up your big long blog post. We’re going to start to see where this thing ranks. You’re going to go through, and some of them might rank in the top 10. These are good. You want to keep these ones.

Some of them might rank top 30, and some of them might only be top 100. Now, this is okay to us. It’s not bad news. What this means is that Google picked it up, and they think it’s relevant, but the keyword’s a little bit more competitive than we originally thought.

So now what we’re going to do is, we are actually going to make an article based on some of the rankings that are not in the top 30. We’re going to make an article specifically on those, because I know if I can rank between 50 and 100 on certain terms, by just listing them on the site, then I could probably get a number one ranking, pretty simple, pretty easy, by making its own blog post.

Now, this is going to start to compound, so pay close attention. We have our article here with the 50 top whatevers. Next, we went through and we saw that one of them ranked number 80. Maybe this one is about a certain virus topic, or some kind of soil.

All right, we’re going to go through, and we’re going to make this blog post. And we are going to take the listing on the top 50, and we are going to link it to our new blog post. Because once our main blog post is ranked, Google now knows it exists, and so do the other search engines, and they’re going to start to index other stuff on the site.

If you have a post that is linking to a direct post about that topic, this is what’s called interlinking. You’re linking from one page on your website to another page on your website, and the search engines will start to pick this one up.

Because this one is direct targeted, bada bing, bada boom, it’s going to start to rank a lot better than the generic big post. And over time, you’re going to build and grow, and you’ll probably even start to get even bigger keywords that you’d never thought you’d get with a brand new website, because the search engines are starting to say, “Hey, this guy’s content is pretty relevant. It’s focused. People are reading it. Let’s give them a boost.” And boost, they will.

You might be asking, “Marcus, what’s the reason you do this? Why don’t you just make 50 blog posts about all the topics?” Well, the reason we do this is because making 50 blog posts is going to take a long time to do. And some of them might not rank at all. Some of them might get a top number one ranking, just by having this one post.

But what this is going to do is it’s going to show us the other stuff that we can focus on, to get more traffic fast. And if you do this the right way, you will have a blog that is interlinked with good content that gets rankings, which drive people to your affiliate links, so that you can make money.

I hope you enjoyed this video. If you did, smash the Like button, hit Subscribe. And I want to talk to you about a special training that I did, just a couple of days ago, going into detail on this exact method. This is a training that’s in our Blog Profit Network.

You can go to You can sign up, you can watch this 90-minute training, where I actually go through, and show you exactly how I get content for each of these, show you how I outsource the content, show you how I go through and find the keywords, show you how this whole process works, in a super easy way.

So if you want to watch that training, get my plug-ins, be on our Tuesday calls, where you can ask questions. Check out Now, if you don’t want to buy anything from me, that’s fine. Go use this and make money, because this works like crazy, if you focus on the right keywords, you give good content, and then you build and grow as the search engines start to pick you up.