Christian Affiliate Programs – Top Earners Revealed!

Christian Affiliate Programs – Top Earners Revealed!

Ok… so you got a site or want to make a website or blog with Christian traffic or bible based traffic… which is not that hard to do considering all the keywords.

In this post I will show you how I was able to earn a ton of cash with a simple bible reading plan website.

AND NO this is not the run of the mill junk like put up some adsense or sell books on amazon.

We both know that those keywords do not pay much at all.

So how can we best monetize Christian / bible traffic?

Marcus’ TOP Affiliate Programs For Christian Traffic:

1. The Bible Extension $2.25 Per Download (this is a must have I have personally made a ton with)

  1. Christian Tax Network (for debt relief) $30 Per Sale
  2. Christianity Today Magazine Leads $7 Per Lead
  3. Christian Café Dating $3-4 Per Lead
  4. Christian Health Plans $4 Per Lead
  5. Free Bible $5 Per Lead
  6. Biblical Archeology Review Magazine $8.50 Per sale
  7. Faith Diet (clickbank) $15.68 Per Sale AVG
  8. Through The Bible (clickbank) $35.39 Per Sale AVG

In addition to these you can also link to amazon for books and things like that but the main converting offers are going to be the cpa affiliate offers listed above.

  1. The Bible Toolbar – this is a simple chrome extension that gives the users access to all kinds of different bible tools.  It pays $2.25 per download… that means you do not need to get anyone to opt in, subscribe, buy something or anything like that… they simply download – and you get paid.i have made millions of dollars with these little download affiliate programs and the bible toolbar was always one of my favorite
    you can see here the first few days i started promoting this one we hit $0.47 per click… which is WAY higher than other offers you will see in this christian vertical.

    christian affiliate programs
    i even got as high as 54 cents per click on this one… mostly using paid traffic which still worked well… if you have free traffic you can be much more profitable with this offer.  i just put the little bibles on my site with icons like this:

    christian affiliate
    I have blog plugins that make these and they get KILLER conversion rates… check out for the plugins, tools and coaching.

  2. Christian Tax Network – this is a good one for your christian traffic… you can use this for debt help pages and money management for christians.  a topic many christians are into and it pays pretty well and converts good too… you can just have a link on your site or blog that says “christian debt relief – top resource” or something like that and get a cool $30 per lead.
  3. Christianity Today Magazine – this one will convert ok if you have the right traffic.  it does take the user to actually order a free trial but it pays $7 per lead.  so if you have traffic that is interested in something like a christian magazine or something this will work out ok… i would expect to get 1/10 or 1/20 targeted visitors to convert on this chrisitan affiliate program.
  4. Christian Café Dating – this is another good one to add to your site for generic traffic looking for christian dating… again not gonna be the top producer by any means but it will work ok.
  5. Christian Health Plans – this is a good one that can bag you an easy $4 with all the talk about healthcare in america and christians interested in healthcare… this is a simple lead submit form that pays $4 when someone requests more information on christian health insturance… easy lead and the topic will attract a lot of clicks from your site.
  6. Free Bible $5 Per Lead – this is sortof like the one above where they download the bible tools BUT they have to put in the full address to get the free bible… which means it will not convert as well as a download at all… but it can be something you can offer on your site… i would expect it to convert 1/30 or so… which is pretty low… so if you can stick to the download one.
  7. Biblical Archeology Review Magazine this one is super tight niche… only a handful of people that visit your site will be interested in this one… but if you have the right traffic it may convert well… i would go for bible proof and stuff like that or where is the ark or whatnot… that may work well and it pays $8.50 per sale. not to bad.
  8. Faith Diet – now this will appeal to a large number of your readers and pays well too… this has a super high converting affiliate program and you can find it on clickbank.  You can make some killer clickbait style banners (ethically obviously) to get attention and traffic to the offer.
  9. Through The Bible – this one is also on clickbank – pays well and will be good for bible students and people who want to read the bible… great for begining of year when people want bible reading plans and things like that.a lot of these offers you can find on offervault and remember to always focus on what your visitors really want.if you have bible traffic and want me to help you get better conversions and make more money signup at and ill do a full audit of your traffic and site and help you get conversions.

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