Crazy Free Traffic Hack For Pay Per Call Offers


Want in on the tuesday domain call – you could land a hot domain right on the call 🙂 –  join here

some of the links below are affiliate links… i will get paid if you order stuff from them… thats how i keep my videos and tutorials free and they are tools you should use anyway 🙂

I Have Been Using This Tool All Day And Its FREAKIN Awesome… its only like $30 and you can sort and find domains in minutes… i feel like its 2003 again and im a kid in a candy store lol Click Here To Get The Domain Software

Best Domain Search Software WITH Expired Domains


godaddy auto appraisal tool

Sem Rush Bulk Tool

get your trigger word list here

where to sell domains


godaddy auctions

NEW: Check Out My HOT Domains Here

3 thoughts on “Crazy Free Traffic Hack For Pay Per Call Offers”

  1. Hi,

    I’ve just watched your video above. I am starting a new business where I would rank a website, always using the same template for the structure of the website. After building that site, I would use SEO to rank that site for a specific small US town. When someone goes to my site, he will find a telephone number that will go directly to my roofing company client and I will get paid for that referral.

    I will need customers from a small geographical area to click on my website and then call that number.

    I’ve got 2 basic questions:

    1) Can I buy an expired domain and put my own template on it without severing those backlinks?

    2) Can buying expired domain names as you teach help me with my business model, which targets a much smaller geographical area than your model seems to reach?

    If your training can help me, I would look forward to working with you.



  2. Cant you just sell the domain?
    No, i really cant build a website. the last time i tried i said never again.

    That is why i bought one from you last year, though i never got an answer as
    to if it was monetized or not, its not like i have any idea how to do that, so i cant of
    course do a damn thing with it.


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